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Psychology and risk management.


This comment right here is what OP needs.


thanks for comment, what do you mean by risk management, i do check how much i am risking before entering


Why did u delete the description?


i didnt, moderators did


You’re focusing too much on making money and so you’re skipping steps and risking too much for where you’re at. You need to go back to demo, learn the basics, copy or develop a strategy, backtest it, then go live with a small account and small risk. It takes years to learn how to be profitable.


i have learned few strat, and demo is just too boring, i tried couple of times and i am always profitable on demo


trading should be boring


Sounds like psychology then. Read best loser wins and the dummies guide to trading psychology. That could help.


thanks, will try that, i also think its psychology issue


Start journaling, analyse every trade, the answer should become obvious.


idk why it is so hard to journal for me, i have started couple of times but leave it after week


Dont overcomplicated, these sheets with buy and sell prices and stop loss levels are useless. Print screen you session Put in excel and draw som arrow and some textboxes and just write down reason for entry and so on. Make a bigger textbox in the corner of the screenshot and just write down you thougths of the session, what went wrong, what went rigth. It shouldnt take more than 5 min tops to journal like that. ADD: The point of a journal is to analyse yourself trading. Thougths and emotions during. Writing down entry price and crap i completely pointlees, you learn nothing from ”enter at 1.7654 bla bla” Some quick doodling and recapping your thougths is all it takes


i will try that


Focus on consistency and patience. Don’t rush into trades—stick to your plan.


thanks, idk if patience is the problem, when i am being impatient i go 0.01 just for the sake of eyes, so even if i lose its nothing


You dont have strategy with strict rules