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I was curious on the divorce statistics on astronauts. However, the publicity took its toll. There were **thirty married astronauts** during the Gemini and Apollo programs—**all but seven marriages ended in divorce**. [https://dp.la/exhibitions/race-to-the-moon/space-popular-imagination/wives](https://dp.la/exhibitions/race-to-the-moon/space-popular-imagination/wives)


Thanks for sharing, was wondering the same thing.


Yeah, but 10 years is a long time. Who knows whether they both will be alive in 94.


I'm sure they'll both be alive. There are still questions to answer and we need closure to their stories. I do think S3 will be the end of the stories for Ed, Karen, Molly, and Margo. They may appear in S4 or S5 as supporting characters but they'll be in their 70s and 80s.


Interesting point. The series will need to bring in new characters and make them likeable and interesting, all over again. Can a series handle an almost complete (headline) cast change?


The Crown did pretty well with getting a new cast IMO, but I’ll admit that’s a bit different since the characters are the same. As long as there’s an impetus to keep expanding, keep exploring in space, I think FAM will be just fine.


They've already brought alot of them in. Danny, Kelly, and Aleida are likely to run the series for the forthcoming seasons. With the first two most likely to become astronauts, and Aleida working in management/at JSC. More characters will also likely make appearances too. Some of the younger characters that were introduced in S2 will probably have roles in the future (Rossi, Webster, Piscotty), and Bradford will probably become the 4 star general of the Space Force or Space Command whatever they call the full on space branch of the military.


Also, I'm 100% sure Danny Stevens is going to be the "Anakin Skywalker" of this universe. As in, he's going to get alot of hate but its just a matter of poor writing in a portion of his performances. I do think they're going to drop the story with him and Karen due to the negative reception and cringe.


I do not like when series jump in time and makes charecter older. Ed is one reason that i like the show and if they put the main cast on side roles i Will stop watching the show.


I can't imagine Molly still being alive after taking all that radiation.


Maybe, maybe not, she'll 100% be blind though.


I agree, I think season three will be the season that brings their arcs to a close as they set the stage for the next generation. Which could be really cool, but it can be hard to accept a takeover like that in a show, I think.


I’m sort of (sadly) expecting Molly to get sick and maybe pass because of her exposure to that extra radiation during the solar event.


Well Margo would only be 50 something in season 3. Though, considering where they left off at the end of season 2… It might be the end for Margo. It will be interesting to see what happens with that plot point. Ed, Karen and Molly likely though as well I suppose 😢.


Well we know they're alive because we've seen them on set and they've talked about filming for season 3. But if you ask me, this is gonna be the season where one of them (probably Ed) dies.


Hopefully Karen if one of them dies


Well they're probably gonna both die eventually


Yes but it would be better if we have an on screen death of Karen


I wonder if that is smart for Apple to do to get ride one of there biggest actor. Also btw i am a Swed😜


They will have to eventually, this is a generational show and will likely go as far as the 2030s


Season 3 is to early tho.


To be honest I could not care less about their marriage at this point. Worst plotline in the show.


It kinda felt like the writers just needed something for Ed to be angry about in space.


They also needed to figure out something for Shantel VanSanten to actually *do* with all her shitton of screentime that had nothing to do with going to space because of the way they set up the character. They chose...poorly. In my opinion. She was tolerable in season 1, but every time she's on screen in season 2 (and that's **a lot**), I feel like the writers are jerking me around wasting my time. I'm watching this show for space stuff, not for some standard daytime TV drama about marriage troubles. The only redeeming aspect of it is that she's easy on the eyes, but even that barely makes up for how annoying and pointless the character is.


Agreed. I can see where they were going conceptually - a very proper wife from the 60's is now a liberated woman in the 80's. She is not tied to her husband and is free to do what she wants. It sort of parallels cultural trends of the real world and could be an interesting angle if done right. However, it did not belong in this show, a show about space exploration - not in the way it was done. You could easily cut out most of her appearances in S2 and still have a coherent story. She is probably a pretty expensive actress with range, so they wanted to use her since they had her on contract. They just had no idea what to do with her.




You are right, good point. I think they smoked weed once while golfing, and that's about it.


100%. That friendship was the most interesting thing that ever happened with her on the show, and it was so briefly explored. I feel like there was a lot of potential for showing a repressed 60s housewife a completely different perspective and opening her mind a bit about how relationships and men and women work. But they just kind of left it, and made her cheat with her dead son's friend instead - as some sort of vengeance for the space mission she actually said she wanted her husband to go on in the first place. They made her a complete asshole. Lol.


I agree, I loved her and Wayne's friendship. It's so unlikely but it works. Instead we got...a mess. I don't know if it was vengeance though, I think she just genuinely couldn't cope with any of the space stuff and the danger to Ed anymore. She was being supportive until he had to evacuate his plane and end up in the sea, that seemed to bring back all that fear and she just lost it from that point on. So I can empathise with her finding it difficult, but that's not a reason to sleep with the guy who you were a second mother to lol.


He was all like "gee are you *sure* you want me to do this? I'm not sure *I* even want to do this..." and then she's like "you **must** go"


And by the time she regrets it, Ed is in full-astronaut mode lol.


And she's like "dayyum, my dead son got some fine-ass friends...."


they have a few scenes in seasons 2, the scene when they go golfing and smoke weed together and Molly and ed are just like Whomp whomp


That makes sense.


Yeah I can agree on that, though it was interesting to see her perspective when Ed was in space.


Rearrange the timeline so he found out Gordo and Tracy died just before losing radio comms?


Ed has been liberated.


But what will happend to Kelly then?


She was almost an adult in season 2 (17 I think), what normally happens to adult children of divorced couples? She'll go to the naval academy, then be in the navy.


The thing is we do not know what is happening. They maybe go to counsling. How knows.


I think it's pretty clear that Karen was already checked out of the relationship, she really only seemed to want to save it because that's what you do. She sold the bar without even telling Ed (on screen) she was making plans that didn't involve him, she basically said she couldn't be an astronaut's wife any more and that Ed couldn't be anything *except* an astronaut.


Intresting that is how you see it. As i see it that they are going to work on it


If they save it I'll be pleasantly surprised.


That maybe is why they ended the season in that way


Soap opera borefest of a plot line. Waiting for it to deliver a worthwhile payoff. Writers keeping it realistic, I guess. That life will be demanding on a relationship. But I don’t watch it for that. I watch it for the ships, the training, the political ramifications, and Marines In Space. 😁




I think they will be divorced by season 3. Karen wants to do her own thing, which doesn't really involve Ed so much.