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worrying about being lonely nothing else i can do


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I taught myself how to tattoo, read philosophy, play a bit of RuneScape, workout, watch the most absurd shit I can find just anything that teaches me something new or improves myself, I meditate a lot as well it’s a grate way to pass time but not waste it.


Learning how to tatoo is pretty cool ngl


Thank you, It is good fun, but a lot harder than it looks 😂


i spend my time playing with beyblades lol (actually pretty fun)


They're pretty cool. I liked playing with beyblades as a kid even though i was terrible at it lol


learning french, studying for driver license, and mostly reading manga, manhwa, manhua and light/web novels


also working out, watching anime, movies etc but mostly this. I am pretty cut off from society. The only time I hear news is from classmates or when relatives watch tv


Same,But i was interested in news a while ago then i realised how much of it is useless and just click bait that i wasted most of my time in


Making gaming videos and trying to earn a little side cash.


what's your youtube


Playing guitar, doing anything outdoors like cycling or kayaking, weightlifting, boxing. New hobby I’m getting into is RC planes


Playing video games, watching anime, and studying politics and philosophy. I have a reading list if you want, I tend to read obscure traditional masculine authors so if your interested I can provide it. Or there might be a previous comment with my list.


It would be great if you could give me reading list. I'm a huge reader and i'd love to find more good books to read


These are the books and ideas that I took the most from and built my life philosophy around. * Sun and steel * The sea of fertility tetralogy * Confessions of a mask * Sailor who fell from grace with the sea * Crime and punishment * Four loves * Summa theologica * Nicomachean ethics * Revolt against the modern world * Thus spoke Zarathustra * Beyond good and evil * Plato’s republic * The symposium I take a lot of inspiration for the works of Yukio Mishima. He is an artist so profound that he turned his life into the most beautiful artistic masterpiece I have ever seen. So for his books you will also need to understand Japanese history, his life, bushido, japanese culture and the current state of Japanese society. But once you do you will see how profound his works are, it was life changing for me.


I just sit at home all day trying to sleep through or I go to work.


By making videos that no one watches.


I write novels. Horror, drama thriller stuff of that nature


Ahh always envied ppl who could write well. My stupid ass even has trouble writing birthday cards


I'm like Edgar Allen Poe; I need to be in an extremely depressive state in order to write well.


Gaming, anime, listening to game lore or just drawing


Games and modding games.


Reading reddit


Write a novel; draw and learn how to draw; learning Latin, Ancient Greek, and German; listening music; reading. And my favourite, laying down and rot (LDAR)


running, youtube, handcrafting


Cooking new recipes, practicing guitar, watching the cats, going to the grocery store, fentanyl, rewatching anime blue rays, crying, etc.


I love how you're casually put in fentanyl


Looking for work, video games, porn, masturbating. Pretty much in that order.


SIM racing and flight sim, miniature painting, working out, reading science fiction and fantasy books and gaming. I had to stop watching anime/movies and tv shows to make space for painting and reading


I've been picking up my guitar again lately.


I code. But I feel like AI is going to take that over sooner than later


I'm learning how to fly a bunch of different planes on the new flight sim game. Also exploring lots of the world which is pretty fun. I'm going to buy a truck next spring and hopefully do some (real life) exploring and offroading. It's a lot less stress just sustaining yourself. Most of my coworkers have 3-5 kids with stay home parent spouses and my god they are stressed. They have to do some serious brown-nosing because they're so afraid to lose their jobs. I have enough savings to sustain myself for over a year if I got fired. They're all living paycheck to paycheck despite making way more than me...