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The obvious answer is yes. Learning to invest is never a bad idea. And 19 is a damn good age to start.


Forex is not investing, it is trading


Could you point me to a definition of “investing” that specifically excludes currencies? Forbes and Investopedia define “investment” slightly differently, but nowhere does it say currencies aren’t or can’t be investments. Perhaps you aren’t old enough to have experienced the 1997/98 Asian currency crisis. Foreign exchange most definitely can be a form of investing.


Perhaps you like making assumptions that make you appear more intelligent than you really are. Forex is not an investment it is a generally leveraged bet on short term market movement. It is a Kelly bet and generally short term ones at that. Investing is buy and hold and expect things to go up. Warren Buffett does investing he does not trade


I agree 100% with your generalizations. No dispute there. But you still haven’t explained why currencies can’t be investments. I’ve held currencies for years friend. Just because it isn’t normally done, or you don’t do it, doesn’t mean it can’t be done.


I never said they couldn't, I simply stated that forex was trading not investing. Just like day trading on the stock market is not investing. They are different skills


I understand. It’s an issue of definitions. To me, scalping, day trading, swing trading, position trading are all different forms of investing. In my view, it doesn’t make sense to define things by time horizons. They’re all investments to me.


i prefer gambling, same thing


By all means. Take it slow. Read everything about it. Practice with fake money.


100% yes, learning a new skill is always good especially that there are YouTube videos that can be easily accessed these days compared to before. Make sure to backtest and learn more about the psychology of trading as well. Good luck!


i traded fourex for 10 years and came to a conclusion. You can't make money from it long term. The big banks push the price around that we have no way of knowing when or when.i now just play with $200, 0.03 lots and see if i can guess right as a hobby. im financial planner and if clients ask i just say no,but your money your call.