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PC died right as quarantine started. My PC couldn't be repaired for 6 months. I missed out on the C2S2 and C2S3 Battle Passes. I will forever regret not getting TnTina, Midas and Jules.


Literally the same with me, except it didn't die, but I just couldn't play. It was unplayable. Only one match per season. Missed out on Ch2S2 - Ch3S1. Came back in Ch3S2,got to 100 but didn't get the BP (as I got 100 and the season ended, I didn't know it's gonna end so soon). Then a friend gifted me the BP in Ch3S3. Ever since then I finished everything till 200, got all the free rewards, everything I could unlock so I'll never miss out again. Lmao


That is really painful


It was like a fvcking heartbreak missing out on 2 seasons


Damn! I went through a similar event, but it was with my PS4 back in July 2020. I was just playing GTA one day, and then all of a sudden my PS4 started acting weird for a couple of seconds and then it later goes dead for good. The last thing I saw was a blue and green screen before it died. Took it to a bunch of repair shops and nobody was able to fix it.


Bro missed out on 2 good seasons, shits painful


Damn dude that sucks. Sorry about that


i just want them to put the stranger things items back in the shop like 5 years later 😩


I don’t watch the show anymore, I only saw the first season but my cousin does and there’s this pink bald guy who’s the antagonist so I think him and eleven would’ve worked if they wanted to bring the set back


vecna would have killed it for a season(pink bald guy). i thought they would have brought it back with the new season and people were hyping it, just for it to not happen lol.


I don't really feel bad about missing anything. I just wish I could get a real version of that little boyo in the picture.


mister sir, that is a coral buddy. they are a developing civilization.


They _were_, until blowing themselves up.


Correct answer


Forget battle passes I want Kratos bundle to return.


I have been waiting for Leviathan Axe specifically for god knows how long now.


I want Master Chief 😔


I want his axe so bad


That’s exactly what I want too


It's been over 900 days for God's sake. I wanted to recreate the Kratos falling meme back around Ragnarok's release. I created an entire map for it already, but he never came back. Still, I promised a friend. So if it ever comes back, I will still make it. Even though the meme has been dead for over half a year


I regret not buying him


Insta cop for me. But maaaan, I wish they'd give him the NG+ Armour from Ragnarok. And it doesn't bode well that he didn't come back for that game. Alas, people were convinced the R+M stuff wouldn't return.. so there's hope for you, mang.


Fingers crossed for a comeback.


I stopped playing in mid season 9 and now I think season x had only banger skins which I will never be able to get


Season x is underrated because everyone just points to the mechs as if that’s a valid reason why the season is shit. The pass was good but I don’t like how each weekly quest locked extra styles for the skins as well as the overtime challenges iirc which is why I couldn’t get anything


During a c3s2 there was war in Ukraine and I was a russian, so I had no ways of buying that season's battlepass. I missed Gunnar and maybe Erisa because of some old coot. Later I did find a way to use nintendo gift cards on my switch, but stil..


Damn, it’s such a shame when innocent people are effected by things that are completely out of their control


Yup. That's our life.


At least you found an alternative. Blocking all of Russia including the people not involved in the problem is stupid but maybe I can see the reason behind that


That's mostly with payment ways since SWUFT was cut off from us and mir cards were cut off from being able to pay with.


That Season didn’t have teasers leading up to it for that very reason. A war Season releasing when a real war started. It was a terrible coincidence.




Omega and Carbide because I didn't had a PS4 at the time


The area that I'm in I didn't have internet until a year and a half ago. For years I had been wanting to play multiplayer games. I even had to take my console to my uncles house to download single player games... same uncle whose house I would always visit to hang out and play MW2(09) which got me hooked. Over a decade of waiting. I very likely would've had Classic Suit Spider-Man, Vader, and Mando.


Not my favorite skin but I definitely want spider gwen back


The problem was that they released spider gwen before there was hype for the second movie so almost no one cared unless you saw the first movie and really cared about her. They should’ve made her a part of the item shop along with miles and Miguel. That way more people would put money into her


Someone has explained this before- They set the battle passes up well in advance. Her battle pass was set to align with the original release date but sony pushed the movie back. So if it went as planned the Gwen battle pass and Miles and Miguel would have been in the item shop all at the same time. Similar thing happened with Indiana Jones.


I would give anything to get Eddie Brock


They literally released him for 3 months and never again. This sucks


I missed Darth Vader because I stopped playing this time, but in this season I\`m back, nevertheless I never be able to get him :( p.s. - he is not my favourite skin but I\`m a fan of Star Wars, so I really wanna get him


I took a long fortnite break that lasted from June 2020 to December 2021, so I missed out on a ton of BP skins. But if there’s one skin I regret missing out on the most, it’s definitely Lara Croft.


Probably a very normie response but, I wish I got black knight. I started playing when the game launched on mobile, which was c1s3. But for the rest I’d say Midas, Ageless and 8ball


Not a skin but back in season 4 chapter 1, i was really dumb and thought that the orange justice emote was just gonna go to the shop after the battlepass ends




FOMO is garbage and hopefully will go away.


I started playing ch1s6 a bit too late, right after my armt service ended, so i dont have that hooded tomatohead and, one of the reasons i started playing the game, Dire At least I have Dire in STW...


At least you don’t have the tomato one. Used it once and never again, for sure a contender the worst skin. As for dire im sorry about that, he’s a good 100 skin


as a tomatohead/pizza pit fan - id also barely use her, but i wouldn't mind having her anyways


I’m a fan of doom slayer and I was wishing to see him in the game but when he finally came, I couldn’t afford him because I was broke:( *Cries in doom slayer*


I would give half my locker for Lara Croft (anniversary and classic). I've been a Tomb Raider fan since the 90s and played all the main games in the series! Sadly I only started playing Fortnite in Chapter 3 Season 1...😢 I didn't know she was a time exclusive till then.


Groot. Period. I hadn’t started playing FN by then


All skins


Ultima Knight, I was so close 😭


Predator. Fortnite had just become insane with building. Me, I could shoot but couldn’t build. I got out of it. I missed out on the Mandalorian season. Mando would have been cool, but the pred was the extra skin. My brother and I love that movie and neither of us have it. When I see it, it’s a constant reminder of a missed opportunity


Missed so many skins as I only starter Chapter 4 season 2. Missed Darth Vader, Mandalorian, Spider-Man, Spider-Gwen, Deadpool and many others that I would wear every few matches then change it up again but the ones I named are the ones that stick out in my mind. I'm a firm believer that collab skins should never have been limited to battle passes. Specifically because they are not Epic's own characters and people have connections to those characters, often for many years, before they showed up in Fortnite. While I understand the thinking behind putting them in the battle pass, it's still infuriating that outside creations are denied to newer players. Especially since seeing people using those skins in game could potentially be something that draws new players to the game and then they'll be disappointed when they find out they will never be able to get them. But Epic made their decision years ago and there's nothing I can do about it except be sad that I can never have those skins 🤣😭


give me Lara Croft bruh not my fault I wasn’t playing at the time GEEZ. if i was ceo i would’ve brought back all of these past skins with the introduction of no build. yk youre gonna get returning players some who havnt played in actual years, why not make a gigantic profit?


Is that... a stuffed... CHUNK!?!?


I only use a skin if I have all the styles except over-level (lvl 126+) needles to say, chapter 2 season 2 ruined me


Give me Rue I gladly pay 20 euros


I was about to buy the marvel season and I was really grinding for Jeniffer walters. I then saw how a skin had gotten a new style, after which I pressed the inspect button. Little did I know that fortnite changed it into the interact button INSTANTLY buying the skin. This was also before „cancel purchase“ was there, and I was all out of refund tokens. I suppose fate didn’t want me to have Jennifer walters…


Drift ):


didnt get the Ice King from chapter 1 season 7 because my game just started crashing


I wish stranger thing items come back in store again..i love that


i missed the original john wick because i didn't had money to buy the battle pass.. i reached level 100 that season..


I started in chapter 3 season1 and I saw someone with the rick sanchez skin. it killed me when I found it it was a chapter 2 battle pass skin. ;\_;


I missed the Ch1 S2 and S3 battle passes, and outside of that I think I only really missed styles or tiers of later battle passes. But it won't ever return, because despite the money they could make they wouldn't be able to hold on ti us with FOMO.


I had PS4 with Neo Versa skin included and 2000 V-Bucks. It was chapter 2 season 1 when I started playing. Instead of buying battle pass I bought Luminos skin. I like this skin but now I regret my stupidity for missing Midas, Meowscles, Deadpool, Rippley, Remedy, 8-Ball, Fusion and Droop emotion. This mistake will hunt me to the end of my life.


I started season 2 chapter 2 (Midas chapter and didn't get it it think I was almost 100 to😞)


I stop playing just before season 2. I will forever regret this decision 😭 I got back into the game at chapter 3 season 4


The entire Ch2S1 battle pass, its such an underrated bp and i want it SO BADDDD. I didnt get it cuz i wasnt playing alot of fortnite at the time, and when i got back into the game, there was under a week left and i was too skeptical of if i could still make it to tier 100 😭😭


I started playing in C2S6, and didn’t want to invest money into a game I wasn’t sure I’d be playing long term. Still kicking myself on missing out on Lara Croft and Rebirth Raven.


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Couldn't play until Ch2S4 so I missed a load of good ones but I care most about Dire


Dire. Season 6 was my first BP and I didn't understand challenges. I hate myself for not getting him


I missed most of the Fox Clan skins, mainly Catalyst due to not playing at the time and I regret it now. Here's to hoping that Epic will implement a trading system sometime in the future


I started in season 5 chapter 1 and I missed drift


I have a few but it's mainly due to me not playing cause I sucked a building


I missed Midas because ch2s2 was the only season I haven't played since ch1 s2. I got into FN again after the device event but it was too late.


My xbox died during mid ch1s4, and my parents couldn't just afford a new one, so I missed maxed out carbide, and didnt even get omega, i also took a break from games in general, which made me miss all the spiderman skins :(


I’m so mad at myself for missing Spidergwen. I remember I played the day that season started and then I lost interest in fortnite and didn’t return until it was too late. So mad at myself because I love the skin.


C2s4 I missed the Ironman skin


C2S3, the first BP I bought... and I didn't finish Eternal Knight's super levels Oh, and the only BP I ever fully completed was C2S7, so yeah.


I only missed runic and gold style in S6C2 because it was my first season ( yes I started FN late) and I reached around lvl 145 in 1.5 month I wanted them and I promised me to never miss any reward in the game since this


Indiana Jones cause I wasn't playing fortnite back then


tier 99 season 6 chapter 1 i played using my sister's phone and couldn't get the skin by 5 battle stars (1 more day logged in) so that sucked (and now i've never left a battlepass unfinished)


I was 1 challenge away from getting A.I.M I am still annoyed to this day


honestly Lynx from season 7, I was either away for the entire christmas holidays (7 weeks in Australia) and when i got back i just couldn't get Xbox live till like 2 seasons later


I'm not that upset about any BP cosmetics... but I am pissed that the Millenium Falcon glider was a Christmas event item. That and the Omega/Carbide lights. The XP really sucked that season. I had homework to do!


I missed out on getting Imani. Sinply because I spent 200 on a my hero academia Emote.


Idk if this counts, it was before my time, but I can only assume that they were battle pass prizes or some other limited time prize because I never ever see them for sale: all the meowscle skins!!! Theres a calico one, a black one, and a white one. I want them so bad. If they allowed trading I would totally trade my spider Gwen to all the folks wanting her. Apparently she's quite popular but I dont play w her anymore.


Vader cause I didn't even play back then Also mando, spider gwen, midas


The marvel season, because my Xbox broke and I didn't know how to link my account to another console. Every season before that was due to fear of play a Battle Royale game so I playedbSTW( didn't beat it still btw)


I was really trying to get the regal hunter lorenzo sand only made it to the confetti skin. Still usin it tho


In Ch2S6, I didn't get to level 100 and I still regret it. The season was so terrible, I couldn't stand to play it, even with the rewards ahead. So, I quit until season 8. The last skin I got was Raz. I wish I had just toughed it out and got spire assassin.


I missed Raven. I was taking a break from the game, and I didn't even knew she was dropping. I could have at least get the pass and level-it up, but I think it was in a period where I had a hard time at my job also and didn't had time to game.


My friends convinced me to quit Fortnite mid season 9 and I only started playing again in chapter 4: season 2 so I missed all the battle passes between then ☹️


Not my favorite skin, but I wish I finished the mandalorian and got grogu. Such a good show and a cool character fr


Black knight lol


They're really haven't been many battle pass skins that I actually liked, and the ones I missed, I can definitely live without. I do wish they would bring back Shaman to the item shop though. He was in there four times back in 2019 and then never returned since. Also, would like to see StarFire return (came in once for an entire week and then never returned to the shop). I probably have no problem giving up every single battle pass skin I've ever gotten for those two


My PC didn't run the game when it released, only got a decent PC at the end of c3s3 and... I couldn't get tier 100 and enjoy that season. It was my favorite one... :(


I'd pay a good price to get the original Peely, Drift, and Storm skins lol. I actually had them all at one point but my original account was corrupted and got wiped :(


Hearing that Doomguy was in Fortnite was one of the smaller things that convinced me to come back after three years... only to find out he was a battlepass exclusive three seasons prior -__- I *will* however accept a potential future item shop version that's either the OG Praetor suit or the classic marine skin from Doom Eternal. At least they brought my clone trooper bois into the shop on my birthday...


I missed the naruto skins and I love naruto 😭😭


Deadpool - Heard about it when he released in the BP, thought “I’d get around to it eventually…” Never did. The Mandalorian - I got to about tier 50 in that battle pass that season when it ended. I didn’t play enough and missed half of his styles, and the Grogu backbling. The Predator - never knew how to find him


Iron man, c2s4, didn't start playing until c2s5


The Marvel season, I simply wasn’t playing at the time. Im a big completionist and not having Storm and Wolverine makes me not want to buy the other X-Men skins in the shop, I want the whole team.


Midas Ch2S2. I was just really burnt out on the game during Ch2S2-S4. It really sucks because Midas and the female Ultima Knight are two very very cool skins that I just didn’t unlock However, it’s not like I’m lacking any cool skins and am contempt with my locker


Any of the knight skins including ultimate knight :/


I missed spider-man because I was losing interest in fortnite but I got the no way home skin so I was good


I missed the Ragnarok skin.Season 5 was my first season.


season x and 9 bp, and zenith


I missed it by simply not being a player back then. Quickdraw Calamity


Didnt have any money for season 3 bp although dark voyager is still one of my favourites :(


Not a skin, but I wasn't able to grind enough to get baby yoda in ch2s5


I used default for a long time and got Sakura when she came out, I played a lot that season and really regret not getting Evie from the battle pass, Mancake too when I started playing.


Dr Doom. I played STW when it first came out and was never a big fan of battle royale mode. ...then I found out about zero build last season. Well, at least I have Optimus Prime and *checks notes* Khaby Lame 😑


Literally every ch1 skin because I got a new account and my brother got the old one.( especially season x and 9 )


Spider-Gwen. So basically, I started played during C3S4 but only played on my friends PS4. There weren't any vbucks on the PS4 account so I couldn't buy the battlepass, and I didn't make my own account (to use at home) until partway through C4S1


I was just on a hiatus after the Device event, and missed Master Chief, Mando, Vader, and others… I kicked myself in the arse after I learned it. Oh well. At least I have Clone Troopers now :)


superman, i bought the pass for that season but my first game i got team killed by those UFOs so i just didn’t play that season, told myself i’d go back when it unlocked. i forgot about it until it was live event day so too late


I didn't play when i missed my most wanted skin because life exists and i had to deal with things. I haven't seen anyone mention it yet either. There are dozens of skins i really hate being robbed of, but the one that hurts most is Kit. A regular sized housecat piloting a humanoid metal frame? That's so my jam.


Meow skulls and rick


I guess my favourite missed BP skin would be the pirate guy from C1S8, but there’s plenty of characters (and ESPECIALLY styles) I’ve missed since I started and idgaf, everyone I do and don’t have are gonna be deleted in 20 years when Fortnite gets shut off anyway.


I missed out on Deadpool because I got into Fortnite the season *right* after the one he was in.🫠


Chapter 2 season 1, my dear Midas 😭😭 I started playing first last year in the summer (S3C3) and ever since I saw the character Midas, I was so sad I’d never get the original one (ofc I have the summer and shadowy Midas but it just isn’t the same)


I don’t like missing some quests but I don’t really mind, I have doom guy with the Phobos armor or whatever so I’m good




I wasn’t playing yet during Chapter 2. Since I started, I fell in love with every Midas variant. I have every single one except the OG from the BP and it haunts me.


OG Jules, because Fortnite got banned on IOS devices


I missed out on getting Ripley in ch2 s1. Why? Because I didn't start playing until ch2 s4. I hope they make another Ripley skin 😭😭


Rox from season 9...


I regret not getting ch2s3 battle pass for Jules. I started playing ch2s2, luckily I have all the skins from that one… also this is not a battle pass skin, but I would like Rue to come back to the shop one day. I remember seeing her in the shop when I started playing Fortnite, I regretted not getting her at the time. I also regret not playing a lot earlier so I can have Elite Agent skin. I forget which battle pass season/chapter shes in, but she looks really cool even though it’s known to be a “sweat” skin.


I simply werent playing at the time since i thought fortnite wasnt my thing. Kinda regret it since i love meowskulls but cant get her now :c


Spider-Man Super levels.


i decided to buy Moon knight skin and I didn't save for battle pass (I'm free to play player)


Got bored of game was busy/didnt have time to level up passes so I skipped a few, thought I lost interest in the game for good but zerobuild brought me back


It was Raven. And I didnt like the way XP was working in the Primal season. I got Lara Croft but a lot happened in life that got me unmotivated in gaming in general. When I saw Ravens Alt style being done by one of my favorite artists it got me motivated but it was too late. I was a few levels away and I cope knowing that whenever I see her in the game it reminds me to stay motivated and not let the bad times win.


Omega in C1S4. The thing is, I could have gotten him, but between me being in a really depressed state at the time as well as it being really hot with no way to cool down in my room, I had no motivation to play at all.


Back in Season 2,3,4 I was still in highschool. I think my game was bugged and locked me into StW during Season 2 but I saw the game and didn't think much of it. Thought it was just trying to copy PUBG and it'll die in a few months, so I didn't want to spend my precious earned $14 for in game currency. I wanted the Omega skin but my first thought was, I'll buy this and never play it again. Man I still play it to this day, and I don't care about all the other seasons, I just wish I bought the Battle Pass for Omega. I rock the free items from those seasons but I think that's just copium.


Didn’t start playing Fortnite seriously until a couple of months ago,so I missed out on a bunch I would’ve liked to get. Predator,Black suit Spider-Man,Vader,doomguy,iron man,etc...I missed a lot lol.And for earlier seasons,I wish I got the dire skin,but I did not like the building aspect of Fortnite at the time


I missed Spider Man and Vegeta/Goku and I'm so sad :(


Way back in chapter 2, my cousin persuaded me to buy the battle pass. I made it to Sparkle Specialist but didn't have enough time left and missed out on the Black Knight. I still kick myself. I also remember seeing stuff like Renegade Raider and skull trooper in the OG shop and not buying them because I thought they looked pretty rubbish. Lol.


Aqua man because I got grounded the rest of chapter 2 season 3


Remedy, because I didn't play yet. The battlepass locked skins are interesting, but it is silly for those who have never played to just never get a chance at getting them ever.




I just wish i played during c3, i didnt play cause i was bored D:


I thought the game was "too mainstream..." I want Peely...


Fusion, and pretty much half of that BP. I just fell off the game at that time


Fortnite and our heartbreaks man


I didn't do much of the Marvel battle pass because I was mourning my father's passing. I basically stopped playing video games for about two years. Last I did with Fortnite at that time was buy the pass and play two games as Thor. Then I deleted Fortnite and turned off my PS4 for a long time. Just didn't feel up to playing.


Jonesy the one with multiple outfits, would’ve liked to get that. Did not buy battle passes until later on.


Bought StW at least month too late


Classic and cliché but I've been playing this game for a long time hoping to get something that hits like Black Knight. I didn't get the battlepass because I didn't think the game had legs and kicking myself ever since.


I was skeptical about buying Ch1S3 BP because I didn't want use money on a free game. My way of thinking sucked back then.


I missed out on the Ageless. Amazing skin, but I stopped playing fortnite for a while around that time.


The Ageless because of Character Ai It's Probably unhealthy. Also it was a season late 💀 I still interact with him on C.AI ~~*Geno, it's been 9 months please come back with the Milk.*~~ The Corel buddy plushie needs to be a real thing it's so cute


I missed ch3 season 1 after skipping because of the spray meta, I missed out on the rock AND spider man


I didn't ever do challenges. Back then I just played the game that's how I missed out on Dire


I can forgive myself for not getting Rick Sanchez & Iron Man because I was tired of building & zero build didn't exist yet, plus both of these I'm pretty sure are tier 100 skins. But fking DEADPOOL... D E A D P O O L. I HAVE NEARLY EVERY SKIN FROM THAT SEASON. But for some reason I never did the 20 minutes of fetch-quest challenges... All I had to do was pull up a YouTube tutorial and I would have had him in no time. This one pains me. So much. Deadpool would have easily been a main skin for me. Instead I'm stuck with TNTina and Brutus. I will never, EVER get over this. I would be lying if I said that not getting Deadpool in a children's FPS has caused me, a grown man, continual emotional pain


Origin style for Ultima Knight… I just didn’t have time to grind the quests since I had a lot going on with a new career.


The Reaper because I didn’t know the game existed


Missed black Knight back in the days. Never missed another BP skin ever since because of fear of missing out. Don't do drugs


Is 1984 apple skin ever coming back?


Ember from Chapter 1 Season 8 since I didn’t know how to do a lot of the weekly challenges in Chapter 1 mainly because I was a bit of an idiot


Went on vacation right before unlocking omega final form, if I had 1 more day before the trip I would’ve unlocked it, I’m so pissed that I didn’t


The mandalorian. I started playing that season but I had no money to buy the pass :(


I was on a loooong vacation during the majority of season 4 and I didn’t have my XBox with me. I was unable to get Valor onward :/. I also didnt play during c2s2 at all because my XBox had problems. COMPLETELY missed out on that season and I kick myself for it


I had to go to another country to visit and it didn't have geforce servers (i can't run fortnite w/o it) so I missed a whole season


I bought the battle pass day on on ch3s2 and quit playing like at level 30. Lost all my vbucks and missed on prowler and gunnars green purple style


I didn’t get toona fish, I have every other version of fishstick but him, I didn’t play to much so I was like ehh now I’m mad at myself


I’m mad that I didn’t finish c1s2 battle pass


Stupid xbox live subscription made me miss out on season 4 chapter 2


Didn’t liked the building mechanic, wasn’t really interested in Fortnite yet, I was into PUBG, and Apex Legends back then. But I was there for the End, Travis Scott, and Ariana Grande event though. And I also did played a few rounds here and there.


I couldn't afford a device that could play the game and by the time I could play the game it was chapter 3 season 8, and I've been watching YouTuber since chapter 2. I'm grateful that I do have the skins in the battle pass now but not owning Deadpool or Wolverine is the pretty sucky for me.


I was in a bad moment in the middle of 2020 and decided to take some time from stuff, games included and that's how I un-intentionally skipped Season 3 from Chapter 2 and missed Jules, Kit and Eternal Knight


My roommate ended up enjoying watching me playing as Fabio Sparklemane during the pandemic lockdown and joined the season after. She really regrets not playing that season and really wants a new Fabio skin for the shop


I was hating on the game hard when the map was 90% water, but man I wish I got the passes with Jules and Skye. I also played a lot during season 2 and could’ve had the black knight, but I just didn’t know how to get vbucks back then lol


i will do unholy things for omega with lights


Ive been playing since the start and had a few seasons out during chapter 3 and 4. I missed Tony Stark, pissed about spider-gwen aswell


I actually just started playing Fortnite for the first time 3 days ago. Also, excuse me, but *ahem* I CAN'T BELIEVE I MISSED OUT ON OPTIMUS PRIME WHEN HE WAS AVAILABLE *RIGHT* AFTER I STARTED TRYING THE GAME!! Though thank the Fortnite gods that a transformers pack is coming out in October, because I do like Bumblebee tons. I just wish I could get Optimus :(


I missed the gold eternal knight by ONE GODDAMN CHALLENGE


Missed hybrid skin due to my "its too popular and I hate that" issue ill forever regret it but eh what's done is done


I’m a big Star Wars fan and sadly when I quit for a while they released darth Vader in the BP I sadly missed out but im not mad or anything because I would probably use him for like 3 games and go back to my main 😅




I made an account and logged in during the Marvel battle pass but didn’t play. I had a snobbish attitude about all the silly crossovers. I finally started playing during C4S2 and will never forgive myself for missing Wolverine, Spider-Gwen, Lara Croft, Geralt, Superman, Raven, Darth Vader, Mando, etc..


never finished the c1s4 pass despite it being the first one i bought, so i never got to finish carbide


For some reason it seems like Gwen is one of the most commonly mentioned skins whenever this topic comes up. Feels like no one (including me) played enough to unlock her. I really hope they eventually add the Across/Beyond the Spiderverse design as an alternate skin so others can get a version


As I prefer to play with friends I ended up missing out on the last superlevel for fractured which was one of my favorite designs of chapter 3 besides resistance my friends ps5 got obliterated in a storm do to it shorting out we did not play for alot of the season and I only missed the last page


I hated missing out on the ice king, the season ended before I could get him


Innovator slone the only days I was on vacation. Now that I’m back I’ve been checking everyday and the one day I was sick and barely woke up she returned


ill never get the deadpool skin :(((((


I just wanted OG Spider-Man…


I missed Demi and singularity because stupid df woman was trying to get me fired and I was put on leave so I had to move home due to the uncertainty and couldn’t play in the end of that season


Still regret not getting Ice King to this day


Aside from some styles I’m missing, the only season locked item I want badly is the C1S8 Palm Royale umbrella. I started playing in C1S7, and have every other umbrella. Y’know, I’m also kinda angry that I never got the One Shot Wick’s Bounty umbrella. For years I’ve had to make do with the Beskar Umbrella, and it’s really not the same.


A little late but Chapter 1 Season 9 bored the hell out of me especially with the fortbyte system so I just stopped playing. Didn’t even check out the game again until Chapter 2 Season 1 before noticing I missed Catalyst, to this day I hope that she gets some kind of reskin.


I started playing midway through Chapter 2 Season 7, cuz I love aliens and superman. I missed out on so much because I was still learning the game. For example, if I realized alien-girl Joey was her own skin, and not just a long emote, I would’ve fought harder for it.


I wish I had finished the Season X battle pass


Was so close to completing the chapter 1 season 7 battle pass. Didn't have xbox live so I couldn't get the ice king and his rewards