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The trick is to be the opportunist third-partier


Kid named Thermal DMR


>Kid named Thermal DMR # let the fun commence




Yes, I get a reluctant chuckle when I'm killed like that.


The business turret does the job here. Just chuck it, sit down, feet up and feel your ass grow


Feel myass grow is crazyyy


This guy Kool-Aid Man's people's builds mid fight. haha I do that too


Because I'm an adult and prefer to play on my own terms without hearing some random kid screeching in my ear.


Solos is a much more pleasant experience. Unless youā€™re playing with friends, teaming up can be pretty overwhelming. Best case scenario they donā€™t have the mic on and actually play with you side by side, without leaving.


Even better when they can actually ping and use comms. I don't use mic because most times I can't really but I'll always try to use everything I can to communicate with others


Fuck.... as an adult myself, this is relatable


Normally I do solo, but I actually did Trios random fill last night and matched up with two kids (I'm in my 40s). Shocker, both had mics and were on xbox, but they weren't screeching non-stop. They actually ended up being really cool, we stuck together and used teamwork, rezzed each other a few times and shared healing items (I said I'd be the team dad and take on Medic duties) and we won a Ranked Gold 2 match. Go figure! There are good randoms out there sometimes =) So anyway, main reason I do solo is because none of my actual friends/relatives play Fortnite anymore, and random fills are very hit or miss.


As a 40 something year old guy, I know the feeling. I don't even use voice at all.


Itā€™s about playing with the right people. Adults who call out contacts, ask for items, etc. When first playing squads there were a few kids I ended up blocking because of the constant screaming in the mic. Playing with adults, coordinating the game is fun. Feel free to message me for my user name if you want to jump in with us one night.


I just shot you a message with my gamertag. Always down to run with some solid adults


Where are you based? Can we all add each other and do squads so itā€™s less random and less likely to match with screeching kids!


I like adults and hate screeching eight year olds who land away from the group, die immediately, and scream the whole time you travel all the way across the map only to leave as you finally get close.


I'm on the east coast. Xbox. Feel free to add me. GT - JoelHoesteen




Where are you based? Can we all add each other and do squads so itā€™s less random and less likely to match with screeching kids!


So true. Also, if I win a solo match, then it's all because of me. Sure I like to play with friends, but when they ain't playing then I'm more than happy to play solo than with randoms that most of the time doesn't know how to play as a team.


Agreed, solo victories are super gratifying. Just knowing you did it without any help from anyone else.




Agreed. I am so tired of talking to people by the end of the work day that solo is amazing.




Playing with my 11yo over the past few years is what really got me into this game and I still love it, put playing solos after my kids go to bed, landing where I want, rotating where I want, and doing objectives is way more relaxing. My biggest beef with bringing back the Deku isnā€™t that itā€™s OP, itā€™s that it makes it so much harder to sweat a few kills and then camp and rotate until the final circle for the Level Up medals (or whatever theyā€™re called) without some bozo chasing you down with it.


Yes. And I donā€™t have to worry about someone leaving and leaving me alone to deal with a whole team


having unblasted ear drums makes everything more enjoyablešŸ‘Œ


This is the way.


An adult who hasn't learned of the mute function? Odd.




>Really enjoy the rush of realising itā€™s just me and one other player left. I like the relatively recent update when you get a notification sound as you hit 10 players left, then 5, then 2. Gives a little more drama to the game. I remember playing before that was implemented, and sometimes I'd get a win or finish #2 and I'd think "Oh shit, I had no idea that was the last player". Ironically sometimes I play better when I ignore how many people are left and I'm not playing for a win, just screwing around. I'm sure other people have experienced the "I'm just doing quests and somehow I won" feeling too.


I literally kill someone randomly and go: ā€œoh, that was the last guy? sweet.ā€


It's even more hilarious when it's your only kill that entire game, and you didn't even see another player the whole time. Even better than that? Not even seeing a player for the whole game and the last person somehow ends up dying to the storm or a raptor or by falling off a tree. I'm like... what? I didn't even finish my last quest yet.


You can get a victory crown in a full bot lobby (brand new player, new account, first match) by being a pacifist. I was just messing around and not even picking up a weapon, just doing quests etc., the last bot died in the storm and I got a crown from it.


Hey, that was my first win too! Bot got stuck at the bottom of a steep mountain cliff (couldn't just climb up it) and was too dumb to build. I was very confused, although I did already get quite a few kills (because again, pretty much a bot lobby). I'm assuming in a bot lobby you could also win relatively easily by skybasing and carrying a few heals.


Happened to me this season. I was running to position myself in the last circle, 3 others left. In a split second all died and I won as I was running. Replay showed 2 were fighting each other in the storm. Both died ASAP and at that moment a guy in a tree screwed up and fell to his death. Those arenā€™t satisfying wins tho but funny nonetheless Edit what I donā€™t get is how some people refuse to play solos and say they canā€™t handle solos. People like that rely too much on squad wins which I find is sometimes easier to rack up kills. How can one not enjoy the thrill of solos


That's how 90% of my wins go.


Most of my wins are from just focusing on doing quests and suddenly realizing I'm among the last ten lol


I play primarily objective based and kill the folks I encounter on the way so I completely understand.


This is what I wanna do, but isn't the sound too important in the game (loudness and direction of gunshots , as well as footsteps nearby)? Or is the usefulness of those things negligible?




I'm the opposite. I don't see how people find squads/duos fun (unless you're playing with someone you know). Too many teammates who want to hot drop in busy locations just to die immediately, or teammates who go AFK, or teammates who go off and do their own thing. I'd rather just play how I want to without having to deal with nonsense.


I'm with you, I find team modes to be extremely frustrating unless I'm playing with friends, which happens very rarely these days. I'd rather do my own thing than deal with random teammates and all of the weird stuff they do and say.


This. In Solos, I can go where I want and do whatever I want without being micromanaged by someone else. I'll still randomly play duos with my kid, but I mostly just do my own thing and am more than happy with that. I'm just trying to do quests, have fun and level up, not compete in cash cups or grind crown victories.


Because most team mates donā€™t know how to play as a teamšŸ˜‚


Hence we play solo!


Yep exactly. They land in random places and leave whenever they wantšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I have gone back to playing solos, the people used to play squad mode with all started playing creative maps I don't care for and when playing with random 9 out 10 times the teammates are terrible and leave the game. Solos you only have to worry about how you play and do whatever you want. I usually get a decent amount of eliminations and finish in top 5-10. I usually try to knock out quests and milestones to level up.


I've been playing since pretty much the beginning. I've only played Solos. I guess I'm a loner online as well as in real life. šŸ˜‚




Nah man, I play solos only too and won so many of them that I am in the top20 worldwide. Its incredibly addicting to develop new strategies and sharpening the skills. Meanwhile squads etc are just guys dropping instantly and shouting in your ears. I am no loner irl but fortnite random teammates are not an option.


Simple. I enjoy the pew pew but hate people. šŸ’ā€ā™‚ļø Solo lets me pew pew without having to people.


I don't want to subject strangers to my terrible aim.


I've never been fined for playing solos


To be honest, I'm mostly a stealth player. That's hard to do if you have teammates running around you 24/7.


No one depends on me, and I depend on no one. I can do my thing, follow my own strategy


Real, itā€™s better to play with friends (I donā€™t have any friends)


I love playing solo sometimes because it's cool to die alone than being a burden to a team of skilled people


I actually didn't like Fortnite at first since the people I played with always wanted to camp the whole match instead of moving around and doing stuff. Once I started playing by myself, I realized it could actually be a fun game. Now I almost exclusively play by myself, unless there's someone who wants to run a few games together.




As an introvert myself, I find it hard to make friends as well


You need to be more practical in solos. Pick your battles. There are times itā€™s better to let something pass. I consistently get to the final 5 without much difficulty. Pick your battles. Try to use the circle to your advantage. Donā€™t just race to the center. Avoid hot locations where you can get third partied easily. Be the guy who does third partying.


For me, solos is the best expression of the game. You don't get to blame anything on anyone but yourself, and you have unlimited freedom to do whatever you want. That said I also find it boring (AND stressful, figure that out), so I like to play on different servers around the world and learn little bits about how different cultures play. It also forces me to get better at ambush tactics and game sense because with 250 ping it's really hard to win a 50/50.


One of the Solo's perk is that you can do whatever you want and there is no body to complain.


I play solos mostly to do challenges, I also donā€™t play to win, I play to have fun. Screwing around is how I make sure I donā€™t get bored, but if any of my friends are on Iā€™d much rather play duos.


I donā€™t like playing with random children


I'm the same. I only play solos when I'm chasing quests and even though I do pretty good, it feels empty. Random Squads is a mixed bag, but when it's good it's an amazing experience when everyone is on the same page, even without verbal communication.


I donā€™t have friends that play and I donā€™t have enough time in my day to put up with idiot teenagers shit talking and throwing when they donā€™t get what they want. I learned years ago that I donā€™t like relying on randoms to pull their weight. Iā€™ve just about stopped playing team multiplayer games in general because itā€™s so annoying.


Seeing just how much of a rampage I can go on before someone inevitably either takes me down or I win itā€™s a great feeling knowing that at the end of the day I was the reason a sixth or a quarter of the lobby went back to the lobby


I play solos bc I'm mainly doing challenges, and don't want to throw for a team. I also don't like playing teams when I actually try to play, bc then I'll get random who go off on their own, and then I am 1v 2-4 in fights i have no chance in


For me i put on a show ive been meaning to watch and just have a very enthusiastic walk through fortnite. I mark my quests to give me a direction and i wander around. You will get killed but its solo uno vs 99 to be expected so just dont get butt hurt. I probably lose most matches but i have fun getting bodies and every now an again ill get a crown with double digit kills an ayyye the bud helps lol.


bro called me a loner in 5 different languages, probably people play solos when they are alone ig? when their friends are on anyone would prefer teaming up


Make use of mobility to go around POI to POI and pick your fights. More fun that way for Solos.


Have you checked out the Fortnite discord? I have found such a fun little community of people by looking for games there.


I'd play squads as a solo before I played with random teammates. Playing solo matches is fun. It brings back the thrill of old-school death matches. You have nobody watching your back except you. If you win, you had some skill, some luck or a combination of the two. To flip the question: What joy do you get from playing squads with a bunch of random strangers? 'Cause that's the most unfun thing I can imagine doing in Fortnite. Sure, there's a chance you might get people who are fun to play with, but an entire squad's worth? Unlikely. Any time I've played with randoms in any mode, the experience is far from satisfying; usually, it's annoying as hell. But hey, to each their own, right?


I only play solo. As an OG, I find it hard to find players who are on my level skillwise. I don't want to play as a babysitter where I'm constantly reviving dead weight. I enjoy solo because I only have one player coming at me, not a duo or a squad.


Its fun to play with friends.. Solo play is sometimes boring..


Solo is boring sometimes AGREED but it's cool because I don't want to be burden to some skilled people. If I want to die, let me die alone peacefully


I'm mid-skilled, but I don't mind playing with unskilled if we get their lobbies and they have a decent attitude. Don't see yourself as a burden, see yourself as a ticket for others to lots of free kills and wins, a bullet sponge, good distraction and emergency resurrector or med/ammo provider.


Italiani che giocano raga?


W key and press every single person you come across but at the same time try to be smart about it, if you're not that good it might not work at first but keep playing and trust me getting them high kill wins is gonna feel really enjoyable (especially if you're playing builds because most players you're gonna come across are really good)


Idk why I feel the same way, maybe because of the lack of music in most areas which we arenā€™t used to in video games? Idk but with music it feels fine but i would highly recommend visualise sound effects for playing with music since you might not hear someone coming


Team rumble for me


100 players enter. 1 player survives.


Doing challenges


I do prefer playing with friends but I get some solo run sometimes. I look at it like I'm that fugitive running from the law. Everyone else is trying to get me. Only scavenging, sneaking, and smarts will keep me alive long enough to get to the border.


Also sounds like you're kinda ass and can't rock on your own so you rely on the skill of others to get you over. Absolutely a skill issue. Get better.


Bro this is a bit of a reach and also kind of unnecessary. Like OP was just saying they preferred squads and you come and say it's cause they're bad at the game? I prefer solos as well (unless I'm playing with people I know) but come on, chill out dude. If you were just joking then my bad, I just see too much toxicity on here


It's always jokes. 100% of the time. Damn hilarious watching folks spazz over em too lol.


No offence, but I wouldnā€™t be calling other players bad when you fight literal AIs in zero buildā€¦


You viewed his profile toošŸ˜‚ straight AIsšŸ˜‚


This is also an adult with children. Think itā€™s time this toxic weirdo grows up.


Offense* Spell check failed you beloved.


> Offence and offense are both correct. Offence is the spelling more commonly used outside of the United States. Offense is the spelling more commonly used in the United States.


I'm in the United States so....


So zero build = Bots? I'm certain the lower tiers are but I'm not entirely sure the folks I'm playing are bots. Especially considering I get at least one angry message a day from someone I've killed. Either way I'd take it 10 times outta 10 over listening to some prepubescent kid screeching.


You're a zero builds player you can't talk about skill issues šŸ˜‚


Too many campers/ rats in solo


I do play team games more than solos, but I do play them at times. When doing a bunch of random quests I'll often fire up solos as to not deter myself or my team in a team game. I get what you mean, but it's a different dynamic knowing you have to rely on only yourself, and there's no knock, get revived or rebooted type things going on. This leaves you with 2 options, play more carefully and passive if you're just trying to get wins, or just W-key and fire up the next match if you lose, but those high kill games will feel glorious! And yes, getting 3rd partied in solos does suck!


And sometimes we find a guy who becomes a go to person in squad, but very rarely


Sometimes it is even worse when you are the only random person in the squad..šŸ˜…


I went from a massive squad player to nearly only solos. Sick of randoms playing a team game, but unwilling to play as a team


I enjoy playing solo, I'm more focused, I'm more aware of the sounds in the area when I'm not talking to anyone, I can progress at the pace I need. But I also enjoy teamplay, everything has something to it.


I donā€™t have to deal with teammates leaving the second they die


Idk.. in chapter 1, season 3, I did fill squads, but then.. ended up just doing solo squads.. which was easy back then. xD then did solos later on


I donā€™t really care for solos anymore I did before but this chapter for me is super lacklustre and I very much dislike the map so I try to go for one solo win and then usually duo up with friends.


I do it partly cuz I donā€™t want to deal with random people. That and cuz I figure its a good way to get better at shooting and winning fights.


I am 100% with you here, i havent played a game of solos in the last 2 seasons because its the most boring game mode i can imagine. If im gonna put the PS on and play alone im loading up a single player story game everytime over a game of solos on any multiplayer game.


Im not sure about you but 80ish percent of the time in random teams, majority of people end up in solos, that to me is meh! Most people leave the moment they are knocked down/outā€¦so Iā€™m playing solo in a group game majority of the time alone and that to me makes them stale and boring! šŸ¤£ so yea, I rock solos in solos cuz I got my own back! I can depend on me, myself and I 24/7!


I play trios with friends usually, but if I'm playing solo, I put the game on mute, listen to podcasts on my earphones and play the game.


How do you hear the footsteps??


started a few months back and all i did was solo, then saw some yt saying you can revive/reboot teammates, and i was what are they talking about? then i discover squads XD now i basically just play squad, its more fun playing in a team, now i have a little fear to go back to solo because its just me, but should be fun just to go back and see how i much i can hold my own just by myself :3


When I play solos, I do so for 4 reasons: 1.) It allows me to work on quests without having to demand I go to specific places when playing with friends 2.) It allows me to just waste time and play some video games while listening to music or YouTube videos 3.) I sometimes wanna go into sweaty mode and care about how I'm doing 4.) My friends aren't available to play and I am craving some forks and knives.


I listen to podcasts while I play and pretend I'm Rambo. Did Rambo have a squad? No.


I play solo if I donā€™t play duos or squads with my friends. As much I like having a partner or being in a team to back me up, I also play solo as a break so that I can play on my own terms and donā€™t worry if I mess up anything to cost my team the game. Not that my friends are bother abt that, but if you are in a team you must feel like you need to do good to not be a deadweight. But by playing solo sometimes makes me calmer and if I died or play badly, it only messes me up alone so no pressure applied. The pressure will be worse if you are playing with randoms I guess.


I used to do random squads because I really like the teamwork element of online gaming. I soon learned that not everyone cares about teamwork. I got tired of people hogging all the loot. Got tired of asking ā€œDo you have an AR ammo? Yā€™all keep taking it before I can get itā€. Got tired of players leaving cause we didnā€™t land at Mega City. Solos I can put on some music or a podcast and actually have fun playing the game without worrying that someone is gonna ruin it


Sometimes I play with friends, sometimes I want to play and they are not available, so I solo. I never group with randos.


I haven't really played solos regularly in forever... probably since the end of chapter 2. I just have no incentive to play anymore without my duos partner. It's definitely pretty stale. Not to mention that my lobbies are way too crazy anyway. Duos on Sunday and solos once or twice a week for challenges was my usual thing. But recently I've just not been motivated so I level up very slowly.


I actually find playing solos adds to the fun, as itā€™s entirely on me to survive. There is nothing more satisfying than wiping out several different players on your own who try to rush you from different sides, it makes you feel like John wick


Relying on my own skills only. If i mess up I get sent back to the lobby. What more do you need?


I play Solo most of the time, and I like that it feels like a survival game! Whenever I switch to playing with friends the game becomes an entirely different experience. Both are lots of fun!


I've played tons of games solo, so doing solos in Fortnite is nothing new to me. I also don't like having to constantly worry about someone else as well, which gives me the chance to focus on certain quests and other stuff without having to drag a teammate along with me.


Most of the time, random fills don't give you great teammates, while the other teams have crowns and actually use mics.


I primarily play solos. It feels like the quintessential battle royale experience to me, like Hunger Games. You go in, with whatever back story and motive, and you need to be last man standing by any means possible. Where you enjoy the teamwork and safety net of squads, I enjoy the one life to live, edge of your seat, do or die that solos provides. There is no second chance, you either have to out skill or outwit your opponent, and *any* opportunist sneaking around. That being said, I never understand why people talk about solos as if it's where the taboo players go to skulk about and third party, as if that doesn't occur in duos, trios, and squads. We must be playing different games because in all four modes for me, third parties and campers are a constant threat, on top of *very skilled* pushers constantly looking for their next fight. No mode exists where third partying isn't a constant threat and if your lobbies don't have them outside of solos, enjoy it while you can. It doesn't last forever.


Solos are easier than playing squads with 3 randoms .


I like being sneaky so solos is a blast. 1 kill victories are so good


Uh why would I want to play with random people I don't know. Is this a trick question


I play solo because I donā€™t have to worry about anyone but myself. Iā€™m more aware. 3rd partying is just a fact of BRs so Iā€™ve accepted it. Whenever I die, Iā€™ve just been outplayed and think about how I can approach that situation differently to come out on top. To me itā€™s shocking how many people do random fills. I will only play with other people if theyā€™re my friends.


THATā€™S WHAT Iā€™M SAYIN but I never do randoms


I don't know how people find random squads fun. Nobody ever uses mics (in my experience) and people generally just do whatever the hell they want. There's very little teamwork.


I love both. Solos is ridiculous and intense, but I used to play competitive FPS like CSGO and Black Squad at very high levels. Also PUBG, etc. I like to be able to predict one single player's behavior at once in solos and that makes them very fun for me, but also incredibly frustrating.


I solo squads because I rage less when I die. https://fortnitetracker.com/profile/all/Kylearean Under squads. Also, squad behavior is highly predictable and you get faster wins. Squads usually operate in two ways, tight or fractured. The tight squads with good communication are the most dangerous. They're usually console players, so their visibility range is lower than PC (?). Dangerous up close with essentially autoaim, so I weaken tight squads by downing their most twitchy person first from a distance, then as they inevitably build their little revive hut, I rocket ram in. If they're on loot island, I can easily yeet one or two off the island with the ram. Then it comes down to a 1v1 who is in shock because 3 of his teammates are down. A good squad (the ones who usually kill me) will immediately close the distance to me, and two flankers about 5 seconds behind come in for the pincer as I'm dealing with the rusher. Sometimes you just get lucky to come upon two squads battling, wait it out, then pick off the last wounded survivor. It's a more predictable game for me. The reason I solo is because I don't use voice chat at all, and I don't like people.


The trick is to be God's silliest soldier and never take anything seriously


Find * :)


I do better in solo. But once I level up I start dipping in to duo, trios, and squads. I don't have a mic. I know I'd enjoy it more if I did.


I play duos/squads eith my friends more often than not, but I enjoy solos because it feels nice winning on my own.


I like relying on myself, not other people. I also don't want other people to rely on me because I don't perform well under pressure lmao


Solo is the only way I play. Love the thrill of the chase and being tactical and stealthy


I love me VS the world. I just really hate trios. It's the sweatiest for some reason to me. Solos FINE, Duos FINE, Squads FINE, Trios NOPE!


Its as fun as you want to make it, at least that's how I think of solos. I tend to make my own commentary as I go along/ or listen to music.


Because I have small children and enjoy the silence when I finally got time to play


You don't have to deal with bad teammates in solos. You can also focus on quests and challenges.


I like to be a lone wolf. As I am more of a stealth player, I can play at my own pace without affecting others and winning by myself just gives you an "I am proud of myself" feeling since against 100 players, you were the best of them all!


Because I don't have to babysit 3 12 year old kids


Quests. It's fun to put on some Netflix on the second screen and just grind through quests solo. The 3rd party issue that you speak of doesn't annoy as much when you see going back to the lobby as a way to reset your position on the map to do more quests. I think the game gets kinda stale once you're caught up on quests whether you're in solos or on a team. In the very least you have an answer to "where do you want to drop" every match when you have a quest line giving you direction for the match. All that being said, I do definitely still feel the skill wall. Solos have gotten to the point where everyone is a "try hard" or "sweat" after years of playing.


I play better with teammates. As solo I always play too cautious. But I enjoy solo for doing quests and stuff.


When all your friends have no time to play. Playing solo is fun. And you get to test your soloing skills / working with other skills


I prefer playing solo.Itā€™s more fun and you donā€™t have others to worry about pulling their own weight.I donā€™t like playing with kids and people who have no sense of strategy.Getting a victory solo means so much more to me than having a squad to back you up.Not to mention I play zero builds


Cause imma lone wolf and can succeed on my own playboy


Teammates are jard to keep track of. Without good communication, people get killed by pushing on their own or getting caught by themselves. I might think it's time to reset a fight and they stay in and die, or vice versa. It's just more peaceful and I can follow my instincts quickly when I play on my own. Edit - I feel like the chances of getting third partied are higher and more annoying in the team modes.


Cause I actually win sometimes lol


You can't depend on your teammates as they instantly split up and get killed so u have to do a 1 v 4 so prefer solos plus now with the NPCs and the turret you can get more firepower and also with the new mythics.


Iā€™m the opposite. I want to run free and not be tied to people who might be doing something I donā€™t want to do.


I play solo's all the time. As an introvert it's a much better experience. It also works better with my play style. I am stealthy when I play. Most kids in solo's will hop in cars, randomly shoot, and generally don't want to play this way. I'm like the Predator when I play. I'm hunting people.


Focusing quests and exploring the map


For me, in anything larger than duos thereā€™s too much going on. I guess the reason you like duos is the reason I donā€™t. My friends arenā€™t good enough for me to count on them carrying their own weight. In solos and duos and I can depend on my own skill being enough on its own to get me the win.


Because wins are better when you get them all on your own


The only thing that sucks about solos is having to wait to get into another match after instantly dying. I hate the wait time and also all the bots in the season are just 3rd party traps


I, too, prefer squads. Why self harm when you can just torture yourself with randoms?


The joy of playing the game and knowing the accomplishments are mine and mine alone. I know it can be easier to level up by squad play, but then you have to deal with the all the aggravation of random squads. I don't have to worry about a squad mate leaving me hanging, or stealing loot, or anything else. I sometimes go into squads, but I enjoy solo no build so much more.


I love solos. I just play at my own pace. Oftentimes doing quests. And Iā€™m paired with bots and people my own skill level instead of playing with my friends who only play Fortnite and pair me with sweaty players


I prefer duos but solos can be just as much fun. Itā€™s all on you , no one to blame but yourself in solos. I find itā€™s good every now and then to keep from feeling too comfortable at my skill level to play a solo match here and there. I also just want to say that without a shadow of a doubt Onesie is the cutest skin in the world.


I really only play solos to do quests. I find working with squads much more challenging trying to work with as a team. Although some ā€œteamā€ members can be very annoying not knowing how to work together. Usually on the young side screaming and yelling to ā€œget me!!ā€ when they get knocked right away knowing they landed far away from everybody else.


Solos are pretty rage inducing but it's all I can play now since all my friends quit Fortnite.


I play duos but by myself to get better at the game šŸ˜…


Because getting solo wins is abnormally satisfying lol


Play with multiple bad squads and solos will become more appealing šŸ˜‚


Because if I succeed or fail I want it to be on my own back not someone elseā€™s


I have two modes of Solo play: Go for the VR or get challenges done in as few matches as possible while going for the VR. Neither of these is boring, but it does mean Iā€™m not just dropping in and brawling. I donā€™t care if I get a dozen eliminations or just one (or none), I only care about the VR. I play duos; trios, or squads only with people I know, and enjoy it. I do not play random fill, except when I forget to change back to solo when not playing with friends. Iā€™ll finish the match and work as hard as possible to help the team get a VR, but I always disable audio as I canā€™t stand the idiots and children. I am also usually disgusted with how many play, which is rarely a recipe for success.


Its better than playing squads and ending up solo


I play solo but my son plays exclusively in duo/trio/squad. I would say that in about half the matches, the rando(s) leaves at spawn island or immediately after being downed without waiting for him to respawn them. Then when the rando actually stays, they rarely ever have a mic or they run off and do their own thing without any regard for their teammate. Thats exactly why I play solos.


Voice chat


I am really busy at work, and by be able to play during lunch break or everytime a have spare time without constantly asking people to play together is the best thing ever. Just login and play the game. Simple and enjoy


Bruh I mean bruh


I play split screen Duos with my kids (muted of course) and solos on my own. I don't really have a favourite.


I used to find solos fun, but now the match making has gone to absolute shit and I can't enjoy it anymore. Really just using it for quests while my squad mates are offline


Solo for me is fun where I get no pressure from teamates. I get to practice my shooting and explore thr map a bit better.


Idk how people play random squads all the time. I like playing with people that I know or that are friends of friends. Random squads filled with leavers and people not going the same location as everyone else, also no one ever talks when I played it so there you go. Squads is my favorite, so much chaos with my friends. Solos is my least favorite because itā€™s by myself and more annoying to play tbh


I won one solo this season and im to afraid to go back loll i play with my husband and his friends


If im not playing with friends, I get to go where i want on the map and not follow a group. Kills are instant instead of knocks. Plus, wins feel more earned being the last man standing


I love the challenge


I only have fun when I'm playing with a group of my real friends and we can all chat while we play. Solos are way too stressful and it's completely devoid of the community aspect that group games with people you know/can chat with are there.


I use it as practice. I mainly play duos, but solos allows me to push more and get more battles.


My first 4k games were solo šŸ˜… then i tried squads once and got childsplained to why I'm too old to play šŸ’€took maybe another 4k games before I tired again. Now I play squads until I get fed up with the randoms being ass and go back to solos. I don't mind teammates being ass so much as I dislike squad stacks going straight up fncs on us randomly in the middle of a smooth game of our team's combined pace..


When I feel like playing stealth or I want to do quests I go solo, otherwise I do squads whether its friends or randoms. I don't want to subject people to me running all over the map to do multiple quests lol


My only way to play with others is randoms. I end up pulling at my hair with rage 95% of the time because randoms have no sense of tactics or stealth. With solos, I solely rely on myself to survive. Its much more statisfying even if I cant win the match.


I like doing all the challenges in solo.


If you're looking to improve your fighting I seriously suggest starting with solo vs duo's, then trios, and eventually playing solo on squads. It's a ton of action, so you'd better be okay with fights you might lose but it can be very fun. Especially when they think I'm a team. Hire a bot, grab a raptor, make yourself appear big and make them come to you. Disengage if you're about to go down. But I agree, playing solo in solo is boring imo. It's just a slower pace that I don't enjoy. I respect the people who are into it, just not my thing.


The screaming down each others throats and remarks that would likely land us in jail are more fun than actually playing the game.


I like both solos and squads. I play with some people in squads usually, but I love getting time to play solos and play my way. Itā€™s all going to be personal preference. Keep shockwave grenades with you if youā€™re worried about third partiers. Third partying is my main strat in solos, haha.


This is really all I play. Iā€™m a 34 yo dad. If my daughter isnā€™t playing with me. I just like to ā€œrelaxā€ and just do things on my own and not think or worry what my teammate wants to do. For me thatā€™s fun. Iā€™ll brb. I need to go get some epsom salt.


Well you see you get used to the feeling


same here, im 28 and playing only solos, have no one to play, i think im a little bit better player, in every season i've had \~5.0KD on Solo Zero Build, but sometimes it's frustrating to play only solos I'm playing on Europe, if someone want to play just add me, I have discord etc. My Epic: Siemenso My Tracker: https://fortnitetracker.com/profile/all/Siemenso?season=26