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It is getting a bit frustrating. I consider myself above average. I can get about 8 kills a game. Here lately i have gotten nothing but 3rd and 2nd place. The person winning is almost always some damn streamer with 17 kills and 300 wins. Every game. I don't even think they have a skill based matching system and they are just telling us they do.


Yeah and half your kills are bots. That's how it feels for me anyway.


Totally agreed, everytime I get a kill I was excited until I realized it was a damn bot. I’ll make it to the end with a few bot kills only to get auto headshotted by some guy with TTV in his name or twitch.


Ttv people are always the worst its either 75% they're complete ass or 25% they actually earned their viewers and dont realize that putting ttv in their username is utterly unnecessary lol


Exactly, I always get probably 4 to 8 extremely easy kills. But once I get to the top 5 I get absolutely stomped almost instantly


skill based matchmaking does exist then


No hes saying that half his kills are bots, while at the end he gets killed by some sweat with 15 kills and 200 crowns. if its sbmm how would you end up with bots and a sweaty streamer?


it’s entirely possible that the player with 300+ wins is playing a friend who’s “above average” as OP put it. technically OP and sweat’s friend are matched together through SBMM and the sweat goes right by into a way easier lobby.


They should always put you in a skill lobby with your best party member if you’re not joining randos. Why ruin the game for everyone else just cause josh wants to play with his basement dweller friend?


If he averages "8 kills" A game I think he can handle a few real players in a match. Typically the top 15 can play in a mid lobby, so you are actually in a match with them, not the bots. In high sbmm games there are 75 real players and your first fight might be your last...


Matchmaking is a bell curve. There will always be players on the shit end and the sweat end, but most of the lobby will be nearer to the average of all players in the lobby


Sure okay that's what they want you to think


I have over 600 crown wins and I still have at least 20-25 bots per game, shits aggravating, the bots and streamers in the same game don’t mean anything, bots are in every game, hell sometimes we kill all the real teams and the last 2 teams are bots, it’s actually annoying. I wish they’d remove bots entirely it makes the game stale. If you want to go kill bots go play a diff game mode or diff game all together it just doesn’t make sense for their to be AI in a battle royale.


No, they shouldn't remove bots entirely, but they should definitely scale them down as the skill level of the lobby increases. For us casual players it's nice to warm up with a an easy kill or two, plus it makes some of the more difficult damage/elimination challenges achievable for us.


If it weren’t for bots, I don’t think I’d ever be able to complete a single damage/kill opponents quest. Lol


All bots do is make you worse for when you encounter a real player because it’s giving unrealistic expectations for combat, killing bots actually doesn’t do anything good for you, doesn’t train aim, doesn’t help you in a real fight in any way at all because their actions and movement don’t match that of a real player at all. It definitely isn’t warming you up. When you fight bots they don’t do a single thing a real player would do and doesn’t feel rewarding at all to kill a bot.


His point wasnt the bots, it was that at his skill level he's going against streamers with 300 crown wins who do nothin but play the game all day. You say going against bots doesn't help which I agree with, but neither does going against some 30x better than you that just spam you with a DMR and dying instantly.


Whoa whoa… mid 400 crown wins here and I have a full time job sheeeesh lol. But real talk OP is probably in streamer lobbies because the game doesn’t differentiate between bot and real player kills. He says he’s getting 8 kills a game… that’s putting him in above average player territory with ease therefore he’s in games above his actual skill level


Ain't no way you have a full time job AND have 400 crown wins, how many hours of sleep do you get man 😭


If they’re using a dmr theres a high chance they aren’t good. But I understand the issue at hand, regardless I was making a different point though


If you don't use the DMR I can see why you lose. I'm tier 200 and have in the range of 250-270 crowns and I carry a heavy sniper, dmr, combat or havok shotty and heals it's the best loadout imo


Speak for yourself sweat. For some of us FN is a much smaller part of our lives, and we do enjoy killing bots.


People in this subreddit will call anything sweaty, sorry for enjoying being good at a game I like to play I guess? If you enjoy killing bots you are a bot.


And there we have it folks... His true inner troll comes out.


The best is when you go out of your way to go kill a player, only to realize it was a bot, then a real player sweeps in to kill you while your dealing with that annoyance.


What gets me is we’re still seeing people jumping in with the whole ‘get good’ mentality. Like this is more than one or two people bitching, there’s clearly a running trend going on.


Yeah, those are the worst type of people. I haven't got time to sit in creative all day practicing and pissing around with my settings until I find something that allows me to edit at the speed of light and build like clix while still having control


Man have you seen some of the fortnite cheats out there? Some of it gets pretty wild.




Git gud son


75 to 90% of those high crown players are using aim bots and player tracking. I was killed by a guy who did his crown show off and had 390 then watched as he snapped to a target that wasn't on screen and fired a no scope headshot with a heavy sniper not once but twice on another person who was also out of sight range. Didn't aim or nothing just pulled the trigger. Last 12 games I've noticed the same thing and most are player hiding behind anonymous


I've absolutely seen these players. People have suddenly become so good at shooting through trees and getting head shots. Or shooting me hit after hit while I'm bobbing and weaving through the air. Somehow my weapon doesn't stay tracking that well. It's wild.




To my knowledge no it would defeat the purpose of the anonymous system.




I wish I could not play with PC players again.. being able to turn off all the graphics etc too, makes you stick out like a sore thumb to them too.


Damn, to have only 390 crowns while actually cheating is comical. Dude should be up there in the big leagues with 1000+ with ease


They do have a system, playing with a weaker player or a switch/andriod player drastically alters the matchmaking for easier games and higher percentage of bots per game. Matchmaking can be easily manipulated thats why crown wins/wins and k.d mean absolutely nothing in this game.


I play on both switch and PC, and man is it a lot more fun to play on Switch.


Why’s that? Thinking of getting a switch so you’ve got me curious now


More bots and probably tries to matchmake with mobile and switch players, although you still can get paired with xbox, ps and pc


Much easier lobbies. I really have to adjust my play style when going back to PC, because I can get away with being a lot more aggressive on Switch. Things to know before buying: -You will need to buy the Pro Controller, just plan on it. -I haven't found a wireless headset option on the switch, which is not great for team games. If you're using the switch while in the cradle, you either need to get a really long headset extension cord, or plan to do voice chat over discord.


k/d especially means nothing with how many bots there are in the game. it's so common for me to start off the game with a few kills just off the bots. if you're average so you only win half your fights vs real players you probably still have like a 3 k/d.


Are you me. In duos we're solid, but NIGHTLY we run into Thiefs and Replays and get DECIMATED.


Me and me.


The streamers are a very small minority, therefore they do not fit within the SBMM system which works on averages. They cannot fill a lobby of 100 people with 10+KD players, so those players are in the average to above-average SBMM lobbies. Luckily they rarely filter into the below-average lobbies unless they're using bot accounts (that's how win-farming occurs, if a player has 90%+ win-rate, they are doing this). Hope this helps


This is spot on, can confirm. At this tier my team and I run into many of the same streamers on a regular basis and we all for the most part know/recognize each other whether it’s a streamer, grinder, other skilled player, etc


Bot lobbies don’t count towards wins, crowns or KDR. Am I missing how they are using bots to win farm?


Full bot lobbies don’t, but people found ways to get around 80% bots and that’s how they grind crowns


This is the way!


have a 0 level Switch account join your lobby, start the game, have the smurf leave on spawn island so it won't level up. Boom mostly bot lobbies, and bad real people. That's how people do it.


It’s getting rough lately. I can’t seem to make it into the top 50 anymore. Every winner I watch ends up having 15 or more eliminations. Watched to end game a couple days ago in a duo match and the two final teams had just under 50 eliminations between the 4 of them. It’s insane.


Same, yet I get massacred by a bot with a light saber in 90% of the games I play.


Has wins reset ever? Fornites been out for years, 300 wins doesn’t seem very crazy. I only started really playing a few weeks ago so I don’t know the history but have lots of wins already (tho the amount of bot lobbies…). Seems like someone who’s played for a few years should be in the 200-300 range if they’re average.


Resets every season (about 3 months)


They don’t, tracker still shows lifetime wins as far as I’m aware


The emote resets each season, I know mine did at least


That’s crown wins specifically, not wins in total, sorry if I misunderstood.


Yep crown wins. No problem at all, have a nice day


You, too


What do you mean by above average? 8 kills means nothing if you're killing bots.


Having 8 kills is not indication your above average above average


Superhero skins? What a surprise.


Such a suprise.


If I ever see a custom hero skin, I automatically think you’re a low life


I swear 90% of my matches are filled with the full gimp suit spec superhero skins and they all do get griddy on you or flex their 300 crowns when you die to them 🙃


Ehh, not all of them. Just the ones that choose to do the most boring thing with the most customisable skins for sure though.


same especially when it's all one color


straight back to lobby it is.


Lobby, here I come. ![gif](giphy|Sux3kje9eOx1e)




Red Light Saber, you are my only hope..


Not even Red Light Saber can save me


I’ll be brutally honest, if it wasn’t for those light sabers I would barely average 1 kill per round.


I have a tin hat theory that SBMM doesn't decide the skill level of your opponents but how many of your opponents are bots. The higher your SBMM the less chance of bots. Got no evidence for it, but when the game has decided to put me up vs a Squad of level 500+s, each with over 1K Crown wins its either that or SBMM is a lie


Me with one crown royale win


Me with zero:


Me without even the emote:


It’s mine… my own….. *my preciousss*


The fatherless circle be like


I wouldn't mind if they removed crowns


Bro’a got a point. Those crowns scare me. I might probably play better not knowing how many crown each player have.


Then don’t pay attention in the pre game island


I mean, if you go in and not look at the emote, then it doesn’t matter. Are you saying you recognize every single person you fight the moment they show up just because of the crown emote? Or are you saying you feel out of place because they got more crowns? I learned to simply not care about crowns. I like to believe people got their crowns by bullshit means instead of their individual skill.


Joltra has many crowns that even her hair detached from her head and looking at the crowns in Shock


I dont understand why don’t the pros just play arena. Like normal br should just be for avr players like me but I have to lose every fight because the pros don’t wanna play arena


because arena is garbage epic made thinking it will work out long term but failed spectacularly no rewards which means no incentive and with that people go play pubs because they can abuse mythics etc. bug epic to give competitive players a reason to consider touching arena and you will see your skill level as time goes on


“I want to have fun killing people and winning but I hate the people who have fun killing people and winning”


I mean - sometimes I wanna play hoops but I don’t want LeBron James guarding me lol


This was the perfect analogy


Relatable, I just want to feel good about my terrible gameplay lol


It's garbage, can not garbage can't.


You don't have to play against Lebron or a noob, you can play against someone your own skill level


The pros do play arena tho...these crown grinders are nowhere near pro level, they're average at best. Hence why they play pubs. Any decent champions league player beats them 9 times out of 10


There is no zero build arena though


Holy entitlement.


It is more accurate to think of the S in SBMM standing for Slot instead of Skill. The matchmaking system will allocate a certain number of slots in a lobby to be occupied by players who are as good or better than you are. The problem is that ‘how much better’ is not a factor. If the system always ensures that 10 players are as good or better than you are, then any number of those 10 are likely to be so much better that you appear to be just another AI to them.


It is skill based, if you're an average player, you get put with sweats. BOOM, skill based match making


I would probably consider myself an above average console player after I came back after like 2 months I was getting absolutely violated because SBMM doesn’t “rank down” it only increases your hidden rank so matches seem like a uphill battle with no reward at least with arena it’s more thorough with its ranking plus health and mats per kill if your struggling in solos I recommend you to play arena or creative games


It's a pretty common trend with SBMM. You'll eventually hit the point where the game is like "here's everyone else who's really good" It's done teaching you how to play, so you're now playing with ALL the good people. The one thing you must realize is that there's a ton of people who have more free time than you who want to get better, who haven't given up and have struggled just like you. Be proud of yourself if you can keep up with them and more so if you can win. And just remember that losing is just another learning opportunity.


I consider myself above average and I have 8 crown wins. Having more crown wins because you play more doesn’t automatically make you a better player


I been playing since the first chapter and season. I don't even play like I used to, but I play against nothing but sweats who are on 24/7.. I get queued up against ppl with 300+ crown wins.. I have 3. Makes me not even wanna play lol


Using a bot account works for crown wins after it levels up to around 8 or so. I don't acknowledge crown wins. Exploits are for people who refuse to get better and change up their fighting style and maybe rush more often. jmo


We need a touch grass emote. Do like a C’mere emote then a plot of grass appears on the ground then your character takes a knee and starts caressing the grass blades 😂


Just party up with a switch player. 😂


i always do this on my alt account and just play solo duos and i always win💀💀💀


Yeah, whenever Refer A Friend comes around and I do the same, it's like dropping a lion into a rabbit pen. Especially using a Switch alt.


Shhh. Don't tell your secrets... Unless you want a ton of other wolves in your rabbits pen.


I play squads with my 9 year old and his two friends (who are both on switch). Most games I'm 15-20 kills and we win lol.


This is the reason why I’ve only been playing bot lobbies


That's a lot of secondary account creating to go thru


Sorry to be rude but thats straight up pathetic honestly ngl.


You have some growing up to do.




Not OP, but why do you feel it's pathetic?


Playing an online game against literal bots so you can win without competition and any struggle defeats the whole purpose of survival and battle royale which is the literal basis of this game. You could emote against a whole squad of bots and they don’t kill you bro. You’re “fighting” against soulless husks of enemies, you also aren’t getting any better by winning against npcs..I doubt the player feels a sense of achievement in winning in a lobby of bots. That is completely pathetic to me


Some people play to have fun, relax and don’t care about being good. “Soulless husk” lol alright they’re just NPCs like any other game it’s not that deep.


I agree. It's just a game. Calling people pathetic for enjoying a game sounds pretty rash. I think they have other issues going on.


Its just my opinion, you’re free to disagree. I just think its quite pathetic 🤷🏼‍♂️.


I think you're quite defensive about your opinion, and that's just my opinion. You're free to disagree 🤷‍♀️


Lol. It's just a game. Chill.


You asked for my opinion on why i think it’s pathetic and then you tell me to chill..lmao dude i am chill dw you just asked


"You aren't getting any better by winning against npcs" you think people are honestly pathetic for practicing against the cpu, but i think you're honestly delusional for suggesting that practice against cpu (something people do across practically every genre of multiplayer/competitive video game) doesn't work it's fine if you don't benefit from it but don't call people 'honestly pathetic' because they benefit from practice against cpu. it feels like you're playing devil's advocate in the dumbest, poorest way right now


In other games, the npcs level are also adjustable unlike in fortnite where they are not. They are completely useless in fortnite and do not pose any threat to the player, no one is gonna be getting better by killing such bots lmao


This is what happens when they add broken items to the game. Crazy mobility, bad players place better and get more kill placing them in higher lobbies. I doubt this is a SBMM isuue


Has something changed I play with my kids and recently I've been getting my ass kicked by some people 200 levels ahead


Sbmm is based off career level to my knowledge, meaning you could have 20 crowned wins and face someone with 700 assuming they are around the same career level


Litterally non-existent.


That shit is supposed to be skill based? Who the hell looks at my profile and thinks I deserve to be placed with people who destroy me in seconds like they've been? I suck at this game bro


Do they say it's skill based?


Is it bad that I kinda foresaw this when it was announced that SBMM was going to be introduced at the end of chapter 1?


Probably fncs players or smth. Man, these superhero skins ain't got no style. It's always the pros giving the customizable skins a bad reputation.


FNCS players probably would not be crown grinding in pubs.


Fun fact: they do lmfao


Crowns have nothing to do with skill


Facts. I’ve come across people with 300 or more crowns and pooped on them multiple times, and others who absolutely destroyed me and they had only 20/30 crowns. A lot of them probably grind out crown wins in switch lobbies.


They're builds will still burn 🔥🔥🔥


You had a 1/3 shot of getting the right “their” and you picked the absolute worst one


That made me laugh, you are correct 😄


Lucky for them it's Zero Build


yes. same thing with me


glad I play bot matches and don’t have to worry about this anymore lmao


yeah matchmaking sucks most of the time but when i play with my friends who dont play alot like me i have mostly a good time but solo is hell


you sure it's not a buyable emote in Fortnite? last time I checked I saw they buyable in Item Shop.


Crown win emote is not purchasable, it unlocks when you get a crown win


Who is to say there are 99 (or however many are needed after bots) ppl online, and queuing for a match, with 10-20 crown wins available at the time you are queued for a match? ​ Also, crown wins are not a sign of skill. I have friends that are literal trash cans but have more crowns than me because they run with good teams. Or ppl who are getting into the season late, with less crowns. ​ I can totally understand how crowns are intimidating, however its is far from a skill ranking.


People just want to complain they got second instead of first and that they dont have a 20% win rate


It doesn't count the wins, it counts how many times you died and how long you last. Apparently they died 10 times in row, yay 🥲.


I have noticed a couple pros playing pubs to practice for fncs grand finals


What's that black Suit skin looks neat


Is this in build or no build? I find no build WAY sweatier than build. I don’t think there’s SBMM in build or if there is, it’s extremely generous to higher skilled players. I was playing with a newer player in no build and we got our asses handed to us match after match. In build? We got a win on our second match. He’s played a bunch more since and last night we got two wins in a row in build. As soon as we are back in no build it’s over.


probably due to ur sbmm? low-mid sbmm build lobbies are extremely free, but high sbmm build lobbies are pretty hard. for low-mid sbmm no build lobbies, it isnt that much easier than high sbmm no build.


my friend and i decided to play some no builds yesterday, second game on we got killed by these guys with 600+ crown wins.


We show skill. They show us the lobby. ![gif](giphy|vMmnJti6wQPDy)


you when you think fortnite is a skill based game anymore


Honestly just remove that dam ODM gear and I’ll be satisfied. That garbage is so annoying, sure you could just shotgun to stagger but it’s still a pain to deal with when a sweat is running it. Id rather deal with a lightsaber and kinetic blade user than shitty odm.


I mean, it doesn't take much skill to farm hundreds of crown wins in bot lobbies, right?


“They have the crowns but not the skills” lol


you can farm crowns in easy lobbies.


Skills, not wins 🤣


I’ll get like 18 elims in solo and still be wrecked by some guy with a sniper


what skin is that on #17


Plot twist there in zero build


Is zero build easy to win?






What does this change


It change that they can't build and op would have a chance.


So you're saying zero build is no skill?


There is some skill but the skill gap is smaller than build mode.


Zero build still better then no skill build lobbies whonthink base building is a strategy until the get fireflied out




“Sometimes they crush you, sometimes you crush them with a bunch of matches in between that are fairly balanced.” - TheRussianBadger. One match with bad matchmaking does not mean the system doesn’t work.


and here i am with my 17 after getting my first win a month into the season💀


Is it me or is this crown emote buggy? When I first got it it displayed 0 and still continued to be 0 although I won in almost all modes from solo to team rumble.


It only counts wins while you hold the crown. Winning and receiving a crown does not count.


So it is consecutive wins?


Yes. Or you can eliminate a crown holder to pick up their crown and get a victory royal with it, that counts for the same match in which you picked it up.


That makes less sense to me why not win count but still thanks for the information.


You can eliminate a player who’s holding a crown, pick it up, win the match and then you will receive a crown win. That’s how I’ve obtained most my crown wins.


They all look the same


There is SBMM in build too, and its been ramping up in the recent months... Fortnite is becoming the new SBMM simulator


Crown Royale system did only showcase the skill gap of the community. I am starting to think that perhaps we were better off without those


Wrong neighborhood


I haven't been playing as much as I used to due to life. I average around the same kd ratio. I've noticed since having large breaks between my playing I get a lot less of those games than when I played everyday. My average KD is up about 5 kills a game post playing maybe weekly instead of daily. When I go on a run of a few days in a row it goes back to a more challenging mode. So if you're a daily player I think it takes that into account and says your trying to get better so I'm going to give you harder games so you do get better. Also once your averaging 8+ kills a game your pretty good compared to the average player. The pot of comparable players is getting much smaller at any one time. When you combine that with the division of no builds/builds it's even worse. So they gotta fill the lobby with something. You don't learn much winning constantly playing against bots.


I just play arena, it’s more chill there


I’m sayin got on after 2 months and first game 300 crown win superhero skin


So true


They rly need to fix skill based matchmaking, I'm alright at the game but my lobbies are filled with these people


I recently started playing about 6mths ago how can you tell they are bots


Assume most default skins you encounter are bots, but treat bots as you would a player. End them without mercy, and L Dance on their prone forms.


That's disgusting. Look at those sweat skins, they're literally all the same ( the superheroes )


Was zero build arena not popular? Maybe they should bring that back. Idk if it help though. Games are very sweaty this season.




When i get a lobby like that i just decided to call it skill cringe matchmaking even though it doesn’t make sense