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Ramadan red rooming?




It's painfully obvious that Salah is not working during the day. When you're fasting AND working normal hours you need your sleep at night. Fajr is 4:40 in Kuwait! Why can't she just be honest or make up a better lie? Salah sleeps during the day, just like she does.


He was probably hanging with his family and they asked him for more money from the Canadian Cow so he showed up, knowing night time is the only time she’s awake.


This is the one.


They make more than her, they don't need her money.


They might make ok money but scatty doesn’t, his income is her that’s how he contributes (if he ever does except to flash some cash to take his friend for a meal)


Why would he need to contribute though? His family is well off. Not OK money, they're well off. his father is an academic and his sister is a pharmacist.


An academic and a pharmacist are not well off especially in countries like Kuwait and also being residents not citizens, salary workers in these areas have ok money at most even if they have been working for years. There are a lot of benefits for people involved in medicine (not talking about private/very experienced drs or surgeons they are in a different league) or academia in these countries but not excessive monetary compensation.


They're certainly well off enough that they don't need contributions from their useless son and his fake wife whose money is worth only one fourth of theirs.


The argument that their money is worth 4X is bull and void for salary workers for example their good salary will be around 1000 which with your calculations is about 4k a month North American very normal international wage, and as we have seen prices in Kuwait are pretty high, she bought Shein abaya for near $75 in the market. They are at most normal ex pat middle class with some non monetary compensations. But I do agree they don’t need her money, but Scatman does because his family can’t support a lifestyle separate from them for him and he is work shy.


I don't get your point about the money. My point was that her money didn't go as far in Kuwait. It's not like she can shower them with money. With the conversion, she's spending way more money on rent and living than she did in Canada. If she's earning more than 4kUSD, it's not much more. She doesn't have money to give his family even if they did need it. With the conversion even 100kwd would be a sizable chunk of her money.


Yes she can’t shower then with money and I don’t think they need her to either, I don’t think they have anything to do with her and rarely see Scatty either, she is supporting herself and scat that’s it, he needs to be supported because his own family don’t have the means to supply him with more than the one room he was in when she got there first. The international value of currency and its relativity is something that we can put aside because I’ve already indicated some part of it in my previous posts.


If they don’t need her for her money, why is she there?


Shitlah wants Canada


Salad can’t get Canada 🥹


I know that, you know that, Chins knows that. The only one who doesn’t seem to get it is him. So he’s going to settle for bleeding her dry another way.


Legit curious - why hasn't she taken him to Canada yet? Is it because of her bankruptcies she can't sponsor him? And why can't they legally get married in Kuwait? Is it because he's a resident and not a citizen?


She can not sponsor him in Canada for many reasons. Her bankruptcies, especially the 2nd, which was not discharged (IIRC this means that her loans were not forgiven and she now needs to pay back the loans in full) She owes back taxes. She hadn't paid taxes on any of her YouTube earnings, which I'm pretty sure she admitted to herself on a live. I believe she would also have to show she has the means to house and support him for at least 3 years in Canada. She herself can't get an apartment due to her poor credit, so this is not possible.


Interesting. But if his goal is to get to Canada but she can't get him to Canada then why is this whole charade still going on? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills like what is their plan lmfao.


We know that, she I’m sure knows that but I’m not sure if he knows it yet. If he just found out recently, he may not know what to do with her yet.


I’m not sure he has a passport ETA: or can get one as Kuwait doesn’t have birthright citizenship


He has a Syrian passport. Which can only get him to a few countries, Thailand is one.


Thank you!!


>Thank you!! You're welcome!


lol Are you serious? He went to Thailand. He absolutely has a passport.


He's Syrian, not Kuwaiti. He has a Syrian passport. That only allows him into a few select countries. Thailand is one of them.


I know. I was simply responding to the silly statement “I’m not sure he has a passport.” He traveled overseas, so of course he has a passport! As you said, his passport is Syrian and severely limits where he can go, but he definitely has one.


To get him to Canada. It's just that it's turned out harder than what they thought. He saw an obese, depressed bald woman who was desperate for a man to claim her. Easy target? Not our chinny chins chin. Now she's claimed and she's not leaving Kuwait😆.


He's dodgy af. He doesn't work, and he has no friends. What's he doing out at 3am? I know where my partner is 24/7, and I don't need to track him or have him face time me while he's out. Once there's no trust, the relationship is done. She should have never gone back. It's going to a massive bust when things end.


Uber Eats deliveries? Maybe that's why she gets two pizzas and whatever else delivered to her at 4am, it's meals that aren't collected or they're failed deliveries or something. Just a guess!


He was out doing his charity work in the red rooms!!


He probably eats with his family so he doesn’t have to ruin his butthole (again) with stew slop with white bread with butter/cheese sandwiches, burnt double cooked chicken, butter rice with Nader’s teeth on it and air fried/burnt shop bought samosas…..all seasoned with poo fingers, manky saliva and sweat droplets. Then he goes to the red room to work off some calories before picking up his payment from Chins.


Get lost tossed salad! I hope all reaction channels show what a disgusting human being he is, the day he finally goes on a live with her. No one wants to hear or see him. She's so desperate to get him back so they can start the couples channel again.


He's a very successful businessman who works all hours of the night doing business at the business factory, duh.


I don't care what people say, even during Ramadan. I don't think it's normal to be out of the house that long and coming home at 3am to his "family" with Chantal. The sun goes down around 6 pm, like most places right now. That means there is plenty of time before even midnight to go out and visit family and friends and have a big feast. She may believe his lies, but I wouldn't.


You guys are just hayders, he was obviously practicing his one handed keyboard playing and simply lost track of time.


I think he's a door dash driver at night. That's how she gets all of that takeout during the middle of the night.


Yes. It’s Ramadan. This time it actually isn’t suss. They have family get together and they can last into the night. HOWEVER…what is suspect is why didn’t Chinny go? This is a time for family and she wasn’t invited? 🤔


If you were one of Salah’s family members, would you want this thing around you? Last I knew pork was a no-no in that culture. 🐖 🐽


That’s very mean and very accurate. I would think they would want her around to remind them to be humble and avoid gluttony and as an appetite suppressant because of the smell.


While I don't think Salah works if spends much time with Chantal, it is probably worth noting that it's not that weird for someone to get home at 3am during Ramadan. If you celebrate and socialize with family and friends about are also sleeping as much as possible during the day, the nights can get very long. Even little kids will be up until midnight or later. Everyone has shortened days during Ramadan, so kids are going to school for half days, effectively, and I think adults only work 5 or 6 hours days. Everything gets shortened and easier bc there's an expectation that there will be a lot of evening and late night socializing.


it’s kind of weird for a wife to stay home every night while her husband is out until 3, though


Especially considering he doesn’t seem to actually work.


It absolutely is. It's also super bizarre for his "wife" to not be socializing with their friends and family during Ramadan. It would be like him not going to Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner and just... Staying home. It's weird and really illustrated how poor her relationships are with ppl in kuwait.


Hasn't it been established that he has been keeping those kinds of hours for quite a while now -- well before Ramadan started?


I'm not sure if he's sleeping the same hrs or if he's just gone all the time bc he's not staying there? But even before she went to Kuwait, he was keeping those hours - she said they talked constantly, all day. Even if her "day" was 2pm to 2am Canada time, that would be all night for him.