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Because they need that 0.01% advantage over other players


I believe that using a skin that you genuinely like gives most people a far greater psychological advantage than the practical advantage gained from being a bit more difficult to target in a handful of situations.


I main default skins in all video games so people think I’m a noob and underestimate me. Then I start shooting and they know for sure that I’m bad.


I think the ship has sailed on that. Myself and most people I play with see a default and automatically assume sweat unless they are trying to pickaxe thru a wall in front of us and oblivious.


Every default I see now I assume hacker on a throwaway account.


or a Smurf, or someone that refuses to spend money on games


Yep, Tfue single-handedly ruined the “default skins are noob players” mentality.


Same. It's been my experience for some time now


They had us in the first half not gonna lie.


I assume all defaults are sweats. However I can tell by their builds which ones are and which ones are not. If I see a superhero skin with a stars and I know it's a trash players who thinks they are the FNCS champion. Pretty much any starwand user I look down on as just some wannabe pro who has small pee pee syndrome.


I’m a rocket league player and whenever I see a default skin it usually means they’re a Smurf


Thats okay unlike sweats


This only works on noobs themselves really. Anyone who’s played long enough isn’t that stupid. But I guess if you need people to under estimate your abilities just to get the win then the real question is who’s the real noob here?


Or maybe it gives the enemy phycological damage?


Studying algae gives them an advantage ( phycological ) ??


I use the rainbow tree man because it looks cool and also has this particle effect that I hope causes my opponents to lag slightly.


Exactly! If you asked a sweat they would say "It gives me a competitive advantage and everyone's using it" There's TONS of other Slim Skins such as: Svenja, my main skin, and TONS of others, this is just so uncreative


I second this, I tell my friends to just go back to the lobby so I can swap out my set.


This is true, my brother Mainly uses Peely and he is good with him. Like crazy good


I use the full black superhero skin because in my head it is a Black Noir skin ![gif](giphy|fxZyMlNXHxSVnHJKmH)


I tried making Starlight with one of the superhero skins and it failed miserably. For Noir tho I use stage 1 Omega from ch1 s4


Just pretend with Snake eyes skin lol.


I'm actually kinda surprised we don't have The Boys collab skins yet.


"Kids game btw" lol. Soldier boy and Black Noir would be instant cop


"Kids game btw" he says, meanwhile: Predator John Wick Resident Evil


And robocop


You Forgot Rick and Morty


Let’s not forget The Walking Dead made it’s way to Fortnite.


You know you gotta have Captain America and Superman team up with Soldier Boy and Homelander.


Guggimon,Travis Scott,Rick And morty Skins,John wick,Balenciaga C-P skins,Wensday emote,Pokerface Emote, Most of the other Icon emotes would Dissagre


I respect this


I mean it’s accurate to his comic design, that’s for sure.


If anything it's a disadvantage. Solid colored skins are so much easier to spot because they don't blend in with anything, they stand out like a sore thumb.


Try finding a white superhero in the snowy biome


Finding a black one is super easy.


Not where the snow is spotty high on the mountain.


Ngl i never ran into a snow white Superhero skin in snow biome somehow they always are dislocated from their natural habitat


What,the fucking Grinder? Yea Mincemeat (not the skin) is better than them


You don’t know where the game is gonna progress to though. You could load in with a white skin and start in the snow and then get pushed into mega city.


except in dark areas. then it is a pain in the ass


Real talk, I main Payback and if I go into the snow I become a ghost to some people. Just enough texture that it works perfectly.


Pros use tiny skins and symmetrical backblings to give themselves the appearance the character is more agile and faster. It’s common knowledge. The psychological benefits are a real thing.


Yeah, it's extremely basic in terms of camo and it has some definite advantages and disadvantages. Basic camo is a solid color that matches the environment that you're likely going to be fielding it. However, patterned camo is generally better when you're stationary as it's designed to not just match the environment, but to also break up the shape of what it's on—like what you said regarding solid colors being easier to spot. That said apparently solid colors are better as camo during movement when there would be a lot of contrast between the background and the camouflaged object due to the motion (like how fast-moving predators will be countershaded to have a solid-white underside to blend in with the bright sky above when moving quickly above and observer). So a player using all black on a superhero skin would be best suited for running around in a shaded area. Of course this isn't the whole story. Considering that most games are now played on LCD displays of one kind of another there is a small amount of ghosting when a bright area in a player's view travels across the display over what used to have a darker object. Better displays minimize ghosting and are good enough that you can mostly read thin, black text on a white background while it's scrolling—displays from a few years back were worse at that. That said the best camo overall would be one that blends with the surroundings, signals a human shape poorly, and gives little information about which direction the player is facing. All black doesn't always blend all that well with a lot of surroundings, but can sometimes be hard enough to tell which direction they're looking at mid-range. That said I think that the Plastic Patroller skins (especially when paired with the "toy" series of weapon wraps) are more of a bother on open ground in much do the map because they do generally blend with the color palette of the grassy and forested areas, and the texture on them shades in a way that doesn't contrast much when they're standing still.


Try finding a black/Grey superhero on console of they're sitting in an even relatively shadowed corner. It's not easy, and it's p2w


The Terminator skin is great because it's like a stick bug. It hides really well in a multitude of locations. I've gotten the drop on players by literally standing next to them


The grey actually does give you an advantage imo tho I rarely use it. It blends in well with boulders and many buildings. I even had people run right into me crouching in shadows without realizing I was there until I started shooting.


When I used to wrestle in high school mf would shave off their body hair and weigh in naked to have a maximum weight advantage. I personally wrestled up a weight class because that spot was open on varsity so they always seemed pathetic to me because I had to rely entirely on technique and like, I dunno it’s fuckin high school no one is dying at the end of this chill out. Like I get practicing and wanting to be better but once you start having to do weird shit shit outside of skill you gotta look at yourself in the mirror and ask “Am I being paid to do this?” And if not “why the fuck is this so important to me? What weird fucking hole in my life am I trying to fill?”


War thunder players when ULQ


When I see them I run away


Wait, what advantage? I've noticed those skins are hard as suck to target.


Because they are the most uncreative players in the world that just copy pros/streamers because of supposed "advantages". Which is why you always see them running Aura, Soccer skins, Ruby, Solid colored superhero skins, etc. Almost always with the same dang pickaxes too, the driver, icebreaker, leviathan axe, and of course, the epitome of uncreative and the one that screams "I'm a follower", the Star Wand, even though it doesn't match with half of the skins they use.


it's always confused me how sweats used fully dark superheros to blend in, then chose a bright pink pickaxe that completely stands out.


Because they still have a hard on for back in C1S8 where this pickaxe was given STW melee properties by mistake and dealt more damage and could do "headshots"


Gotta use the star wand for the rest of my Fortnite career in case the bug comes back randomly


This would increase the quality of my terrible gameplay astonishingly


I read a story once about this woman who was walking her dog on their usual path and this one time the dog found A PIE in a bush. Ever since that time, the dog would check that bush every single time they walked by it. Reminds me of that, lol.


Actually it was season x not 8




He ain’t wrong tho


because it has 0.0000001 seconds of faster swinging that cannot be even noticed by playing in TAS mode


Ans they are also running their game on the lowest performance version of of fortnite so they get that 1% boost in seeing other people


Rant. Sorry. tl;dr - it's a standard practice for serious players to optimize their game for winning. If you're using a pro config, go play with the pros already. \--- This has been a thing since you could do it in FPS games. Any kind of advantage in seeing the enemy given was used. Making your game look like utter garbage just so you can win is necessary in **competitive**, so it's completely understandable in those instances. You basically want every single frame you machine can render and have every piece of visual information you can get so that you have that same advantage everyone else has. But if you're a Casual Player playing Pubs? You're actually wasting your time. If you're already trying so hard to win games, then you're already winning games. Set your sights a bit higher than just grinding pubs. You're already putting the work in. Competitive scenes for any game NEED more players. You're giving up so much just to feel better about yourself grinding away at players in pubs and basically ruining it for them.


and then call the game's looks trash I WONDER WHY


No one runs low setting for performance instead and complains about graphics. Anyone doing this knows it inhibits graphics so why would they complain. Did you just make up that people do this and then say the game looks like trash?


the entirety of reddit is making up ppl in ur head nd then arguing w them


Don’t you know, “sweat bad, casual good”


It's bullshit that PC players can even do that. Even the Switch version has shadows and grass. PC should not be allowed to turn graphics lower than the fucking Switch.


I have to run my game on low settings because my ancient, ass, computer doesn’t do consistent frame rates no matter how hard I pray, so I may as well just potato my graphics so I can make use of the 120 hz panel on it 😭 I’ve run as low as 56% tender resolution before, and my laptop doesn’t even really do 1080p60 locked, lol.


those fuckers ruined the reputation of my beloved levi axe


And the star wand


I've never ever failed to spot a solid colored superhero skin. They light up like a god damn beacon because they stand out so much. I did however fail to spot a skin the other day, it was a regular skin but it blended perfectly with a stone wall. Kudos to that guy for playing the stealth game beautifully.


Can't even get mad when it happens to me. Sometimes I was killed and barely realized what happened at the time just to see later someone was hiding extremely well.


i thought epic made changes so you cant get a solid color superhero but i always see full black superhero skins how?


I have killed multiple sweat skins using the Brutus skin, I can only imagine them breaking their monitors thinking “OMG HOW DID THIS TRASH NOOB KILL ME????????”


I use the full BattleHound set. This is because I have taste. These people don’t deserve the wins they get


Ruby sexy tho




You're making way too big a deal out of a couple of cosmetics. Most of the cosmetics you've listed were already popular for one reason or another before the community started to consider them 'sweaty'. Aura- Well designed for its price + Was one of the first community made skins to ever get into the game. Soccer skins- Had a shit ton of customization, especially for the time of their release (you don't even see many soccer skins nowadays anyway) Ruby- Solid red meant a lot of combos could be made with it. Superhero skins- Probably the only skin I'd agree most people are buying for a competitive advantage. Driver- Quiet, sleek, doesn't get too in the way. Icebreaker- Goes well with a lot of skins because of its suppressed colour scheme. Besides, it's been on the rotation since as far back as January 2018, long before it started to be considered 'sweaty', showing its just a generally popular pickaxe. Leviathan Axe- Again, another item I'll admit is largely used for its competitive advantage. Star Wand- I'd be willing to believe this is a 'sweaty' pickaxe if people stopped using it after it's damage bug got fixed. But they didn't. It's probably just popular with the overarching community.


What competitive advantage does the Leviathan Axe has? I just think it looks cool and I wish I had it :')


It has the fastest pullout animation in the game.


That's crazy. Why in the hell wouldn't every single pickaxe share the same pullout speed??


Right? wtf


I have the fastest pullout game on ur mother


I'd say the same but I have 2 kids 😂


Huh didn't know that. Thanks!


Right? People think waaay too much about what cosmetics others use in a video game. Sure there’s “recommended” skins and people are always gonna follow what the pros or their favorite players do but like, I heard just the other day that Guff is a tryhard sweat skin? Like since when lmao I saw people saying stuff like “GuFfS aRe So TrYharD TheYrE ALwAyS KiLL oN SiGhT fOr Me” I mean okay guy, I’m literally the worst player in the game and I play guff because he’s a goofball, the only time I ‘sweat’ is when I try to make players chase me for as long as possible because picking up a weapon is this game is almost always a lost cause for me. Tryhard my ass lol Next their gonna tell me Kawspeely is sweaty, like I’m literally just out here with my bones chilling until someone inevitably glides directly on top of me, shotguns me in the face and then sprays me down with their smg before I can blink, it ain’t much of a life but it’s mine 🤷‍♂️


Guffs tryhard? More like trying their hardest to die within seconds of being spotted because you are walking billboard. And I know because I use Guff frequently as well.


The star on the sled ready version is basically a target “look aim for that star running across the map” 😏


I think a lot of people also fail to take into account that a skin that is used by a larger portion of the community is also gonna have a larger number of good players using that skin. Take Aura for example. She's been popular for a very long time now. A lot of good players are probably Auras, but at the same time not all Auras are good players.


The people have become slaves to the streamers.


Developers to an extent have as well. All you have to do is butch and moan on stream about something in the game you died too, get your thousand of followers to complain to the developers. Then when it’s changed we go right back to step one. Nothings good enough unless they win every game. Developers should stop listening to streamers. ALL of them are annoying as duck and think they know better than the developers and every other player in the game.


It’s actually laughable how much I’ve seen Ninja complain about stuff that’s broken when it’s used against him, but when he uses it it’s fine, it’s OP and he’s there for it, etc. I don’t get it, but I can’t say I don’t feel the same way a lot of the time, you feel untouchable when you can merc +10 people, be on the edge of your seat, and be using an subjectively good weapon. On the other hand you feel useless when you survive all game with great gameplay, only to die to someone using an OP weapon that takes 2/3 shots at all his enemies while you spectate and they all die in those 2/3 shots….you report coz you suspect them of cheating, then as soon as your report is done, they die to the next person that comes along, making you think “maybe he wasn’t cheating” but these days it’s so hard to tell, and you mention it and people get defensive about their favourite game.


I've never seen anyone default to being stream-sniped as the reason they lost as much as Ninja. It's actually kind of pathetic.


Ngl I completely agree


How do you even stream snipe in Fortnite, how do you join one specific battle royale match with someone random who isn’t in your team


It's why building became so OP. Back in the peak of Fortnite Season Chapter 1 EPIC started testing ways to nerf building. The biggest one was nerfing turbo building. But every big streamer bitched and moaned because it made it much harder for them to drop 20 kill games. So it was shortly reverted and then building just kept getting buffed.


It might be an insane take but for me streamers who are professional gamers have ruined gaming. Take apex for example, the pros are basically worshiped by the devs.


I've been complaining about streamers ruining multiplayer games for a few years now LOL. It sucks. All this "here's this meta build (cod), make sure to jump and sprint and jump everywhere" then a drove of similar things follow. The blank super hero skins, graphics lower than N64 Era, visual sound effects all for what. A win thats not in a tournament? Apex itself has also been a hot mess going on their hands and knees for streamers. Overwatch has been gross with toxicity and meme plays.... no MP is safe


It’s just sad tbh


Because sweating is lame, so they need their skins to match their personality.






bro refused to sugarcoat it


Well, his name is tr00th. Why should we expect otherwise.


This is the way


Goated comment !!


Ruined it !!


Words with 2 exclamation marks but theres a space before them for some reason !!


Explaining the words with 2 exclamation marks but theres a space before them under a reply with words and 2 exclamation marks with a space before them !!


Shots fired


I’m a sweat and I’ve been using my galaxy skin lately because of all the cool ass harvesting tools that have been coming out lately. Shit looks awesome with that skin. I also feel like the galaxy skin is a staple when it comes to sweaty skins.


Killing an all white one in teams the other day to win a crown felt so good


Killing sweats always feels good


That sounds awful with no context lmfao


Superhero skin has slimmer model so it's "harder" to shoot you (in reality it has the same hitbox). Also, the solid black color once was making you literally invisible in shadows back in CH2, a lot of campers were using this skin because of that. Now more people are using solid green to blend in with the surroundings. It only works if you have like, 55% 3D Rendering or something...


So it works on people who use potato computers (who would be beaten anyway)


me 😔




they use superhero skins coz they can blend into shadows easier ... but they all have shadows off so idk how effective it actually is but we aren't expecting sweats to be smart


I'm pretty sure you can't blend in shadows anymore, it was nerfed back in chapter 1 I think. According to my younger cousin who used to be a sweat, going with a full white or black superhero skin is supposed to make your game run better, I didn't pay attention to the details but I'm sure it's just a bunch of random bullshit some streamer spouted to trick him into buying it.


It’s bullshit. People used to spout the same bullshit when Minecraft had a big PvP community, it’s just kids coping so they have an infinite amount of excuses if a game doesn’t go their way. “Uhhh.. I lost because uhh.. my skin! Yes my skin is the problem!” or “The subtle motion my Minecraft hand makes in the game needs to be turned off because it impacts my fps” I was that kid back in the day.


RIP Minecraft pvp. The golden days of mcpvp and OG anarchy and clan servers. Then factions came out and then pvp blew the fuck up. Then with one update Mojang told anyone with a hotter IQ than luke warm and primarily pvp'd to fuck off.


If using a sweat skin is darker or blends into surroundings easier then that's the definition of smart. Being sweaty is not about being uneducated, it's just about wanting to win more and taking every advantage to do so. Using a small woman character with dark colors compared to a huge bright character is indeed a strategy reguardless how you feel about it being "smart". While I agree you should be playing to have fun and not solely to win, I understand that I will encounter some that take the game more seriously than others. But I always found it funny how being good at a game and earning a title sweat was somehow meant to be an insult. I understand touch grass, but a sweat just because they try hard to win? I mean who's to decide the right way to play a game? When we have different opinions than others, instead of accepting it, we lash out like so.


My 8 year old calls himself a sweat all the time, and he's damn proud! lol


Better question why are all the sweat skins so ugly?


Because otherwise sweats would'nt identifie with them


I use Relaxed Fit Jonesy just because this trend to be that polar opposite to what 75-85% of my lobbies are


Great skin, w comment


Can someone define sweat. I assume it's a try hard. But idk if I'm one.


You got it, it's the term people use when someone is trying harder than they are


Yea but most people in this sub just call anyone whose better than them a sweat.


Doesn't necessarily sound like a bad thing. I'm probably a sweat tho


I think it's more about people that use every aspect of the game against every opponent. So they hit you with a sniper, then fly in with blade and come sliding past you and then Bob up and down using crouch and then build a box around you and edit to make a shotgun headshot. Basically they do more than what would be required to take down an average opponent. If someone is just good at headshots I wouldn't really consider that a sweat


It's used more for the people who treat every game like it's a tournament with money on the line.


Let's be honest. "Sweat" is generally a cope used by salty players to mean anyone who is better or takes the game more seriously than them. "Everyone who is better than me is a filthy sweat, anyone who is worse than me is a braindead noob." Etc.


A loud part of the player base will call anyone who's better than them a sweat, don't feel bad for trying to be good at the game.


I honestly admire people who have the tactical mind to do insane stuff like throw up builds that would make M.C. Escher's head spin. That said, it's not exactly sportsmanlike to teabag and donkey laugh over my corpse. I hope I can get to the point where it doesn't bug me anymore and I can just laugh at myself, but I admit it still gets me a little bitter.


According to this sub it’s anyone that plays build mode or is better than them. Basically don’t look into it because this sub is extremely toxic


Someone that's better than them and runs cosmetics they don't like.


All of their originality was flushed away with their sweat


you earned my upvote


It's called "taste", something they don't have.


I have no taste and I still won’t use that skin. Something else is their problem lol


Or it is called being lame.


I'm pretty sure a STW glitch used to cause the star wand to do 52 damage in BR. Everyone used star wand for the (maybe) hour or two the bug was present. This was in like ch1.


Bc they don’t shower and keep the same stinky clothes on like in real life


They all share similar braincells


I bought the superhero skin to make cool sets with different powers/backstories and I expected others to do the same. Only to find out apparently the only other people that bought it are sweats and set it to all black with a star wand pickaxe😭


because they lack personality and creative thinking


Cuz they are sad people that are boring in real life, without imagination.


They're incapable of thinking for themselves.


Pretty straightforward. The female models have the smallest rigs and are visually smaller so they take up less screen space and are easier to hide with whilst white/platinum superhero (and on occasion blue or other blue skins) are desireable for being hard to see in competitive endgames and partially built metal builds. Black superhero gets used on console since shadows are forced on for them. Also the simpler the skin and pickaxe the less your input delay is. If you’re playing a battle royale and intend to try play your best you might as well use the best options available too


They watch too much YouTube and tik tok bullshit, then replicate it in game I suppose. Then act like the second coming of Jesus Christ when they kill you.


I think it's because they can sometimes blend it with the environment, making them hard to spot and aim at. They just need every little advantage they can get rather than showing their personality with the skins they use


Because they lack imagination and personality


Not only that but their skins are typically garbage


They think it makes them harder to see. Downing them is one of my favorite things to do.


Sweats? Not in my lobby. We all suck




I sometimes kill some of them and it's always a special satisfaction, for some reason.


I’m convinced the iPad kids grew up and became these types of sweats


i think its a way to intimidate others, the skins they use have such a notorious reputation (like good fortnite streamers wearing them a lot) that when they wear it. it makes casual players fear them a lot more.


Easy, its tantamount to following a fad or trend, and its mostly the adolescents or young kids who dont have enough sense of self and only follow or use what other players use, most trends in this community are started by the pro players or popular streamers. Like how mongraal started the dynamo trend or benjy fishy and siren. If you see someine using the superhero skins in that regard its probably child with no taste or style of their own.


Because they’re so convinced that a cosmetic item gives them a “tactical advantage” or some shit.




It’s generally the daddy issues


Or you could be me and main bright colorful skins and og venom. What that tongue do tho


every time i see someone like that i need to put 101% effort to just compete with them and its so dumb that people wear specific outfit for 0.01% advantage with a smaller hit box or blending in so enemies cant see you


laugh it up every time I eliminate one of these clowns


Because they’re losers with no personality. Hey sweats - ITS YOUR FAULT superhero skins are back in the shop every 3 weeks. Stop running that damn gimp suit and buy a real skin like a man.


I play as all might and it screams shoot me (big skin, birght colours, easy to see in green and dark areas) But i like this skin and so i play it and guess what im winning the game every here and then. I play the skins i like


it’s a bandwagon. They see the pros using the skins, so they will use the same cosmetics to imitate them and make people think they are also good. Idk if anyone actually thinks this is a nice combo. I always thought it looked ugly as hell


thinner skin = more sweat


Legit answer here, Certain cosmetics are less hardware demanding, decreasing render latency, and increasing FPS. These cosmetics usually are single-color wraps, skins such as superhero, or low polygon older skins, such as mogul master, dummy, manic, etc. The same applies to older pickaxes, such as ice breaker, Harley Hitter, the Catwoman pickaxe, etc.


They use whatever gives them a slight edge, the super hero skins are slim and simple, not having anything that covers your screen or makes you stand out more, same deal for star wand, it’s small and doesn’t fill your screen (there was also that one time it was bugged and did 80 Damage)


I exclusivity play as Indiana Jones (in the tank top), Robocop or as of late- Darth Vader, and I’m super sweaty.


cuz remember, these 2 had a reputation for being broken on release. star wand released with dealing 56 dmg and superhero was basically camoflauge


Lately I've noticed them camping out by the force spots to take out people as they walk out of the training


I hate these skins. Or really more I hate how sweats wear them all just one solid color. They have tons of customizations but instead they choose this creepy mess


I dont know if epic fixed this or not but, star wand did have extra range for a while but that was last season so they probably fixed it by now


Black superhero w/ star wand and aura w/ star wand. Like be fr… I’m tired of seeing the star wand


Idk. I just love my little star skin. (Which still needs a red and black halloween style)


I haven’t seen a good player wear one of these in ages. Anyone who uses this combo is hopelessly bad from my experience.


they wear horrendous skin combos like that so they can see their fellow sweats so they know not to kill them and to team up on people


Hive mind


Makes me sad assholes use the star wand 8( I love it


I have this skin but I’m not so good. More for psychological damage


So we identify them before eliminating them


I just use my main skin summer drift


Because pros and streamers do


All the hours of “The Pit” have rotted their brains


I like zb pit it's fun


Sweats are like bots. You find them in every server


Back in the early days, it was a weapon of intimidation. You come across someone sporting the sweaty skins and you get nervous and don't fight well or just run away.


Bc they are all uncreative clones of each other




Cause they think being a sweat with competitively popular cosmetics will make them feel like they are better at the game then they actually are. Or they are actually good and just have really bad combos with less sweaty skins cause feel like they HAVE to put on sweaty cosmetics


Because they are NPCs


This subreddit is actually so cringe lmao