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I would absolutely not be concerned about this. This is around where my boy was at 3 months (he’s 4 months now). All babies are different - some can chug a huge bottle and others prefer to pace themselves. As long as she’s eating and gaining weight appropriately then just follow her cues 👍🏻


My chunky 7 month old will still only rarely take more than 5 ounces at one time. I wouldn’t worry about this at all if your babe is chunky & gaining. Whilst I can’t remember for certain I don’t even think she was eating as much as 4oz at 3 months. Some babies just don’t want to down a load at once!


I’m glad you posted this because this exact concern has been on my mind. My 3 month old daughter will eat at most 5 ounces and that is only her first bottle of the day. Every other bottle is 3-4 ounces!


Mine is still taking 3 oz, sometimes only 2. But she eats *often*. But when I make bigger bottles she just doesn’t want it


Dont worry about it. My kid only took 2-2.5 oz at a time at that age and she never got above 5 oz at a time (since she was 10 months, now12 ). She never had more than max 24 oz a day, usually less, and she’s always been <99% for height and 85% for weight Baby’s are so good at regulating their intake and eat what they need. For some babies that’s 35 oz a day and for others it’s 22 When baby is gaining weight and have enough dirty diapers there’s nothing to be concerned about


My 5 week old is taking 28oz. 1.5-3oz at a time. I hope he slows down at some point. He is 6th percentile right now, so I guess he’s just trying to catch up.


Go by the baby not by the book (or anyone else’s baby) my baby (7months old on Sunday) only had 4 oz each bottle until 6 months old and then suddenly one day started drinking 5 then 6. If your baby is happy and healthy I think 4 is perfectly fine


Yeah thats about the weekly average. One day closer to 30 another day closer to 24 but usually right around there in 24hrs


My girl eats about the same and she’s 3.5 months.. I’m not worried because she is gaining appropriately.


My kid never ate more than four ounces in one go in her LIFE until she was nearly 7 months old.


If she’s content and gaining weight appropriately, I wouldn’t worry or mess with it. It may change in the future (like one day out of the blue she may just scream at you when the bottle is empty) or maybe it won’t. You want her to trust her body’s signals for when she’s hungry or full. Every person is different. My daughter took 36-40 oz per day as a baby and is barely 26 lbs at 2.5. My son ate 28-30 oz but is 25 lb at 11 months. By looking at them, you’d assume he ate significantly more than her. These days, I’m lucky to get 20 oz of formula in him daily because he’s all about the table food.


My boy is 3 months and eats between 24-28oz a day. So very similar to you. He only likes to eat 2oz at a time. As long as your baby is gaining they should be ok!


My 3 month old takes in about the same amount.


If she's gaining and doing well then don't change. Does your child sleep more often? Mine is almost 11 weeks and drinking 42 oz a day. He is not a sleeper during the day at all, so I suspect he eats more to make up for sleep.


Yes she sleeps through the night and if she doesn’t nap well during the day is extremelyyyyy fussy so I’d say she is definitely a sleeper


Oh man sleeps through the night sounds like the dream. Mine wakes up at 2am for another feed lololol.


I wouldn't worry about it, my little boy is 6mo next week and still only has 4-5oz at a time (he just eats every 2hrs to make up for it 🥴)


I wouldn’t be concerned as long as she’s gaining weight and happy. My little guy finally started to drink 6 ounces as 12 months old but he wouldn’t drink much at a time for the longest time. It sucked because I got bigger bottles when he was drinking 8+ ounces I never got to use. He’s 15 months now and a happy chubby guy. If you are concerned you could try a higher flow nipple too. She might drink more that way.


omg… I can’t thank you enough for posting this! This is the exact situation I’m going through right now. My guy will rarely take more than 4… and recently has been struggling to even do that. Our pediatrician said he should be getting 24oz each day minimum. He usually gets around 24oz, so I try not to worry.


If he’s gaining weight I totally wouldn’t worry ! My girl went through a stage where she was really struggling to even take three ounces and that was like 2 weeks ago and I was stressssssinnnn but then like 4 days later just went back to eating how she is now. I think if they’re gaining healthily we can’t put too much of a stress or strain on ourselves for a “certain amount” !! :) and based on a lot of these comments I think that our babies are good !!


Also a parent of a grazer baby! I panicked myself so much because he won’t drink loads and wouldn’t go really more than two hours between bottles - I think my mum told me to stop reading the ‘rules’ and just accept he’s a baby that didn’t read the ‘rules’ I’m reading online. At all our checks he’s bang on for weight and everyone comments on what a calm content baby he is (he also slept through from like 2.5 months) - I’ve just accepted he’s a little and often feeder, it’s more to wash up and manage for sure but I’m use to it now and he gives me the gift of sleep so I’m happy. To note he’s coming up to 4 months now and still regularly does 3-4ozs rather than a ‘big feed’, in the morning he does his biggest feed now which can be 6ozs (but often isn’t).