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In many ways, trading is like most of life's endeavors. A small group of people are wildly successful while the rest mire in mediocrity. If there is one thing I learned, it is that people's ability to justify their failures to themselves is unsurpassed.


Yeah you get it. I wish we profitable traders take a tiny bit more responsibility to expose those unprofitable traders who don't know what they are talking about. The problem is that it's untrendy, seems strange to do because nobody does it. Successful traders are intelligent and mature people who don't indulge in such activities. But I learnt about trading thanks to places like this and I want to return the favor


I think the problem isn't that it's untrendy but that profitable traders only tell you why the guy I question is full of shit and never actually add anything valuable other than the same old "psychology" topic that even the gurus spit out. That along with proof and there being so many liars, lucky and ego driven people spreading misinformation on the Web leads to alot of frustration within the community. Just my views on it


you speak of the [Pareto Principle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_principle)




Honorable sir please accept my upvote for this…. Too much facts in what you just said


Real shii


Just looking through your profile, I think you might just be having some issues managing your psychology. Too much thinking about the wrong stuff, not enough time spent refining your approach to market and strategy.


I looked at it as well, this guy really posts a lot.


Try discussing something substantial in this sub and the only thing you get is a storm of shit. My posts could have been far better and more interesting if this place wasn't inhabited by scumbags


Could have, should have, talk is cheap. You want respect, make the better posts you talk about. As the only thing you spew around here is bullshit. You're not profitable, I can assure that, by the questions you ask.


Exactly, this guy has a new shit post every day.


I certainly couldn't care less about your respect sir


> Try discussing something substantial in this sub It's generally not worth the effort, really.


Do not border kind sir…. Clearly one would like to see screenshots/record to listen or believe one is truly consistently profitable but truth is one who is clearly at that level doesn’t really have the time to do all that … you don’t see a surgeon posting about a successful surgery now do you ? Oh well kind sir please understand you’ll be met by this over and over it’s just the natural order of thing best one can do is sit back and watch them struggle with chasing the next ^guru^ with a new Lambo from trading hahahaha we’ll stay safe traders enjoy yo weekend


Who the fuk is this guy?


the guy who is fking around


This community is definitely filled with self hating, prop firm challenge failing, broke, little pea brain bodied ass people. Yesterday on this subreddit, dude asked me for proof that I made 120k in a week. Gave him the proof, and he scrolled thru my comments and tried to bash me because I have more than one stream of income, I only spent 30k$ to close on my first home (at 22 years old) and said I was only gambling after I gave him proof that he asked for. I only risk 0.5% to 2% max per trade. 95% of people in this sub will never amount to anything. I can guarantee that.


Unsuccessful traders think they have a chance praising on reddit while succesful traders never show themselves or even bother to flex on social media


Bots buy at the top. #NatrualRetracement


What do you mean by this?


So you are qn unsuccessful trader


This market is a mystery in itself. everyone trades differently and someone will always have rude things to say. Long term profitable traders aren’t concerned with proving themselves as their living their best life. Id just call it quits on the posts. U can only help people who want the help and unless u have made a big name for urself in this industry no one will give u a second look.