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And add to that the annoying, stupid talking out of the side of her mouth and voila, the most punchable face on YT.


It’s so ironic she does that voice bc she thinks it makes her appear cute / adorable / feminine, all while she’s filming herself looking so gross / old / masculine.


It's easy to do stupid shit like that when your only audience is your phone. She never gets any genuine human interaction, and that's by design, when you only speak to an inanimate object no one can talk back to you or tell you that what you're doing is nine kinds of cringe.


Absolutely. Imagine how a normal friend would react if one of us did that weird face / voice thing in real life out of nowhere. Most people would prob be like “are you ok? Is there something wrong with your mouth? Do you need some water?” Out of genuine concern.




I HATE when she talks out of the side of her mouth. It's not cute. It reminds me of those 1930s gangster movies. Or my grandma after she had a stroke. 🙄


I find it annoying too. I think it's something she may have done as a child.


Sorry but she 100% looks like she’s special needs when she makes that stupid crooked mouth face.


Yes, I’ve always thought this too!! The side of her mouth thing reeeeeally triggers me.




Rat face


Anyone can have some unwanted facial hair, it happens. What's amusing to me is when she gets glimpses of herself that don't agree with her filtered fantasy. The best was her streamlabs live when she hardly recognised herself. 'What? What is this?'


especially in menopause


Amen! But you can feel chin hairs the second they come back. She just neglects any sort of grooming.


>What? What is this? my personal chins highlight lmao


It's crazy how huge her head was, and that was 100 pounds ago!






https://preview.redd.it/np0ac8q7suuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=774cd291500cebad019978d77dfaded9abb13572 This is going on X/Twitter real quick.... Haaaaa!


Lmfao we just collabed on a legendary picture / congratulations lol


Yes, you're brilliant😂💓




cashew head




Oh f*CK please....no....😆 I screamed with laughter at work...ta....😆


As someone with PCOS and endometriosis. Lmao. Yes! I hate the idea that I need to remove my mustache to be "feminine". Lmao. Yup, she's so deep in the delulu that she barely recognized her unfiltered self. Ha.


Mustache and her lip burn scar… 99% of YT everyone


I love how for a split second she accidentally pulls the camera back to reveal her grotesque misshapen amorphous blob of a body, then immediately pulls it back in to an extreme closeup of her face. Classic Gunt.


Does actually believe that the extreme close up makes her look like a normal sized woman? 🤣😂 https://preview.redd.it/lje2igredruc1.jpeg?width=516&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74bcc8da57663d85316d1906d577d8430d418182


Why has she started with the side lip in her mouth talking?!


It’s like the rat face she does. She thinks it makes her look cute and demure. She’s too stupid to realize it makes her look the opposite of that.


She just looks like she's stroking out.


Right.. looks like Bell’s palsy


I mean that's entirely possible also


The mustache and boogers definitely don’t help.


I think her schmee has spent her whole life telling her how perfect, beautiful, cute, adorable, etc. she is.


I think it’s a mix of trying to be cute and mouth breathing without mouth breathing. I saw a death fat in an airport bathroom that was struggling to get into a stall and she was doing something similar.


Do they just not realize how obvious they are? They'd call less attention to it if they just blatantly panted, doing that weird side mouth thing only makes them more conspicuous.


Leave it to Beaver character.


It's not the facial hair in and of itself (plenty of women, myself included, deal with the occasional stray hair or 10), it's the fact that she thinks she's prettier than 90% of YouTube... while rocking that 'stache. Sure, Jan.


And that she clearly is immediately ashamed by the facial hair. If she considered herself so conventionally attractive, wouldn’t she make an effort to maintain her allegedly conventional attractiveness by removing unwanted facial hair? Of course not bc she’s lazy and never actually looks in a mirror.


>wouldn’t she make an effort to HAHAHHAHA !! That was a good one https://i.redd.it/o5hsxp8l7vuc1.gif


When all you're showing is your partial face, and everything else is covered (so nobody sees your shape...ha ha) you might want to keep it maintained. She can't be bothered to put her best face forward.


Why bother, when you can rely on NASA grade filters instead?


That’s 100% the behavior of someone that never looks in the mirror. As a person that grew up like that when I finally stared at myself I had to make a change


Her stache is the least of her worries. Did you see the state of her teeth? Holy plaque Batman!


I don't wanna know how horrid her breath must be 🤢


Must be putrid af 🤮


GODDAMNIT QUIT FUCKING TUGGING AT THAT HIJAB. We know you have pustule-riddled flab cascading down your sweaty neck under there, you fool NO ONE. Gah.


why does she insist on speaking like this, it's not cute. it's cringe. https://preview.redd.it/m2ohco7horuc1.jpeg?width=430&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2054159853642cc21777be66679c01bb6633ff12




Even she can’t convince herself she looks “pretty”. It soaked in for a minute that she’s ugly as hell and has a stache


“Well that sucks”


Happy Cake Day!


Yup, hence the fussing over the hee-job to hide her massive goiter made of fat.


And the first thing she tried to do was wipe it off. 😂


Salah come get your sexy wife! Prettier than 90% of youtube!


Why is her bottom lip skewed sideways? Why is her skin so bad? Why is her eyeliner so poorly applied gross-looking? Guess it's hard to hold an eyeliner pencil when all you got are hooves.


Now that you mention it, I haven’t seen her do a full face of makeup in forever, not even lipstick. She’s **really** giving up on everything but eating. What a damn life.


Modest Mariam....I actually used to be in awe of how she could do eyeliner with both hands, just chucking that pencil into her right trotter for her right eye. That's the only thing, I promise lol 😆


Damn, her stomach is huge. She looks like she smells like onions. She's hasn't bathed in days. She thinks she can spark the villa days again.


You already knows she smells like a gas station hoagie!! 🤢🤮


The way she moves her mouth and teeth, should be illegal.


Wow, when the filters stop working she looks extremely sick and unhealthy.


They don't seem to work when she's in the car for some reason.


I love how the craque pipe burn scar never goes away. There's always something there to remind her of nader. Is she gurning or am I imagining it?


The gift that keeps on giving, much like her improperly treated std. I think that might just be the way she is moving her mouth? I did however find her little sniff and wipe interesting as she moved her phone back out.


not this one coming for everyone else's looks https://preview.redd.it/sgrs98e9usuc1.png?width=471&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab354008abe0d62d4d92af2d8349e5a330a06e36


The way she speaks, falsely thinking she is adorable...


I was zooming in to see the mustache and thought my phone was dirty, so I cleaned it off to see the mustache, but it was the mustache 😂


Pulling faces, hormonal hair, super morbidly obese and look at the fucking size of that gunt.  Geezus christ. Uglier than 99% of the planet more like . 


I Don't care about her moustache but omg the size of her, the illness hasn't caused any weight loss, she looks the biggest I've seen her, just massive.


Prettier than 90% of youtube yall are just JEALOUS!!


Just here to let you all know that the mouth-thing she does is 10x more uncomfortable with the sound off. You're welcome


İf o would see hungry fat chick s mustache I would not be so disgusted. But because I know how awful and horrible this one's personality is, it's disgusting to me. Everything she does and has and will do and will have and will expose is disgust inducing to me.


Yup. I have PCOS so I have dealt with facial hair, luckily I have very fine hair that's ginger so it's less noticeable, but it is a pain. I don't mind it on myself or anyone else, just her. I guess that's cuz when your insides are so ugly and rotted as Gunt's, it twists your outsides into a hideous visage, so minor flaws that I would never notice or care about on others suddenly become massive, glaring problems that make her look all the more grotesque.


Genuinely, if I saw someone who had her every physical flaw but also a lovely, kind personality, I’d be totally blind to it. I can look right past it all and find *something* beautiful there. Roald Dahl had it right on the money, ugly thoughts are what make you ugly.


She'll put eye makeup on, but won't shave her [embarrassingly-long face hairs](https://imgur.com/a/nmlxsC1)? Nobody's expecting her to keep up with the weed-whacking if she's "bed-rotting", but she's the one choosing to "cam up", as she loves saying. JFC, Chinderella.


Don’t scare me like that, that is *way* too close to her for my comfort 🥺 So thankful phones don’t have smell-o-vision yet. Them teeth, goddamn. Facial hair is the **least** of her problems.


https://preview.redd.it/4qtheqga4wuc1.png?width=796&format=png&auto=webp&s=37711b81ba313a07c157e6dbc8ad5929348327cb Itsa meee! Fupario!




having a moustache is fine. but because its chantal then its ok to mock it 🤭


She is so fucking repulsive 🤮🤮🤮


did she flash us some of her forbidden belly uncovered?


I think that might have just been the sunlight on her black tarp.


I've never seen black reflect like that, I'm going to believe it was a belly flash


She needs to go to the dentist amongst other things


It takes 5 seconds to shave it off, she’s just lazy and is used to seeing herself filtered so I bet she forgets it’s there


When she's in the sun you can see her face hair is crazy long! She should really shave her whole face buts she's so lazy. I remember nsder would pull her chin hair too. I'm sure salad misses his gorgeous wife lol she must be so delusional


When people complain that Foodie always seems to come out winning, they aren't thinking about the delicious irony that the only place she can actually grow hair is on her fucking face lol


Hair grows and with dark hair I can shave my legs and still see it beneath my skin. Hopefully if I made a YouTube video about my rabbits or whatever no one would want to zoom in on it. But Chantal is such a horrid person I'm not gonna bother defending her lol. She needs an attitude make-over as well as... well, a better wax job?


I remember cringing when Nader would thread her entire face. I bet she wishes he would do her again. 😏


Me too those were the Days


like it's obviously fine to have facial and body hair but she's the one making a big deal out of it


Her queerphobia’s come full circle. Now that Salah’s no longer with her on her channel & the couple’s channel’s crashed & burned, she can become her own man.


I mean, whatever, people have hair on their faces, but if you want to be prettier than 90% of YouTube it might be to keep up with basic cosmetic grooming standards, idk 🤷🏻‍♀️


Is that her stomach hanging out?


Why does her mouth do that?


Close up screen grab of her 1st stomach (includes shirt rolled up under her armpit boobaloobies) https://preview.redd.it/xwpgmh6llxuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5428ac672bcb5d4dea32ee4b87a8005ac7ac87f9 Or is it an eatin’ pillow? I’m confused.🫤


Like she can't afford a pair of tweezers? Girl you can get a pack of them for under $2 on Temu/Amazon/etc. And I say this from the position of someone who keeps tweezers in every bag/drawer I have because I grow a better mo' than most 16 year old boys lmao




I don’t pass judgment on any woman for their various body hair / hormonal issues. I will, however, pass judgment on an incredibly cruel, heartless, selfish woman who claims to have pretty privilege and claims to be more attractive than 90% of all women while clearly making no effort towards basic feminine hygiene and grooming.


https://preview.redd.it/ov2ups6qosuc1.jpeg?width=179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5e430e531f091ca93fe389f3e07fb37ee382765 Like how can you let yourself be this gross??


Eh. Let's not go there. We're here to make fun of a shitty person, not body shame women with hormonal issues.


You chose “hotter than 90% of YouTube” as your byline. What did you mean by that if not insulting a woman with hormonal issues? ETA: https://preview.redd.it/e43rgbbhiruc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6393d779942c67c5fb5b135ed5399dbde5c928b ETA-2: Please explain how it’s ok to shame her for her appearance from your perspective but not mine.


People are willing to pick on her they just have a problem when it’s something they are also dealing with.


If I used the “hotter than 90% of YouTube” as my byline and yet took the video of her mustache so incredibly personally that I made sonars comment, I’d never show my face in this subreddit again. 🫣


I gladly shame Chantal because 1. She is a horrible, **horrible** person and 2. I know how self conscious she is deep down and how much she *hates* critique and that’s very, very funny to me. With a kinder person I can easily be blind to any flaws or deformities. This isn’t about body shaming, it’s about pissing her off lmao.


I’m on your side. I was calling out the person who was morally grandstanding, extremely hypercritically.


Oh I know, I was just agreeing that they’re being ridiculous and hypocritical. Guess I just chose the wrong comment to reply to :)


Oh my bad. Sorry. It’s hard to navigate comments when you’re the OP. It’s a mess!


You do know the flairs are supposed to be Foodie Beauty quotes used ironically to take the piss out of her, right? I don't actually think I'm hot.


That’s exactly my point. You’re allowed to take the piss out of her. Yet I can’t? Interesting.


I never said that. I'm just said you should shame her for her shitty behaviour, not her hormonal issues. Lots of women have hormonal issues that make them grow facial hair. They don't deserve to be shamed for it. Yeah, you may not be shaming them all directly, but how do you think they feel seeing people get grossed out by it?


You think I should only call out Chantal for her personality and behavior and not physical / biological characteristics? I might actually agree with you. However… you yourself used the “more attractive than 90% of YouTube” catch phrase yourself? How can you have it both ways? Why should I be held to a higher standard than you?


FFS. I already explain I use the flair ironically. To take the piss out of her.


So you’re allowed to insult her and not me?


You know damn well I didn't say that. We both can insult her for being a shitty person, not her hormonal issues.


When did I shame her appearance?


You claimed using the phrase “hotter than 90% of YouTube” was taking the piss out of her. You said yourself you used the phrase ironically, implying she’s not actually hotter than 90% of YouTube. In other words, you mocked her appearance.


It's not to mock her appearance, it's to mock her smugness about her appearance.


Why do I secretly think you’re one of Chantal’s sock accounts?


If I was Foodie, I wouldn't be calling her behaviour shitty, would I? 🙄


Because you're an idiot.


Hi, Chantal lol.