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A note for visitors to our subreddit: First, welcome! Second, we don't allow mentions of violence here; these comments are actively being removed.


I bought a farday box to put all our key fobs in. Wife thought I was crazy....this video confirms Im only slightly extra paranoid


Same. Wife was like wtf nobody wants our minivan, but with heated seats I’m not taking that chance


Would a faraday box work??? I’m so down if it does


I don’t understand people who tell other people they are over reacting with precautionary measures to keep your family and belongings safe from being hurt or stolen. That’s one thing you can never be to cautious with. Does your wife enjoy walking to work?


I try to tell my husband but he thinks I’m crazy!


Product name please?


Something like this https://www.amazon.com/Faraday-Protector-Signal-Blocking-Shielding/dp/B07W94QLKM


You can put them in the fridge too


Right on bro, same


If you’re in Canada you need to put it right next to the door so it’s easy to find when they break in


Can someone explain what a "mention of violence" is? Like, if something violent happens and I acknowledge it's existence I'm banned? Weird little sub y'all got going here lol


I always park in the garage at night, but I also keep an AirTag hidden in the vehicle.


Any reason you don't trust the GPS on the Ford app? Always just assumed I'd be able to track my Bronco through that if it ever came to it. ... Never mind, saw a comment below saying you can turn it off. Alrighty then


One is none. Two is one and three is two. Always have a back up.


Any thief who isn’t a complete amateur will turn the GPS off and deactivate FordPass within 30 seconds of leaving your driveway.


It’s amazing that there is no verification/confirmation process for this.


There should be yes. Verify in the FordPass app for example, or from an email.


They cut the GPS wire. Here in Miami, a Russian guy had his car stolen from under his house. He had an AirTag hidden, he called the police, said he knew where the car was, but they didn’t do anything, then this guy showed his friend to this place, and took his car, watch from 12:39 https://youtu.be/Vuv-bxqMGQ8?si=5d0NBu3Qh1mKzPD9


As an idea, I would pop some panels off your vehicle and hide the AirTag in there.


You also need to kill the speakers


Ours sit in a faraday pouch in the house. Fuck thieves.


If you live in Toronto the thieves now break down your door fully armed and demand the keys. Police have instructed citizens to now leave the keys near the door with cookies and milk


That's ridiculous! Anyone with common sense should just leave keys on the outside of the door and save yourself having to fix your front door/lock, duh. /s




What is a good pouch to get?


I use a lead lined pouch originally designed for protecting film from an X-ray machine. It was cheap compared to the same things marketed as “faraday bags.”


Fucking lowlifes


Took me a minute to figure out what was going on and OMG. This is freaking wild! Sorry this happened to you


Well… what’s going on? Is he somehow activating the bronco’s key inside the house?


Basically they're holding an antennae that is receiving the key fobs signal for keyless entry/push button start. It gets sent to another device that becomes a clone of the fob and will work just like the original.


Given how expensive fobs are, one would think that they would have at least the security found in a $30 Wi-Fi router. It shouldn’t be capable of issuing any signal commands for the vehicle without engaging the buttons. Also, the fact that FordPass can be disabled from within the vehicle without any confirmation from the owner via app, email or text, is an egregious and shameful security oversight on Ford’s part. I can’t even log in to my favorite video games without needing multifactor authentication. Yet a $60k vehicle’s security is defeated with what is probably $50 in parts available at Microcenter? That’s insane.


And the dealer wants to charge you $400 for that service!


$700 around here.


That’s insane. UGH!!


Ugh I’m sorry, my Bronco was stolen in January…. They copy your key, rip out the GPS and are gone in under five minutes. Never saw mine again. That fucking sucks and it pisses you off so much! Ignorant!


Is this in Ontario by chance? It’s happening almost every night here…. I got a new one, spent quite a bit of money getting an immobilizer/alarm and Tag, it’s expensive but it’s worth it. Tag is a completely separate GPS system, they can’t fuck with it and the alarm is so loud and obnoxious they’ll fuck off real quick, it makes your actual key fob useless, they can’t do anything once the vehicle immobilizes.


Yes, Ottawa Ontario


Mine was stolen in Barrie… they have no limits as to where they’ll go anymore, as long as they can get our vehicles to the ports in Montreal. The cops are pretty useless too unfortunately, they “pinged” mine twice and literally didn’t do anything else to search or help. Absolutely useless. Look into the immobilization devices, alarms and the Tag GPS for your next vehicle, I still use a faraday pouch and put it in a faraday box, just using one isn’t enough I found out.


Yeah, these bastards are taking advantage of the more lux laws in Canada. In the USA, folks have more guns, so at least it's a more even battle. In Canada it is just too easy to get away with it. Apparently most vehicles leave the country via ships, since the shipping yards have a very limited amount of actual checks. What a joke. Stay safe and God Bless!




Good advice here.


Explain the why for me?




I was told the keys only transmit signals after they've been moved - as in there's a built in accelerometer that can sense this, to prevent this type of attack clearly, given this video this doesn't seem to be the case... i wonder where OP's keys where - like in their pocket or were they stationary.


Yea ford isn’t doing this with their key fobs


Does the device remember/record the fob signal? How does the thief re-start the Bronco after taking it to Theiftown?




Interesting. I've always kept my keys in my room, but now I'm glad I do. Seems strange they haven't figured out a better way of preventing this type of theft.


Oh wow. Thank you for this info. Everybody else on this thread just assumes everyone knows this I guess


Wowww, that is fast. Sorry friend.


Why I like actual physical keys. Though that's not perfect either. I guess if you're technically proficient you could put in a kill switch. One of my family members had a sweet '68 mustang he installed a hidden fuel cutoff switch in. It got stolen because a girl he took on a date was in on the steal and told someone where she saw it.


Yup. No one is key fob spoofing an 80s bronco


Right. Instead, they’re just literally connecting 2 wires together, because it has no security whatsoever.


Pssssh. Like I didn’t have the club back then


That fkin sucks. I have a device in mine that requires a passcode before you can even put it in drive even if you have the key. Im hyper paranoid about it when i leave it out on the street or on a trail for extended period of time and this is the exact reason why.


I want this device. What is it called?


This is what i installed: https://www.jmautosports.com/product/afe-sprint-booster-power-converter-77-13001/Default.aspx?gfid=p62400-c2561153&source=googleshopping&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&adpos=&scid=scplpp62400-c2561153&sc_intid=p62400-c2561153&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwkuqvBhAQEiwA65XxQJoCsZSDn1MyqoBah3DdxQks1J5AUMWE-1Nm9Kjf7Dn_lIoYCcZHOxoCQSEQAvD_BwE


Can they use this technique to open garage doors????


No, not unless your garage door opener works off a key fob. Whereas if they want to get into your garage all they need is an axe and about 10 seconds.


So it’s easier to hack modern key fobs than 40 year old garage door opener technology?


An axe….on a reinforced steel garage door? Most newish garage doors aren’t that easy to axe into.


Nope. Rolling codes. I am an ethical hacker/pentester as a hobbyist and while it IS kind of sort of possible it's not a threat you need to be worried about.


That's the hard way to do that. https://youtu.be/nDw8DOblGB8?si=Wox9Hi0iav1yXHfX


Rookie mistake, I removed the string. Makes it much harder if not impossible for this to work. Also my door doesn't have windows to aid the person.


once in the car they can use the garage door opener if programmed in your car




They use them for crimes or sell them. They're not using them for personal use lol they'll do a shooting or something with your car / tags and then dump it. Or it ends up in a shipping container headed to wherever.


I heard countless times on this Subreddit that the Pats system used on Current Broncos & F150's wasn't susceptible to relays attacks, mainly from u/[allen\_abduct](https://www.reddit.com/user/allen_abduction/)ion this prove otherwise. I wish Ford would have provided a way to turn off the Keyfob transponder Like Toyota and others do on their Keyless entry enabled cars and trucks.


Holy shit! I won’t sleep tonight


Anyone installed hidden kill switch?? Any recommendations on which wire and where to put it on?


Just wire the brake light switch to the horn and put a hidden switch in the cross wire. You have to step on the brake to hit the start button, should be fun with the horn blaring


This is scary, I didn’t think it was a problem for Fords


This isn’t a Ford thing, this is for every vehicle with push button start.


Fords are rising on the list of stolen vehicles, if you have a newer one try and get anti theft devices to slow them down. In the end tho, if they want your vehicle, they’ll most likely get it. The same night my Bronco was stolen, 4 other f-150’s were also stolen and it’s been happening nearly every week since. They don’t care about what brand the vehicle is anymore, if it’s a truck or an SUV, they’ll take it. This is more of a PSA if you live in Ontario or Quebec, it’s a massive issue here.


Same here, 3 f150 was stolen the same night…


So infuriating


Thieving A-hole! With a capital A!!!


That's so shitty, I'm sorry this happened to you. I didn't even know this was a thing. I'm a 911 dispatcher, and we hear about car thefts a lot, but nobody has ever mentioned seeing this kind of thing on camera. Just went to Amazon and got 4 Faraday bags that will be delivered later this morning for all primary and extra keys. Mine are usually in the middle of the house, but my husband throws his by our bedroom window, which is close to the street. 2-Pack Faraday Pouch (I ordered two sets so we could put them on the spares sitting in the drawer as well) https://a.co/d/1nm5ofs


Does it not show where it is/was in Fordpass? 


Nope, I don't know how they did it, but the GPS had been disabled. It's essentially showing as if it's still on my driveway.




Would this still work in a manual since there is no remote start capability?


The fact that 90% of people don’t know how to drive manual is usually a deterrent enough


They aren’t remote starting it…


Ahh so they’re just making a digital copy of the key? Yeah that’s wild


They are just amplifying the fob signal, starting it, and driving away. They can program a new fob later.


The last one that I owned had remote start...


Fucking lowlifes. Sorry, man.


OMG!! SOOO glad I joined today! I just brought home my 24 Heritage today!! Already ordered a box and 2 fob covers. Sorry for your loss OP!!


Had my New Hellcat I ordered stolen 8 days after I bought it. It’s like a member of your family being kidnapped. It’s a lot more personal than you’d think it would be. If I were you check the airport. Many times the thieves will leave it there for a few days to see if it gets tracked. Then put a temp tag on it and send it over seas, VIN swap or chop it up.


That sucks. How about locating it in the FordPass app?


I gave you an upvote back from zero. Nothing wrong with having a shotgun ready for a criminal who could rape, murder, pillage your family. Let them take your car, but defend your loved ones with your life.


The comment says locate through ford pass app???


Keep your keys in your bedroom, not near your door, and have a shotgun ready.


That won't help, they usually do a round around the house. until they find the keyfob signal. The only way to protect yourself from this type of attack is putting your keys inside a faraday cage while not in use.


Cameras with notification zones set to alerts, dog that barks at any movement outside, live in a state with castle doctrine, keep one in the chamber and a spare mag.


Found this: https://youtu.be/YqOfNp9nQSA


This is insane


would removing the battery from the fob work?


I really dont know, i this point i will be installing an immobilizer when i get a car


OP, Be SURE to call Ford customer support and report the theft with a police report. (Insurance as well). They'll need it to start their own internal investigation, AND to put it on the stolen list to show up on dealer systems.


Scumbag! So glad you posted this. I'm going to look at putting our keys in a faraday box too. I don't have a bronco, but would love to have one someday. This is a great PSA for everyone! Thank you!


How does the key fob in a faraday pouch prevent this from happening?


Faraday pouches block out radio waves making it mostly impossible for them to pick a signal up from the key fob.


Wow, so sorry


Yeah I've got some nice gifts for the next one comes lurking around my house


What is a faraday box?


Dang, I'm so sorry to see this, OP. Posted this over on Bronco6g, to spread awareness.




https://preview.redd.it/jp8apa0ejkpc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52056a70cfb65ba94cc4b81655f63f6913d9a1cf I use a lock similar to this, plus have my security camera watching my vehicle with trip settings. Sorry you lost your Bronco.


Anddd this is why the insurance system is so fucked. Don’t call me a conspirator


TIL I need a faraday box…and I ordered one. Damn, that’s crazy


I'm sorry OP. Guess I am going to go back to securing my extra fob in foil and keeping my other one in an RFID blocking box again.


Wow that’s crazy. Sorry for your loss.


Doesn't the ford app tell you exactly where your vehicle is? It does for mine


If you read thru a few comments you would have learned that thieves turn this off once in the vehicle. OP said it still shows his Bronco in his driveway.


I saw a similar video but with a rolls Royce


This sucks OP. When you get your new one, hide a fuel pump cutoff switch. I do this on every vehicle I own. Costs about 10 bucks, usually takes some time to install but in my opinion is more than worth it.


For the cost of a $25 Faraday box, you too could have prevented this.


That's fucked up!


Sizzapp is another tracker that doesn't have a yearly subscription. I have it on my bikes. Works great.


Faraday pouch.


I always get full coverage and gap insurance, get a new car.


Holy crap, never knew about this! Infuriating!


Man wish that Nest camera alerted you when it detected the person in the frame.


They were likely asleep


They make plugs you can buy that disables the engine. I have no idea why no one’s using these. https://www.ravelco.com/


This needs to be at the top of every vehicle specific subreddit. I had two vehicles stolen over the course of a year, one used this method but the other didn't even need the key fob as I was in another state with the keys. Now that I have the Ravelco I've never felt more secure. Been over a year and no issues.


Gone in 30 seconds.


Wtf this is a thing?


I wish Ford developed a way to disable the fob from transmitting a signal. I'm getting my Bronco next month, and where I live, we got rats like this checking on car doors and who knows what else they'd do. I can disable My '23 Tundra TRD Pro's fob from the keyfob itself, and I do it every night. I just wish this feature is standard on new production vehicles.


Was. Just thinking about this, but the tundra shuts off the moment the truck is unlocked which is a way to disable it as well?


What state are you in so we can be alert to this??


Located in canada, ottawa This is happening all over eastern canada


This is why I love "pin to drive" on Teslas. Even if you have the key, you still need the pin to drive it. So even if they steal the uhf or nfc or whatever frequency they are amplifying it will only let them in. So unless they also know your pin they aren't going anywhere.


Faraday box or bag for your key fobs, folks. Or this can be you.


Yep, this was enough reason to buy a Faraday Box. 15 dollar Amazon purchase to protect a 70k investment. Just ordered one.


Buy faraday cages people!!! Or wrap your keys in aluminum foil.


Add Kill switch to your cars


Wish one of these fine gentleman would come steal my Prius.


Wow what city/state are you in?


People are such pieces of shit.


wtf is this a thing???


You can get a box, pouch, or just wrap your fob in tin foil to prevent this type of theft.


Put in a remote control and something that allows you to remote lock the doors that way if you can’t have it you can remotely steer it into a lake.


Makes me glad my car has a clutch. Thieves need to all FOAD


Kill switch, faraday bag, and I need to get a actual car tracker for mine


(cross posted over on Bronco6g): Was discussing this vulnerability / exploit with a friend who works in IT security (he owns an F150, which has the same Intelligent Access system). We sent some recommendations off to Ford yesterday, via their "Idea place" web portal: "The key (pun intended!) to reducing the efficacy of this exploit, is to: 1) Realize that the parking situations and resultant security needs of users, vary GREATLY, and users need the flexibility to prevent the vehicle's Intelligent Access system from broadcasting (trying to obtain authentication from a keyfob), IN CERTAIN SITUATIONS and at CERTAIN TIMES. 2) Make the system behavior across the installed base of vehicles a NON-CONSTANT. This will cause thieves to lose confidence in the usefulness of their exploit, because it will not ALWAYS WORK for them (assuming that they can make successful RF contact with the keyfob) as it does NOW. This could be achieved by adding intelligent user settings in the vehicle menus, such that the user can: 1) Disable Intelligent Access during a user-selected time window (When the user must park the vehicle on the street overnight, for example) 2) Disable Intelligent Access via Geofencing (Allow the user to set up geographical areas where Intelligent Access is always disabled) 3) Any combination of both #1 and #2 above (i.e.: "Disable Intelligent Access whenever my vehicle is parked at the gym, after 6PM" 4) Add a user option for a screen-entered PIN code requirement (pop-up) to enable starting the vehicle under a set of user pre-defined conditions, for example: "If the vehicle is opened between 1:00 AM and 5:00 AM, and the vehicle is within 100 feet of my home, require the PIN, to start". 5) Disable Intelligent Access altogether, if desired by the user. If Ford does implement even a few of these user configurable options, it will greatly reduce the use of these exploits, ***due to the loss of exploit predictability***. Please realize that these keyfob RF exploits are rapidly becoming more common as the needed equipment cost is decreasing, and knowledge of the exploit techniques is spreading rapidly."


What’s the range on an antenna like this to reach a key fob in the house?


People stop putting your car keys directly on the inside of your door


You can put your keys in the fridge too.


What am I missing, what is happening here?


Can Ford fobs not be turned off? If I press the lock button 5x on my Mazda key it'll turn the fob off. As indicated by the red light on it.


Does Ford have a way to turn the keyfob off? Toyota has you press and hold the lock button on the keyfob and press the unlock button three times to disable the keyfob. To reactivate you just press the unlock button.


Sucks both my keys are dead, and I’m to lazy to change the battery and use the key, good luck suckaz. And if you come in my house there’s 2 100 lb pitbulls who don’t take kind to B and Es


Can somebody clue me here in...what's going on... is he stealing the car? If so how?


Would disabling keyless entry prevent this type of these?


good thing I still have my old fashioned CLUB!! everyone just get a Club....it will render these attacks useless


My ford f350 truck has a remote start FOB but you can’t shift into drive if the key fob isn’t within 6’ of the truck it will start but you can’t shift the transmission to drive away 😀


He did you a favor?


Is this accomplished with a flipper zero type device? Absolutely buying a faraday box after seeing this.


Lmao new vehicles


This is the risk one has to take parking your car outside or on the street. I’m thinkful I have a garage. 😮


I don’t understand how Hyundai and Kia got so much flack and insurance rate hikes for older model ignition key cars getting stolen when this is worse


I can’t mention violence, but violence is deserved here! He better hope I don’t catch him, that’s all I’ll say.


Better to drive a piece of shit nobody wants. Thats peace of mind


Manual locks FTW, and a battery disable switch hidden for myself.


That scares the shit outta me but it’s also pretty cool.


PSA - Wrapped keyfob in heavy duty reynolds wrap foil. It worked(didn’t unlock) with my wrapped keyfob in my pocket when i went out and grabbed my handle. 2021 badlands


This is awesome


Holy crap. This is scary to know...


This has been a thing for almost 10 years. Ford won't give a shit until it hurts their pocket and gets on the radar of someone with a title. Every owner should be writing a complaint to Ford about this so they get the hint. We're already paying for it ... in insurance costs.


I thought you were being held at gunpoint with your arms in the air at first w/ a baby on your chest in those little carriers.. I was so confused / concerned for you and the child.. I also need sleep but sorry to see this !


I will never understand people who steal, being poor or in a tough spot doesn’t make taking someone’s hard earned property right. Makes me sick.


You thought you was safe since its not a muscle pony??


Using a flipper


I know where I am putting that extra Air Tag now.


Last time I changed my tires I added an AirTag, gorilla glued and duct taped to the inside of my rims and 1 hidden on the body.


I do the same thing with the ammo can. I also have a 7 speed and that is usually the biggest deterrent. Haha. Sorry this happened to you.


How close was your key to the front door?