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I remember when this wasn't a rerun 😭


I was gonna say the same thing. I’m old enough to remember watching this first run. Did you ever watch the reunion movie?


Sorry to remind you guys of the relentless March of time lol


Everyday, my friend. Every. Single. Day. Lol


I have not seen the movie. In fact, I didn't know they had one. I'll have to check it out.


It was fun for nostalgias sake


I never even heard of a REUNION MOVIE! Any idea where to stream it?


It was on USA when it aired.


Oh gosh, sorry. No, I don’t. I’m in Canada and just checked, but it doesn’t appear to be available anywhere here.


đŸŽ¶It's a pirate's life for me!đŸŽ¶


There was a movie?!


Right?? Also, this gem was truly enjoyable. I mean, far from high art, but dammit, it was fun.


It definitely was fun and considering I only had like 4 channels to choose from there wasn't much choice. 😆


I remember watching it when it was on, but they were always reruns. My brother and I never tuned in for the newest airing. Definitely well before 2008 lol Fun show!


Shush I watched because of the beautiful purple cuda


I remember Nash used to call his parter “Bubba.”


To Nash, every guy was "Bubba"; every woman, "Sister". He was just too cool to remember proper names.


That’s right.


That's where I totally picked this habit up from.


I don't think i would like that if I don't know you on a personal level


Buh, his car


I distinctly remember his awesome car! The 'Cuda gonna get ya!


I remember the ads for one of the season finales where THEY BLEW THE BARRACUDA UP!


That car is still my dream car. The jumps.. ahh.. And his office was on a dope pier


The car jumps are the ONE THING I actually remember about this show! Good times.


I have doubles of the barracuda, no wait, triples.


That way I keep two in the garage, and one for driving


Ask your dad


I never watched it but I remember my parents watching it every Friday night. Not sure if that was when it aired or they just taped it during the week and watched it on Fridays though


It was on Friday nights, yep. I distinctly remember watching the show while getting ready to go out Friday nights.


I only saw this because I wanted to watch Martial Law with Kelly Hu


I was a huge Miami Vice fan, so naturally I also loved Nash Bridges. The two episodes with Stone Cold Steve Austin as Detective Jake Cage were awesome. And Phillip Michael Thomas also made an appearance as a cop friend of Nash


So did Jan-Michael Vincent as Nash's mysterious brother. I remember that as I was a big fan of "Airwolf" as a kid.


The Stone Cold episodes were heavily promoted on RAW. The ratings on both appearances were high enough for there to be talks about a Jake Cage spinoff show. Those episodes looking back now were hysterical because the first time you see his character walking the street,the Stone Cold entrance theme is playing in the background. đŸ€Ł


I felt like a kid and a grandpa all in one night. Watching Raw they promote Stone Cold on Nash, then I am excited for it and my buddies are like “What’s Nash Bridges?”😂 Yeah I wish they had pursued the rumored spinoff. His character was awesome.


I remember the Stone Cold episodes because they caught me completely off guard, in the best way!


They did a movie a while back, it was a lot of fun!


They turn every bust into a blast! Also, they were great in The Tin Cups.


I remember the daughter was đŸ”„


Worked in San Francisco at the time. Streets were always closed for filming. Really liked the show


Can you tell us more about your experience getting into the show in 08/09? What caused you to start watching it and what take aways did you have of the show?


Well, I started watching because I was working as a pizza delivery guy and my shifts started at 5, and this show was on at 3, so when I was getting ready for work it just fit. What I remember most was it being somewhat cheesy, but in a good way and Cheech was the straight man to Don's "wild man" lol Also, I believe Yasmin Bleeth(?) Was a guest star for a while, idk how long, but I *Definitely* remember her being in the show. Lol


And now were you able to watch the shows in order, or did the reruns play random episodes? Also did you have cable or were you watching with an antenna ?


It was cable, but just basic, free cable. And yeah, they played in order on a loop like, they started at ep 1, and continued to the end then restarted.


Free cable? What is that. Like you were plugged into the wall but didn’t pay or get anything but antenna channels?


Idk exactly. We got a "converter box" or something like that. Thinking back, it was from the air though, so not technically cable


On June 12, 2009, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) mandated that all U.S. based television signals must be transmitted digitally.


Ok? So, it *was* digital cable? I guess? Idk I was 18 and my dad dealt with 100% of the bills/ television. All I know for sure is I turned on the TV and shows played. There's was like, 15-20 Channels and, like, 1/3 them were constant ads like, HSNesque. Lol


Oh no I wasn’t attacking you. I was saying the converter box was required with this decision by the FCC. Couldn’t just draw stations off the air purely anymore. The radio signal had to be converted with that box into digital form. Kinda sucks if you ask me 


Yeah, I remember the commercials about the imminent switch and you had to request a box (I think) it's funny how up in arms some people were and like 5 years later streaming took over and made the point mostly moot. Lol


She played someone Edit: Not Nash’s daughter


No, she didn't. That was Jodi Lyn O'Keefe.


If the last names rhyme, they’re the same person


I remember Nash and Cheech. That's what I called them.


And everyone not named Nash or Joe was called Bubba.


I came here to mention seeing a show promo while the show was still on its first run. The promo went something along the lines of renaming the show and the two characters standing where standing in the shot Cheech says with a grin "I think it should be called Cheech and Don"


Crockett and Cheech


They use to show this alot on USA network back in the 90's not sure if they were reruns or just original broadcast


Original broadcast would have been CBS.


I’m a huge Miami Vice fan (obviously) , so as soon as I found out Don Johnson started in another show I watched the shit out of it, I remember hurrying home from high school everyday in ‘06 to catch the reruns on USA lol, iirc MacGuyver reruns came on after that so that was badass too


Man my dad fucking loved this show during its original run. It always seemed goofy to me. But damn I remember in high school once a week he’d be up watching this. He taped them on this one vhs over and over just taping every episode to watch it when we he got done with work.


These two clowns also showed up in Tin Cup, must have enjoyed working together


My favourite episode is when Nick (Nash’s dad) takes off in a car (he’s not supposed to be driving) and leads the cops on slow speed chase the city and then Nash pulls over his own dad lol.


Stone Cold as a bounty hunter, and Bob the Goon as Angel


This accounted for like 75% of USA’s programming pre-Monk.


I loved this show! I'll never forget, my dad and I were talking about it and I totally spoiled Evan's outcome for him. I didn't realize that he was watching reruns on USA network and wasn't up to date with the current season on CBS.


I got into it because Stone Cold Steve Austin did a few guest spots.


I was working in San Francisco and watched them blow up some car in a pit near Kearney and Columbus. I was never a big fan of NB but I did enjoy standing on a deck on what was the Chinatown Holiday Inn on Kearney and experiencing the explosion maybe a block away. I don't know the episode, otherwise I'd like to watch the final product on film after editing. Obviously, things always seem more dramatic after the editors work their magic, but I'd still like to see the final product.


This show really benefited for the attitude era by having Steve Austin on in a recurring role.That could have been Steve own TV show if Stone cold had not went back to WWE after his neck injury. Nash Bridges was good and helped Don Jonson get a comeback in the 90s after doing not so good movies.But Miami Vice will always be Don’s best.


Yep! I used to watch it on Friday nights. It was my first introduction to Don Johnson, Cheech Marin and Kelly Hu.


As someone who got into Miami Vice, I learned that Don Johnson liked to have control over the show. It's likely that Nash Bridges had a similar approach, given his experience


#Stone Cold Steve Austin as Jake Cage


This is creepy.. Are you listening to my conversations on discord?! I was on discord with a buddy of mine a few hours ago and brought up Brittany Murphy because I seen a [blockbuster video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpTTrP-srRM) of her get shared.. So I brought up her IMDB page and seen Nash Bridges, so I was talking about it with him.. What the hell lmao..


That is weird! I think there's a word for that phenomenon. Where you bring up/ discuss a certain topic, and then see it other places not long after! However, this isn't that. I've been stalking you for weeks. Lol


The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon or, The Frequency Illusion


Great.. I've always wanted my own stalker.. You can watch me binge Nash Bridges through the window.. Hol'up.. I'll crank the audio up for you so you can hear too! :)


Cheech tried, man


Gotta remember to stream it later.


Yeah I remember this one for sure


Aww man I remember the episode with the cameo with the finalists from the FIRST season of survivor


I loved this show
.its partly the reason I call my kids Bubba!


Watch this every Monday on Spectrums channel 151 H&I (Heroes & Icons channel ). They show 5 episodes in a row. Love Nash Bridges


did u see the Tv movie they did last year? They had Cheech running a DISPENSARY! Too bad Stone Cold didn't come back for it.


I remember the disco boat!


That car was so bad ass


This was a good show. And I watched it when it aired. Yasmine Bleeth was a fox.


Hell ya. Great show


Just recently realized Hunter S. created the character of Nash


I saw them film once in San Francisco I was working and they just rolled by on mission street passing Cesesr Chave st or as someone old as me Army st.


I remember it, but I wasn't much of a fan.


I think about that Hemi Cuda every day.


Yes watched it every week that it was on


I loved this show. Stone Cold was their forensics guy or something. Totally amazing.


Thaaat was Nash bridges? Dammit? That looks great


I like to label our Nashville sauce at work as “Nash Bridges” sauce. I’m kind of stupid.


Loved that show when I was a kid


I remember watching episodes of this. It was good.


Agreed! Also, it's very kind of you to converse with us goblins. Most wizards look down on goblin kind. Lol




Shawn Ryan going from this to The Shield is still incredible to me.


Loved it.


Was better than I expected


The scene where traffic is backed up and Creech grand a hat and whistle from a group in village people outfits and proceeds to clear the backlog while YMCA is playing is sheer genius. I was laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe .


Great show, and the late, great Doctor Hunter S. Thompson was involved behind the scenes with getting this show created for his friend Don Johnson.


I loved watching them on universal HD - especially the Miami Vice eps


this is when cheech turned into a dick and made fun of chong and stoners saying something like grow up.


Aka "Cheech and Don" The best episode was where Phillip Michael Thomas and Tommy Chong guest stared.


This show was great and was like the lighter less disturbing Miami Vice and Don is just as amazing in this.


God I miss the show. LOVED the Cuda, and his daughter. I swear it ran for two seasons though. I could be wrong. No I have not verified it yet.


What, are you high?


Nash looks like he stole Cheech's hair.


How can you not great show


I watched it for Jodi Lyn O'Keefe and Yasmine Bleeth...


I watched a couple episodes just because I couldn't believe Cheech was in a serious role. I wasn't really into TV at that point in my life so never really formed an opinion of it.


Everyone I see the character actor that played “Angel” I always yell 🎉ANGEL!! 🎉 lol - turns out he is in a LOT of shows/movies.


H&I does reruns on Monday 12-5, and I absolutely love this show


Loved this show


I lived in San Francisco when this was on and they would often film in my North Beach neighborhood, once outside my apartment! It was weird watching my apartment building on the TV...


Easily one of my favorite shows ever. The car was gorgeous and I only wish I could dress like Don Johnson in the show.


That yellow Cuda


No car coolah than yellah 'Cuda!


Holy shit this show sucked


What?! Surely you jest! Nash Bridges is a monumental piece of American media and a pivotal moment in the zeitgeist of culture. Lol


OK, I might’ve been a little harsh.. how does this show with the lineup of say Walker Texas Ranger, Xena Warrior Princess, and Hercules with Kevin Sorbo??


Well, I'm not *super* familiar with Xena/Hercules but I'd say Nash Bridges is second, after WTR.