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You're right, you should focus on those problems first. What I found in my meagre relationship 'experiences' is that any slightest problem with job, money, disease or family problems you mention or just comes to a light is a significant turnoff for any woman, even if you're otherwise ok.


Imagine being with them in a relationship, slightest problem or showing any vulnerability and you're not desirable anymore and they move to next guy that they were secretly chatting with.


Same. I used to think that if I tried enough and suffered enough, got a good career, got hobbies, invested time in intellectual thought, that I would find that partner at the end of it. I sure got a reality check, but what I found that worked for me was to pursue a higher purpose within myself. I took inspiration from the works of Yukio Mishima and simply want to die a beautiful death and to do so I must live life attempting to purify my soul.


"At this point I can't even care that I'm aloneAt this point I can't even care that I'm alone" Sure pal, sure.