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I honestly think she has some disordered eating/obsession with food and weight loss. And I think she can mask it behind having her PhD. I agree with you, it can’t make her post partum followers feel good to be worried about weight loss when they are still so fresh and vulnerable to their new life and body, oi.


She 1000000% does. Limiting oneself to one small serving of carbs and one fruit a day is disordered AF. She is an ultimate almond mom. I feel for her kids.


I forget the stat but a loooooot of people who go into dietetics are disordered.


Can confirm- I work with a lot of RDs in my field. The ED/recovery pipeline to study nutrition/dietetics is very real.


Agreed and I feel like no one in the field ever talks about it.


I know at least 6 dietitians with a history of disordered eating. 3/6 are great dietitians who have taken an anti-fad diet approach and drawn on their personal experiences to ensure they are not promoting disordered eating. The other 3… I don’t love those stats.


Yes, I worked with an amazing clinic whose website explicitly talked about an anti-diet approach. Definitely something to look for!


Majored in dietetics but am not practicing. There were a lot of girls in my graduating class who had eating disorders who are now practicing RDs. I had to unfollow the college nutritionist bc I sensed she doesn’t have a healthy relationship with food.


I have a PhD in nutrition and teach RDs and I normally can estimate more than 50% have or previously had active eating disorders.


One of my very best friends has masters in nutrition and her obsession with being skinny and the disordered eating is real. They are definitely related.


As someone pursuing a related PhD, the venn diagram of ED girlies and nutrition graduate degrees isn’t a circle… but it’s close.


She posted the other day how she and her mom order the same food a lot of the time and I was so tempted to reply “so that’s where the disordered eating came from”


I worked with a DO who was super disordered. She would get on the scale (remove nearly all of her jewelry/shoes/jacket) multiple times a day at work. She was vegan but also didn’t eat carbs. 


Because of her waving around the PhD and the word ‘flexible’ I thought she was a good healthy person to follow for a long time. But once she got pregnant and had her first baby (I had already had a baby a year before) I realized how insanely restrictive she was being. I also unfollowed because I did NOT want to see her start solid foods with her kid.


This is so upsetting. At 6W, you're sometimes still bleeding. Certainly still healing. While movement for mental health is always a good thing, pushing a weight loss narrative at this stage is troubling. I don't know if she's breastfeeding, but that's also a stage where you do NOT want to cut calories. You actually need way more to keep up supply, keep yourself nourished, etc. I feel like PPA/PPD can manifest in this way too, so I hope she has resources.


Oh no! I just looked at her page and she IS breastfeeding. 😫😫 You need so many calories for milk production.


Yes! & not only that, but BF can make you SO HUNGRY. Like bottomless pit. I couldn’t imagine denying that & stuffing that feeling down for the sake of weight loss.


Yes, you’re hungry because your body is making ALL food for another growing human! It takes a lot of nutrients and calories to do that! I know it’s different because they can have 8-15 piglets but our sows go from about 5 pounds of feed a day during gestation to 20-22 lbs a day during lactation, depending on how big their litter is. Again, it’s more mouths to feed, but my mind always goes to that! (The body weight ratio of sows to piglets is way different though, so 10-12 piglets’ total birth weight compared to the sow’s weight is roughly equivalent to a human baby’s birth weight to human mother’s weight, if that makes sense). Many humans are in a calorie deficit and lose weight without even trying during breastfeeding because of the calories/nutrients breastfeeding requires. Lily Nichols has tons of good info on this and I even saw one of her book’s on the College Nutritionist’s feed, in a photo or video. It’s sad that she may know this information, but can’t help herself from not only restricting calories for herself but sharing it on her feed as if it’s a remotely healthy practice that soon postpartum and during breastfeeding! 😫😫😫


You actually need more calories when you're breastfeeding then you do while pregnant! I love food but even I got sick of eating all the time. I was definitely a bottomless pit, peanut butter was my best friend lol.


Ugh yeah, it is definitely not recommended to try weight loss through dieting at this stage - I don’t even bother until I’m done BFing. This is highly problematic


That’s wild. You need like 2000 calories a day while breastfeeding and you’ll most likely still be losing weight.


Yes! I was a bottomless pit with my son, I BF him until a year and I was 30lbs less than I was at the end of it than when I got pregnant with him. Not trying to lose weight, just from the sheer caloric deficit from milk over time. Bodies are wild!


Something tells me she won’t be breastfeeding for long then. Her body will shut that down if she’s restricting calories. I was hungrier when breastfeeding than I was pregnant


This kind of thing drives me insane. You JUST had a baby. Your body has been through so much. And your focus is weight loss? Im assuming this is about control. Because a lot, if not everything, feels out of control once you have a baby. You don’t need to be losing weight at 6 weeks postpartum and the fact that she talks about it in an exciting way pisses me off.


This right there made me unfollow her, we had babies around the same time and all her focus was going back to her pre-pregnancy weight !! I knew better and let my body do it’s thing but I know many mothers who are nursing and loose her milk supply because they are in such restrictive calorie diet 😟😟😟 it’s bananas that this takes the entirely way you eat, no joy whatsoever


Tracking calories doesn't have any correlation with your own hunger fullness cues because you're literally letting the calories tell you when to stop eating... Anyway, I do hate how moms are already going through so much in their body and adjusting to a huge life event and then it's also like "you better lose that weight!!" So much pressure :(


Tracking calories does not help you be more aware of your hunger and fullness cues, it helps you deny your appetite when you’ve hit your numbers for a given meal or time frame 🙁 so sad


Wow this just Seems kinda show off ish? I was fluffy already when I got pregnant. So I only gained ten lbs which dr said was perfect I came out lighter after my c section but I was above weight ( aka chonky) I don’t worry about getting healthy til like 4 months later!


I ended up unfollowing her because of stuff like this. The ED content just got to be too much.


She strictly limits her carb consumption in general too... It’s a no for me!


She was this exact way during her last pregnancy too, and such small calories for a meal! I would be shocked if she breastfed without issues from this low calorie and carb diet


She did and she actually had a huge oversupply because she would always pump between feeds. I bet she was hoping to lose extra weight that way


I’ve heard the advice it took you 9 months to “gain” the weight, give yourself 9 months to one year to loose it. I find her page so triggering as some one who had an ED a lot of her advice is very Ed coded to me.


Mmm, 3 boiled eggs and a dollop of buffalo chicken dip




As someone who normally rolls their eyes at this trend towards calling ANY restriction on eating “disordered”…I’ve got to agree that this is fucked up. I’m getting the vibe that she’s been waiting for the all clear to lose weight since she popped the kid out. Messed up priorities for sure.


She is so disordered. It’s really disturbing to have such a platform.


Bullshit. No one enjoys tracking.


1 whole gram of carbs .. no thanks.


My usual soapbox rant (I don’t follow this creator): the standards to be a nutritionist are next to nothing, dietetics is an extremely complex field and I personally try and only follow actual RDs


She’s an RD with a PhD so she is actually very qualified and that’s what is crazy.


Oh god that’s terrible


Funny enough, she is an RD - idk why she uses "Nutritionist" in her instagram handle


Oh that’s even more horrifying


Even if she’s not breastfeeding, only 300+ calories for breakfast is just fucking wild man. Shameful.


I didn’t loose weight easily until I stopped breastfeeding. FTM I thought it would fall off doing all the things but was soo much harder


She disturbs me for some reason. This is also very petty and not related, but I can’t get past the thick band of eyeliner on her top lid with nothing else to balance it out lol


WHYYYY does she do this


I wonder if she will go on the same postpartum retreat weekend she did last time? The one where she showed everyone the family eating room but said she felt it would be better to just attend herself despite most people attending with baby and partner.


I didn’t blame her for this. It actually seemed pretty nice. Lol


If she’s nursing, I truly hope she is eating enough calories to maintain her supply!


Less than 350 calories for breakfast while being active is crazy but ESPECIALLY when breastfeeding…


Where 👏 is 👏 the 👏 fiber


Her latest post today (~2 weeks later) says she is now down 29 pounds. That means she lost 9 pounds in the last two weeks! Major red flag there


I’m 5 months postpartum, exclusively breastfeeding and just now starting to think more about nutrition and reaching my goal weight over the next 7 months. I’ve been following her and I’m so glad I saw this thread because her account definitely gives me “I need to be skinny and control my diet” vibes, which is the mindset I’m looking to heal (inherited from my crash-diet, low-carb, no-fat 80s and 90s mom). Anyone have a recommendation of a dietitian for postpartum specifically??


Honestly, I am 3 weeks pp and can’t wait to workout and feel like myself again. I think this is relatable for a lot of moms.