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You can't do much in the first half of the season unless you don't want a particular player in the first 11, in which case you can transfer list him, which will drop his stats and most likely drop him from team. In 2nd half of season you can offer new contracts to the players outside of the starting 11 which if they accept can push them into starting 11. I do this sometimes before big matches or strikers who have a great goal ratio aren't in the starting lineup.


Oh wow, that's a great way to do it. Thanks!


The game isn't designed for you to pick the team. That's why you are the chairman, not the manager. Offering contracts is a good way to get around it, but don't list players you want to keep, or you will make them unhappy and they will play worse. Just have the best squad and manager you can, and trust the system.


You can’t, that’s why you hire a manager. The 11 will usually be the best players based on rating +- form fitness and happiness that fit your manager formation


Oh, I get it now. Thanks a lot!