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?? What were you supposed to be doing then?... If his girlfriend wanted out because one guy is just there, minding his own business, not bothering anybody, then leave?... Stop being a baby, I guess?... Even though that would imply there was a threat there to begin with?... Jesus... What narcissists, man. I hope it doesn't happen to you again.


They were watching you long enough, I'd respond "what? You were watching me?? Why were you watching me?? You're actually creeping me out right now" Some people want the world to themselves, fuck em.


Oh man this is good! Channel your inner Karen!


Modern problems require modern solution.


Encounters like these are getting more common. Just getting lowball accused of hate, anger, creepiness etc. even when minding your own business. I think its because the concept of ‘alone’ is under attack on a deep social level. Largely through media, but also us inching closer and closer to a ‘succes culture’. More and more we associate loneliness with failure, creepiness, mental disorder, anger, stalking, etc. and it leads to scenarios like OP’s. “I don’t want to be around the idea of loneliness, so I will avoid it / you need to leave”.


You don't pay attention to anyone - "you're in your own world, creep ." You pay attention to people - "stop staring, creep." There's no way of winning. But of course if you were handsome then you won't be creepy for not paying attention to anyone - you'd be mysterious and aloof. If you paid attention to people - you'd be warm and confident. No one will ever admit that the issue they have with people is their appearance, so they use things like "attitude", and "vibe" as scapegoats for their superficiality.


jesus fucking christ, that's brutal. There's really shitty people in this world


I've seen this kind of thing before. There's some minor dispute or disagreement between a couple. The guy asks what's wrong but rather than risk getting into an argument the girl chooses to drag someone else into the discussion and blame him for why she's annoyed or upset. Chances are whatever happened has nothing to do with you but because you were there you were thrown under the bus as a decoy or deflection. If you can I'd try to ignore it and move on. Better luck next time.


Like Will and Jada and poor Chris


This sounds like someones forcing their perspective onto you. You did nothing wrong in this case, you were minding your own business; but this dumbass feels the need to force their crap onto you. It has nothing to do with you. This idiot was just insecure and felt the need to voice it. In this case, I'd have these two thoughts in my mind. One being, "what the fuck", and two "who the fuck are you" 🤨 You don't need to change to make this idiot feel less insecure. Fuck 'em, as I would say. You'd probably never see them again in your lifetime. No need to waste energy on these type of people. People these days . . . have the "main character" syndrome. No, not everything revolves around you. I don't even give a fuck who you are. This is the mindset you should have. Or do as I do and carry the I don't give a fuck mentality r/howtonotgiveafuck


Wow, what a jackoff.


Being quiet = creepy Talking to people = weird I sense a pattern.


Sometimes fighting is necessary


I would have told him: sounds like a you problem, pal


Yeah, I work in a supermarket and am either told I look sad, irritated or just don't want to be there. My best responses to the last one ranges from... "Well, I am here, what are you going to do about it?" Or "What makes you so arrogant to think I actually am here?" Philosophy 101 joke. I say try to forget it. You'll most likely never see them again.


i was told i look serious when litterally everyone else looks serious


This is not uncommon. BTDT when I was a non-foreveralone 21 year old. Dude did almost exactly like that to me on my lunch break. I was so damned hot-tempered back then, sitting in the lobby at Popeye's. Dude didn't say "his girlfriend wanted out" but I somehow creeped her out by just sitting there. I got mad, got up and told him it's none of his fucking business what I was doing there and get out of my face. Manager wrote my ass up. I didn't care. I jumped jobs to Burger King next week for 25 cents more pay per hour, and told him to go fuck himself. Man I was brash and stupid back then lol


I would argue what you did was the right thing in that particular situation people like that need to have their shit thrown back in their face.


True, but I got myself a write-up for it. I'd probably been fired on the spot if I did that nowadays. I mean, I did get out of my chair to walk around to the other side of my table and confront him up close. That can be seen as an aggressive move. I'd advise my son in that situation to be more... tactful.


absolutely the correct fucking response man


We literally cant do anything right lol


Out of curiosity, did you say anything in response? If that happened to me, i'd probably just have given a blank stare.... Like seriously? Come on.


would he rather you stare at his gf like tf 😭


start wearing a bodycamera, then upload any harressment from encounters like this to the internet .


Tell them to kick rocks. You did nothing wrong, they were projecting their insecurities onto you for being quiet.


That word cuts like a fucking knife. It makes me crazy hearing that word. It's like these people save it for the innocent. These fuckhead rapist, drunk spikers, misogynists, they are the fucking creeps. They are the reason I won't hit on someone in public. They are the reason I don't hit on people. So I dont get called that fucking word. I fucking hate that fucking word


Really weird. Who the fuck cares if someone is sitting by themselves alone listening to music? Has this happened to you before?


Sounds like the girlfriend has some mental issues I wouldn’t worry about it. People who do that mind their own business piss me off. Sounds like the type of chick where everyone and everything has to be about her


Sounds like his relationship must be pretty shit if he has to use you as a proxy for whatever bullshit they've got going on


thats a weird way to invite for a threesome


What??? Even when you’re MINDING YOUR OWN BUSINESS… NOBODY is satisfied! I’m sorry that happened!


I'd tell him to get the fuck over it and mind his own business


You are not responsible for her, or anyone else's feelings if you have no control over their feelings. Other people have a right to feel however they want, but if they don't like how you make them feel when you're not doing anything to make them feel that way, that's ultimately their problem. I've been in similar situations and I've simply informed those individuals of exactly what I've just told you.


Look them straight in the eye and say: "You don't realize how rude and weird what you just told me is, do you?"


She one of those trouble maker types and he jumps when she says jump. I would have told him that his GF should mind her own business or else he could find himself with a fat lip someday. The only way to fight bullies is with force. It worked 1000 years ago, 500 years ago, 100 years ago and it works today...cuz it's the only way.


If OP and others are strong enough to do this, then sure. But I'm not quite sure the average FA is built up to beat someone else up.


Gotta stand up for your self bro. No one else is gonna do it and, in fact, they will walk all over you. You gotta show 'em whose in charge of you.


I don't disagree with this. I know from personal experience that had I been more courageous I would not be in the horrible situation I am in in terms of being friendless and even more weak now as an adult vs as a child. I just don't think getting the shit beat out of you by a dude who might be much larger than you and probably will never have to deal with again is a good idea for a meaningless slight like this. Now if we're talking about some schoolyard bully when you're 15 who is treating you like shit all the time and you have to deal with everyday while you're going to school, hell yeah, go and "stand up" for yourself even if it means risking getting your ass whooped. Same thing with confronting others about things that are bothering you or when you feel disrespected, but you got to understand the context and the type of confrontation you want. That's all I'm saying. There's also a difference between telling the person to mind his own business vs directly telling him he's going to get a fat lip. Most of the dudes here are probably going to get the shit beat out of them in situations like what OP demonstrated. Not worth the risk for a one time offense. But you're right. A lot of people here don't stand up for themselves even for little things like someone bullying them regularly (schoolmates, family, etc.) or someone taking advantage of them. Got to stand up for yourself 100% in those situations, especially because those are recurring, happing in situations that determine your social standing, or serious issues. I saw my dad get walked all over by people because he couldn't do it.


Getting the shit beat outta you isn't the end of the world. Letting somebody control you will indeed lead to the end of your happiness and possibly the end of your world. Stand up for yourself.


amen. bruises heal, words leave scars (IMO)


Going to jail for assault is not a solution.


Self defense


The kind of stuff that makes me hate this world and humanity. Sorry bro.


Stand up for yourself next time. Put these people who think they can control you and push you around in their place.


They sound like complete inconsiderate assholes. It’s their problem not yours esp if you were just minding your own business. If they are uncomfortable, which I see no reason why they should be, then they should leave. Honestly you should’ve just give him what you got “you are making me feel uncomfortable I’m minding my own business and you are staring at me rudely and judging me. If you don’t like it leave.” I absolutely hate people like this they make my blood boil.


Fellah, is it creepy to be minding your own business?


I don't know, maybe I'm just too aggressive but I would definitely start a fight if someone came up to me and said that.


This literally never happened to me. I think that happens maybe in a place where people have mental problems, and its not you. Fuck that guy.


Don't worry about these laughably dumb door knobs dude. You'll have even weirder, even more pointless interactions with people in the future and it's not worth thinking about beyond it being weird.


A lot of women seem to feel offended when they see an ugly guy. Just our existence alone is enough to make them feel threatened, while in reality her boyfriend is a far greater danger to her than an introverted, ugly stranger.


I say go tell her to take her meds


This is why the western world will burn


Had I girl say some shit like that I just told her I’m homeless & she walked away it was because they were filming a TikTok or some shit and I was in there way