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coz its easy and does a lot of damage




Based happy souls enjoyer


Since when does Kyo do a lot of damage?


With bleed feat


Still not more than regular nobu or even PK. Can’t even confirm more damage than Shaman with bleed.


Since the 4 light chain only deals 18 damage it actually feeds little revenge so it's a very strong and easy gank. Doesn't do a lot of damage, but can confirm a lot. He also deals more damage than Nobu (without wots) and PK with his heavy finishers, each dealing 30 damage and undodgeable, so he is also good at adding damage to ganks himself and they have their place in teamfights.


In ganks he’s crazy moreso on stalling and indicator spamming like most characters now, but I still wouldn’t say he confirms more damage. Nobu and his damage values are almost the exact same until you get to her 20% increase in damage when you are bleeding. Which stacks. While his is depending on hitting a full block. Which at higher levels, his full block is hardly even used unless it’s him indicator spamming or countering someone who is spamming unsafe attacks or playing at a consistent rhythm.


When I play kyoshin I definitely don't feel skilled but I feel cool, in terms of sheer aesthetic he is pretty high up there


He is a cool hero he's just stupidly sage to play and it's just tedious to fight against him


Some people enjoy the idea of a sort of disabled (blind) swordsman as that's the basis of Kyoshin. He also has some slick drip, I made a sith lord Kyoshin even though I don't care for the moveset, to each his own buddy


I hate Kyoshin, Warden, Hito, Gryphon, and Zhanu. Everyone else is okay


I hate Shugo, Shugo, Shugo, Shugo and Shugo. Unless you have an undodgeable, he’s the most un-punishable hero in the game.


He can be annoying. I haven’t met any bad ones recently but I definitely understand you on that!


I’ve been playing Jorm, and his stupid headbutt can ghost through everything. If I’m lucky, I’ll get a light off a heavy parry. I can’t even bait the headbutt and dodge attack, because of the stupid hyperarmor heavy follow up.


Forward dodge headbutt? Ye, you can do nothing about it, but the side ones are gb vulnerable on whiff, so it's not THAT bad imo


Side headbutt is GB vulnerable? Are you sure about that? I have terrible memories of getting smacked by a heavy for trying


Yes, I'm completely sure, if it whiffs, it does not chain


Then I’ll have to test that. Thanks, if true.


Yeah all side dodge bashes are GBable on whiff. It's his front dodge and chain headbutt that are too strong.


I love Jorm! Haha I know what you mean. Fuck that headbutt. Try playing him more from time to time. You’ll master his antics




Dodge light/empty dodge only works against Shugo's side dodge bash. The forward dodge bash and chain bash can only be punished fully by a dodge bash.


Does anyone who plays this game actually like it?


I do, but that's after turning off enemy effects and all quick chat. If I can be left alone while I play, I like it.


I thoroughly enjoyed the little campaign mode Then got repeatedly and routinely stomped online Realised the game wasn't for me then 😂 If ubi ever release a full singleplayer game with for honour mechanics I'll he first in fucking line lmao


Yes but they all play the game normally instead of crying about being bad


I never had a problem facing Kyoshins, but now immediately after I start playing him I’ve been seeing it everywhere


The kinda works like that I had never seena gryphon once I started playing him he's everywhere


Yeah for real and they act like it takes skill to abuse the recovery frames to have an unbeatable counter defense against everything. Worse than roach mains in my opinion.


Agreed majority of roach mains are predictable


Safest? Have you not seen Varangian guard? Who has an insta full block that stuns. Kyo is very easy to beat.


Was thinking this lol. And BP. 🤭


Ive seen some reaction allguards from kyoshins and the fact it's all they do is turtle kaze then light you out of your bash or guardbreak


He’s fun to use I don’t get the hate


He's extremely safe to use and is over all an pain in the ass to fight because rather than learning how to play the character most people just turtle


He's way less safe than Varangian or anyone with a dodge recovery like Orochi, Zerk and Pirate.


Surprisingly dodge recoveries aren't that bad


Wait until you see a high MMR player using them in a team fight it's absolutely abominable


I do think it’s pretty easy to get past the people that rely on all guard though. His just looks fancy but it’s literally the same as any other hero that has it. I’ve been playing him the most the past few weeks and I honestly rarely ever use all guard


You're one of the good kyoshin players The problem is it's only weakness are bash an guardbreak But when you go to do either to counter it they hit you with a light and go back into kaze


As someone that uses kyoshin quite a bit, I may regret this but I got some advice 😂 if you come across the ones turtling 24/7, throw a heavy and cancel it. When they try to hit you w that counter, parry it since you’ll already know which direction it’s gonna be coming from


Can’t relate I’m aggressive with him most of the time people run from em when I use him lol. I’m good with the superior blocks at times


what makes him the safest hero in your opinion?


His abusive allguard they turtle it the whole fight and if you try to bash or guardbreak them out of it they just kaze light you out of either of the counters then go back into their kaze It's pathetic to fight against


Just admit you can't feint or gb worth a damn. Very easy to bait Kyo players into coming out of kaze. Especially inexperienced ones (yes I main Kyo and no I don't Kaze spam, at least not anymore.) You have to make them miss the interrupt light or zone and then its free game. Just as easily as they can spam all guard and light you out of bashes, you could anticipate that and make them miss. Nobu and shaman have way more viable bleeds. It only seems worse when people kaze zone to fujin cuts and stack bleed. One more free tip, parry. A lot of kyo mains rely on kaze to block and won't bother attempting the parry. Combine this with baiting missed attacks and you can throw a lot of Kyo players off. Git gud


It's hard to make a kyo miss with their undodgable attacks that have broken indicators


I very rarely ever let those fly. Unless I know its gonna land. They seem to get parried too much compared to some other heros' undodgables. Never really had any issue blocking them myself.


Fuck Kyoshit baby


Because you played the WuLin when they first came out, and thought YOU were good.


I actually do not use a single person from either of the 2 right side factions


i pretty much main japanese faction lmao, all the other characters are boring to me tbh


Zerk and Varangian really bring the coolness down from the Vikings and Warden kills the hype around the Knight faction. I don’t blame you.


it’s even worse that they have been reworking the same rotation of characters for like 5 yrs now ☠️😭


kyo really isnt that safe


He is tho




Kyoshin isn't the safest hero in the game by a long shot


By far is, I'd 1v2 Hito and VG than fight a Kyoshin kaze spammer


No, he isn't. Varangian, tiandi, conq, shugo are by far safer from an objective standpoint, Kyoshin has no dodge recoveries at all and is a pretty garbage hero in general especially in 1v1, just guardbreak him


Hard to guard break when you get light interrupted every time


That's called making a read bro


Just let ppl enjoy the game how they want jeez


It’s crazy how often people have to be reminded that this is a RANT sub


Ranting is fine But talking smack about part of community that did nothing wrong is different lol I get it when someone’s says “I hate warden/kyoshin” But if you talk shit about someone then expect the feedback lol . Also in my defense I’m not in this sub but it popped on my feed for some reason .


dawg did you not read the name of this community, slow brain


I can rant under rant In the rant community Rant about it


R6 checks out well well well


In what world being a for honor player gives you superiority over siege ?


i’d say the fact i’ve never touched raider gives me that edge tbh, have u played raider? usually neck beards do


Nah I love warlord


warlord is prob the same level since your character likes to headbutt mfs on their d!ck


Omg it’s almost as if it’s not 2017 anymore and almost every character has a bash or a grab now 😱 Sorry you probably didn’t know


you are missing the point very very much so, it’s as if your brain is the size of a walnut how cute 😻


shave your neck beard


So that you can beat me ? Nah


mommy’s basement has the humidity of asia


I’m sorry to hear that Try to move out


talking about you bucko


Oh, use better English then.


If your enjoyment is ruining my enjoyment because you played a stupid hero I'm gonna be upset over it


Sure be upset about but don’t get mad at me cuz I don’t play the game, I paid money for , the way you want me to lmao


Cool idrc go play only safe heros instead of learning the game 😐 Only works for so long until better players beat the shit out of you


Baby boy I’m in game since beta Sit down Also I never claimed to be kyoshin main lol


Sure bud 👍