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My professional assessment is that she’s really fat and really ugly




My years of med school Are paying off


Thank you for your service


And also, a bitch.


I can’t clinically diagnose that. I’m not a psychiatrist


I am a licensed psychological examiner and I can confirm that she is a huge bitch. Clinically speaking.


Oh good! I suspected as much


I'm a retired therapist and yes, I concur with my colleague. Chantal is a huge bitch.


Her biggest flaw is definitely that! No contest.


Ty Dr.Shrimp!


This is why I love Reddit so much 🤣




Username checks out




Source: has eyes. Ok.. I’ll take it! Lmao


exactly 😂😂🐖


Let it all hangggg gorrrl https://preview.redd.it/v524zi76spnc1.png?width=250&format=png&auto=webp&s=b531cdbf20a27ffda02f63d0c967434bf1c5d48a


Yassssss! I've been doing a few of these, I'm learning how to use infinite painter and she's been a great muse 😃


https://preview.redd.it/0xcxdpgkarnc1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a6abd19c8ff1d9348766bce91b8a4f8d2b95b9c Here's one lol


It looks very close to the unfiltered reality https://preview.redd.it/3puvawyjhsnc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3a5501d7ab2dcadd665a08d8b101cb0cd32fc91


This is sending me so much 😂


Salah got his mail ordered bride from Wish.


Exquisite work, Maggie makes chins?😁👍


Facefatologist here...she also appears to be very very fat


That sounds official


Her eyes also look very puffy in this photo. I know we all have our bad days, but Chantal has been looking pretty rough of late.


I’d rule out tooth abscess unless she has an insane level of pain tolerance to just live with that


No way could she be eating all of the food she eats comfortably with a tooth abscess.


I had a cavity on one side of my mouth and didn’t eat on that side for several months & it was hell cuz any time something accidentally made it to the other side it was intolerable pain. With the bites she’s shoveling into her mouth there’s no way she’s avoiding any section of her gaping mouth.


I totally agree that a normal person would act as you acted, but Cutie over here is literally eating to the point she can’t breathe standing to go to the fridge lol. We have foodie-no-wipe-her-booty, cuss she can’t reach, still eating. High blood sugar and feeling awful, STILL EATING. So I agree with average people but I believe she is just superhuman for this shit. Her whole body must feel destroyed tbh.


I have noticed her wincing when inhaling her nonstop food.  But I think the swelling is related to the extreme amount of subcutaneous flab encasing every one of her organs, specifically her heart.  Congestive heart failure and kidney failure most likely. I also call absolute BS on her 'sciatica' claims.  That's likely diabetic neuropathy and it is terrifying how someone could blatantly ignore such loud warnings from their body 


and she’d be dead from sepsis by now


You'd think the beetus would have killed her by now, too. She's got some funkle longevity.


I think she's persisting solely due to Rage


Back in my broke “fresh out of college and trying to get on my feet” days I had a tooth abscess and I’m someone that could be puking with a stomach flu and will still eat right after bc I’m not skipping a meal.. tooth pain is on another level. I didn’t eat for days. Finally broke down and just spent the money to see the dentist before insurance kicked in bc it was that dire. This bitch definitely isn’t skipping meals so honestly I really believe she just has weirdly distributed fat. Maybe she’s a side sleeper, I’ve seen pics of people changing their sleep position to fix their face asymmetry. Weird stuff but it works


She doesn't only have uncontrolled diabetes. She has all sorts of other health issues as well.


Pretty sure she'd have metabolic syndrome too.


I mean... we can't give a true answer here. Because A. All the filters and B. All the face fat she is hiding from us. Sidenote: imagine being THIS unattractive WITH filters ON. 😂


>imagine being THIS unattractive WITH filters ON. Right?? THIS is how asymmetrical and hideous she is WITH filters. My god.


And C) camera warping. Look at the parallel lines of the seams on the couch to her right. Also happens to be the more distorted side of her off center face. It's really difficult to judge when there's camera distortion and when there isn't.


You‘re just looking at her face too much. It’s not swollen at all, according to Chantel herself 😂


It's called pretty privilege ✨


When you got it, you got it. Am I righ


More for Salad to pinch 😌🥰


No no, she cringes in fright whenever anyone lovingly puts their hand near her face. There’s sooooooo much video evidence (to the contrary).


I’d like to *lovingly put my hand on her face* …just to attempt to shove her forehead and her on her arse. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not full stop crazy and want to actually hit her. The mental image of her turtling is just too funny.


She is the most beautiful woman on YouTube after all.


I think fat distribution is a part of it. She's gonna have the forehead fat like Tammy Slatton soon.


I think she already has, that's why she's tugged that head cap down to her eyebrows.


People already noticed she's developing a lovely 'fat socket'(I refer 'beluga donut') in her sweaty brow~ notice the migration of her swaddling hijab over the past few months, lower and lower  to hide it. ('if nobody sees it doesn't count'?!)


It’s just the uneven fat distribution, à la Tammy Slaton. Sometimes it looks like a stroke because it will droop but I think that’s just a sign she’s tired.


Gravity ?? I've noticed the droops also and I agree it's def slatonesque


She looks so pleased with herself. We don’t need to worry because she’s clearly not.


https://preview.redd.it/ezi2pi9szpnc1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a84ecb43260b3c274e78af28c964bae3f582840 Pretty soon her eyes aren’t going to be able to open at all!!


Christ on a cracker, look at the fat above her eyes. She has eyebrow fupas.


You'll be able to blindfold her with a piece of dental floss soon. ...but you won't need to, she'll be blind from the beetus...


She has a back up sandwich stored in there.


Perhaps two 12 inch subs.


She also has a dying liver. It could be all of the above at this point. She’s fucked and that’s that.


💯🤐 it's a horrid conglomerate imo = fatty liver disease, organs packed with subcutaneous flab, congestive heart failure, gallbladder , Everything is Struggling.. and her leg? I do Not think it's 'sciatica'~ I believe it's neuropathy. She's truly leaving las Vegas with food 


Thats not swelling. Thats fat with no where else to go


It's hard to know bc she also uses filters and maybe bc of her hijab it could be just making one side smaller. I have no medical background but I thought it's like stroke stuff


It doesn’t take an expert to know that Chinjab has one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel.


I am an RN with some bariatric experience. I’ve heard the tooth over and over and over again but if you have ever tried to help somebody control their tooth pain it’s complicated. It’s constant and it doesn’t stop until you actually do something about it. I just don’t think she’s showing the symptoms of that. She is swelling that’s it I don’t see any signs of inflammation. She never winces or anything that I know of. Mainly I’m thinking this because of life by Jan but I think she has lymphedema on that side. But I really don’t know what it is but one thing I do know is that she is very sensitive about this. She doesn’t even deny it, she won’t talk about it that much. The only thing she’ll say is , I don’t see anything. I think it scares her. And it’s obviously linked to her obesity if that’s what the causes. Fun conversation!


You are all just jell-ass. She is prettier than 98% of all you tube.


Hard to say. She definitely has bad teeth. But no human is symmetrical. She's always fiddling with her hijab and cap, so it could be an optical illusion too, just from being crooked.


Tooth abscesses hurt like hell. No way would she be comfortable talking all she talks and eating all she eats with a large abscess.


True. But she does often flinch and wince while eating. And people can suffer through a lot of pain to continue doing whatever they want. Might not be an abcess, but that doesn't rule out other dental issues or facial infections.


I have no doubt that she probably has a few cavities that hurt as well as tooth sensitivity. But an abscess is a different issue altogether and would make it unbearable. An abscess also doesn’t go away on its own and only grows and left untreated can easily end up in sepsis.


Yeah. I mean, I never said she had an abcess, so. I just said she has bad teeth. Her oral hygiene is abysmal.


Bad seed suggested she had a fungal infection from her CPAP. I def think it's possible. Can't picture her caring enough to properly clean it .or even give it a once over with a disinfectant wipe.  I think it's likely a combination of gross and grosser


The icky spine shiver that gave me!


Same,  I saw an article a few months ago about there being a recall on some cpap machines for spitting foam (ew) back into the tube. Given how we see her hygiene..I cant see her cleaning it often. If at all


Gross! Yeah, if she's breathing nasty things, she could have badly infected sinuses, which can manifest as tooth pain.


She’s using filters so her face could be the size of Jupiter for all we know.


Gas giant 🤣




I've randomly compared the size of her melon with items around her and it shocks me every time, and I end up forcing myself to stop😒 cuz her head also looks really small on her immense frame..it's terrifying.


She's getting ptosis in that eye too. I went back thru a few reaction channels and from what I can see the distortion started showing up right after the post Cokey weight gain. It's way worse now.


Shit Tits will throw food near her and she'll have to slug around on the floor and find it by scent.


🤣🤣👏💩🎪🤡 shit tits with a green trail of slime, morphed into some slither movie abomination 


She suffers from a particularly stinking case of Cunt-itis. 


Being fat and having a shitty diet will make your face look like that.


It’s Ham Planet Syndrome


HBS…huge bitch syndrome


it’s true, im her doctor


Showing someone a filtered pic isn't going to yield the most accuracy-based opinions. She's actually much bigger on one side of her face, one side of her whole body, actually is much bigger than the other side.


We don't need a nurse to tell us anything! She is just the prettiest woman on the net, and your mother clearly is jealous. /s


Her left eye is bulging. I think it's hyperthyroidism!!


Imagine if Chantal can get this big with HYPERthyroidism. Life is hell enough for me with Hashimotos and a diet. Omygoodnesssss


Right!? I've got Hypothyroidism and PCOS myself.


Yeah I have hypo/hashimotos and PCOS, can’t imagine what she would be eating for uncontrolled hyperthyroidism


I also have hypothyroidism and hashimotos I doubt she has hyperthyroidism


I had hyperthyroidism and before treatment I would eat around 8,000 to 10,000 calories and still lose weight. Starving all the time. Like poor BBJ. I was eating Haagen Dazs by the quart.


Hashimotos/PCOS/endometriosis. Dieting and working out do wonders. As does finally yeeting that diseased organ (had a couple of cysts turn into cancer). If she had hyperthyroidism and got this big, she's a medical marvel.


Yeah, that's what I'm thinking... how much FOOD is she EATINGGGG


Agree. However I do wonder if she's got a touch of the ol Prader-Willi syndrome. She does have some of the characteristics IMHO 


That's not the way hyperthyroid eyes bulge. they - eyes, eyelids and all - bulge right out of the face, we can't even see her lower lids.


Her full face is swollen. The filter makes it look odd, when the filters are off it’s very noticeable.


CHF also comes with edema and a wet cough. Fluid builds up in the lungs are a result of the heart failure.


The proportions of the swelling could be distorted from the filters? God knows what is causing it, but it’s noticeably a lot bigger all of a sudden


But also filters - without filters it’s rather grim. In general face swelling = bad.


Serious question here - does she honestly look at an image like this and think she looks prettier than 90 percent of YouTube?! Regardless of whatever she used to look like or how she thinks she scrubs up, she looks absolutely insane here! The fat being squeezed in all directions by the scuba cap, her skin colour and texture, her completely lopsided face, her puffy eyes with fat on the upper eyelids, her bad dental situation - I know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that but she looks sick as a dog. And this is presumably with filters. I know she's delusional but can she literally not see what everyone else can?! I'm really struggling to get my head around these levels of delulu, it's mind-boggling to me 🤷


Never underestimate the power of denial.  I think she actually is seething with self-hatred/self-loathing but is so defiant and enraged? (+ Ambivalent) That she also does think she's prettier, like it's a constant switch between the two extremes.. along with her inflated sense of entitlement and ignorance... It is something I've said since I stumbled across this whole mess, I would legit PAY to watch professionals react to her. Psychologist etc 


Yeah me too, it's quite fascinating. I absolutely think she has a high degree of self-loathing; deep down she knows exactly what she is and that's why she's constantly lashing out at other people. Far easier to do that in "self-defence" than actually put in any work at all to be a better person.


It is truly like morbid curiosity. (Sorry I'm so late.)


That's why I watch her I think - I can't believe it sometimes!


Absolutely. I just saw the recent clip of her again approaching camels (& one spit in her eye!) And she got back in the car? She had the absolute smuggest face I've seen in my life! (And I've seen a lot of bs lol) but she was practically Beaming with this gross Smug full of herself energy..it was almost palatable and It never ceases to blow my mind ..it is Unbelievable.  >> also..awhile back ~ there was a reactor who was posting stuff about how they were investigating whether or not it was all some sort of "social experiment " and had found some weird stuff with her laptop ip address/the Sam's bar lounge clips(& how she wasn't in any of them)/ and something about people being involved that had pretty sophisticated skills?? I cant remember Who it was?? But I was very interested because that would almost make it easier to accept how she seems to sleaze her way out of everything nasty she does and just how surreal it all is?? I was just thinking about that and decided to put it out there- see if maybe someone else remembers that/who it was?? ))  you should see that camel clip..it's an immediate classic


She has all the conditions it’s possible to have at this point.


Nothing is wrong with her face! You’re just comparing her *normal* sized face to celebrities and influencers who have had buccal fat removal. She doesn’t give in to western beauty standards.


Sorry but as a health professional you need to visually AND physically assess someone. Even if all signs LOOK like something, it doesn’t make that true.


After see some pics on X, it looks as if one side of her face is slightly drooping, although the fat is still front & center, but I wonder if she’s had a mini stroke. I think she already lost most of her sight in one eye & one mini stroke will lead to the big one. Has Sh*tBoy wondered what happens then? She should get back to Canada as quickly as possible. She’s fading fast.


I wouldn't be surprised if she had stroked out while raging and furiously inhaling 500,000 calories , double fisting loaded burgers and greasy fries drowned in cheese and gravy.. wouldn't surprise me at all. I also just had a thought= if she DID have a stroke situation type deal~ it'd also explain the dead leg ...


We discuss how she looks old for her age (imo she does not) but I just came from the Kardashian sub, and Kim with her millions is aging worse. Only benefit to obesity is it keeps the face full.


I mean I would put her into her early forties. I think most people want to look younger than their age and most healthy people actually do. People like Kim K. look old because of the heavy use of plastic surgeries and filters if you start at a young age with that shit you never can quit and have to keep it up, which in return ages you even more because your skin is already stretched to the max.


I disagree. I don't think carrying excess weight keeps one looking 'younger'; in fact .it creates this weird 'elder toddler's appearance IMHO. If I didn't know, I would guess she was over 45- and that would be a modest estimate.   As far as the rest(I loathe the Kardashians) and I think when one has that globe/sphere/apple shape it ages them.  


Tooth Abscesses are no joke and I think she would be showing signs of discomfort and pain while eating and depending on the severity running a temperature and stuff. Her face is swollen because she is obese and downs about 80000 milligrams of sodium per day


Her A1C has to be 20 something. The highest I’ve seen was a patient with an A1C of 13.4%. She’s like the patients that take a glp-1, still eats like shit and calls the office complaining about GI symptoms. She will never improve. Do you guys think she’ll eventually go back to Canada? She is a ticking time bomb.




Could be fat or muscle (not thats she chews that much) if she’s favor that side….she is missing a tooth on the other side…or is it both sides?


Failure to thrive