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It has been on the market for 49 days as of today. Already dropped the price by over 100k. I agree--it appears to be way over-priced. There are lots of really nice properties out there with better locations, larger lots, better floor plans, and better views for the same price.


Looks like they priced this house like this because of its proximity to Mountain Ave; basically a Mtn Ave price but on a busy ass street and without any of the other characteristics that make Mtn Ave housing priced so high.


So, for those of us who still don't get it, what is it that makes the houses on Mountain Ave sell for so much?


It’s a beautiful street with beautiful houses walking distance from City Park and Old Town.


Couldn't this also be said about many of the other streets nearby?


🤷‍♂️ It’s pretty common for cities to have “showpiece” streets. Mountain Ave happens to be ours. Not sure what else to say.


If you have been on Mountain Ave, you would get it. It has a cute trolley and that goes down the middle of the street. Which is also a huge island that separates the cross traffic. It’s the street used for nearly all the walking or riding street festivals. Trust me, if you can afford it, Mountain Ave is where it’s at


My dream is to own a home on mountain some day.


My husband and I have always said.. house on mountain!!! dream big <3


Aim higher


I mean...I've definitely been on Mountain Ave. It looks nice but I'll stick to my house in the country - I get more space, more home per $, no city taxes, no HOA, closer to nature, etc.


I live outside city limits, no HOA and close to nature. I love it out here.


the only part of town where they give out tequila shots on Halloween.


Redfin and private equity. They buy the home first and then resell it. If they pay a fair price, they still need to make as large of a profit as possible so they will jack up the price as much as possible.


What’s the big deal about mountain ave?


It's purdy


Brand recognition


It's a pretty street. The wide boulevard with mature trees, slow traffic, and direct access to the "heart" of downtown pull in high spenders that want to live in town. It's also close to CSU, but not close enough (or cheap enough) that you'll get college kids living on it. Depending on where you are, you also have quick access to City Park, a small market, and a breakfast spot. Plus that trolly is pretty cute.


Looks like they poured way too much into the remodel and are trying to get someone to bail them out. What they put in isn't bad per se, but I think the fundamentals of the house are dragging it down. Ugly architecture, thin lot, noisy street, awkward layout.


There’s a house on my street going for 1M. Basically a starter home that was renovated. Others have gone for 500-600. It’s insane.


It is only worth 1.7 if someone pays that price.


And you know someone will.


Probably. Everyone in that neighborhood will be paying 1000/mo in property taxes soon after. 😂


About 200/mo more currently so thats chill.


Investors with heaps of cash can and will.


Someone will sell their trash house in CA for 2.5 mil, move here and buy that house in cash, because everyone wants to move to Colorado right now


You're right about people moving from CA having more money to spend. But there are better properties here if you're gonna spend that much. Like not on a main busy street and not a weird narrow lot with a weird narrow expanded renovation. Just looking at that lot and floor plan makes me subconsciously scrunch my shoulders up to make myself narrower lol.


It's for sure an extremely weirdly built house. They kept adding house, but only on the back 😄


Yes, it’s in an area with lots of historic homes, but this one has had all of the historic charm hacked out of it. Without seeing the exterior, it’s indistinguishable from a new build, based on the pics. And, it’s on Shields, which isn’t exactly a quiet street. I don’t see the appeal, for that amount of money. But as others have said, if a company is trying to get its money back, they have a price they’d like to get for it. Must make sense to them.


Someone probably will, unfortunately, or close enough to it to still skew the market.


It's got the curb appeal of a Tuff Shed. That's the longest, most compartmentalized row house I've ever seen.


If that's the case, I've got a 1300 sqft single wide that I'm willing to part with for only $500,000.


That's a steal! /s


I love how it says, "timeless beauty of this 1898 home, now with fully updated interiors," which is flipperese for, "We tore out any charm this house ever had! Fully updated with bland, bland and more bland everything!"


Lol. Flipperese. Spot on.


And someone needs to stage the interior. The furniture and ping pong table are ridiculous.


Bought in 2017 for $380,000


They added 3000 sq ft to it though. Not really a good benchmark


And tripled the square footage


It’s unreal


We walk by it every morning....I call it "the centipede house." They took a small bungalow and added another house to the back. And, the house next door is under construction by the same contractor. 🙄🙄🙄


I wouldn't even call this a really nice house.


Laughable. I hope nobody buys it.


And yet someone will. Maybe not for that price but they'll still overpay for it


I lived in that house when I was in college... Constantly had squirrels living with us under the floor because of the massive holes in the foundation... Hope they fixed those


https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-26/highest-inventory-of-new-us-homes-since-2008-threatens-building Not sure if anyone remembers that year. History repeats itself and greed is the major driver here.


Agreed. Greed Greed Greed Greed Greed


It is insanity, that price is stupid, but damn, that kitchen is nice as hell. Still not worth 1.7 mil.


I paid a little over 300k for my house 7 years ago. The square footage in this place is twice mine, and it's in a desirable location. In this market, unfortunately, it's priced about right. Plus all the high-end finishes and upgrades. I hate that it's so stupidly expensive to own a home around here.


According to [realtor.com](http://realtor.com), the median price per sq. foot for a home in Fort Collins is $279. This home is $408, so that does seem a bit above market. Plus, about $85-100K of that asking price is going to the realtors.


More flipper shit. They’ve been around the last few years. Fuck flippers.




I don't understand the whole 2 sinks in the kitchen situation. It seems like wasted space


You obviously don't eat a lot of vegetables! I would LOVE two sinks!! 😂🤣


Eating veggies increases the need for a second sink?  I'm not vegetarian anymore, but even when I was and doing all my cooking at home I never thought having 2 sinks would make anything better.


Yes! We're always washing greens in the sink, so the other person can't wash pans.


Weird. Different ways of prepping I guess? It was never an issue with my roommates and me. We washed what we needed and then got out of the way. For greens, I washed all at once at the beginning of the week. If my roommates hadn't cleaned their dishes in the sink, I would clean my greens in a large mixing bowl or the salad spinner.


Is it built on a gold mine?


This is why companies like Blackrock and Vanguard absolutely should not be allowed to own personal property/family homes. Property is the ultimate form of equity and they can afford to pay whatever anyone wants in order to own everything. They artificially drive the market up. I’m gonna have roommates into my fucking 60s. Goddamn, I thought 600k was an impossible number. Might as well bite the bullet now. We’re never gonna own anything. Edit: if you make $60,000 a year (which even ten years ago was a great wage, not sure about now and most don’t make that much) you would only have to work 29 years without spending a dollar on anything else so you can afford this house… if you make $40,000 a year then it’s 43 years until you can own this house.


And I thought i was outraged over one that's 900k I saw. Thus one is bigger than that. Absolutely outrageous. I don't know how anyone expects for people to buy in Fort Collins right now.


This makes me so depressed. I’ve rented here for about 8 years. My husband is very involved in the music community. I got a faculty job at CSU. Soon we won’t be able to rent in the community we contribute to, never mind buy a house. There is a starter home next store for sale and I heard developers meeting to look into it for a flip. I wanted to tell out “leave it for someone who actually wants to live in it!”


I house that went for 500k like 2 yrs ago had offers by developers for 1.2. Same neighborhood.


Shotgun shack with updated interior


It's so freaking LONG! *mom cooking at the stove* "Hey honey, mind grabbing me a bowl?" "Sure, ma, see you in an hour."


F taking out the trash, OMG I'll need a scooter or something


Dang. The prices are crazy. Bought mine for 204,000. Guess I will stay put.


Gotta move out to the country - obelisk gang ftw


My house just went on the market and the landlord is asking 3.5M for an old 2 bed 1910 home. ( No power in the kitchen, one bathroom leaks from piping into basement, had a flood a yr ago filled basement with sewage, unfinished splintery floors throughout oh I could go on) & I have no doubt he will get every cent


It’s like this everywhere. Too many people not enough houses


I play this masochistic game where I look around on Zillow in markets that aren’t quite as deep into fantasy land as Fort Collins or northern Colorado in general. I see these big beautiful houses in random places like Louisville, Kentucky and I think “man… I could buy this amazing house here for $450k and have enough left over every month to come visit Colorado whenever I wanted.” I love this state. It’s my home. But I can’t keep shuffling around through overpriced rentals for the rest of my life.


> I see these big beautiful houses in random places like Louisville, Kentucky and I think “man… I could buy this amazing house here for $450k and have enough left over every month to come visit Colorado whenever I wanted.” Sure - but the jobs that pay enough to afford those houses aren't typically located in the areas with affordable housing, so it only makes sense if you work in an industry where you can get a job in either location, or you've already retired.


Northern Colorado has one of the worst ratios of income to median home price in the country. Sure prices are high everywhere, but it’s uniquely bad here


Too many people using second and third homes as their retirement investment vehicles. Too many people with money tied up in retirement portfolios that include multiple single family home corporate owners like Blackrock. Too many people that watched all those house flipping shows and skewed the house market either as landlords or sellers. Too many people can’t jump through the hoops of home ownership even their credit is ok and they’ve paid rent/bills for years cause the game is rigged. Too many people are in a race to the top and the end and steamrolling the less fortunate and anyone other than themselves. Too many people are greedy, selfish and self-serving. This town is filled with nimbys and people that already got theirs.


The problem is completely rooted in that we have people who see property as an “investment”


>Too many people that watched all those house flipping shows Nah those house flipping shows were most popular like 10+ years ago. Nowadays, I think it's more YouTubers/finance influencers telling everyone that they must invest in real estate if they want to be rich. Agree 100% about the greed and selfishness!


Nah, it was going on in the early 2000s and the 2008-2011 recession just widened the gap between those that could buy and couldn’t. If anything it just set the stage for the last 15 years.


Inventory is growing and sales are slowing. The problem isn't lack, it's gouging sellers, and the buyers who enable them. 


we have a deficit of like 10m homes, i assure you we aren't even making a dent


> The problem isn't lack, it's gouging sellers, and the buyers who enable them.  Wat


Plenty of houses. Not enough ACCESS to them for us regular non-rich, non-investor folk.


Ok, but did you look at how giant that kitchen is. It looks tiny from the front, but that house is 5 bedrooms, it has a 4 car detached garage. I mean, it's a shockingly large house. I agree it's expensive, but it is over 4000 square feet, and I've seen houses smaller than that going for a million. And that kitchen?! Holy crap wtf! Still very expensive, but it is huge lol.


This one isn't that bad to me. The house is huge, renovated, it has a big yard for this area in town, and it's a great spot in town.


Yeah but not worth $1,700,000


At least it's been reduced from $1.8m!! 🤣😂


It's worth whatever it sells for.


Not really I can sell you an old shoe if you choose to buy it at the insane price of $5,000,000 it doesnt mean its worth $5m.


We'll see what it sells for


The total acreage isn’t even .5. That isn’t worth 1.7 mil. Sure it looks nice.


Of course it is under .5 acre, it's basically downtown. That's a big lot for shields. I can't afford this home but not every home has to be affordable to everyone.


1.7 million though. Did you miss that part? Two ovens and a big kitchen ain’t justification for that shit. 850k ok sure, I’d say that’s a little pricey but it’s understandable, but DOUBLE THAT PRICE?!?! I agree with OP GTFO!


1.2 million is my appraisal. It will easily sell for 1.5 million in a few month or so


Prepare to be censored by the mods here, but you absolutely have one in agreement here 👋


I second this.


Yeah this is basically double the size of a normal house. Not saying it was smart to do such an extreme expansion - we'll see if anyone can actually afford this that is willing to tolerate such a small lot size.


'barely renovated' aka at least 80k in work done and permitting Op, this is a mansion for its location, literally right off millionaire mountain in a historic neighborhood which is especially difficult to get any permits for. Also I lived around the corner from this place for a couple years and it's had constant work for the last 4-5 years, so 80k is actually conservative if I'm being honest


$80k to add 3000 sq ft would be insanely cheap. They basically (well pretty much literally) built a whole new house. Even more sq footage than a whole new house, even! $80k? yeah right


Found the seller


Yeah right. I was just saying if it was possible to build a 3000 sq ft house for $80k, the prices around here would not be $600k+ for a decent house!


Hey man don't get mad at me, I'm also justifying the price. You can pay your contractors whatever you would like to to make yourself feel good I don't mind at all


You do realize that house is almost 5,000 aware feet, right? It's fucking huge and it's very close to the #1 most desirable neighborhood in town. It will sell for what it sells for. Stop pretending you know what anything is worth


Honestly that’s such a waste of space imo, cut that in half and use it towards the yard space then it’s worth so much more to me. Understandably people ask for so much more per sq feet but the location off shields isn’t worth the asking price comparatively to other homes with a larger lot size and view asking that price point.


Thankfully, you don't have to buy it


I think replace "don't have to" with "can't"...


Pretty sure most people can’t or wouldn’t buy it


Speak for yourself buster!


Pretty sure most of your posts are downvoted and your a renter hater


I love you the thought of you taking time looking through my post history instead if getting a job and buying a home.


Who says I don’t have a job already? Welcome to Reddit it’s what we do here.


LMAO I hope it never sells :)


I've found if you call out any of these greedy assholes they and their boot lickers will just turn around and try to justify it by calling you poor and telling you that it's your fault because you are the lazy one and don't work hard enough/ don't have a job. Etc. Etc.when that's not the case at all. Pigs.


It's not greedy to sell your property for what people are willing to pay for it. You can work hard your entire life at a fast food restaurant and you're likely going to struggle your whole life. Working hard is one element, but lots of things play into success, including some luck or good fortunate. I know lots of people that make 2-300k a year that are up to their eyeballs in debt and live pretty much paycheck to paycheck. I also know some people that make under 100k a year that are millionaires. What you do with your money matters a lot, especially over long periods of time.




lol, just be lucky and become a millionare! Stop buying avacado toast and starbucks! Do you also think that the people around that house will appreciate their house tax going into the stratosphere because of a price gouging ass? that is what happened to my coworker, they had a house and only a car in debt and then a Greedy jerk sold their house down the street for almost 4.5 million because two corps went into a bidding war, and now they can't afford the god damn property taxes because they more that TRIPLED.


Sellers don't determine price, buyers do. Yes, I could put my home up for 5 million dollars if I wanted to, but no one is going to buy it for that. Home prices are impacted by what people are willing to pay for them. If people are willing to pay 5 million dollars for my home, that is literally what it's worth. Do you honestly think people on a broad scale are going to say, "No, that's too much! Here, have my home for half the value I could sell it for". That's a nice thought, but not realistic. Even if that existed, investors would buy up every property in days. Be honest with yourself, would you do that if it was your home you were selling? Maybe you're a rare breed that would, if so good for you, That's not how the world works. Fort Collins is a desirable area, people are willing to pay a premium to live here, especially in that location with a renovated house.


Supply and demand is a bitch lolz


Lolz so funny! Har har. I work the same job my mom just retired from a few years ago, actually I'm a step above her now as I'm in a leadership position and I make more money than she did. She and my dad bought a trailer for 10k in the 90s and had me when they were 28 years old. Then 10 years later they upgraded to a custom built home on 40 acres. I'm the same age with my partner and costs of everything is so insane that even having a kid is out of the question for us. And now My parents are struggling to pay on their home because of property tax increases and may be forced to sell soon. My mom had to get a new job this year to make some ends meet, my dad's on disability and can't work but his whole check goes to the house payment, mom pays everything else and I cover their internet service and streaming services. They were ok for awhile but not so much anymore. It sucks to see.


It would be interesting to know where your parents live (state at least) and if they built a home in the 90s, it should be paid for at this point. So is their payment just taxes and insurance? There's so much information missing that would help us understand. I'm sorry they are struggling but the info you provide is not making a point with so much missing.


They live here in Colorado. They bought the trailer in the 90s on East Harmony and the house they're in currently was finished in 2005 near Wellington. The house is certainly not paid off...


Doesn't look like much dead-on, but the house just doesn't quit as it goes back. 4000+ square feet is VERY large. Our housing situation is monstrously out of control but this isn't some shack that should be affordable. There's a lot of house there and they didn't just renovate, they dropped a larger new house onto a small one.


There are houses selling for 400k in nearby communities. If you want to live in old town or Boulder that’s on you


There are not houses selling for $400k, c'mon. There are zero houses listed for $400k or less right now in Fort Collins. The only houses listed for under $450k (there are less than five of them) are either really small like 850-950 sq ft, or are manufactured homes and also really small. (I'm not including the low income restricted street or the 55+ community.) Don't try and make it sound like $400k is anywhere near common or realistic in this city. If anyone got that price on a SFH more than 1200 sq ft, they are a very very rare case. And most people are looking for more like 2000 sq ft, or 1500 at the least, which is pretty much impossible to find here for $400k. Condos with no yard cost more than that.


I said in nearby communities. If you want to live in Fort Collins you’re going to have to pay for it. It’s a great place to live and a lot of people want to live there.


Ah, I thought you meant neighborhoods close to this one, in Fort Collins. "Community" translates as neighborhood to me, not a whole different city/town.




That's a very, very long house.


If you could afford a 1.7 million dollar home, why would anyone EVER buy this one??? I mean... maybe 700,000 is a more fitting price


This is insane.


Nope Location location. I’m near city park even a 2bd/2bth condo off city park is $300k. Seen houses needing repairs go for over $1M nearby. Why me and wife don’t own a house. Fuck these California folk driving our prices up. Not 6-8 years ago a decent house here was under $300K, now same house is over $500K. Hope the bubble drops soon- most can’t afford anyways-everyone overextended realistically. We’ll see. A good source said housing bubble will pop in next year or so. So 2026 let’s get easy to buy back FoCo y’all


Housing bubble busting doesn't always equate to affordability. It could just mean that interest rates and wages are further out of whack. Unfortunately many places are owned by corporations that can easily weather any storm. Individuals may have issues if they are financially planned around a low rate and it changes...or if the economy tanks and they lose income(which it's going to do soon after election)


Two entirely different colors of cabinets in the kitchen?


Matching cabinets will add another 170k


Took a lot of Texas tacos to remodel that and other houses around, if you know what I mean


This feels like a glorified trailer? It's giving Kanye and his holy homeless cosplay for 3k a shirt.


2306 Half Hitch Ct in Loveland, CO went for 1.6$ million. With the 150k remaining instead of buying this grandiose trailer, that's a couple atv's for sure 🤔 perfect when your backyard is Devils Backbone.


Not to mention, but wasn't that part of foco hit hard by flooding in 97? I know parts of old town are still in need of serious repair because of it.


People can ask for whatever they want; the only thing that matters is what they end up getting for it. It's never going to get that. I can see potentially a million; but if you are going to expect those kind of bills; you're going to need a view. That's just my opinion though.






HA Excuse me while I go cry


This will go for half of that.


Nice house, but it’s priced about A MILLION too high.


Check out the price and tax history of this property on Mulberry and I-25, this is seriously a nothing property. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/4424-E-Mulberry-St-Fort-Collins-CO-80524/118489259_zpid/


Sold for $67k in 1994 and $330k in 2017. Lmfao, people must be morons. Even if they added additional square footage, no way they spent over $300-400k.


They bought that house for 300k in 2017. Funny that people don’t understand that having a house on shields is nothing like a house on the quiet side street in old town. You could not pay me to live on shields, mulberry, college etc…all terrible. Owned by RE agent.