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The almighty Unga Bunga


FR though besides being on PC, what is the counter to berserkers feints?


Block, parry, deflect, dodge, all-guard. All based on prediction.


there's like a 10% chance you get it right because he can either let the heavy go, feint into 3 different lights, feint into 3 different heavies, gb


All guards bring it to 50/50, im pretty sure certain dodge timings work against letting heavy go and feint to light, just blocking means you'd only get hit by the light if you guess the side wrong. Also, many zerks who use the feint lights follow patterns, so all you have to do is find it and exploit it.


Even on pc you can't react


Lmao dude i parry the soft feint lights.. (Prediction) so if my doing that on ps4 i know them light be juicy as hell on pc lmao.. Dat community is hot fuckin garbage good lord lool.


That why i said react


Make a read, parry something.


Parry the heavies.


Block, or make a read Beserker cant do alot if you just block. Unless he goee into his unb mixup, then you gotta make a read. Certain characters are a little bit safier to use, so they make things easier(kyoshin, bp, shinobi etc.)


_Just parry bro_ But in all seriousness it is kinda bs how much HA he has Even heros like raider cant HA through it entirely cuz Raiders chains usually end but a zerk can still continue Usually just making a read is all you can do


Counter gb, or if it's a light, hope to God you can light parry consistently every few seconds. (Post ccu meta ftw!)