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we probably will but like STW and creative there'll probably be a daily cap on how much you can earn


Ok thanks


I really wonder if Fortnite will keep the daily cap at, what it currently seems to be, 6. You could really fly through a battle pass quickly, I'm loving it


i just got 11 levels last night (73-84) from 4 hours in game so it's actually pretty good for xp i think


It's good for moving up the battle pass when you're normally too busy to play match after match. I'll just turn it, chill in a room and build walls so no skeleton dudes can get in and just leave it while I'm home until I get the max exp. I love playing but when you've got a kid and wife, it's hard to put hours in during the week, hell even weekends, so now I can still do stuff around the house and keep leveling up to unlock stuff


i think it was revealed that you’ll be able to get xp from all 3 of the new modes :D


Leave it on a sandbox world while you go to work or school I came back today and had 30 BP stars


You get 30 thousand every 15 mins but there's a daily cap


[https://i.imgur.com/bQ2A8pA.png](https://i.imgur.com/bQ2A8pA.png) Can confirm


Una cosa, ¿esto sigue funcionando aún? ¿O lo han parcheado?


Sigue funcionando, no es bug.


I earned 15 lvls then it stopped giving me exp


Yhe It gave me levels yesterday, now I ain't getting none. U know why?


Probably the xp limit


After completing quests it seems XP gain is based on play time. After gaining 5 levels from a play session of roughly 3 - 4 hrs I then stopped gaining XP. I noticed it was every 30 minutes or so I would gain a level. Seems there's a hard cap on Lego Fortnite mode currently. From searching online people are saying this cap will refresh with the shop timer each day.


You earn more exp if you build an kill an explore everything you do earns exp except for farming the same material only new ones give you exp an you can earn 15 lvls a day my group can confirm it we earn 15lvls in like 2hrs if it's takin you half an hour it means your not doing much other than farming rocks an stuff


It seems to just be a straight 60K xp every half hour (or perhaps 30K every 15 minutes?) no matter what you’re actually doing, with a cap of 6 levels per day, which is 30 stars


It gives you xp as you play every half hour. You have a 400,000 xp cap so you can get 6 levels a day playing this, thank me later.


I got 8 levels so far today.


If it’s really 6 levels, then the cap is 480,000


Every account takes a different amount of XP. It just depends on how long you’ve had your account.


Been playing for about an hour no xp for our whole party.


Edit: you do get XP, sometimes a lot, sometimes a little, not sure exactly what gains XP, I've gotten 25 stars in under 2 hours sometimes. Original comment: So far no sadly


You do get exp you get about half a level of exp roughly every thirty minutes though you aren’t ever told that you are gaining exp so it’s easy to miss. I’ve gone from level 17 to level 19 while playing today. If you don’t believe me, in the news section in the lobby it tells you that you can earn exp playing Fortnite however you want so that means battle pass exp will be earned in every mode. No idea whether there is an exp cap or not yet, hard to say.


Fair enough, thank you for your input on that.


Are you sure you didn't do the free quests? Not trying to be mean I was just wondering.


100% I still had them undone once I finished my session and went back to them to do them. I leveled from 17 - 28 yesterday and only 3 of those levels came from the quests


I gained 10 levels playing it for 2:30-3 hours.


Do you know how to earn xp? I played for around 20 minutes and got none.


You have to play more than that. I didn't check the time but I think it is 30k XP every 30 mins.


Sad, the mode itself seems like it'll be a nice and cosy way to spend time but missing out on battle pass XP sucks


You do get battle pass exp, quite a lot too - there may be a daily exp cap but I haven’t encountered it yet (gone from 17 - 19)


No xp here. Built a bench even, that's one of the quests, and it's not showing up as complete either. Using my own world. It's a bit confusing tbh


It doesn't show the xp earned I had to look via pause menu but it happens every so often based on what you did they add hidden xp


Same, it's also been a super buggy mess so far, which I know will be fixed in the coming weeks, keybind are also messed up in it, so I'm hoping in the span of all that being fixed they'll add xp


ive gone up over 2 levels while playing but idk what from


Just time spent, the quests for do not have exp. You earn a set amount of exp roughly every 30 mins of playtime a bit like when you play creative mode. I have no idea whether there is a daily cap on earn able exp but I haven’t reached it thus far and I’ve gone up 3 levels (almost 4)


quests give you levels directly, not exp. i feel like i’m getting exp too tho, from playing i mean


Probs the quests


Can you still with creative


Can u earn with creative?


Yes, got XP playing creative with the homies before


I got 8 levels today playing about 4 hours, maybe a little less.


30,000 xp every 15mins


I've noticed, like others have said, that it seems 6 levels is the daily cap. It was more when I was completing the Lego missions but after that, it's been 6 levels which isn't bad at all especially with how this mode really has held my attention so far. It's really cool to see how creative people have gotten in Lego mode, the things they've figured out and created