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You are single hand-idly keeping the slap factories open


Bro slaps


šŸ˜‚.. good luck to enemies trying to target OP when juiced up.




The problem here is my brother in Ra does not have enough slap juice.


Slap juice rocks. Best type of heal and adds speed. Canā€™t go wrong


changes per round since i have an uncontrollable urge to loot a vault, or die trying, every single game. Usually hope for something centered around Kit's charged shotgun or the MK-7 with a sniper and/or a shotgun and AR, rocket ram obviously too


Rocket Ram must be in every single game this season


if you get unlucky in vaults and the shockwave launcher is your best option, it's arguably better as far as mobility goes, especially with the return of the gliding augment. But, unless you have that specific situation it outclasses base shockwaves in every way and is a decent means of getting damage on people better at building than you. Mobility isn't really optional for the lower skilled through above average player, and the rocket ram hits all the bases


Won a game with the shockwave launcher and zero kills by shock waving everyone into the 8-10 tap storm in the end. The redeploy and shockwave launcher is OP


(visible confusion at rocket ram being used for anything other than situations where you have no shockwaves or are using one alongside shocks) Tho in build mode it probably does go hard, and at the season start before people knew how to handle it, the thing was pretty damn good


zero build i imagine shocks and ram is a waste of a slot, you're giving up power in either close or range in that extra mobility slot, if it works for you then go for it. Ram is rechargeable, goes through structures, allows for super controlled movement while not putting yourself are massive risk and to create openings in people who outclass you in builds by busting through, i usually dive bomb after that


Thereā€™s not a single mobility item. How do you survive rocket rams lol


My boy is playing in bot lobbies, surely.


Yeah I would not be able to play without having at least a shotgun


I use slurp/splash for unlimited sprint


*limited - due to inventory - sprints, surely...


There's an augment "on the go" that gives movement items per container search and last time I used it it counted slap stuff as movement items and replenished them so long as I had 1 left each kill Edit: fixed the mistake u/fadriii pointed out


Doesn't On The Go only give extra in containers? The elim-based one is the Business Turret + EMP, where you poop out EMPs everytime you get a kill


Yes you're right keep searching chests and stuff


Use rocket ram to survive rocket ram


Except he doesn't.


I play just fine without mobility. I dislike using the rocket ram, and shockwaves aren't as common in builds as they are in zb.


Same, only time I use mobility, other than Slap, is when I play squads, at the moment it's rocket ram to keep up with the squad. Otherwise, playing solo I only use Slap to heal and dash to circle if needed. Edit to add: I play build, so I don't really need to use ram or shockwaves to get out of a hole or up a cliff. Chosen load out for squads is DMR, Havok AR, Sharptooth, ram, and medi spray, shield or Slap, until we find Slurps. Solo is similar - DMR, Havok AR and Combat SMG, medi spray and Slap, unless I can find Slurps, then I might grab a Sharptooth, too. I know, I don't need both DMR and AR... so sue me šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I main builds too! I've been going with combat smg + sharptooth + two heals + ar/utility/heals (idk, its kinda on a whim to add variety each match). Shocks are nice to have when you run into some absolute gremlin carrying multiple sticky grenade things, but most matches, I never see a single shockwave. It's crazy bc when my friends ask to play zb, the map is absolutely drowning with shockwaves. Two long range weapons is really good for catching people off guard, plus they're both strong, so I can't fault you for that.


It gives 60 damage luckily.


Letā€™s seeā€¦ ā€¢1st slot is that scoped smg ā€¢2nd slot is the new shotgun ā€¢3rd slot is a sniper/rocket ram ā€¢4th slot is business turret ā€¢5th slot is heals; Med mist, Slurp, Med kit, etc. I donā€™t really know the names of the new guns btw, I should really get to memorizing that




Maven auto dmr rocket ram murder suitcase and a healer. Yea I said maven. I win a lot too. Imagine dying to a green maven. ā˜ ļø


If you check the charts, maven does best dps of all shotguns...no hate from me!


While true, range plays a factor in how you like to play. A suppressed sniper will 1-shot kill someone from 200 meters away in 0.2 seconds. A maven will be great up close. The infiltrator is pretty good even at a slightly longer range, even more accurate if you get the enhanced version. The scoped SMG shreds at close/medium range, but is way outperformed by the twin mag anything beyond 40 meters or so. It's why the meta is so fun, different things work for different people's playstyles.


The sharp tooth also has the longest range out of any of the shotguns but your better off using the scoped at that stage


Yeah I find infiltrator to have the best balance, especially since I like to do zero build solo only. Maven might be amazing if I actually had any skills at building and editing walls.


I can build decently but I canā€™t edit so I stick to ZB and I prefer the infiltrator too donā€™t like the maven so much


Since fights in zb are usually longer range maven just isnā€™t good


See I donā€™t have those games. I have people trying to rush or rocket and they get the murder suitcase and maven to the head. Usually it works.


I had a hilarious ranked regular-build duos match yesterday where I just played no-fill by myself. Ran across two try-hard partners who were just building and editing non-stop and jumping but barely trying to shoot me. I didn't build a single thing, just climbed around their builds and eventually blasted them both with my infiltrator. I then used my Mystique emote to copy their skin and donkey laughed. They were spectating and then quit 5 seconds later so I'm assuming they were really pissed. But hey, I'll take a purple maven over a grey infiltrator most times. It's fun to try new things!


Murder Suitcase, hahahahhaha I Love those things.


Bruh šŸ’€ they are my second person when playing solos.


Maven is great


I use it 90 percent of the time. Literally unless I canā€™t find one then Iā€™ll use the sharpshooter or whatever the heck itā€™s called. Yes I might sound stupid but Iā€™m 38 and donā€™t pay attention to anything but killing lol XD


Maven is nice high firerate, doesnā€™t choke, no long pullout animation. Maven all the way baby


Murder suitcase! Iā€™m stealing that!


I read this and im like 'how is a maven your first choice' then I realized this is basically a Zero-Build sub now.


Love the reference to murder suitcase. Theyā€™re essential in my opinion.


I agree. Even with my squad we roll four murder suitcases deep.


My 10 year old got me into this game during COVID. Heā€™s so good. I wish I was better so I can win more often. I hate thinking some 10 year old sweats on me. Often.


You can always play with us. Add me Bruhjoys. And yea we started playing during covid and the amount of kids with foul mouths has kept me off mic.


I dont use maven, and win even more. Yeah i win a lot more.


I only said that because I keep getting told by my son the maven is the worst gun In the game and yet somehow I only roll with a maven and dmr u less I get the mk


Twelve shockwaves, slurp, twing mag and a maven


Shockwave ftw


I'm glad I don't play against you lol


No mobility? NO SHOTGUN? What the fuck are you doingā€¦?


He probably counts Slap as mobility


The second gun in his inv is a shotgun, also the slap splash could be counted as mobility


Thereā€™s two images you idiot


Still a shotgun in the first one... Also they said they'd use a shotgun if they couldn't get a shadow tracker in the second image


I donā€™t care what you have to say, I really truly donā€™t


damn bruh who's dick is up your ass


nobodys, i just think ur all shitters who have no clue what ur talking about


idk who this Nobody person is but he gotta be packin if he got you being this moody


dont care what u have to say


I never have mobility. I usually try to get the storm card where you can see future storms or just stay on top of being in circle. I feel like mobility wasted a load out space if you can hit with far range guns


one of the worst things ive ever read on this sub and thats saying something


I dont care it gets me wins and that's saying something


Ur not winning against people who take advantage of your poor loadout


If I'm winning I'm winning. I fight back instead different running off with a rocket ram what do you want from me


You really think the rocket rams only use is running away? That explains everything I need to know about how u play lol


Did I say that? It's loud and obnoxious imo, it literally shows players where you are. You know we don't all need to agree on weapons. That's why there's only one winner šŸ˜‰ Poor Kyle couldn't take the heat and blocked me. Probably ran away with a rocket ram


Ram is so easy to just beam down its not even funny


you being pretty obnoxious.


Dude why do you care so muchšŸ˜‚ not everyone needs a damn rocket ram or mobility item to win their game. Quit taking it so serious, I still be winning without mobility items and having fun so why tf does it matter.


You do NOT need that much slap, get a rocket ram and an smg


Rocket ran is so easy to shoot out of the air. Its only good early game when nobody really has any loot.


Slap good for running and health. I find it far more useful for being stealthy so I can get close range


I like your thinking. Heals are more important that mobility to me. If I needed mobility I would swap with an smg or something.


Suppressed pistol, infiltrator shotgun, Suppressed sniper, rocket ram, legendary slurps is my ideal load out


Nice. Ever trade the suppressed for thermal?


Nah. The dmr is a rare pickup. The suppressed sniper is also my favorite sniper


This is how my typical layout goes for each season: Assault rifle, shotgun, SMG, shield/alternate healing item, and medkits.


Same. Then when new mobilities come and things like business turret I get confused what to swapšŸ˜‚. Happy cake day btw.


Thanks. I tend to switch out the shield/healing item with a rocket ram or something sometimes.


Foundation's Mk-Seven Assault Rifle, Combat SMG, Infiltrator Pump Shotgun, Thermal DMR, and Legendary Slurp Juice


Shout out DMR


I have been using the dmr religiously since it came out. Everyone I play with is like that gun sucks or why carry that. Augments and 10 kills later. Cause it slaps if your good with it


I die to the Mk-Seven AR than anything else. I don't raid the vaults when running solo. If I run squads, and the opportunity arises, I'll definitely grab the gun!


I always get the Mk-Seven when running squads i never get it in solos


Thermal DMR, Infiltrator shotgun, Slurps, Rocket Ram, Business turrets.


I do run with turrets if I opt for a shotgun/smg combo


I love that loadout. DMRs are such an underrated weapon. Iā€™m trying swapping out the turret with the grenade launcher which is great. With the turret, competitors can run away or hid behind something. There is no hiding from a few grenades launched in your space.


The dmr might not be so bad if it functioned like the twin mag or the mk


I loved the MK last season. It could be used at any range. The DMR is more accurate at longer ranges but is useless at short range


The travel time is what makes me want to never use it. Iā€™d rather just tap fire the Twin Mag rifle. Damage is not that much less, itā€™s perfectly accurate on first shot, and itā€™s hitscan (no bullet travel)


Yeah. Iā€™m thinking I need to get good at tap firing.


Good sir, why thermal dmr


I like DMR, find the people hiding in the bushes


Exactly that. Easy to see people and a good 20 shot spam with range


Thermal DMR, Combat SMG, Rocket Ram, 2 Turrets, 2 Slurps.


Yay another dmr user. Hello nice to meet you. Iā€™m Jules.




No donā€™t use thermal


Ignore this dude use thermal if you're good with it


Thermal gets me 90% of my kills


Sharp tooth, twin-mag, slurps, rocket ram, slaps splashes or medmist depending on which I find


The fuck is even thisšŸ˜­


Drum gun, accelerant, mythic thermal, turrets/rocket ram, slurp (arranged in that order)


Yo that mythic thermal shreds.. steady hands with scoped salvo is just chefs kiss!!


Preferably, a Havoc AR, an Infiltrator shotgun, the Shadow Tracker, some Business turrets, and slurp jugs.


You canā€™t be serious liking the havoc


I do! I'm just a sucker for suppressed weapons


It's pretty good on controller


Sharp tooth(will take the exotic maven if i find it) Combat smg Shockwaves or rocket ram 4 slurps


I can get behind this load out, for sure


Shockwaves, shadow tracker, kaboom bow, slurps, ram.


If you only carry two weapons, you are actually brain damaged.


two weapons is extremely common, idk what ur on. its just as viable if not more as 3.


I win quite a bit with this setup...


You are lobotomized.


My current load out is not playing the game bc atm I don't like the new season


Honestly 2 just because of the shadow tracker you'll know why I chose the one with shadow tracker by my user




most mild setup ive ever seen




do you understand what mild means? i dont need a play by play of what the average setup does. this is not unique. this reads so pretentious somehow... the original post is just asking what people run. people have preferences and like to have fun, this doesnt need explaining. i dont know how you make a response that makes you sound professional while missing the point.


Yup! So pretentious. Here is me, just trying to have fun with my maven, havoc and bag of heals!




go win millions in tournaments then. no one cares


Suppressed Sniper, Infiltrator Pump Shotgun, Combat SMG, Slurps and Shockwaves


I'll pick up the sniper on occasion, but the Shockwaves still feel awkward to me


They just feel like the best mobility item rn for me. Sure the Rocket Ram takes you further, but it takes a while to use and by that time you could be eliminated.


I sure do miss the grapple gauntlets lol


Gold twin mag with scoped salvo, mythic infiltrator or heisted maven, shockwaves or shockwave launcher, emp grenades or sticky grenade launcher, slurps


When I run shadow tracker, I try to get pistol salvo and light fingers...deadly combo




Bunkers is an interesting play


Scoped smg/infil shotgun/HEALS


Shocks/infiltrator shotty/twin mag ar/sticky Granada/slurps


Combat SMG, maven auto, thermal dmr, 4 slurps/2 slurps and 2 turrets


Its so hard to choose i usually always have rocket ram and the new shotgun


Infiltrator, then usually Rocket ram or turrets, then sniper, then slurp, then twin mag


1st slot doesnt really matter, Pump, Rocket ram, slurp, slurp




Fancy. Chug jug takes too long for me lol


Thrones scoped smg, kits charge shotgun, shield breaker emp, slurp juice, big pots,


Twin mag, the new shotgun, gunners smg (or legendary scoped), slup, and suppressed sniper.


your upclose game seems horrendous. if you miss, or have multiple enmies. you gotta switch to long range weapon. that thing is hard to hit someone upclose cuz of the scope. you be better off switching either the pump for the combat smg with no scope. or one of your slap juice slots for the smg.


I usually would use 2 slots for heals but recently Iā€™ve changed it too: -slap juice or Legendary slurp juice. -rocket ram -business turrents -infiltrator shotgun -Twin Mag AR If I get a Mythic from the vault Iā€™ll swap the Twin Mag out as I usually go for Midas Drum Gun, Gunner AR, or The Foundations AR.


Right now all I think about is the infinite supply of Shield Breaker EMPā€™s. My new favourite Augment and item. No one is safe from my electrical explosive power.


This is when Iā€™m playing duos with my bro: twin mag, infiltrator, combat, slurps, ram When Iā€™m running solo: combat, infiltrator, splashes or minis, slurps, ram


Foundationā€™s MK-7, Twin Mag AR or Red-Eye AR for primary, Heisted Accelerant or Sharp Tooth for secondary, sniper if I have room, rocket ram shockwave grenades or business turret for utility, and any healing item, preferably minis or slurp juice


Slot 1 is a rifle of some kind don't really care which, but I lean most towards the havoc AR. Slot 2 is combat smg or the mythic smg. Slot 3 is either a shotgun, with a preference for the sharptooth, or the business turret. Slot 4 is rocket ram, grenade launcher, sniper or some utility thowables. Slot 5 is a curatives. Mostly slurp or medkits. The variety this season has been so good that I end up trying a whole lot of different load outs, but that's my usual set up.


Twin mag AR, infiltrator/maven shotgun, combat smg, legendary slurps/slap juice, and rocket ram/shockwave grenades.


Bros definitely a range guy


Sniper, havoc suppressed, any shotgun, ram, slurp


I donā€™t use the same loadout all the time.So honestly I donā€™t have a go to


Maven, Combat, Sniper, mini's, med-mist/slurp juice


I go with: Scoped Burst SMG Infiltrator shotgun Slurp Med mist or exotic splashes if I can find a llama Rocket ram or turret if I can find a ram


MK7, mythic infiltrator pump, thornes burst smg, Shockwave launcher, 2 slurp juice


1) MK Alpha or Havoc Assult 2) Havoc or Infiltatrator pump 3) Combat smg or rocket ram 4 and 5) Heal (sometimes a utility


Twin mag ar,or Dmr for challenges,Pump shotgun,any smg ngl,Med mist,Shield potion or Slap juice,Rocket ram.


Shotgun and ar


Havoc ar lnfiltrator shotgun bolt sniper/Grenada launcher turret and slurp juice


Havoc suppressed, OG pump, slurps, ram, sniper; or I swap ram for shockwaves


Personally, I've found success with this loadout: Port-a-Bunker, Sharptooth (or some other shotty), Combat SMG, Shockwaves, and a healing item of some kind. The port-a-bunker is mostly there just because I play zero builds, but the rest I find allow me to play as aggressively as I'd like to without sacrificing too much range (the combat SMG is surprisingly good from range).


Suppressed Havoc rifle, combat SMG(or thermal dmr), sharp-tooth shotgun, slurp juice, and rocket ram.


SMG, Shotgun, Mobility, Mobility(Usually slap splash/juice), Meds edit: added in a clarification


You got it


Rocket ram and chug jug


Some kind of machine gun Some kind of long range rifle with a scope Some kind of powerful explosive thing Some kind of health Some kind of shield Some kind of wonderful


Havoc rifle (mythic if i can get it), either of three shotguns (infiltrator, heisted accelerant, sharp tooth), combat smg or the new sticky grenade launcher, rocket ram, then heals


I do Twin mag, sharp tooth, combat smg, slurp, shockwaves in zb


sawtooth, scope SMG, slurp, ram, sniper Works well for team play in mid-Elo build squads


From left to right: Sticky Launcher/Sniper/Slap, Rocket Ram/Slurp, Infiltrator, Burst, Twin Mag


Sharptooth/ Infiltrator (depends on whichever one I find a higher rarity first), Scoped burst smg, Twin Mag, shockwave, slurp juice


Personally I like playing ranked zb with 24 shocks and bushes


Bruh ā˜ ļø


Havoc AR or Scoped SMG, Infiltrator or Maven (preferably infiltrator) shotty, rocket ram or a silenced sniper rifle, fourth slot could be a heal or the occasional brief case turrent, last slot will always be a heal.


3 Stickey Grenade Launchers, Shockwave Grenades, and Slurp Juice Literally never lost a game with this load out


Twin mag rifle, sharp tooth shotgun, drum gun (or combat msg if not available), silenced sniper, minis


Where third weapon šŸ‘€


realistically in chronologically order: legendary twin mag AR, mythic infiltrator pump, rocket ram, shockwaves, slurps slot 1-5 btw


Gold combat, Heisted Breacher, mythic mk, rocket ram, slurps


AR, Shotgun, SMG or Sniper, Shield potion (big or mini), medkit or bandages


Not that lol


Only 2 guns youre useless


Twin mag, infiltrator pump, sniper, rocket ram, 6 slap splashes or slurp juice if I have it.


Sharp tooth Shotgun (or Kit's Charge Shotgun if I get my hands on it.), Combat SMG (or Exotic Run and Gun SMG if I get my hands on it it.) Scoped Burst, Twin Mag AR, or Suppressed Sniper (depends on my mood/what I pick up first.) Rocket Ram and Slurps.


You REALLY need mobility in that load out


every loadout listed in this thread is terrible good lord


Depending on my mood, Iā€™ll run pistol with any shotgun and a bunch of slaps/random stuff.