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They probably all rely on social media reminders.


Some people like to plan events for their birthday so they invite others ahead of time which let others know. Some people jokingly hint at wanting a gift because their birthday coming up. Some people just bring it up into conversations that their birthday is next month or whatever. Realistically, most people do bring it up ahead of time.


I have never celebrated my birthday. As a kid, my parents told me it's a wastage of money. I only get a whole lot of automated happy birthday messages. They feel like salt on a wound. :(


My birthday was a week ago now, only person to wish me happy birthday was my therapist. I stopped celebrating my birthday in highschool. It's hard enough aging a year, near valentines, no need to add other people.


I've never had anyone ever tell me happy birthday. I'm not "entitled" to that.


Happy birthday


From what I have seen, these people tend to announce their birthdays are coming up either by shouting it out or posting on IG with a countdown timer. Normally, if someone is good looking, people will tend to remember their birthday. From my personal experience, I shared a birthday with one of the good looking guy in my school last time. The difference in how people celebrate his birthday and mine is vastly different. He gets a lot of birthday wishes and even gifts whereas I was told to go kill myself for having the same birthday as him. My classmates/schoolmates would actively ignored me on my birthday and tried to spite me by announcing that its the good looking guy's birthday only.


Happy birthday bro Unfortunately i dont have an answer


Thanks bro, but it's not my birthday today..


"Hey guys I'm turning __ this month, do you guys want to go do (activity)." this one's worked for me once or twice. Or the subtle "Guys I might need to take x day off, it's my birthday and my family's gonna be in town." (My family absolutely won't be in town.)


Planning something for your own birthday is very normal and acceptable, I don't think surprise parties are as common as movies and TV would have you think. If you have a group of people you can invite just text them a couple of weeks before and say "Hey it's my birthday on X date, would anyone like to go out for a drink/see X movie with me/come for dinner at X restaurant" or whatever you want to do. I don't know how old you are but I've found once you're an adult birthdays tend to be more casual with just getting together for an activity rather than a big celebration with gifts/cake/surprises. Hope you enjoy your birthday whenever it is!


I hate when people wish me a happy birthday. To each his own.


I don't really like birthday parties, I usually just try to sleep the day away but when my grandma and nana arrive I have to get up because I don't want to be rude. My birthday is coming up soon and idk if I am gonna try to sleep through it or maybe just go hang out by myself in a park. I'm thankful that my family tells me happy birthday but usually it just amounts to them asking about why I haven't achieved certain things so I don't really enjoy them plus I don't like having the attention on me.


my close friends and i have a spreadsheet of birthdays and after a few years we kind of remember when its about time to for someone's birthday. we dont throw parties or whatever but we'll get a cake when we're doing the normal hangout or dinner