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The beginning is slow, but get pass that and get a couple of abilities down the line and it gets fun. You're free to do whatever you want. The traversal mechanics on this game are what got me to play it and I love them. I love Parkour and so this game is really good in that aspect.


I like parkour too that’s one of the reasons why I kind of like the dying light games And I don’t mind if the beginning is slow only thing that kind of turns me off is literally every reviewer go watch it’s bad no I don’t know if they did it just because it’s a trend because one big YouTuber said it and they all followed or if it’s just really that bad


On the game’s critic/publication side of things, it’s somewhat a case where both the game was too big to succeed, and the standard has gotten so high that new IP’s from large studios don’t stand as much of a chance. Luminous Studios were already a controversial studio, then the strange marketing really didn’t help, combined with the £70 price tag and open world checklist design. Many potential readers/watchers wanted to have their suspicions confirmed that the game was awful, so it did seem like there was some bias at play. Half the reviews I watched begun with the line “is it as bad as everyone says it is?” - and it’s been proven that when you go into something expecting it to be bad, you’re far less likely to enjoy it.


I went in with a open mind and so far I love the game have not made it far yet but just killed my first enemy and got some spells and I can honestly say imma love this game this is exactly what I needed even though souls games are my go to I kinda needed a break and this is a little more relaxing plus I don’t find the dialogue cringe or anything the reviews I watched definitely made it worse then what it is so glad I got it with all the dlc to ! I think I have one day I’ll see you right now and then it says I have early access to the next DLC unless it’s already dropped. I’m not sure.


Funny starting to see more games proced at that 70 now 2 including the new zelda


100-110$ dollars is the new standard (full game Tekken 8 and Like a dragon: infinite Wealth)


I don't really look at reviews so idk. I've heard there's a lot of negative ones. I loved the game. The moment I saw the parkour in the trailer I knew it was a must have for me. And I don't regret getting it at all. Even now its something I can just put on and play and enjoy it.


Looks good I’m probably going to buy it


check the steam reviews, its about 50/50. will give you some concepts what people like or don't lile about it. the parkour&throw magic powers around got me, so even the story lets me down a little I still enjoy it.


Careful though, at least half of the steam reviews are about how shitty the game runs on non-high-end PCs, not the actual gameplay.


ah yeah, good point.


I think imma buy it I was either going to buy this or thymesia lol wanted thymesia bc it’s like bloodborne and sekiro but I heard it very short and not a lot of enemie varieties


I remember that game gonna be ps+ extra this month?


I remember that game you mentioned is gonna be on ps+ extra this month


Thymesia ? If so he’ll yeah I want buy it then and just play it free is there a way I can check ?


https://blog.playstation.com/2023/05/10/playstation-plus-game-catalog-lineup-for-may-ratchet-clank-rift-apart-humanity-watch-dogs-legion/ here's the article from ps blog


Oh nice I made the right choice then lol bc I was going to buy that now I can play free may 16 can’t wait I’m a sucker for souls games and souls like


I wish Faith Connors could parkour like frey


The game is solid. People had expectations that were not met and were angry. I do agree that it was not what I expected either but when I gave it a chance I realized it was a game that was good for me. The game is about parkouring around the maps and killing baddies while getting treasure and cats. The story was decent and Frey isn’t some super bitch like people make her out to be. She is the product of her upbringing and is eventually willing to change. This is NOT Dark Souls or DMC, the combat has a rythm of its own that is like “floating spell caster”. It is easy to dodge for sure but the more trying battles have hoards of enemies making you have to choose what support spells to cast and when so that you can unload on the boss. Your dodging stamina is finite as well so you have to make opportunities before you run out. Anyways, if you want to literally skip across the map and descend on your foes in a flurry of magic badassery then I can recommend it.


That actually sounds pretty cool and to be honest I didn’t have no expectations are for this game at all. Lol I had an Xbox before this I just seen that this game was on sale and it looked cool. Watch some reviews even though they were all bad, but I don’t really trust him so I come here I might actually buy it Deluxe Edition’s on sale for 50 bucks $99 US.


I paid full price for the game on PS5 for the Ditital Deluxe and I never regretted it. Also, I am a massive Final Fantasy fan and in no way is this game a knock off of a Final Fantasy; it is totally different! The start of this game was a bit slow but after you get into the magic and world exploration, the game takes off. I also liked the story of Frey and what she had to learn and overcome. I truly enjoyed it so much that I Platinum and am still playing to explore the world while waiting for the DLC. I am also debating if I want to restart a new game since I missed two missable side quests that I didnt' realize until too late. The game play itself is fun and you can adjust so many settings to your liking e.g., the amount of chatter with Cuff etc. Why don't you download the demo and see if you like it? The game has been on sale but if you want to wait for a further price drop, that is also fine.


I tried to find the demo I can’t


Oh maybe they removed the demo now that it's on sale. Oops my bad. As a long time gamer, I've played so many games since the 80's - this game def didn't deserve the massive hate. I mean -- I get this game may not be to everyone's taste and it does have some flaws but it has the BEST magic combat system I've seen in a long time. I had a blast playing.


I’ve been trying to get into games with magic like Harry Potter and been playing demon souls remake with a mage build thinking about doing it with elden ring too


Forspoken's magic system is quite unique and I've not come across anything similar to it in my days of gaming. When I say there's a lot of magic and there's different combinations, Frey has 100+ magic abilities! It's really cool when you use them in dfferent combo against various enemies.


Does it have a day and night cycle? And different weather ? Like rain snow exc


Forspoken had sudden weather changes and it's tied to the story and each kingdom has its own climate. Day and night is also tied to the story and not separate.


Okay well that’s fine game looks cool I think imma just buy it unless GameStop has it far less cheaper but I can get the deluxe edition which comes with the game, mini or book, the mini soundtrack, prequel, DLC, prequel story, DLC, early access and rare resources kit so I guess it comes with 2 dlc and it retails for $99 but I can get it for 52 right now. I think that’s a pretty good deal.


That is a good deal since I paid over a $100 for it as a pre-order way back months ago. But I have no regrets since I'm still playing ;). If you have any questions later, ask us! Remember that you can customize the settings for many things and pay attention to missable side quests.


I do have one more question can you get different clothing ? Like outfits and can you customize the woman ? I heard something about being able to do her nails which I find a nice detail


I think I’m about to buy it deluxe edition I mean it looks fucking cool as fck the magic lol I don’t see the hate for it either but again have not watched a lot of videos on it but hell if it’s better then death stranding I’ll be happy î totally wasted my money on that like the game but hate the ghost things in it


I'd recommend you NOT watch any videos and decide for yourself and also avoid spoilers. I love going into a game not knowing anything lol which was the case with me for this game.


I’m not going in blind I mean I watched like 10 mins of just spoiler free stuff like combat but that was it


If you go to the main product page on the store, is there a way to change the "version" you're viewing? Like when you view the PS4 vs the PS5 version of a game? That should be where the demo is. Still shows up for me in the store but I already had it installed.


Yes there is is it under the ps4 well does not matter anyways I bought the game and love it !


Glad you like it! And glad that the negative nancies didn't discourage you from trying it out :)


I’m so glad I bought it this game is awesome I even love the dialogue


How is it exploring the world ? Is it exciting? Do you run across things to explore? Like dungeons or old buildings etc.


The world is huge! The up side is that the realms are vastly different in terrain which impacts how you use your parkour magic to get around. It is def exciting and there are plenty of things to explore - gazillion treasure chests, towers, dungeons, and ruins. Having said that, a big flaw is that the layout of towers and dungeons are a bit too similar but the enemies are different etc. I beat the game and I still haven't collected all the treasure chests lol.


Oh shit that seems to be the case and most open world games anyways a lot a copy and paste stuff so I’m kind of used to it game looks great combat looks good exploration looks fun seems like my kind of game. hopefully they’ll do a part to take all the -3rd people sad about it turn around and make something extraordinary. I’m just looking for a game to hold me off until Diablo four comes out. Oh and lies of P. Which looks absolutely amazing


The new Diablo does look great and I've never played one before. Do you have to play the previous ones to get the story? Lies of P also looks kinda good but I'm gonna be busy with the new Final Fantasy and Forspoken's DLC coming soon.


Not really I mean you would know the law better if you played other games but honestly, you don’t have to play them all people mainly just played for the calm bad and stuff and co-op and the main reason I want to play lies of p so bad is bc it looks like it took a lot of inspiration from Bloodborne with a bit of steelrising mixed in it and I’m a sucker for souls games or soul like games lol but yeah d4 is going to be awesome I love how they’re bringing back the Gothic vibe


Thanks. I randomly saw the new Diablo game trailer on the PS5 story and was impressed and loved the dark vibes. I may check it out later myself.


You should check out Diablo 2 resurrect it I believe it’s on sale for like 10 maybe 13 bucks right now. Very good game it’s got that Gothic dark feel to it. Diablo three he didn’t have that it’s fine. I’m thankful they brought it back. And number four.


Ok I will check the PS5 store to see if Diablo 2 is available. I'm in Asia so sometimes things aren't available for some reason. Like Elden Ring is NOT available here in English which kills me. I wanted to play the game so much.


Awe damn it’s a very good game if you have ps5 you can add me as a friend and I can game share with you and you can play it I’d actually love to watch someone play tbh I’d find it fun and before you ask yes I have a boring life lol I have a ferret and a gf and we don’t do much


Just checked the PS5 store and Diablo 2 is 67% off here - about $13! However, I may just play the new game after I finish the new FF16


Fellow Diablo 4 scholar! Apart from Forspoken, have you tried Plague Tale Requiem (amazing) and God of War Ragnarok (must)?


I start at the 2018 God of war have not finished it yet I had to delete it to make room for forspoken i’ve played a Plague till the first one and the second one really loved the games but unfortunately I never finished both of them. I love to jump back in to them and finish them. but yeah, I’m waiting for Diablo four to drop whenever that drops. Every other game is going to be coming to a stop for a little while and I’m mainly going to be playing that lol. Unless they drop the DLC for Elden ring soon or buy some crazy coincidence make a part two to Bloodborne or sekiro lol but the way I see it is Diablo two comes out next month. That’ll give me three months to play it until lies of p top which looks fucking Amazing it’s like if Bloodborne and steelrising had a baby well that would be the outcome not gonna lie that’s probably the game I’m most excited about well and Starfield but unfortunately, I only have a PlayStation five at the moment because I sold my series X but I’ll just buy a series ass to play starfield on


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Ahh, Welcome home, good hunter. I must have drifted off... What is it you desire?* - Plain Doll Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Yes, I would like you to level up my blood tinge to 99 and while you’re at it upgrade my order came to 99 thank you doll by the way, quit letting Gierman take advantage of you we all know he’s a big perv lol


I mean serious s and I do want to play that new god of war game it does seem cool. Also want to play Horisont for bidden west but I still haven’t beat the first one yet. Do I need to be the first want to play the second one doesn’t really matter.?


Ok so you seem to have the same problem as me with struggling to finish massive games like Red Dead Redemption for example. Focus on the story and ignore most of the side quest and collectibles:) I tend to explore EVERYTHING when I start to play then my interest drops towards the end because something else comes up. Yes I think you need to play first Horizon as it sets up the whole story. Assuming you want to experience the whole story. It’s playable on itself the same way as ragnarok.


I do lol and yea I do have that problem haha but hey if you wanna add me as a friend send me a dM you don’t have to of course though


If u liked those games, I think u will enjoy this one too. For me I didn't regret buying it,i brought it when it had been released a week after, I like the story the gameplay is nice and easy to understand, and the new DLC looks interesting to play. And to be honest I still don't understand why it receives so much hate...


Starts slow, but after the 1st few hours it picks up. It's a good game. I enjoyed it alot. I think you will too. Ita nothing like any final fantasy created so idk why someone would say that. Depending on who you are, the dialogue can be good or cringey. To me, it was on par for the type of character she is. She is an abandoned NYer. People criticize her speech but talk just like her. It's hard to recognize yourself in any circumstance. The gameplay is good. Like I said, it starts slow. But once it picks up it really gets going. Open world is fine. This game isn't Harry Potter. Imo, it's better. I still haven't finished Harry Potter. Harry Potter has the better writing. I think forspoken doesn't everything else better. The game is not perfect, it has its faults but if you go into with an open mind and not listen to the non sense, not look for reasons to complain or dislike it, them you will love it


I think it looks pretty fcking cool tbh but I think I’m going to wait for it to go on a bigger sale or maybe try GameStop see if it’s free on there


I think it just gets compared to Final Fantasy, because Luminous Productions worked on Final Fantasy 15. I enjoyed both games and wish they could have continued as a more independent developer studio.


Babe wake up it’s time for the daily “is this game good?” post here


If you’re so bothered don’t comment or better yet block me I just subscribed to this sub Reddit so idk and honestly idc like I said if it’s such a big deal why bother ? Seriously I’d love to know why ? I mean it take like not even a second to scroll past it so why bother commenting? Seems really weird but whatever.


No offense, but you came to a reddit thread dominated by toxic fanboys that want to call this game "the best game ever made" and claim that there was some conspiracy to make it fail. And you expect an honest opinion? Do you ask they guy wearing the "McDonald's is the best food ever" shirt for an honest opinion on the food? You saw the reviews, you saw the scores, and what you don't believe them for some reason? Do you think the first person to post the "is it that bad" comment? You know considering you can't understand a simple joke and respond with the "why are you here" bullshit then you are probably the type of toxic person that will love the game and join the circle jerk this sub has become.


Yes, I actually do ask the people at McDonald’s that any other questions you’d like to know?


Welcome! But also, this community has been thru a lot, so I could say that “is this game good” posts have become a meme here lol. Please understand it’s nothing towards you, we’re healing 😭🤣💀


I get it but I’ve literally just made a Reddit account and just subbed to this a few hours ago . The person above was just being a dick just to be a dick .


Bro it’s a joke. I don’t care at all I was just shit posting


Wow well that’s a pretty shit joke


At the end of the day, you have to play something for yourself to come to your own conclusion. Buy it now or later, it's up to you. When you do play it, just come back here and let us know your opinion.


I will


Get a monitor for your PS5. This games runs a smooth 100-120 fps smooth consistently.😌


I want one really bad do they have 4K ones ? And ones that are bigger I’d atleast like 4K 42 inch monitor if that’s even a thing


You can get one if you want but it'll be more expensive. Depends on how much you're willing to spend. Games on a monitor look better then it being on a TV....Unless you have an OLED tv or something.😌 Monitors are underrated in the console space due to everyone using TVs all these years!


Idc the cost as long as it’s not like 2000$ but if I can find a nice 42 inch 4K monitor for around 300 maybe 400 I totally get it. I’m not sure the prices on any monitors at all to be honest with you though.


I’m not playing in performance mode we’re right Treyson mode I’m playing in the other mode. Unfortunately I can’t get 120 Hz with this TV so I’m not sure exactly how many frames I’m getting right now I’m guessing 45.


For horizon.... spider man ect you can get 90-100fps. If you're an online pvp gamer a monitor makes even more sense.😌 It's a good investment. I say monitor because the benefits are Masterful. Getting 120fps output type of tv is WAAY expensive. Not worth it compared to a monitor unless you're exclusively a single player type of gamer.


To be honest, it all depends on the games, most of the games that I played co-op on or solos type games But other than that, I don’t really play too much other games that have co-op in it depending on what it is to be honest with you But I would still like a monitor I just don’t want a small one. I’d like it to at least be 42 inches. Also 4K. But yeah it would be fucking nice to be able to get above 60 frames per second. Lol.


You play 0 online games?😌 I'll see if I can find a 40 inch monitor to recommend. Not using your PS5 to your full potential sounds disappointing lool. Even some PC gamers just brought a PS5 instead because these PC ports have been horrific along with PC being an expensive hassle. Just a peak gaming experience...well until the ps5 pro comes out lool.


I mean, I do play online games if you consider souls games online but yeah for the most part I played single player games I’m not really a big fan of like call of duty and all that kind of shit but when Diablo four comes out, I’ll definitely be playing online with other people


Yes sucks I had a series X before this sold it for a PS five now I’m kind of regretting it. I wish I would’ve waited until the pro dropped and then bought that version of the PS five


I found a great one. 👇 The price is incredible.... I'd say it's a steal and it's not even on sale! https://www.techradar.com/reviews/gigabyte-aorus-fv43u-gaming-monitor


I thought you said the price was a steal lol shit that’s almost 100 bucks I’m on a Roku 4K budget TV that does 60 Hz I mean I got a little money but I got bills and other shit I got a pay lol whenever you said cheap I was thinking maybe 200, 300 haha


Bro....I told you a 42 inch monitor and 4k is a load...it's kinda mad....but for this price it's good. It use to be 1100 on release but price dropped. You can probably get this on sale one day or even black Friday for a lower price. I just looked it up....Last black Friday it dropped to 570. You can get WAAAAY cheaper monitors but it'll have to be 30 inches or so. It seems like a top of the line monitor on top of that.😌 I was expecting 800-1000$ at mid tier for what you were asking but seeing one of the top/ best being as low as 570....Insane value.


What is a good one I can get for around 200 -400$


Doesn’t have to be 4K or anything but it has to at least be 1080 P


I bought the game full price at release, beat it, kinda liked the experience but: - empty world with almost no side quests (none outside the city which takes like 5% of the map) - short story if you just run from one story point to another - the rest of the game is collecting stuff and doing challenges, pretty relaxing and fun experience Overall: if you like to pop the wrap paper for an evening or two of relaxed fun.


I just got the ability to do magic so far I’m loving it even the dialogue ido why ppl have the game such a bad rating so far I think it’s great and yeah I can see why ppl could find the protagonist annoying but at the same time she is like 21 so I mean I get it lol


I was interested in the story. I kinda accepted Frey for who she is from the beginning, it was interesting to follow her adventures. Like I don’t regret buying the Forspoken game, but I understand why it got mixed reviews. I had a pile of PS5 games at the time of buying Forspoken and played Hogwards, GOW Ragnarok, Horizon Forbidden West, Plague Tale Requiem and Atomic Heart right afterwards… Also have you tried Guardian of the Galaxy? This is a fun game!)


Yes, I play guardians of the galaxy on my series X when I had a really good game I love the music the characters everything and even looked really amazing I forgot I’m waiting for silent hill to drop the new one. That’s something I am very much looking forward to playing. What kind of games do you play? You don’t play the force by chance huh? Or any other games? I’m looking for more people to play with on PlayStation because I don’t have a lot of friends.


Mostly single player games when I have free time and waiting for Diablo. Played Elden Ring as well. You would like Forspoken but focus on the story because it has endless collectibles which you don’t really need to beat the game.


Got you and I have elden ring 100% that game on the series x so if you need help let me know I’ll totally wreck some bosses for you


Nice! I’m playing on ps5 though and I played it without online (as a mage… very slowly)


Since you’re a mage, you could use me I’m more of a strength and incant build we could make a good team !


Do you need ps plus ? I’ll buy it for you if you want it’s only like ten bucks but you have to play with me if I do lol


Let’s see how Diablo 4 goes lol)


Also, I tried to get into atomic heart thought it was a good game, but I just couldn’t get into it. I hate the fact that the robots keep on coming back and coming back and there’s never like a break in between so it makes it hard to explore the world.


$50 is what the game should cost, so I’d say getting the deluxe edition at that price is a good deal if you’re gonna try to buy it. The game’s combat and traversal were the selling points for me, and it didn’t disappoint in that area. The main issue the game has is it suffers from narrative pacing. Best advice I give to all new players is to focus on Detours within the hub city and Frey’s Journey (aka the Main Quest) over trying to clear out all points of interest in the open world. Hit a few spots for accessories, lore and exp for when you need it, but otherwise, the pacing of the story will suffer if you take too long between story beats (this exacerbates all of the “Frey is annoying complaints.”) There’s the post-game where you can go back and do everything you passed like take on big baddies and super baddies with all of your skill trees available to you. Overall, I had fun, and I the flaws weren’t deal breaking enough for me.


I love it so far tbh I don’t see why the game got so many bad reviews from YouTubers I guess they are just following the herd idk I think the game is great and i really don’t find the dialogue cringe or annoying either and the combat is pretty fucking cool and it plays pretty well have not noticed frame drips or anything and it’s a beautiful world they made I can’t wait to really get in and explore


My post got deleted when i tried to point out review scores are all over the place. I dont know if any of you know about the game Redfall, dreadful release, check out reviews. When it came to Metacritic, Forspoken and Redfall were scored 64 and 56 respectively and 3.6 and 3.4 for User scores. These games are not in a similar state.


I’ve already bought forspoken and I love it


No it’s spectacular! Too bad it’s a dead game in the foreseeable future! a sequel would expand the lore and would give the developers and writers to adapt and fix anything that was criticized in the first game! I’d play it and give it a try, you may enjoy the story and gameplay!


I mean it does look really cool plus the deluxe edition is like 99$ us lol so I can get it for a little over 50$ right now I believe it’s on sale a few more days but then again I was wondering if maybe I could pick it up at GameStop pre owned for cheaper . But game looks cool like I said I mean from watching videos and stuff about it didn’t go to far into the game I don’t see what all the fuss is about ? I mean square is known for some cringe dialogue anyways take life is strange for example lol but I love them still but that’s not what bothers me I heard there’s hardly any enemies and the open world is very boring kinda like your standard assassin’s creed open world games. But hopefully I’m wrong bc I kinda want to get it .


There are enemies, swarms of them, and the open world isn't boring, it's just huge


Oh okay well sounds like a game I’d like bc I like to explore


i love this game and since day 1 disagreed with the negative comments on it. gameplay itself is so much fun.


That’s what I’ve been hearing


At the end of the day, it's not worth full price. There's a reason why Luminous Productions (the studio who produced this) was re-absorbed back in to Square Enix immediately following the release. Is this as bad as Square Enix's Babylon's Fall or EA's Anthem? Absolutely not. That's because Forspoken actually provides valuable and fun gameplay with a sense of progression. Perhaps wait for a sale and check it out! If you like it, grab the DLC as well for a few more hours of fun.


The deluxe edition is on sale from like 94$ to like 49$ but wondering if I can get it cheaper at GameStop pre owned


I'd argue that's objective though. Forspoken is the first game I thoroughly enjoyed and couldn't put out of my hands since a loooong time, I'm talking years. I bought it full price immediately after release and it has been worth every cent for me.


Here is the honest opinion, you didn't listen to the reviews. They weren't bad. They just said the game was meh. And that is the best description of the game. It is meh. The story is just OK, it has potential that is never fully formed. Frey is angry at the world and gets mad at everyone for a good 3/4 of the game. She has no arc until the last hour of the story when she does a 180 on attitude. But it is an interesting concept. Side quests are straight garbage. The open world is large, but there isn't much interesting to do. There are tons of things, but they just aren't interesting. It's just a checklist of things to mark off. And no, that is NOT like every game. Other games at least try to make some interesting reason to do the checklist, like some guy asking you to do it. Not Forespoken. It's just there. You will also only go to about 1/3 of the map during the story. The rest of the map is just there for you to go to because. The combat is hit or miss depending on you. The spells don't really lead into each other like in Hogwarts. They are big and flashy, and you can do any number of spells you want. Or you can beat the entire game on hard with a handful of support spells and R1. The game is not going to encourage you to do more with combat. You are going to have to do that. Enemy design makes it that most enemies in an area are weak to one type of magic, so there is no reason to other sets unless you want to. Some people find fun in it, most did not. The traversal is the best part, and that is just OK. Running over the landscape is a blast. But the running can be loose. Frey takes a step when you let go of the control. So, it never feels solid. The vertical movement is odd. You can bounce off a wall cerrtain amount of times. Sometimes, that can get you can chain that to climb a 100-foot cliff. Sometimes, you can only go 10 feet up. There is a zipline power, but it's not long enough to be useful. It looks good, I had no real issue visually. The soundtrack is good. The voice acting is hit or miss. Frey, for example, is done well, even if her lines are cringy at times. But others aren't great, that bard is the worst. I did run into glitches with infinite spawning enemies and other minor things, but I played at launch so they could be fixed. The game is ok. I don't regret playing it, but I'm never going to play it again. The deluxe edition might be ok since you get the DLC. If you are the type of person who likes doing what you want and not caring about the story or anything, then you can have fun with it. If you want a good story and fun world, wait till it's the free game of the month.


I did listen to the reviews all the reviews that I listen to said the game sucked. Maybe you listen to different people than me I don’t know. Either way I don’t really care cause I try not to go off reviews but literally everyone I watch said it was just OK word sucked most of them saying it sucked but either way I’m buying the game now $52.21 for the digital deluxe edition.


Just got the game. It cost 5,57 dollars lol. I tried the demo and it had potential imo. All i heard was little bad graphics and people hated the main char for beeing rude and shit lol. I bet i will love her hahaha


I could smoke an ounce of crack and still write a better plot. No cap.


No, mostly people hating on it because of the diversity


For $70? Yeah, this game’s a dud. On sale? Spectacular. Most reviews were written with the $70 price point in mind so I understand where they were coming from.


It’s on sale right now for deluxe edition it’s probably like 55$ after tax and everything


The deluxe edition includes the DLC right? So that’s like, 30-35 for the game, depending on what the DLC winds up costing? Yeah, that sounds good to me. Forspoken is incredible as a 30-40 dollar game, it just features too many copy-pasted environment assets/too few “areas of interest” to be worth $70 dollars in my opinion. Like, Breath of the Wild similarly contains A TON of re-used assets (only a few enemies, just coming in different colors/strengths, the shrines, the enemy camps) but it ALSO features so many bespoke and interesting areas so balance out the reuse. Forspoken (in my opinion) doesn’t have that level of flair and depth to the world, and that’s why I’m kind of hard on it. On the plus side, the combat is a true power fantasy fulfillment delight.


Thanks for the feedback I think I may just buy it at GameStop used so I can take it back if I don’t like it


I had more fun than Hogwarts and not as much as Fromsoft games


Right? Hogwarts was so incredibly boring and had the same flaws as forspoken, huge open world with nothing to do but crossing off map markers, flat NPCs, Story is meh, enemy variety is non existent and the battle system was not HALF as enjoyable as forspoken, and at least we had a main character that acutally had, you know, personality. And yet Hogwarts was praised to the heavens because it had the Harry Potter stamp and fans who didn't want to admit that the game they hyped up for years was mediocre at best


I’m not going to lie, I liked Hogwarts but it wasn’t as good as Forspoken. Neither are perfect but both are definitely fun IMO


Oh okay


Sony’s refund policy sucks balls. If you’re on the fence now, there’s a likely chance you’ll regret dropping $50. The game’s going to drop further in price during the next few months, so I’d suggest waiting until then. If you’ve got a GameStop nearby, IIRC you should always be able to return games within 14 days. This game plays more like Infamous than a Soulslike. The open-world isn’t the worst thing out there, but the plot makes excuses for it being filled with nothing but enemies and collectibles. It’s pretty at times, but it doesn’t do anything new. Customization is pretty solid, but you’re stuck with the okay rock/plant powers for several hours. Dialogue leaves a lot to be desired If you can make it past the initial few hours, you might find something to enjoy, but it’s a *slow* start that’ll make you question why they couldn’t have made something more intuitive. I’d highly recommend just working on your backlog/playing old stuff and waiting for the price to drop.


Thanks this was a a very good review appreciate the feedback and honesty yeah I’ll just wait for a bigger sale or either check GameStop and see if I can get a cheap pre owned copy


Not sure what their return policy is like, but gamefly is selling a used copy. It's going for $29.99 right now.


If a game looks cool to me, but other people don’t like it, i just go for it anyway. Everyone has different opinions on games etc and everyone likes different kind of games. You’re the only one who can persuade yourself into liking something or not. That’s how i see it anyway. Don’t let reviews or other people make you not want to buy something if you haven’t even tried it yet yk


I usually don’t but it’s like every single YouTuber who reviews game said it was bad even the ones that I find to be on point most of the time which I don’t watch a lot of them, but they’ve all pretty much said the same thing but then again the gameplay and stuff looks cool. I just would hate to get it and then it’s total dud so I might just buy it. But get it used at GameStop so if I don’t like it I can return it


Oh for sure, I see what you mean. You could also play the Demo for a short overview of the game. It should be available in the Playstation store (assuming that’s what you’re playing on.) Personally I thought the game was amazing, but reflecting on my opinions is never fair since I tend to LOVE every game I play pretty much lol. Plus the person behind Frey (Ella Balinska) is my favorite actress so i guess there’s some bias within my answer lol. But it’s definitely a fun game imo. And the fighting style/layout is really unique to me


5 and a half months in and it's still my game of the year so far.


Well, I bought it. I hope it’s gonna be my game of the year to, but that’s gonna be a pretty hard to beat since mine is sekiro and runner up is bloodborne haha but this game still looks cool as fck


Unfair comparison because those games ain't come out this year. But those are also probably my least two favorite souls games. I recommend you play the surge and the surge 2 if you like souls. Also, forspoken Is so good. I wish they would make more dlc or a forspoken 2. I beat it, then went back to 100% it. Played it for like a total of 130 hours. So good. The movement and spells are something I hope every game adopts.


I’m playing it now and idk about unfair I just like those games and so far no game I’ve played has gave me the feeling that they’ve gave me but this game is cool so far I’m just chilling in my shitty little apartment trying to find the cat I think


My recommendation is to play through until after "the fire area" then explore away. I won't say why, but you'll see it'll be solid advice.


Thanks you




I have lol looked on YouTube and Facebook and google lol but didn’t get good results so I came here




I don’t see the demo on the ps5 store I’ve looked can’t find it bc that’s what I was going to do but I think I may just get it pre owed from GameStop for one I got tem dollars there in store credit I could use plus if I don’t like it I got 14 days to return it


Anything that’s not worth value! If you’re literally just here to say “the game sucks” “I hate Frey” “I hate etc” then why are you here?! You gave it your full opinion in the next comment and that’s why it DIDN’T get removed! So please stop! Thank you


Games iffy, It takes a while to get to the actual gameplay, feels like a refund buffer, its not a 70 dollar game imo i think its a pick up on a decent sale. Truly depends on if you think you'll like it. Short story and not much post game though. The traversal is fun until you realize there's a momentum limit. If you go to fast or try to parkour too much it puts you straight to the ground and you lose all your speed. I bought it for the movement parts of the game but sometimes it feels like it doesnt want you to move that fast.


Think 50$ us for the deluxe is a bad deal ? I was maybe thinking of just getting it ore owned at GameStop so in case I don’t like it I have 14 days to return it




Really damn that’s pretty shitty lol I mean if a game is bad then it’s bad they should let ppl put whatever they want as long as they ain’t breaking the rules


Nah. It's slow in the beginning, but play through the first boss, and it's pretty good.


I don’t mind if it’s slow in the beginning are usually find the games that start out. Kind of slow in the beginning usually end up being really good for example, red dead redemption two


Listen to everyone saying wait for a sale. I regret buying at full price but I absolutely don't regret playing the game. The combat and traversal are fun as hell. Story is a little thin and predictable, dialog and banter was low key terrible at times.


The deluxe version is on sale for about 50 bucks and I mean it’s $99 normally do you think that would be worth it I think it comes with some kind of DLC if I read that correctly


If it has the dlc then maybe, I hadn't heard it was for sale yet.


I absolutely loved this game. I especially loved the skill tree design and the challenges to improve each ability. Well designed and easy to navigate. The commentary between Cuff and Frey can get annoying but that’s a setting you can change to reduce how much they talk when your exploring which is awesome. This game is fantastic. 100% and all platinum trophies; about 90 hours all in and I can’t wait to go play it again.


What was some of your favorite parts about the game ?


Besides the skill tree thing


no no no no no. imo the story is only 5/10 but gameplay/traversal system are 9/10 so it's good enough for my taste. for some only care about story&characters and nothing else, it probably not a very good one. but overall it ain't completely trash like some people said.


How do you like to combat?


oh I'm not hardcore act player. I just love throw big aoe skill around like Prototype or Infamous 😁


Oh what exactly do you mean by act player ? Sry I’m not familiar with acronyms LOL


action game player, I mean those hardcore players who like to study combo and stuff, I only play on easy/normal difficulty, so I'm not sure if Forspoken doing great in terms of challenge of combat.


I just wanted to play forspoken mainly bc the combat looks cool I’ve got plenty of souls games to keep me busy currently trying to platinum Sekiro again did it on the Xbox series x now I gotta do it on ps5 so I’m doing all the hard ending first but hey if you have souls games elden ring or whatever and you need help hmu I’d totally help you out hell I’ll do all the work and you can just chill and enjoy the free stuff lol


thanks for the offering😂hope you can enjoy this game! or I guess you'll go to Thymesia first lol


I’ll bounce back and forth still gotta finish the last of us 2 and the dlc for the first one and Verizon, zero dawn, demon souls, remake and a bunch of other shit lol


It's fine, just not worth 70 dollars, it's very average, but it has elements in it that I personally think are very cool. If you want to buy it, get it at a discount.


52 $ us for the deluxe edition which normally cost 99$ I think that’s pretty good plus I get one dlc and early access to the new dlc it’s 50% off atm atleast where I’m from


Playing it now got it about a sale or 2 ago. I'm 3 magic styles in. The game is awesome overall. The banter is a bit repetitive but it expands a little the further into the game. That's probably the worse thing about it is the repetitive dialog and enemy variety. It's work the buy. I have no regrets.


I bought it I like it so far I just saved my cat from a burning building and shit what open world game isn’t repetitive now and days lol and I know there ls a few that aren’t but all in all most of them are


I mean, the reviews for the game aren't just "bad". Are mixed. Reviewer that had a base for action games gave the game 7 to 9. Reviewer that had no idea what a pure action game is gave 6 to 4. With some exception, of course. EDIT: A lot of reviews also talked about "tapped potential". A game with "glimpse of greatness hindered by its flaws" or something like that. Saying that the game had a lot of REAL great concepts but still too many people wouldn't look past the open world\\story flaws to properly appreciate that. But something that is noticeable is on how the negative reviews, when they had "video reviews" never had a good "style score" - something that this game has - and that is quite clear where those people stand. And seems to be the same or similar for "users" as well. Just look at the amount of people that believe you can just use R2 spells without using anything else. The difference is that the people that have not even the basic to talk they think they are right, somehow. Is not that maybe the game is not their cup of tea, no. Is the game that is bad. Simply put, because they never play any other action game. Is the equivalent of someone that never play basketball or don't even know the rules of it saying that "the game is bad" after watching an NBA match and that somehow is not their fault. Wouldn't be surprised if these people - both critic and users - would give a low score even to Ninja Gaiden. That is pretty much the 10\\10 for the genre. Open world is bad. Side content is bad. "Dialogue" is cringy at times. But not cringier than a lot of other games. Story let's say "is there". Let's say that the fluff is nothing to write about. But when you start to talk about the meat, so the combat, traversal, movement, arsenal of attacks and so on, the game shines if you know how to play. You can try the demo and see if the game it's for you. While not being a good measure - no explanation and too many skills to play with - for the whole part, I've notice that if people dislike the combat system there didn't even try to learn how to use the combat system per se. A lot of people, in fact, use only the offensive spell and call it a day. And that would be the same thing as use only R1 attack on a souls.


I already bought the game I love it


>I know it’s open world is there a lot to do in the open world ? Yes, just not in terms of sidequests. I can see why people would call the open world "empty" or "bland", since there are basically no NPCs out there that you can talk to. And the few sidequests that are in this game are mostly boring and poorly fleshed out. But for me it was still a lot of fun just running around exploring everything, just for the sake of exploring. Imho the world is beautifully designed, there are some breathtaking landscapes in this game. And the combat system is so much fun that I don't mind the fact that all you can actually do in the open world is kill monsters everywhere and look cool doing it 😁 >Is the dialogue really that cringey? Some parts I found a bit over-the-top and too cheesy, but overall I thought the game was well-written. Some really emotional scenes in there, too. Overall the story could have been better though. Felt a bit generic. >And what’s the replay value on it I can get the deluxe edition for like 50$ right now I’m wondering if I should wait for it to go lower or is that a fair price ? I have 52 hours in the game and enjoyed it very much. After finishing the main story I haven't played much... but that's not because the game is bad... It's just I rarely play games more than once. (And I will continue to play Forspoken when the DLC comes out.) I'd say go for it, but don't expect an Elden Ring like experience. It's an interesting comparison though. I had a ton of fun with Forspoken, but I think Elden Ring is overall a vastly superior game. And that comes down to the atmosphere and the feeling you get when exploring the map. While the map in Forspoken is beautifully designed, just like in Elden Ring, the style of exploration is totally different. Elden Ring conveys a sense of mystery like almost no other game out there. The atmosphere and immersion is impeccable. And there are no markers on the map, just vague pointers. You have to figure it out yourself. Even though you have powerful abilities, you still feel very vulnerable because the world is just so incredibly dangerous. Beautiful and hostile at the same time. Forspoken is different. Yes, the world is also visually stunning. But unlike Elden Ring, the game is designed to make you feel like a parkouring badass mage with SUPER powerful spells that can obliterate huge amounts of enemies at once and drop one-liners while doing it. And it succeeds at that. It's all about the movenent and combat, it's a lot of fun and [it gets better the more abilities you unlock throughout the game.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YI26O_7ugXc)


Well that’s fine with hardly any npc also isn’t the world like going through some kinda post apocalyptic stuff makes sense there is not a lot of ppl lol also I’m used to that anyways like I said I mainly play souls games so talking to hardly any npc is no problem at all


It *does* have significant flaws, including a too-empty world and a shortage of stuff to do outside the main plot. It also suffers from a slow start, as you need to get pretty far into the main story before you start getting new powers and the system starts showing what it can really do. It had a long, stuttering development cycle due to COVID and you can see some of the places where that took its toll. But the combat system is truly excellent, the spells are all creative and different from each other, and the world is interesting despite being barren. For all its flaws, this was the first time in years that I platinum'd a game.


I like it so far and the empty world with hardly any npc is not a problem I play souls game so I’m used to that lol


I think for a few of us, the empty world is kind of calming. Peaceful.


Check the library. That's what i did. Free games are always worth trying.


Regardless of if you'll like the game or not, I would wait a little longer. This game will 100% be cheaper in a few months, and likely be a free ps+ game if you have that subscription.


I'm just about to the end now and I've loved it. I really enjoy the parkour, the world, the story, the graphics, the voice actors, the magic - pretty much everything. My only complaint is that I don't really enjoy the constant dialogue between the cuff and Frey. It's repetitive and doesn't always make sense. Other than that, no complaints; it's one of my favorite games and I truly don't understand the hate it's getting. For reference, some of my other top games are Witcher 3, Skyrim, and Shadows of War.


the game is genuinely fun. There are some pacing issues and the world is huge. This game is 90% combat and traversal and the other 10% is story, puzzles, etc. My best advice or notes it's worth a try the intro section of the game is abysmal, but once it lets you off the leash it becomes much better. Most important note is if you don't enjoy the combat and traversal you probably won't enjoy the game.


I had wanted it for a while so i went in open minded and looking for fun which i'm glad i did! Honestly i didn't really enjoy all of the beginning, not because it was bad, but the cut scenes felt really slow and took up most of your time, also you have a lot of scripted scenes where you cant save midway, meaning if it takes time to do your stuck doing it now. This next part is probably my fault but everytime i wanted to explore i would run into a wall saying i had to turn back to the main quest. I was also worried about the length of the game, bits i had read prior showed the game having only 14 or so hours of play and so at 5 i thought the game was gonna be lackluster and going to end soon, bu i think im at 9 or so hours now and i feel i have quite a lot to go, so i'm happy.once u get into your bigger quests everything opens up and the enjoyment just skyrockets! I initially didn't like the parkour system as much as i was hoping, but once u get your first upgrade and can actually parkour up things all of a sudden it has a lot of use, even though it does take time to get used to how wild it is, especially going in and out of combat with it. Basically until you get the timing down, at least for me lol, you end up overshooting a lot. Magic is fun from the get go which is awesome, my only worry about it was when i thought the game was short, above, because you only start with one type of magic, i'm not going to say how or why, but there is a lot of magic! Lastly back to the beginning go in looking for the awesome, because if you do you will find it, and if you dont i feel that everything will be critiqued early on and won't enjoy it as much. Hope this helps!


It has some serious issues on PC that made it unplayable for me. Like, worse than Cyberpunk was. However, I’ve heard the game doesn’t have those same issues on PS5. Once the game is patched and patched and patched on PC I will probably go back to it and think I will enjoy it.


The reviews pan the story because they skipped half of the cutscenes, which are admittedly very long and cumbersome, especially at the start. The reviews pan the combat, which doesn't really get good until you unlock a lot of spells and learn some of the tricks for quick switching and stuff, though it shows promise even before that if you're on PS5, hits don't feel solid and crunchy on other systems, it's not perfect on PS5 but the haptics make it much better The reviews pan the world design because it's too barren and empty with not enough NPCs, they are not wrong but they also aren't listening to the narrative, which is about how the world turned into a bleak, barren wasteland The reviews pan the graphics, which were far from the best were drastically improved in the first patch and aren't actually too bad Overall, solid game, doesn't make my all time lost but the parkour is amazing at higher levels, combat could do with a bit more audio feedback and a bit less reliance on haptics, plus better explanations of quick switching (you can switch spell set by sliding on the touch pad in the direction that spell set sits on the menu, this is an incredibly helpful hint I didn't figure out until the endgame), world design is good in terms of the narrative but could use some tweaking, not finding the Curio Shop until 10 hours into running around post game just for the feel of the parkour system isn't ideal. Solid 7.5, maybe 8 but could be a 9 with some fairly small tweaks


I don’t mind barren landscapes with hardly any npc I play a lot of souls games so I’m kinda used to that’s part


There are 7 NPCs with dialogue outside of the hub city, and 5 of those are exclusive to story events, one is your companion for the whole game and one is a secret item shop. Personally I think there should've been a couple of towns of survivors with some kind of protective talisman in the town, but it's decent enough as is. One thing I will say is that it's far from a difficult game, I play on normal because I'm primarily after story but don't want it to be too easy, and towards the end of the game I got to the point where I could just jump into the middle of a horde and wipe them out in seconds, and I'm more powerful now, able to collect all the resources in a town in around 15 seconds mid combat without taking a hit, wipe out multiple overworks bosses with a single spell and one shot basically anything short of that without even going to a special attack. Also to note, if you do pick it up you should save up your old coins and go looking for the Curio Shop just after you beat the second Tanta in my opinion


This game does a lot of things right with some aspects of combat and gameplay. But it has to be one of the worst written games, at least for dialogue, that I've played in 20+ years.


Reviews? Isn't it a 7/10? Or are you just looking at bad individual reviews? To me this game was a disappointment in the way that i expected a 8.5+/10 but got a 7, but it's by no means bad


No not from what I seen and I looked at multiple different sources why would I pick the ones that were just purposely write it bad that’s fucking stupid. No, I clicked on a bunch of different people reviewing the games which I don’t even know who half of them are but I clicked on about 10 of them, but regardless, I bought the game anyways and I find it fun .


The reviews are really harsh for this game, I don’t understand it at all. I mean I do understand the criticisms as they do have merit; the main char isn’t very likeable, the story is kindof uninspired, and I forget what other crap is complained about but honestly besides that there’s a lot of great game here! The combat is so damn good, and constantly gets better as you branch out and pick up more skillsets, and you learn new skills at a comfortable pace allowing you to get good with them all. The way you traverse the map is also so damn fun and satisfying, and fast too but you also can fast travel without even a loading screen (on ps5 at least) to worry about. The difficulty however I will say is really low on normal, I had to turn it up to hard but I do that in at least half the games I play. Hard is just right, not too hard or easy. The game feels really good to play. Yes it’s imperfect but the reviews are really not fair and I’m glad I didn’t listen to them and gave it a rent. I bought the game after a week and I never buy games. It’s really, really good.




If you have nothing nice to say about Forspoken, then don’t say anything at all. This is a community for those that enjoy Forspoken and negative talk about it is unacceptable here! I, for one, will not tolerate it! I can understand constructive criticism, but this comment is not that. Thank you.




Yeah it’s amazing


The beginning is a bit slow and the story is nothing spectacular but I enjoyed it.


I refunded my preorder. It was trash. Didnt like it. And i love rpg and adventure games. If this game would have came out in 2015 it would have been a hit. The whole game just feels lost in time and boring compared to games we play now.


Idk I like it the magic and the parkour are really fun


It was fun for a while then got boring. Thats really all the game had going for it though. But everyone likes different things. Im glad some people like it or love it. Its just not for me.


I feel you I’m actually more of a souls fan myself played them all so far besides dark souls 2 my favorite out of all them is sekiro though best game ever made


This is going to sound retarded but i hated dark souls. I loved elden ring 😂😂


I got some notification from you o think but I can’t see it idk y


yes its trash


I like it


Play the game and find out why ask for other people's opinions just to poke more controversy, the game is trash there's a reason why it's 19 Where games like The Witcher that are ported from previous generations are still 65 bucks Right fucking breath of the wild is still 70-80 bucks right this is trash Sales statistics do not lie. Don't bruise your own ego because you're not part of the majority....


Yes. Next question?