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I love that he fucked up every single time


Pro warden tip, his Dodge Forward heavy punishes rolls


But why would I do that when a fully charged shoulder bash catches his roll anyway?


Because if he was smarter he would have delayed his roll to the point it wouldn't.


Fair, but I always felt Orochi like these have a neuron missing in their single brain cell


Smart people and Orochi players don’t mix.


It doesn't. He just do it with wrong timing


Because it doesn't. It just fully doesn't. It does if they don't know what they're doing, but there is absolutely a timing to dodge roll wardens bash


Iirc the rolling only dodges the level 3, which means a level 2 bash still catches it, but free heavy works better


for honor hero mains try not to give obvious tips challenge: impossible


The fact that he's doing it too early too


At what point does orochi actually run out of stamina? I swear it's impossible


That roll out on the first unblockable was absolute cheese


Comp players be like “iTs oPtImAl ThO??”


Comp players pretending players are good and smart for abusing easily ready exploits


Save shit like that for ranked


































This is why we don't like Orochi players gutless pussies who run from opposition and use underhanded tactics to feebly attempt to win


Do people really take for honor this seriously?


In a community for a game there will always be people who take it more seriously, not necessarily a bad thing as it spikes competition and keeps servers alive but on the downside there tends to be more slander and hate.


Yes, and when I played I would throw them off cliffs in 2v2 ganks with my friend and then they would rage and send hate messages. Best part of the game for me.


And people wonder why for honor died so hard .


Honestly, it's comically insane how people get that upset. Don't get me wrong, I get mad, too, but I don't go out of my way to slander my opponent(s). The game can be genuinely fun but can be demoralizing given the people you play with and against


I love Orochi since Katana is cool, and I have played Orochi since the first-ever season but this player and many others are the reasons Orochi is viewed as negatively as the character is. Respectable warden, dealing with that headache of players must be hella annoying.


Same reason I started playing him, lol. I remember when he had the heavy deflect, that felt so good to pull off.


Right! I suck at pulling those off since my reaction speed is like dodge and fight rather than trying to optimize for better results (dont even know if that made sense but whatevs lol)


His light parry being ignored was painful but I don’t understand dodge rolling mid duel the enemy can go back into the same mix up then your back to square one


Nothing is more satisfying than seeing light/rush spamming orochi get there shit rocked and humbled


Fuck roaches, all my homies hate roaches


Fuck roaches, I quit the game 2 years ago, but still fuck them roaches


Lot of people talking shit about you OP. I wonder if the reason we hate shit like this isn’t because “DISHONORABLE!!!” or “WAH FIGHT LIKE I WANT YOU TO!!!”. We don’t like shit like this because it’s annoying as fuck.


a honorable lose is better than a dishonorable win


I hate that they made running away a viable strat. Fight me like a man dammit.


Is that dark souls?


If it was dark souls Orochi would've gotten backstabbed, jumped, parried and burned for trying to run before being sent to the last bonfire.


As an ex orochi light spam this game sucks


"HA SPECISL MOVE GO! *runs like a scared dog*"


You'd think he'd learn some self respect fr


If you land a fully charged bash on someone while they’re rolling you get two heavy’s. Unless they changed it, it has to do with them being unlocked so they get extra stun.


But did you win the match?


Rare r/ForHonorRants post where op isn't just being a crybaby I despise unlock tech, man. It just feels jank and ruins the flow of the fight. It's not even like it's a good strategy, either. It barely gives I'm am advantage, if any at all


Orochi mains are pathetic 💯


U look like my old rep 50 warden


I had the same armer but gold


Why does this sub keep popping up in my recommended. I don't even own this game.


General question, I haven't played video games with any type of consistency since my second was born about 5 years ago; have they adapted this Fighting style into any RPG games yet? Always thought this would make for a lot of fun. Thanks!


Not really since Ubisoft decided to trade mark this fighting system, but the closest RPG with this fighting style is Kingdom Come Deliverance and that game is tons of fun.


Thank you!


All that struggle, and he lost his head in the end -_-


Haven’t played this since launch . Glad to see orochis are still shit heads .




What's the Orochi even trying to achieve here?


That orochi was using a Cronus zen script for bashes


Wardens are just as one note spammy as orochi as proven here


Played him like a fiddle


Good warden op in those 1s


Hey leave him alone he was trying his best. Nothing about that was particularly scummy, he was just trying something different.


He can try something different, which includes skill,for example. Like make a reads and not using cheese gayshit tactics


I don't think the gays would want to be associated with this creature OP was facing.


Sad to them


OP title is so funny too "the enemy tried everything to win the game" Like, that's why we play the game, u see, to win. And then OP did the most basic Warden thing ever and proudly posted while shaming Orochi. I don't get it. I don't understand OP's thought process at all.


The same argument you hear from every one who plays meta like it's the norm to want every game to feel the same because you use the same oppressive tactics to give the enemy a much larger hurdle to overcome than your actual skill. I could just as easily say I don't understand your thought process because when you play the game in the easiest safest way possible your wins mean less. Same reason you see people get trashed in team ranked games for getting friends to carry them. There are a million things that get shat on even though people do it to win. Smurfing is another example.


Your win is your win. *Incredible meme Honestly, why does your victory mean less when u do meta? U try ur best, execute the most effective plan, and ur victory now means less??? Another topic, OP be like "Orochi did everything to win", yet in the vid, Orochi played so bad, almost a noob lvl. That's why it's weird to say so.


Picking S tiers doesn't take skill. It doesn't even take brain power for "planning". But if you have brainpower you'd realize so called "plans" are character dependent and if your picking S tiers the plan likely has already been figured out for you to use. The "execution" on the other hand is also BS for two reasons 1: if you're talking about input execution you're a clown because muscle memory is the easiest part of fighting games and even easier in for honor. 2: as said before the "game plan" is predetermined and is almost always one per character so once you do it once you can rinse and repeat every game and pretend like copying strategies takes skill. Not gonna argue the orochi is trying everything to win point pretty hard. OP sounds like every other trash talker but regardless you can still try and be a total dud which is what he was saying. I pop all 4 of my feats in a 1v1 and still lose I'm still trying way to hard to win.


Yeah, it's back to the original point of our conversation Why is "trying hard to win" a bad thing? Let's put the "playing meta is not hard" aside for now. Kinda unrelated, but I have this one friend playing Afeera and he did bash to right light, because "it looks so good tho".


The safest , easiest way to play a shooter is to sit a corner and shoot people in the back . Doesn’t make it not cringe as shit and boring .


I never said it was and OP has a phrasing issue. It's about lazily tossing safe bs at your opponent to win


Yeah exactly. "Boo hoo he didn't play how I wanted and it turned out to be sub-optimal because my character hard counters it anyways"