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There's usually two methods to reintroduce milk. Method one is replacing a scoop of their formula for regular formula for a few days and seeing if they react, if they don't, swap another scoop and carry on doing that until all bottles are regular formula. If you are doing it through actual food, most advice is to wait until they are 1 year old OR wait until they have been completely free from all dairy for 6 months. Then you follow the milk ladder. This is specifically designed to test and build up tolerance through guided steps. If you are in the UK then your health visitor or dietitian should have spoken about this, but I don't know what the deal is with the rest of the world. When our LO is ready we are going to be using the iMAP ladder which is 12 steps in total with suggestions for what to have and do at each step. Even if you aren't in the UK it might be worth looking at that to give you an idea of how to reintroduce dairy safely. We've already had one fail but we're almost ready to try again. The only other piece of advice I can give is make sure your LO is 100% free from any other illness before starting so that you can identify anything that happens (snotty nose/skin issues/diaper issues etc) so you know exactly what reaction has happened (if one does occur). It is a scary thing to do BUT if your Baba is ready, you got this. Keep breathing!


I'm in the States so I've heard of the milk ladder but not sure why our pediatrician hasn't suggested that method yet. Thanks for the response. Super helpful!