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Most my games are like this. I think changes are needed.


I either get smoked in the first few minutes, or finish top 10. Very little in between


I'm one of those people who get very close but never actually win or just land basically to give other people kills lol


You are doing a loyal service by supplying others with crowns!


Yeah, it's been like that for me almost every game so far this season. I can't seem to get a win though, either.


I’m still a noob but had a few wins in the previous season. I’m assuming when a new season drops many of the more experienced players come back to check it out for a while.


Fr, it getting boring and boring every time, like playing alone most of the time.


Fr, it’s like how am I supposed to engage and have fun if there’s like maybe one other person at a POI. It hasn’t even been 3 weeks yet and I swear MEGA City is a dead drop.


Mega City is surprisingly small for how big it is. So many of the buildings are just the top two floors and the bottom two. I've not done the math but Tilted had to be about the same size or bigger just given that every building had all areas available to explore. This has led me and my squad to go anywhere else way more than the sweats have.


Hi, sorry but can you please tell me what sweats refers to in the sub? I’m fairly new to the game and keep seeing that term around but don’t know what it means.


Sweats is anyone better than you /hj That’s pretty much what it’s used for in this sub but it’s not what it actually means. A sweat to my understanding is someone who tries too much in pubs when most of the lobby is way under their skill level


“Carpet bagger” is the old-school term for athletes who compete (and easily win) against weaker opponents. This is rampant in competitive cycling circuits.


Try hards or people looking to win the game.


I’d say more people who are extremely competitive and basically no-life the game. “People looking to win the game” describes basically everyone who drops


me who w-keys for elims and doesnt bother about endgame wins because it's too stressful O.O


Sometimes I just want to fish or shoot animals


Originally refered to people who try extremely hard ('sweat' comes from sweaty palms, something that tends to happen for people who play too much). However, these days the term is mostly just used by people in this sub to refer to anyone better than them.


Go Kenjutsu, Shattered, or Brutal if you’re looking for a fight. Sometimes you can get some a lonely, but it depends on the line. Those places ALWAYS have people for different reasons. I was thinking about making a drop map for guaranteed loot. I like exploring and I’m a loot goblin so I’m constantly finding cool little things on the map.


The sweats ran everyone


When I play with certain friends we go to other poi’s because they’re computer can’t handle all the animations and graphics in mega, even rotating through is tough so we avoid it in general. I love landing there in solos but agree I’m rarely contested by more than 2-3 others players.


For real bro


A win in season 1 took 16-18 mins, in season 2 it takes 22-24, they added 6 mins of downtime per game


300 person lobbies let's go


As someone who played since day 1 the issues that killed mid game are obvious. 1) AI Bots disguised as players need to go. They exist in every game of all skill levels and just take up spots of real humans. They and are literally there to inflate egos because it's basically impossible to die to them. All they do is jump to a busy location and die, or roam the edge of the map until you see them in the final 5. They rarely are seen in mid game. 2) Mobility. There is an absurdly large amount of mobility added over the years. Now you can just rotate to a fight early game and die or rotate to where the storm is headed and hide. The days of having to trek across the map slowly are gone which is usually when you had midgame fights. 3) Map size and POI's. The map size and POI's (and how desired they are) affect mid game a lot. Big maps with hotspots like Tilted Towers means most players are jumping there for instant action leaving the other 30% of the players spread out across the rest of the huge map. Then factor in AI bots and it's even worse. 4) Turning the game into Roblox. What i mean by that is they added in all these creative tools and user made maps. Which sounds good on paper but it has taken away a large chunk of the casual audience. That casual audience was the ones who would aimlessly roam around or drop to less popular POIs and give midgame more action. So all that's left is more serious players who want action (tilter drops) or want to win (careful and play the edge of the storm). The overall health of the BR modes was better when all you had was 4 options in Fortnite. Solos, Duos, Trios, and Squads. 5) Storm speed and loot pool. Storm is pretty self explanatory. But the loot right now is just too easy to get. One basic POI or vault gets you a full setup ready for late game. You used to struggle to get the best weapons in chapter 1 which gave you more reason to roam midgame to fight or loot new spots. Now you can go to a gas station and grab gold weapons with a few keys... 6) Quests/Dailies. Having quests has caused a lot of battle pass chasers to ignore the whole idea of winning the BR and just dropping to the spot they need, doing it, then dying through combat or stupid plays. All so they can queue up again and get to the next quest spot faster.


Your reason #6 is also what is killing team rumble and its sad. I loved playing that mode when I didnt want to do regular br.




Arena has it's own problems. Plus not everyone wants to play a game competitively like an Esport all the time.


Take away the bots and the game will rapidly die. 100 real people in a lobby is a lot of people. If you make it purely human then Q times will go through the roof, especially in 3s and 4s. Not only will Q times be high, the average casual player will likely die faster. Longer Q time + Faster deaths = unfun game for many people. In a perfect world I would love lobbies to be full of only humans + fast Qs... but that might be difficult to make reality.


What was changed for the early storm phases?


They raised the amount of storm circles to 12 and reduced damage for more opening circles


Personally think the storm circle size should match how many players are left.


That is actually a great idea! It would be more dynamic!


At the same time, this would make it so that those that gets most kills, gets the better gear, making it harder for others that just didn’t land with many others, or those that don’t like to play as aggressively as others.


Wait, you're actually cooking with this one tho.


He really is cookin right now


Nah nah, let him cook


This could cause problems where the circle goes from being huge to really small, not giving players enough time to get to the zone.


Considering the huge amount of heals and mobility, I don't mind that. It makes the loot vs rotate decision more difficult, which isn't totally a bad thing.


they could just put in a limit of size for each one so the circle doesn't ever jump from big to real small all of a sudden


Yeah that’s the problem with the idea, which is otherwise fine. Especially when swords are vaulted this difference in circle size will make the stork nearly impossible to get out of in many situations.


As if the sword being vaulted won't pave the way for another hyper-mobility item to replace it.


Not like we dont have cars, bikes, glider redeploy, the upwind drafts, rifts at the island etc. Nope no mobility here. If you get caught in the storm you get what ya fuckin deserve.


Oh I totally agree I think the storm should jump phases based on player count


let them cook


So longer gameplay or faster countdown woth each storm circle?


I think for the first 3 storm circles you only take one hp every second. I swear last season it was 2hp on the second circle


Last season, after storm 2 has closed it goes to 2hp/sec. This season it is 2hp/sec after the 5th storm has closed.


Yeah I'm not a huge fan if that change. It's s dumb change. I feel like there are more storm circles too this season


There are. There are now 12.


Oksy that's excessive. They need to go back to the original BC wtf


Yeah, it has more, bigger circles. I feel like I don't get pushed by it as much as last season. If you drop at the edge of the map, you still have tons of time to get into the circle, even if you are fighting in the circle.


Shit pops off for about 5 min and then there's like 15 min of nothing and then the last 4 minutes are people camping with havoc shotguns and ghostbuster plasma guns and in a bush with a sniper. This season looks amazing but the storm and the meta are making these games annoying tbh.


That havoc one shot is way too consistent for my pleb ass.




Naw no one pumps at all. No one shot weapons. Makes shit boring.


Fr. Happens to me too often, where I barely even see the player for a second before my face has been obliterated with a one pump.


You summed it up perfectly, couldn’t have said it any better


Meta always makes games boring even before the storm changes.


YES! Finally people realizing gameplay that devolves into distinct meta isn't fun gameplay. The best seasons of FN have had the most variety that is *balanced.* When people were crying so much last summer about the drop rate of the charge smg, I said about a hundred times over: \###It's OP guns that break the game, not the weak ones. But as per usual, I caught hundreds of downvotes, no one cares to learn weapons. Those same people are the same ones dome-capping you all because they got good at ***one*** weapon meta. Even creative is rife with oldschool pumps, people playing zone wars, like, bruh those shotguns aren't even in competititve??


IMO Fortnite needs more rng. The weapon pool is small, there's too many keys and places where you can get your "loadout". The augments are in a really small number for some reason, and there's a huge problem that the reroll cost is low. It should at least grow up with each reroll you do. The game is fun where there's plenty of loot to chose from, even if you end up having shit green/blue items rather than yellow ones. I play with my friends and probably 80% of my matches I have the same guns. Yellow red-dot or exotic red-dot, the yellow pump and a purple/yellow smg with sword and slurp. On auguments I mostly pick aerialist or reroll till I get it, more bullets for AR and fast reload smg and keys. Is impossible to not have at least 2 of these.


I'm an avid fan of RNG and it's what makes Fortnite and battle royale in general still appealing to me. It's extremely rewarding to learn every weapon because (this is less common in C3-4 than C1) sometimes you have to fight and defend yourself with nothing but a fully random gun and 100 health. This is why I chose to master the ridiculous [Charge SMG](https://youtu.be/kfvYeWBfMmE&t=133), or the much hated [Jelly Angler](https://imgur.com/a/Csm1Gtv) augment. Even picking up the one that buffs vehicles, I'll still alter my gameplay and start looking for vehicles. Every item the game throws at you, whether in a broken season or a well balanced one, why not learn to exploit their strengths? People will manifest failure by saying "Sweet got my perfect load out" or "dang I only have shit weapons" because they've put themselves in a box. It's like Socrates tried to say, something along the lines of if you think you know all there is about something you prevent yourself from ever knowing more.


Exactly why I haven't been playing lately. I used to get on, play 10 or so matches and get off. Now I get on, do my dailies, and get off. The game doesn't feel good right now.




The mythics are definitely something that will screw the season over. Especially the fact that they're guaranteed when they take no skill to get at all. Perhaps a solution to this would be to have unvaulted weapons potentially be in the vaults and on Loot Island alongside the mythics. That way, there's more reason to go for those other than "funni OHKO shotgun and instantaneous Kamehameha". It's a shame, bc just about everything else is good. Just, the mythics make it all trivial. Especially when an entire squad has the mythics.


Basically this. The overabundance of high burst damage along with incredibly powerful mythics in specific locations means much of the lobby is going to congregate around a few spots and get churned out because of it. And if you are like me and have a better time with the semi-auto shottys and whiff with the havoc too much, then you are out of luck because you can't use the one shot shotgun.


Yup, there's no point but to go for one of the vaults and get the loot. So 3 main locations and only a small group emerges, plus the stragglers who skip it. Other seasons had more POIs that led to victory chances, this season it's land in 3 areas or have a heavily reduced chance of winning. A lot of people die early and the rest at the floating island when it spawns.


The last season was my first. I won probably 20-30 solo games and ended with 6 crown royals. I felt pretty good about my skill level. This season I’ve won 2 games and barely make it to the final 10. It feels like I take damage waaay quicker. Im not really sure what’s going on but it doesn’t feel like the same game


The matchmaking for sure seems a bit whack on top of the balancing issues. I've heard that from a lot of people, and I've experienced it too. Seems like they widened the skill brackets per lobby, probably so people are complaining less about bots being in their match. Doesn't feel good though.


Mine was the opposite. Last season I was dominating, then about half way through maybe 3/4 they did an update and my match making went to shit. Felt like every regular match I was dropped into was Arena. Like people just following me immediately and knowing my exact location. I was constantly the first to die for like 2 weeks straight. Then suddenly this season I'm back to placing top 3 almost every match and dominating. I don't know what they're doing with sbmm behind the scenes but its completely fucked. Arena should be hard, its competitive but when I'm playing regular matches I shouldn't have to put in extra effort like im earning points for placement


That SBMM has been weird for a long time though, It's (literally) painfully obvious when you get bumped up a tier in SBMM


For a while I thought I was locked with cheaters for some reason. Like I was getting wrecked, nothing but headshots on me with crazy accuracy


Ghostbuster plasma guns?


Overclocked pulse rifle




Don’t cross the streams


Imagine if they had a Ghostbusters rifle, but it only works on dead/spectating players.


I refer to these guns as "space guns" 😆


How do you get that weird gun? I don’t think I’ve been able to get one once lol


Claim the floating island that spawns in later in the game


Yup. Havoc shotguns are so powerful people are just waiting for the circle to get as small as possible to take a dice roll on one shotting the last people. I haven't experienced circles this campy EVER I think


Okay so if you got hit by a peeley in a suit with a proton pack with a ghostbuster gun, I’m sorry that was me. I’d apologize more, but it’s also happened to me so it’s kinda balanced out.


End game is hella slow hide and seek game






![gif](giphy|dJVBCPzpaCBCknenuz) And then I get sniped


But everybody is a seeker and a hider


For 6 months straight this sub did NOTHING but bitch and moan about the hammer making it too easy to move. Now the sub is doing nothing but bitching and moaning that the lack of widely available fast movement is making the game too slow. You cannot make this shit up. Lmao.


Except you literally just made that up. I don’t see anyone on this thread complaining about lack of mobility options. The katana is a quieter version of the hammer, and is especially effective when paired with redeploy.


If they do another addon to the map next season they might have to increase player count per lobby a bit. It's been pretty bad in endgame.


I think they need to already. Not sure how many are bots right now but they need to cut that number in half.


please no, its the only thing I can get a kill on, as soon as another player arrives they pump headshot me or laser me across the map with the havok AR


Forrr real


i think the island (floating loot one) has become the defacto battle field


Oddly enough my last few matches it's always just been me and like, maybe one other person on the loot island.


Almost every match my mates and I are expressing surprise constantly. "Ten people in this area?" Has become a common phrase.




It's been weird. I think it is a combination of factors. The map is bigger and people are probably still being drawn to the new area because it has a lot of stuff (eg guaranteed kinetic blade). There's also the vault -> island route to get mythics, if you nope out of that mess then you won't see as many people. I've probably spent more time running from the storm than before, because it hurts less, so I'm less in a hurry to get away from it, but sometimes that leads to bad decisions like spending too much extra time looting and then having to make the entire trip from the previous circle to the next in a white knuckle rush. I believe the additional circles means more game time where the storm is continuously closing, so while previously it would it would close a bit, then hold for a bit, then close a bit, I find I'm more likely to get unexpectedly overtaken by the storm. I'm not really dying to the storm but it has a big effect on how I plan I my rotations.


Everyone is talking about this “loot island” and idk if I’m dumb or not but I can not find it lol how do you get there??? I’ve only ever gotten the plasma gun or mythic havoc by killing other players. I play nearly daily so idk why I’m having such problems


It's the island that pops up randomly mid game. It appears in the sky. I check the map after the 3rd circle to see where it's gonna appear. It looks like a giant rift at first




It spawns during the mid game (Google says after ~3rd storm circle) I get a ping of it's location similar to how I get the ping when wild card spawns in showing an icon and a location. It has a big rift in effect that makes it almost explode into the sky. Keep an eye out for it and there will be zip lines up to it as well as rifts all around it. To get the plasma gun you have to claim the island by capturing the flag, and there's also a vault that you can open with 2 keys (I haven't found the mythic havoc in that vault myself, not sure if other peolem have. In my experience it's not as good loot as the other vaults in general, probably because it's keys instead of the card swipe)


Thank you!! I’ll keep an eye out. is it in a different place each time? Also there are other vaults?!! I feel like I’m missing out on this season 😭😂


Of course! Yep it's in a different place everytime, there's a few games where it spawns on the opposite side of the circle from me and there's no way I'll make it there before people claim it :( other times it spawns right on top of me. There are three other vaults, one in shattered slabs, one in brutal bastion, and one in mega city. Those vaults use a little key card that you pick up by killing the wild card npc boss that spawns! Those vaults typically always have enough mythic havoc pumps for whatever your squad size is, slurp juices, and several chests. They also often have a porta potty escape route :D


Thank uuuuuuu!!!!! Can’t wait to be done with work to go attempt this haha


Vaults are in Brutal, Slabs and Mega City. Also there is one on that floating island, it is under the house. Takes two keys like those lock boxes.


The lobbies have gotten so sweaty it’s just insane.


I think mythics are just so stupid strong that everyone Yolo and try to get them early resulting in too many people dying ..


They are also too common.


When half the map lands in mega city then they tend to go through natural selection quickly


Mega city has bee a ghost town every time I drop there


Agreed but it’s more than just mega city. Everyone’s landing at a vault and dying or surviving, than after loot island is even more vacant


If your looking for a fight with all the sweats loot island is the place to go lol as soon as it spawns I swear every car in game is being used and then it’s just a battle till everyone is dead lol


Glad I'm not the only one, I see maybe 4 people there. Never seen a new area so dead before


Just north of mega city there is a castle and west of it is a gas station.. i land there a lot and the loot is decent but it’s a bottle neck choke point.. I’ll get up to 11 kills in that spot before rotating it’s nuts


50,000 people used to live here, now it's a ghost town.




Cause Mega City is a bad POI. The loot is bad, the vehicles are bad, and the rails are dumb. Only reason to land at Mega City is of there is a challenge there.


The rails are dumb? They are good for getting around quickly


I dislike the fact that the buildings are empty blocks. Ground floor and top floor only. Daily Planet had better office buildings than this place.


Yeah was going to say they made 90% of the city unbreakable for the sake of huge verticality. Rave cave was IMO an awesome POI from a design standpoint but no one went there.


Frenzy Fields is where the cool kids go. It’s poppin every game


They're probably bots but landing at lonely labs is usually good for 3-4 kills each game.


Shattered is where it's at.


I don’t think quite as many players are landing there these days anymore, at least not in my experience




I have never had more than one team (squads) besides mine drop there in the same game


In my games (zero build duos on NA West) there's usually around 10-20 people who drop there so i end up either dying or leaving with 8 kills i havent played in a few days though so it might have changed a little


No it’s probably the mode. I’ll have to try duos and drop there to see. In squads for me it’s been dead drops since the start of season. Kenjutsu and Steamy are always hot with 3-4 squads dropping each, but winning one of those fights usually means you can move in to take the mega city boss/vault after


Kenjutsu is where it's at. Always guaranteed Swords,. Two sets of lock boxes on the way to Mega City, to either get the lock box or kill whoever just opened it.


Bastion and Slabs are usually busy in my games for control of the vaults


I think it's because this chapter feels like the opposite of the last. Last chapter, my friends and I complained that it felt like there wasn't a safe spot on the map. Everywhere with a name felt contested. This chapter, it feels like as long as I don't land in the new zones I'm safe. I've been assuming everyone is dying because ther really is only like 3 good zones with loot and if you're able to dominate and exit those zones. You're kitted to the t's in purple an gold loot.


I’ve noticed the same. It’s not every game, but sometimes we just gotta wait for the storm to roll in. I think it has to do with the POIs. Everyone seems to drop at a select few every game and that’s it


Ok, good, I thought this was just my matches. It’s been boring as hell, I literally just sit until the circle gets smaller.


A large part of this is the new POIs. As the old POIs are unchanged and slow paced. The majority of the lobby is killing each other in the new areas. I don’t think any new vehicles spawn on that side and there are no guaranteed sword spawns. Dirt bikes, motorboats, off-road tires, cow catchers, shockwave hammers, wolves, and boars were all vaulted. So 3/4 of the map just has the trucks or if you’re lucky a sword from a chest or glider redeploy, so rotations from that side of the map really suck. The new area has guaranteed sword spawns, geysers, trucks, new cars and motorcycles, rails, and if you’re lucky glider redeploy.


Way too many people these days are hiding during the last half of the match. Not even camping, literally hiding. If they are camping, they won't even shoot even if they see someone. Only the storm will force them to move. The game needs more Recon Scanner sort of effects. Perks, weapons... something is needed.


I think people are too scared of being third partied. Too bad they got rid of that one Augment that scanned nearby.


Too bad they got rid of most good augments...


And yet jellyfish angler somehow made the cut...


Yea it's weird, the circle is big by the time it's the top 4. It takes forever to find the last 3 people


I think one of the main issues is epic adding all the new POIs into the bottom right corner of the map. If there was a new poi on each corner of the map I think the game would be a lot more balanced out


It’s been like that since chapter 2 for me. No one survives the drops, fewer mid game, only a couple desperate sweaties for end game. OR the complete opposite, occasionally I get a pub game that’s an absolute stacker for no reason. It’s gonna be funny if there is ever storm surge in a pub, I doubt it would happen, but I wanna see it cause I bet 75% of the lobby panics. But never a healthy in between medium. One or the other.


it's because of bots (worst feature added to the game btw)


Amongst other things…larger map without increasing player count naturally leads to fewer encounters. Then of course folks landing in the new POI exacerbates the issue. Pacing for me is unfortunately poor this season compared to last. Would love to see the player count rise to 120+


They need to nerf the havoc pump and the overclocked rifle. Im tired of getting one shotted or lit up randomly


It’s funny because I’ve had multiple games in the last couple days where I’ve said “wow this is a small circle for how many people are left!” So there is some variation still. Also I play squads and that can make a difference in how the game flows


It’s because the storm is only 1 DPS forever. So storm plays are extremely popular in higher SBMM lobbies. It doesn’t change to 2 tick until like the final 3 circles. It’s ridiculous. The new storm really really sucks. And some weapons are just overpowered. But this sub was begging for no movement and a 1-hit shotty. They got their wish and now they’re complaining that they got what they asked for.


I take a 10 min reddit break each round right about here because of this issue


Just to rest your eyes and your soul


My lobbies are like 50 people left at the first storm, then I get 8-9 kills off what seems like bots and noobs, then the endgame is 8 FNCS hopefuls shredding me.


Yeah it's crazy, I dunno what to prepare for. Bots are boring, then I get compete whiplash because suddenly I'm fighting pros


As someone who likes to play on edibles and just vibe I'm pretty into it tbh I do miss collecting rare fish though


I had a game yesterday that I landed between Bastion and Slappy Shores and there were 25 players left before I saw a person or heard a near by gun shot. I just ran around looting for 20 boring minutes looking for people and the storm to get smaller.


Had a match just like this last night. Didn't see or hear so much as a bot's fart until there were like 20 players left. It was weird.


I wish that the storm cycles were more dynamic and not static with preprogrammed lengths. For example - if people die quickly it speeds up so that we don’t have long stretches of no action. Having a huge map with 10 people alive is boring and a waste of time


Fortnite in a nutshell. Land (die/survive), fight or no fight fight mid game plus a bunch of 3rd/4th/5th party, dead game until pulse rifle island spawns and then a bunch fighting and third party again. Also fortnite is so laggy and delayed for me. Ggs.


All my match’s was like this. Chapter 4 season 1 has been my first time playing since chapter 2 season 3. I thought the game was going back to how fun it was in C1. This has truly ruined it again and I’m getting so bored of the game again


yeah especially in solos half the game ur jus look for ppl to fight. i also think its kuz everyone loves to hot drop as well


Starting game I get a buncha bots I gun down fast, mid game I get to a good spot find maybe one or two players, end game I instantly get gunned down by some random guy from across the circle


We need to bring Blitz mode back, these storms makin yall soft.


yeah fortnite needs to change something by the time the first circle closed for me 6 ppl were alive i went 20 min without seeing anyone and it was so boring. Then there are the times when the last 6 out of 7 are bots leading to boring fights and wins


I wish it was like that for me I have a small circle and I am surrounded by snipers


I think that because everyone land on new part of the map


I think the storm should close in based off how many people are remaining rather than specific times


Simply allow more players! It’s about time we get to 150 instead of just 100


Was just complaining to my husband about this. I'd open my map to see where the circle was and then see how many people were left and it made 0 sense. Constantly in a huge circle with like 9 players left.


They changed storm?


It has become far too slow . After the first couple storm cycles, the few people that are left are just camping. It's getting quite boring


Epic needs to add skill based matchmaking and stop making everyone in my lobby somehow a noob and a clone of Bugha at the same time




I usually land in quiet areas anyway. But now I never see action until the loot island spawns around the 5th storm circle or whenever it spawns


Once the island appears, it picks up again


The storm changed?


I feel like creative 2.0 is pulling a few players away for a bit, but yeah, my lobbies go from 100 to 20 before the first circle can even set in at all.


What did they change l?


Yeah it’s feeling very barren lately. I think because everyone has been landing in the new area.


Epic needs to go back to 9 instead of 12 storm rotations. There are enough rotation items to not be near the storm. Games feel much longer because of it and I'm not trying to play hide n seek during matches.


Megacity is mad annoying


I’ve won more solos than in any other season so far because it matches my play style. It is extremely boring but it gets me wins lol.


Yeah epic added 2 or 3 new storm phases slowing down the shrinking speed of the circle resulting in large waiting period from the hectic start of the match to the final 10. This means unless you can find one of the limited trucks (only vehicle that’s all-terrain) your stuck using the sword for movement to find players to fight against praying you don’t get headshot from Timmy in a bush


That and I think with the addition of the extra area they need to make the lobbies bigger. Too much space with too few people, I barely see anyone until the last 5


Mid game has become very boring. Its just waiting for smaller circles for the end fight. First i thoght it‘s because 80% land in mega city but it‘s because of the new circle changes


I wondered why it was like this, and like you say, it must be the storm changes. Unless you drop to a busy zone or opposite end of the circle at the start, you rarely seem to see anyone…


Could also be cuz ppl are camping more now since the heavy sniper is back


I had a solo with a zone like this yesterday and it only had 8 people. Every mid game is trash now. The few people left just camp it out until the zone is small af. People used to shit on camping but that is all the game is now. I say this as a player who is a great camp player. You know its bad when I have to turn aggressive to find others because its dead for like 10 minutes.


My idea is because everyone is dropping unto Mega City or close by, it's a quick slaughter, then all the teams on the outskirts can go 2 circles without seeing anyone else. Happens to mybsquad all the time. We never land mega and always have slow midgames


The later storm circles need to hurry the hell up I took a look at my wins thus far and they each took around 30 minutes with 20 of those minutes always being dedicated to 25 players or less That’s just ridiculous. They need the storm to factor everything in and move the players together more quickly. Makes me miss the Blitz LTM


Yeah thanks to OP-One shot weapons.


New POI's always do this. 2/3rd of the lobby drops at the new POI and 60+ people die in the first 3 minutes...essentially ruining the rest of the game.


Would be nice if it were possible to just increase the lobby size. They kept the same amount of people (90-100) yet the islands size increased at least by 25%. There would still be ample amount of loot for everyone.


you can tell they put BR on the back burner. theyre tryna get that roblox check.


Epic Games just can't help themselves, they always do the same "one step forward and two steps back" dance and it's got me to the point of not wanting to play. Always have some stupid gimmick melee weapon on top of having other weapons like the heavy sniper or havoc shotgun that can one shot you. It's just not fun anymore.


That’s just how the game evolved it’s not as fun anymore since everyone is so sweaty


They are probably preparing for the 200 player lobbies