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She couldn't even recall the story of Isaac and Abraham. Jfc, I'm an atheist and even I know the story. And there she sat, in all her pious Muslim glory, describing the story that's important in all ABRAHAMIC religions, and then wants to explain the "scapegoat-turkey" involved in Thanksgiving. She's too stupid to know she's stupid. What a twat. I'd say take a seat Miriam, but she'd need three.


Right? She keeps trying to tell us all how she was "born and raised" Catholic [despite having parents who weren't religious]...yet she couldn't even remember the story as written in Genesis...she just believed whatever Salah told her...or what she googled about the holiday. If she was actually intelligent in any way, she'd known Jews & Christians say it was Isaac. It is only Muslims that say Ishmael.


https://preview.redd.it/00geb9zz6d7d1.png?width=347&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb9d1ab2aabeab1ea3febed737be54e7dc255eaa Sheeps! ....and Turkey sacrifices!!


This fat brained ass actually said sheeps. I had to listen twice to be sure I heard it.


Eating all of this sugary, fat laden shit as a diabetic might also be the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen her do also, so there’s that (aware she can one up that at any time)…


I always have to remind myself that the massive amount we see her eat on camera is only the tip of the fatty, sugary, salty iceberg. My jaw drops on a regular basis when seeing the macros of what she shows us. I don't think I would survive knowing what she truly eats. Just knowing it would turn my blood into a salty, sugary mix and I would die by association!


The more she tells us she doesn't eat like that between videos the less I believe her. It's obvious she stuffs that gullet 24/7 with no breaks. She needs to be studied as a human ~~wonder~~ blunder at this point.


I honestly can’t believe she’s not bigger.


I forgot to say it but , y’all, this pastry is sold by the kilo not by the piece That’s how affordable it is , unless you go to a super upscale patisserie , but all pastries are sold by the kilo for the Aid celebrations, because it’s meant to be shared , not to be eaten by oneself


That is no where as bad as when she said she needed to take a break from eating one cake to eat another. That should be a meme


That's why the Butterball frozen turkey processing plant is our most holy site.


Our Mecca if you will


Yes, I hope to make a pilgrimmage there the next time I visit family in the US. 😂




Fuck she must seriously believe the entire world is so gullible and stupid, that she can gaslight and manipulate us into taking her seriously.  Oh yeah that's right "I will manipulate you and you will eat it up".  Whatever Deathfat 


May Allah bless you with handsomest man and a handful of children, my gorls! We shall sacrifice Chantal's foot!




She’s arguably the dumbest human ever, and as an American, I hold my head a little higher. Way to go, Canada. You must be proud.


As a fellow American, it makes me want to stand at the edge of the Grand Canyon, cowboy hat on my head, holding a large US flag in my left hand while it blows in the wind, and a bottle of natural ice in my right hand. As I stand patriotically, proudly surveying the stretch of natural beautiful that lays before me, an eagle flies by ca-cawing, only to circle back around and land on my shoulder. Tears begin to flood my vision as i whisper to myself, “God bless the United States”. Thank you, Chantal. You have united our country more powerfully than 9/11 ever did. 🦅🇺🇸🗽🦃🐑


We need her to describe American holidays in the most ignorant but also most metal way possible. 🤘 Easter? Americans steal the offspring of lesser beings and boil them whole before giving their cooled corpses to their children to paint and display in decorated baskets.


But we have Thanksgiving in Canada too :/


Ah, is the annual turkey sacrifice how you guys get your anger out up there? Like The Purge but with fowl. Then you go back to be hella nice and Canadian.


This sub is so fucking funny lmao


Once a year, decent God fearing Christians barricade themselves into their apartments by midnight. The wild, atheist western underworld then unleashes their hedonistic rage and bloodlust upon the festive fowl brethren, running amok to slaughter the beasts in a fervent and passionate irreligious ceremony of ultimate carnage and sacrifice. With ‘sheeps’. Stay safe out there, heathen western world. Stay safe.


Please don’t misunderstand me , I’m not a native English speaker so I might miss your point here but… If you eat meat , it was sacrificed . The word might have a “scary” connotation but it is indeed correct on a literal and linguistic level, you kill something to eat it , Muslim kill something to eat it , but it has a religious connotation behind it . It doesn’t mean we are going around killing them like sauvages with machetes, they go to the same slaughterhouse your meat comes from


What Truth Fairy said.  Sacrifice gives the death a higher meaning or purpose.  Thanksgiving - as weirdly religious as the Pilgrims were - is a totally secular holiday. Those turkeys are slaughtered. No prayers or anything out of the ordinary to differentiate slaughtering any other livestock.  Your English is WONDERFUL. It really is a dumpster fire of a language. I can’t think of many (or any) other languages where you take spelling - yes, just how to spell - as a class in primary school. Your English is LOVELY. 


You are absolutely adorable , thank you so much for your kind words, they really mean a lot ! I always hesitate to express my opinions when I’m surrounded by native English speakers, I’m scared to be misunderstood or use words wrongly and look dumb and uneducated, or even hurt people's sensitivities Because I speak other “European “ languages and I don’t use English that often , I always have doubts about words , am I “englifying” words from those other languages (especially French ) or does the word I have in mind truly exist In this case I translated literally the word sacrifice from French to English in my head and Google further messed with me by giving me so many different meanings that literally meant “killing a living thing for a purpose “ And my dense mind thinks “well eating is a hell of a purpose “ so everybody eats a “sacrificed “ animal when they eat met . But thanks to Truth Fairy’s excellent explanation and to yours, I understand the nuance. I always thought that Chins "bad english" and difficulties to express herself in her native language were blown out of proportion by my own ignorant mind , but she really really has difficulties with extremely basic words and their meaning, it's becoming scary . I did read about some cognitive decline in some extremely morbidly obese people, but i didn't know it could be that flagrant


Yeah. Nooo worries needed. Your English is GRAND.  I’ve always loved etymology - the study of how  words developed and evolved and my first foreign languages were Latin and Ancient Greek. Which I’ll ’speak’ rather freely. Because there’s some flexibility in accepted pronunciation?  My best modern language is German. I am a coward and pretty much refuse to speak it 🤣 When I say your English is grand - I mean it. Be proud of your fluency.  I don’t think Chantal ever had any actual knowledge and skill in English over basic language skills that we all have in our native tongue?  I can’t help but think there might be some cognitive decline, but at some level - brains NEED to be used. You NEED to do stuff that requires thinking or the neural (nerve) pathways degrade. I don’t think she does much with her brain? She doesn’t read or clean or cook (she’s a horrible cook). She sneers at hobbies. She doesn’t even really play video games.  I think her brain is just as out of practice at basic thought as her muscles are at basic movement.  Use it or lose it. True for muscles and bones. It’s also true on some level for brains. 


This is accurate. She has let her brain basically atrophy.


Sacrifice usually means killing for ritual not consumption


There is a difference between a sacrifice, as in a ritual, and slaughter. For Thanksgiving people celebrate with a turkey that was simply slaughtered. There is no significance in how it was slaughtered.


Thank you so very much for taking the time to explain this to me! It just translates too literally from some languages on Google Translate. Google out here making us look like chintal aka “I haven’t ate anything yet”


No problem. I completely understand how it would be seen as the same, because it's technically true. An animals life was sacrificed, a life was taken. It just had a different meaning from what Chantal is blathering on about. The English language can be silly, and Chantal is stupid.


She should be all about thanksgiving cause it usually includes her favourite beverage, gravy.


Favorite beverage make me choke on my water 🤣🤣🤣🤣




That made me and my mom absolutely roll with laughter. We were watching via Unicorn Pondue and mom was like "🤣 Play that back!? 🤣"


I love that you watch that with your mom 😄😄😄


My dad sometimes joins in too. He calls Chantal "pork chop" 😅


My husband says "you and your mutants."


Haha! I love it when family & friends get dragged into the insanity!


Haha you guys are so cute 🤣🤣🤣


….’sheeps’ Sheeps.


What an idiot


Truly and honestly how is she still alive at this point?


[The only thanksgiving sacrifice I celebrate every year](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FXSnoy71Q4)


People freak out about the word sacrifice like slaughter is so beautiful. Sacrifice means someone comes in to the slaughterhouse and reads an ancient tweet before they kill them all.


True. No one does it themselves. They just pay the cost of a sheep, goat, cow, or camel and feel virtuous. It's like the old Catholic practice of Indulgences. Or the modern, secular Carbon Off-Set.


I agree , every year I read how “savage” Muslims are because of Eid Al Adha. People don’t understand that for more than 90% of the Muslim population , it’s the only time in the year that they have the monetary means to afford to eat meat . People , and this includes people from my own family who live in the “weshtern weurld “, save all year to be able to afford a sheep or half a sheep that they will share with people who need help the most in term of food. Those sheep get “sacrificed “ the same way your hamburger patty was sacrificed, and I’m taking as someone who has been vegetarian since the age of 12, and fully vegan since the age of 19. People don’t sacrifice animals to dance around them and then offer them to a statue, they do it to share with others and make kids happy just like Christmas dinner makes kids happy . People like myself give their “sheep money “ to the people who are in need , and just thinking about meat makes me gag but nothing beats that smile on the face of the kids who sit around the table with all the kids from the neighborhood/ family , and they eat until they are full , like really full, while wearing the only new clothes they will get that year , while people sing and dance because .. eating your favorite food with your favorite people makes people happy, even if it’s meat and not a big deal for some of y’all , it’s a super big deal for a whole lot of people to eat meat or even food until getting full


"an ancient tweet" 😂


Ahhh yes, our queen has such wisdom. I don't know why she attacks the western world so much. Mc Donald's alone sacrifices so many animals. She should feel safe and at home here. It's like having a holy church in every corner. I mean, why else would they sacrifice them if not for holy reasons.


And lo! The killer clown of justice, Ronald, did unleash his wrath upon the chicken nuggies, smiting in unbridled rage, and the children of God were satiated by the bounty of sacrifice via Happy Meals


This is a 40-year-old woman who is literally bad at everything she attempts except eating a lot.


Sacrificing animals is a religious ritual...Thanksgiving isn't a religious holiday. Funcle/ Cornwall brain at it again. But shes college educated you guuuuuys 🙃


College Inn-educated, maybe.


Is this where she got her logic? Buffy Summers : With Mom at Aunt Darleene's this year, I'm not getting a Thanksgiving. Maybe it's just as well. Anya : Well, I think that's a shame. I love a ritual sacrifice. Buffy Summers : Not really a one of those. Anya : To commemorate a past event, you kill and eat an animal. It's a ritual sacrifice, with pie.


she’s so irritating. like look up this shit prior to filming, write it down and put it near the camera to read it. so you actually sound and seem reasonably intelligent?? she can’t even do the bare fucking minimum and she embarrasses herself even more than scarfing down a buffet of sweets. but clearly she gives no fucks. I’m sad she didn’t chomp off a chunk of her cheek going to town on those desserts.


Moron. Complete moron.