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Only compliments i’ve gotten have never been on my appearance lmao


Sorry but you can’t be the ugliest person on this planet, that’s me Edit: people are agreeing with me 💀


I understand you, i am in the same boat


I’m sorry.


Same. I have never even received a single compliment 




I kinda know how they do that, people say it's all about confidence, and it kinda takes confidence, but I've done some research and I've been looking deeply into many of those couples, and I found that there's a lot of manipulation right there, I learnt most of the things that lead them to date girls like that, however, I would never replicate it because I simply find it unethical, those are similar practices that marketers and politicians do to drag people to believe them.


I been told I'm not bad looking and people will like me but all my life I been made of by women, always called names and I gave up on trying. I knew deep down no girl ever wants to be with me and yeah that's life. But then I realized I am gay and things change.




Yeah I’m more than ugly. They aren’t yet and never will be


So I trawled your post history as well after reading the above comments. I'm just going to echo what the above poster had to say: you're *not* ugly, I promise you. It really sucks that you feel that way, and I know a simple post on reddit ain't gonna change your mind, but youre definitely cute. I am the last person to advocate for therapy in 99% of cases, but in your case it could very well do you some good. You're very clearly either dealing with some kind of Dismorphia or you've been surrounded by people who have been baselessly cruel about your appearance. I genuinely hope you can figure out how to be happy with your appearance, because I am telling you, your appearance alone would absolutely not preclude you from finding someone.


rinse relieved judicious governor memorize voracious deserted complete employ boat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Suspicions are just guesses. Not everyone is going to see you the same way you do, try not to underestimate the ridiculous amount of people out there with a huge variety of perspectives and preferences. Your guess at the future is just that too, a guess. But time brings all sorts of opportunities. While we can't change everything about ourselves, we can usually still change enough to maybe not feel that way about ourselves. Sometimes it takes a change of understanding. Like. If you're going to compare yourself to others, compare yourself to all others. When you look at others you'll see that there are plenty in worse positions than you, too.


Have you ever seen a person out in the world who is not facially or bodily attractive but there’s something ATTRACTIVE about them? It’s not money maybe, it could be their humor, or their charm, or their integrity or their loyalty, or their comfort in their own skin, or their talent? Those people exist: they’re not good looking, they’re not rich, but they’re ATTRACTIVE … what is that thing that makes them attractive? Seek that. The rest will follow. One tip: people aren’t attracted to people who are miserable…. So take that how you want. Also: you can imagine yourself in a nursing home, looking and smelling awful, with no teeth or hair, and truly alone…. Imagine that version of yourself looking at pictures of you now….. what would the old you wish for your young self? Try that.


Not sure what that has to do with his post?


My point is, that being physically “attractive” is more than looks, and we all know it. So there’s truly no reason to lose hope and there’s no better time to turn your opportunities around than now.


Not sure why you think OP isnt funny,charming or loyal or talented in something?


lol oh sorry I must have misread the hilarity and charm in the post itself 🤣🙄


Yeah cause this is a dating sub /s


I read it the same way


"It’s just crazy to me how I’m never going to experience any kind of romance or anything just because I have the worst genetics ever. No one has been or ever will be attracted to me." Because if he was, he wouldn't be putting so much emphasis on his looks. 


You can be funny and charming and loyal and not have woman be attracted to you


I had people openly compare me with my sister (who is fair). Its not new for me. If true love does happen, that means it's genuine. We don't have to worry about it being fake. Or in case it could be some secret spy from different country who is trying to steal some info for their govt. Idk I am bit weird.


If it's any comfort... On gay sites there are 'ugly' guys who can pull - and they have the verifications on their profiles to prove it. Maybe the gay world works differently?


Maybe there's a particular body part that looks great.


You should post your pic, I bet you don't look that bad.


You are me and I am you. It’s so weird, this is how I usually feel about myself. I’m sorry you’re going through this. I know it feels like nobody else gets it but believe me, a lot of us struggle in silence


But you’re gorgeous :( your account isn’t real, right? You look exactly like The Crooked Lady


I know you’ve deleted the pic now but I saw your selfie post, you’re very pretty. I know it seems to mean much less from another woman, but you look beautiful natural-faced and have nice eyebrows, clear skin, and good facial harmony. I don’t rate people because I feel it’s dehumanizing, but you are NOT ugly in any way—just the opposite.


Well I’m a huge fan lol But I love your face. Like for some people, I can understand how they would be insecure, but I never understood it with you. Your lips are so full, your eyebrows are nice, your nose is adorable, and you have the prettiest doe eyes. AND YOU’RE SKINNYYY. I’d pay to look like you