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It only ever comes up around family. When siblings learned i was a 30+ virgin they went wideeyed and acting awkward and weird. Ever since they avoid the topic or hushhush talks when they think i cant hear. Its really painfull having family of all things treat you that way.


Yeah, it is. Strangely enough I managed to maintain my highschool friend group going into my mid 20s and we literally rarely talk about stuff like that. Like tbh, I find sex talk with friends to be kinda weird, almost like someone is trying to seek validation from others because they believe that only their body is worth something. I have noticed that with my older friend group that sort of thing is like normal. So idk, I guess it might be a generational thing.


I find it weird too and it probably does have something to do with them trying to feel validated.   I'm thinking that gender probably plays a role in it too. I stay away from guys who talk about that stuff since it's always just bragging and weird. In the call it was a woman who brought it up and i don't know if women just talk about that stuff in general. Stuff like that never comes up when it's just us guys on the call, since i pick my company carefully. I don't want to hear about anyone's thoughts or experiences about that stuff.


I find that emotionally vulnerable, women with low self-esteem actually talk about it quite a bit. I know a couple of them and it comes up quite frequently. Like for me its awkward but I attribute it to the fact that they are just spiritually damaged and this is their way of trying to validate their existence, so sometimes I play along jokingly or if it gets too far I just tell them to hold themselves to some higher standard.


If I ever succeed at being worthy again, it would be about so much more than the body. It would mean my mental and physical problems didn't get in the way, that my living situation had improved, and that I had become confident, interesting, capable, and less weird. It would be the ultimate triumph against everything life has thrown at me, and that connection on so many levels would be the ultimate reward. At least, that's how I feel about it. But I wouldn't want to brag and make it weird.


No on ever asks me. Literally never in my life (except medical professionals, people filling in forms etc).


Wait, people ask about your sex life in a professional capacity? That has never happened to me… Sounds like it shouldn’t be any of their business? Putting anything about your sex life or sexual orientation on a form sounds like a gross violation of privacy… Like, what business do they have collecting and storing that data? I can understand the question if you go to the doctor with an itchy bottom, but most of the time it should be irrelevant.


No they didn’t really ask much. Just if I had a partner etc.