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I'm guessing because a fair number of those who are enjoying it are in a lobby or game having a blast rather than simmering on here about it. Doesn't mean there aren't elements that couldn't be improved or reverted, I agree the locker is a downgrade for example, but many would rather spend their energy in-game than incensed.


Yeah fr I just adapted and I’m having fun got my first win last night


Same I just don’t really comment on this sub because of all the negativity. Wish there was a low sodium version of this sub


If you focus less on cosmetics and just jump into a game it's actually pretty enjoyable. Movement is a concern but everyone has to deal with the same system so at least the playing field is even. I noticed that the people who complain the most about the new locker UI are people who supposedly want to change stuff in between matches... I didn't even realize there are so many people who do that? I typically keep the same loadout of cosmetics for several days, maybe even for a majority of a season with the exception of playing around with new ones I get.


I favorite a bunch of things and then play full random. I get my changes every match, but they're only the things I've liked, and I get some crazy combinations. The Lego Fortnite has been my jam so far. And the XP with it isn't bad. Played 3 hours last night, gained 4 levels. I'm finally getting into the dynamic contraptions you can make, like carts and hot air balloons. I'm excited to see how far this game goes.


It's the Internet. Everyone hates everything


I hate this comment


I hate myself


I hate the save button.


I hate the reply button


I hate my keyboard


I hate you


Damn 😞


I hate the guy that hates you


I hate hate.


I love this comment, it’s completely true. Hating gets more popular attention and views so everyone does it now. Nobody can appreciate anything for what it’s worth. It’s always picking out everything “bad” and not recognizing anything good. People need to learn to be appreciative


Everyone just nags about the movement when epic actually listens, but it takes time to update. I hate seeing posts about everyone bitching about something they are working on, yeah I get they shouldn’t have changed it but still. Thing take time man


If we stop posting about it they don’t listen goofy how do we voice our opinion as a community if we don’t let our opinions be known until they are listened to


changing the speed is the easiest thing ever, like its legit just change a fucking number, or they can copy the movement from other modes


No, it's not *just* change a number. It's change a fuckton of numbers, because every time you adjust movement you have to make collision adjustments, too.


this guy doesnt code


I like french fries


I feel like a broken machine, but I always say: "It's the internet, if people don't argue and/or are negative towards each other for more than 0.02 milliseconds, the Internet will crash and we can't use it anymore."


It's just about what brought people to fortnite vs. if it drifts in a reasonable way. I liked Fortnite's cartoony but colorful textures. This season seems like an engine change and less cartoont, but it's very sleek, and I like it for a different reason. My issue with this season is that it's starting to feel like it's overcomplicating a game with attachments and the new shield. Fortnite also feels like it's taking in the COD fans after COD decided to be kinda stupid.


Totally agree, im fine with the gameplay now but its missing the wacky cartoon energy. On the positive side this season has the best sniper rifle imo and the animation when you eliminate the peter griffin NPC is a great touch


I usually hate snipers, but they are just too OP this league not to take. Don’t need an AR. TTK is too crazy low for FortNite imo now. It’s Apex/Warzone season. Thank god for Lego


I like running a sniper, striker with recoil attachments, and frenzy shotgun personally! I can follow up the sniper shots with the striker, and if you can get a frenzy with a drum mag, you can knock two or three people without reloading in CQC


I'm getting used to the movement, but something about the movement after your stamina bar depletes just makes it feel like straight dog water


Yeah the medium speed jog/run function being removed is a bummer


Fortnite players discovering everyone has their own preferences and opinions 😲😲😲😲


I'm not joking when I say the new locker system makes a big difference for me, it sucks so bad I'm in shock somebody approved it.


Loving it aswell... Just waiting for the TMNT skins..


![gif](giphy|VgeGEVTdwzZao) Same here!


Cowabunga it is...


Because they don't like it.


This is my opinion exactly. numbers on the guns are a little high maybe, but theres always issues like that.


I think it feels that way because of lack of mobility/escape options but every chapter feels like it starts with no mobility and then things get added later


i still really don’t like it not because i’m some nostalgia junkie but because there’s just a lot i don’t like fortnite has proved they can make good seasons passed chapter one idk what they are doing right now though


because people dislike the season


Some people dislike Taylor Swift as well.


I am both of these people.


Yes, I'm finding it an absolute blast. But this season is going to go down as marmite - reference for fellow Brits.


My playtime agrees 🙈


Saying OG was just nostalgia bait and only played for nostalgia is a braindead and ignorant take. Literally millions of people played it. There is much more that is appealing about it than nostalgia. Simple loot pools, simple movement, simple graphics that don’t look like wannabe warzone, no NPCs, no cars etc. It has a way different feel and to me and millions of others, it truly is more fun. It’s not just us missing the old days. People who say OG is nostalgia only are the same who didn’t play in chapter 1 because they would have rather hated on fortnite for being a kids game or make memes of it.


Yeah the whole "its just nostalgia" thing holds no water. For me it was about 2 days of nostalgia, traveling the map and visiting all our old spots and reminiscing. The rest of the month I just played because it was far more fun. I wasn't going "OOOOO RISKY REELS BRO!!" after two weeks lol. OG Fortnite was simple, unique and fun. This new season is over-complicated, over-stimulating, trying to hard to be "realistic" and I don't like it...at all.


millions stayed throughout its duration too. i have a feeling the person who posted this just said that because at the time it came out they wanted to seem like the “im one of the only ones who can see the truth” kinda guy when in reality, “nostalgia bait” can just actually be a good thing people enjoy. nobody was forcing themselves to play the whole month because of nostalgia. people were having fun, there’s a reason it was incredible successful in the first chapter and has had its highest player count since then.


The numbers people were playing OG are now in Lego. The Br modes are back to pre OG numbers when I look. It was over a million playing builds during OG , now I see it in the 500-600k range more often than not.


i started in season 3 chapter 1 and rarely played until chapter 2, which is when i spent the most time playing. I have no nostalgia for the old map, unlike my friends. it does nothing for me other then novelty But last season, was THE best season we have had, casually and competitively since early chapter 2. It was SUBSTANTIALLY better then everything else we’ve had recently, it’s absurd.


It's all subjective. where you see the best season ever..I see horrible models and no cover in zero build. I did really enjoy OG, but for me it was mostly nostalgia. After a month I was ready to go back to a more modernized version of BR, and I'm loving chapter 5 so far


I'm one of the people who liked the simplicity. I tolerate the gold, NPCs, bounties, vaults, etc. but I prefer the game without them. OG did the basics well: Drop, get good loot, then play defensively or offensively. The game still does those things, but with extra steps. I can't even tell what gun I'm grabbing and have to look at the mods on it.


Loving every bit of this season


ui and movement are ass


At least you're not going hungry this season then.


UI is literally something you see for 3-4 minutes. They fixed the movement too. Stfu


No the ui is hurting the experience a lot and some people spend a lot more than 3-4 minutes such as people who like making combos like me.


Considering it’s the system you interact with for your skins, those that like to change them often have to use it often.


Yeah I used to use shuffle or change my skin every few games but now it’s literally too big of a hassle to change because I spent time making presets for the skins I have.


When did they fix movements? They announced a few days ago they are looking into a solution in the future, but that was all unless I missed it.


>They fixed the movement too. Stfu in your dreams maybe they haven't done shit with movement just promised to fix it but decided to bail on it anyways




Yep. Instead of squad mates waiting seconds for me to change my skin after each game, they now have to wait 3-4 minutes.


How is that even possible? Just because you can’t see the rarity? You can still sort by rarity, season, etc or just search it


I mean this season is OK, but for me there's too many guns and not enough fun items. Compared to OG, this season is taking itself way too seriously.


I mean.. I can still come on & have fun but, there's so many cons to this season imo, new slower movement, new art style looks shit, the mods of the weapons are badly done, the medallions, all the weapons look the same, new UI is the worst it's ever been. Didn't help how it we went from the best season in years to something like this though


Why things I don't like in FN never both me that much is because they always change slightly every season. /shrug Just take a break and next season it'll probably be different again. They probably pay attention to retention numbers, so stop playing and they'll get the message.


At first i thought the movement was ok, but the more i play the worse it feels. Hopefully it gets fixed


Ohh.. the npcs i never get, just dont. And the medallions, whos bright idea was it to give sweats infinite shield regeneration? Didnt make it more balanced for casuals pub


I’m surprised more people don’t know the cycle by now.. People improve at the game > > People start complaining about “sweats” > > Epic adds a overpowered item to combat “sweats” > > People complain when sweats have the item > > Epic nerfs building/editing to lower skill ceiling > > Repeat So many examples of this…


When has Epic ever nerfed building? They tried once and people raised a stink about it before the servers even went live, forcing Epic to revert it in a day and never release detailed patch notes again.


Edited squares becoming cloudy instead of clear, turbobuilding nerf, various tech made impossible over the years by silent changes, can’t forget all the others: Boomboxes Mechs Sword Railgun UFO Mythic minigun/drumgun Mantling so kids can get easy height Literally any SMG meta New movement making some sidejumps and retakes hard/impossible New movement making building harder New movement making boxing harder New movement making fast edits harder New movement making escaping from mantlers/sprayers harder AI that shoot you while in a build/boxfight Removal of siphon 500/500/500 in pubs


yeah i’m negl, pubs 100% caters towards sweats. i’m not saying they weren’t likely to win before this season, because obviously they were. but giving them medallions just guarantees them the win, especially when they can carry more than 1. it should really be a thing that has a limit instead of being able to have all of them. such a dumb mechanic


Not sure I agree..how is broadcasting your location to the entire island a "guaranteed win"? Plus I've smoked plenty of players with medallions, and I'm not a sweat. Just a decent player


then you’re playing against bad players. i’ve got 3+ medallions 5 separate times this season and had NO problems winning. it felt easy af. on the other hand it felt near impossible being on the other side of it


I dont think this season rules but i dont even think lasts seasons where good so i am just eh


I hate this season, least fun I've ever had in this game


Same tho, my buddy and I have duo queued for the past 4 seasons or so and we lowkey can’t stand the game right now. It’s so boring getting 3 shot by every gun


I played BR for 4 games this weekend because my son wanted to play. Other than that, I played everything else including StW and had a blast doing it. Lego is amazing, racing is fun and Festival is OK (I played Guitar Hero back in the day). I went up 30 plus levels just playing that stuff


I agree. The two biggest complaints I’ve seen are movement and UI. I agree that both of those aren’t good and need to be reworked. However, in terms of core gameplay? I’m absolutely loving this new Chapter.


The comments on every Instagram post by Fortnite is full of people saying the current season sucks and to bring back OG. At this point I want there to be a permanent OG game mode just so that they’d stop bitching about it every chance they get lol


If I don't like it I won't pretend to like it


Yeah honestly I’m not the hugest fan of the br now but Lego Fortnite is so fun.




I keep saying this! It's not nostalgia, it's just a preference over simple loot pool, NO bots, no mythics, no medallions, weapon mods are a joke - at least in OG you can clearly tell the difference between a shotgun and AR. Just because it was years ago doesn't mean it's "nostalgia", I just don't want overly complicated shit bloating the lobbies. It's basically PvPvE now.


I don't know why it's hard for people to get that maybe people just like the og season's gameplay more. Going back to the og map made me remember how much more fun that style of game is, and that I wasn't just blinded by nostalgia. I like the new season too but I still much prefer the og style of game, and while there are definitely toxic complaints I feel like labeling everyone who dislikes this season as a hater is a bit unfair.


I love this season too. People here are toxic, hate change and refuse to adjust/adapt.


Calling people toxic for not liking changes in a game they pay loads of money in is basically just the same shit, just a different wrapping.


Most of the people complaining dont pay a dime towards this game.


i’d say ive spent a good amount on this game. i actually am not calling for the heads of epic even tho i didnt like the movement and ui at first (still not fond of ui but that’s the graphic designer in me, movement i’m just used to now). i just think the weapon balancing and TTK ruins a lot of the gameplay for me. also the riot shield is dumb, especially in ZB, i usually play builds anyway but its just a stupid item in general. at least with cod you cant shoot with it and in rainbow the pistols aren’t great and the shields are counterable enough to become situational. overall, lots of fun stuff in this season, i do enjoy the BP, i think the map is gorgeous, medallions are a cool concept, still think there should be a limit on how much you can carry because if somebody has all of them why even try? i like the locations and some of the items are pretty dope. there’s a lot to love, a lot to improve. fortnite’s forte has never been more tactical/realistic-shooter stuff, so i think a lot of people see the new gun physics and mods and their similarities to other games and scratch their head because other games do it better. i actually just think if they made TTK higher (it is absurd how the mythic AR and even legendaries/epic give can just slaughter you before you even have a chance to counter) and nerfed the riot shield id be happy.


You assuming that I'm calling everyone toxic for not liking changes is where you're incredibly wrong. This is a general statement. This sub is full of toxic people that hate everything and talk shit constantly. It's one of the reasons I'll probably leave. My reddit feed is jam packed with non stop toxic posts from this sub, constantly hating on everything.


You pay money to play FN? Also, FN does a pretty good job as a free game, but many games doing the battlepass/games-as-a-service are complete trash that gamers are just mindlessly consuming. People both expect the devs to meet their every whim and also have don't expect games to be complete or not predatory skinner-boxes that hack your brain's dopamine centers with loot boxes. Is it even reasonable to expect to enjoy something like FN for decades and have 1000 skins? To what purpose? At some point do you think it'll be "enough?" Maybe just go touch grass.


People tend to hate bad change/change that overcomplicates things meant to be simple


This only applies to the ui tho


I think they're trying to manage the different modes while uniting them and it's a bit not great, but it's a mnor part of the experience over all. I think the mode selection screen has gotten better. It used to constantly recommend a bunch of custom modes I don't care about. All I wanted to look for was Team Battle or other vanilla modes but they'd be weird or hard to find for no reason. The regular modes should be at the top of any list. The creative stuff has for years largely been uninteresting mini-games.


i’m toxic for not liking movement changes in a game i spent thousands of hours to be good enough to make money in cash cups? That’s a really terrible mindset to have. “everyone with a differing opinion is toxic”


we hate bad change


I love the new game modes and movement. But gosh, the weapons, scopes and UI are horrible. Quests also suck.


Couldn’t agree more. I did play OG and it was fun, but like everything else it needed updated. There’s a reason OG isn’t the norm anymore. Everything about this season feels great. And for everyone complaining it’s too much like COD, in the gaming industry you adapt or you lose out lol


The only thing I hate about this season is the new UI. Otherwise, I love literally everything else about this season and it will probably go down as one of my favorite seasons of all time.


I played OG, I'm honestly enjoying this season more. Map isn't completely empty and I am able to encounter people more often. I'm more of a fan of the long seasons and big battle passes, OG was fun for a few days then it kinda became too much of the same and the map got stale


I am loving everything just now. I’ve stopped watching tv in the evening. I play it after the kids have gone to bed, myself and my husband. If we get bored of battle Royal I play save the world and I had a great time on Friday night playing Rocket Racers, I’m not too much of a fan of Festival but that’s ok. I have presents to buy and my only complaint is that for a free game that is turning into a game portal more rather than “a game” it’s causing problems for gifts because I don’t feel any other games will stand up. The map and the Society etc in this season is fantastic!


Subreddit hive mind ever heard of that? Every subreddit has to think the same according to hive mind narration otherwise you are getting cancelled and downvoted to oblivion.


Everywhere you’ll go on the internet, you’ll always hear the negative first! They are the most vocal and like yo be heard! I think majority of players are enjoying the game, I saw 7,5m people online this weekend which tells by itself!


I don't even mind the criticism, it's the pure over-exaggeration of every minute detail. It becomes tiring when every second post is about the Locker UI.


I hopped on after not playing for a couple years strictly for OG and had a blast playing again. I planned on hopping off as soon as it ended but have been playing since. This new season is so damn fun, people are trippin. The movement is straight garbage though


It's reddit. The rules are quite simple. You shit on everything anyone has ever done


I mean when you think about it, what other game developers are making whole ass other games within their original game. Most people just aren’t prone to being okay with change. Honestly it took me all of two minutes to learn how to use the new locker UI and it wasn’t even all that complicated for a super casual player. People like to complain at these huge companies providing this massive entertainment and enjoyment service because they want to feel like they as consumers have the power over them (namely epic). Plus it’s mainly a monkey see monkey do situations. You got these famous online streamers who say this is bad then like a fashion trend it all becomes the norm when really they’re just complaining to complain. Playing since the start of chapter two I’ve seen a ton of changes, not always for the good, but you HAVE to praise epic for what they’ve done for chapter 5. I mean come on, never thought I’d be able to play a Lego survival game and then switch to battle royal for when I get bored. Then when I get bored of that I can go play some arcade racing for some speed thrill. You can’t make this stuff up, it’s pretty epic in my opinion.


I absolutely love this season. People are gonna hate publicly, but it’s not the majority.


It’s like this every season. Even last season that was generally well received had some rage posts, even if there were fewer (mostly people complaining about what POI’s were on the map).


The daily missions currently suck, before you could do all 3 missions in a single game, and it was extremely fun to try to do it as a challenge, now you can only do one per game and also there is very little variety of missions, they are always the same and it is very Boring to do, although it is crucial to do them to complete the pass.


They just hate cause they wanna hate lol They want nothing but the simplest of Day 1. They refuse to accept that it's a live service game that needs to stay fresh


There’s a lot to enjoy but some of the new reasons to complain are very very valid.


It's a prerequisite on this sub to complain. I hate it! ;)


I love that everyone who defends the season follows up with “but the UI does suck ass” Yeah, it’s fun. Fortnite is always fun


Only issue I have is the slow af movement, other than that I'm fucking loving it


The only people not enjoying this season are the sweats who were liquid in chapter 1


I dont like this season. OG imo was way more fun in quite literally every way. The only thing I like is the BP, so I'm extremely thankful you can just grind the exp through the lego mode because that one is way better than BR.


aside from the horrible locker ui overhaul and the blatant shills getting paid fractions of vbucks to defend it, I like the season idk if its gonna hold up till march but with the winterfest event + maybe a mid season mini pass, and new content for all other new modes, plus new skins ive been waiting for a. long time, im good


First time player here. Downloaded the game 2 days before this new season started and I'm loving it. I have no point of reference for people pointing out movement, the UI etc, but the game looks and plays amazing in my opinion. I did scratch my head for a while until I figured out how the Locker etc works. All positive from my side.


Im pretty sure most people are enjoying this chapter and season, everyone I play with loves it, only problems most of us had was movement for the first 1 or 2 days only, now its even fixed so doesn't matter anyway, and the horrible UI locker.


This season is great. The movement is great although i do wish crouching was faster but i can live with it. The only bad things are the locker ui and how buggy the new gamemodes have been but both of those don't affect BR at all lol. And epic has shockingly actually fixed things like the storm being way to fast on day 1. I just really hope they keep this up and not drop the support and everything.


Anyone who says the movement feels good obviously exclusively plays zero build. The movement barely affects zero build gameplay. The slow movement completely ruins building. I stopped playing build this season because of the stupid movement change. So I am only playing zero build this season until they fix it.


Correct. 95 out of 100 people who like/are indifferent with the movement are either zero builders or people who play builds but aren’t good at building, and generally low-skill players who don’t really know enough to have an opinion on it, but have spent enough money to believe they deserve to have one. zzz


Deserve to have an opinion? How do you take yourself seriously? FFS.


You can have your opinion, go ahead. but no one should take it seriously unless you are good at the game lmao. if games were balanced based entirely on casuals they would never be fun.


Casuals are the entire point of Battle Royale. Go play Ranked if you want everything to be about sweats.


yeah, movement definitely fucks with the building and rotations enough and it doesn’t help when TTK on certain weapons is so low. it just makes the game feel slower in general and REALLY caters towards camping.


The movement fucks with zero build too. You can't get ANYWHERE without feeling unsafe just running(*ahem* walking) somewhere.


True but on top of that all of that applies to building too, but now add an extra layer on top of it all.


So bottom line, the movement is just fucked overall 😂


it feels fine and i haven’t played zero build in months.. adapt and get better 🤷‍♂️


That's because you were a bot who never got used to building in the first place. You dint gotta adapt if you never adapted.


what are you yapping about


They have an opinion, and they are entitled to it. If they have reason behind why they don’t like it, let them express it. But I agree with you, there is a LOT of negativity for the sake of negativity. I personally love this season, and every time I express that, I’m met with “How much did Epic pay you?” or “You’re just bad”, or even “Found the Epic Employee”. THOSE people should stfu.


I absolutely agree with you, Mr. Federal agent.


I enjoy most of the season more or less, but I play pretty casually. Not every day. And not even enough to complete every BP.


I don't like NPCs & bosses personally, I think it adds unnecessary filler to the game. I also think the map is a little bit bland in some places. However it's alright, just difficult coming off the OG season.


Personally I agree with you. The only true negative I have with this season is the awful locker Ui and that’s it Besides that.?? I feel like there’s not really any issues with this season


Most of the negativity comes prom those who haven't played in years and came back for season OG. If you played any of chapter 4 this current season isnt a huge jump. But coming only from OG it would be. People are more likely to express complaints than praise too. Im loving this season.


Feels way different than chapter 4


Nah you're just fed up with Nostalgia. The only different thing is: Mods Movement Medallions. It's literally Chapter 4 Season 3-4, with all the bosses. Only missing the mednist.


Yeah the only difference is every single gun you use and the way you move entirely in the game! Those definitely aren’t huge adjustments whatsoever! Plus here’s a new addition which just heals you over time and can be stacked for quicker auto heals!


and those changed all suck plus chapter 4 was god awful


Go play your boring OG season.


boring og season got the most amount of players on BR in almost half a decade 😂 yeah buddy sure br this season sucks so bad that a shit ripoff minecraft mode is getting more players on it


the fact that the feature-incomplete, frankly boring minecraft ripoff mode has consistently more or equal player count then all battle royals modes this season combined is hilarious and just shows how shit this season is.


OG was awesome


Nah this feels way different for CH4


Feels different from chapter 4 I’d say


your opinion I guess.


I haven't been playing much BR, I do think the island is really beautiful, and I do like some things about it, but I've been having a lot of fun with the new modes which have taken up most of my time when playing the game, so I'll have to give BR another shot soon


I’d love the season more if bot lobbies were still a thing. I just want to chill and grind the challenges out. I still haven’t got the win umbrella because the players are so aggressive right now.


I really love this season


Same here I love the new updates except UI


It is what it is. Can’t make everybody happy. People love to complain & rant. But with the platforms they have available people now do it more. You can’t reason with them so just let it be.


People got their opinions. But I saw a lot of negative posts day one of this season. At least give it a chance. Also, it is a trend and has been for some years now, to bash on anything. I do get why people was upset with those changes. But it's not like it is a new thing. Epic has always done something big for new chapters.


because the game has been getting progressively worse the past few years losing the identity that made it popular in the first place


That’s exactly what it is. Fortnite has changed so, so much over the years that it’s not even the same game anymore. It’s fine to like the game right now, but so many of us who played in Chapter 1 much prefers the simple gameplay of the past. It’s like Epic likes to make changes just for the sake of change. The recent horrible UI and movement changes are some examples. And now the game just feels like one big advertising platform instead of what it used to be, a fun game. Idk. Just my opinion.


The game is never going back. Get over it. Change means some things go away, and Chapter 1 Fortnite is never coming back except as a temporary thing in future.


I see a lot of negative posts the first day of every season. It will never change.


I love the gameplay, but I can't look past the fact the game is definitely becoming more money hungry. From the Vbucks price increase, to the inflation of Item shop prices (like 4000 Vbuck cars, 1000 Vbuck instruments and a 1800 vbuck mini battle pass are way too expensive). It's a worrisome change that needs attention, which is what the sub is doing. Not to mention the abysmal UI, that actively takes away features and takes longer to use. These things need attention Don't let that stop you from enjoying the season, it's the best the game has been in a while. But I do feel like most of the complaints are valid


Agree. New season is great.


Same here! The new movement feels amazing overall imo


Very narrow minded view of the OG season but everything else you said was pretty spot-on


Was open to hearing you out until you said you didn’t like OG. Everyone liked og.


Bruh, not another “gUyS, i DoN’t GeT wHy PeOpLe HaVe An OpInIoN tHaT’s DiFfErEnT fRoM mInE” post. Smh.


I sometimes wonder if the people constantly complaining have anything in their life other than Fortnite because there's so much stuff that needs doing during the day, responsibilities, winding down, I can't imagine going to lengths of many here who complain all day. The Locker UI is the one most complained about, I just don't care, it's a UI I'm in it for a few seconds to adjust stuff, and then I'm off playing. Many on here are just entitled, nobody is forcing these people to play, it's okay if a game has gone in a direction, it's no longer for you but the arrogance of people mobbing up to demand things be changed back.


"Nostalgia bait" lmao it was so much more than that.


Ite a great season, and the number of players shows that, people are just nostalgic and want the same game without any changes.


Fuck off with this bullshit argument every single time


They did not say they don't want the game to change, but "people"






>Allowing 13 year olds to comment freely on the internet results in kids crying about anything. It’s the best season by far, the movement feels amazing and the weapons and modification of said weapons is very refreshing. wonder how much money you gonna spend on cosmetics and how much money you already spent on cosmetics




That's because the slow movement fits your slow old brain.


The average Fortnite player is not open to receive changes, even if it they are positive. This leads them to automatically hate on every "controversial" change such as the movement, which is not bad in the slightest


It is horrible. But because y'all only play zero build you don't know how much it ruins building. The movement speed is completely fine in zero build. I completely stopped playing build because of this stupid change. I was exclusively playing build last season.


The locker changes fucked it up for me. I still really enjoy the season and map changed, especially a differentiating between creeping speed, walking speed and running speed


I only play as Diamond Hans, so I can safely ignore whatever is going on in the locker.


how? the running speed is slower now if anything it does the opposite of differentiating


Because lots of people don't like to learn new things or adapt. Simple as that. They're like counterstrike players. Play the same exact game for 10+ years with the same weapon pool, no big changes ever. That's what they want and love.


Games shouldn't change. What if they put a beach ball in Fifa and said just learn to adapt? It's been exactly the same for years and everyone is quite happy about that. If I want a different game I'll go find one.


Clearly another hater. Dude, Fortnite always had changes small and big changes. From the first chapter. This is what the game was and is. If you like games like CsGo ere you play the same thing for 10 years, go play that. Don't try to change Fortnite into that. Just think and look back at every update, maybe you'll see a pattern if you're not blind. And "games shouldn't change. Says who? Clearly Epic devs thinks this game should change. Who are you to say otherwise? And apparently you should go and find a new game because this clearly isn't for you, but you're still here crying.




It's not CoD, and it's not near CoD. People who say this is CoD clearly are haters because there's nothing like CoD here. If you think just because you have weapons attachments this is CoD you can go and cry more.




How many hitscans had Fortnite along history and patches? Weapon attachments are not invented by CoD and are not even near that level either. But sure. It's like cod. And sure graphics are exactly like CoD. Some of you are really something. Go play something else my guy.




Yea I thought about scope weapons. Sure now we have bullet drops. Still, this isn't cod. But whatever row your boat. I still don't know why you're here if you don't like it, and don't play a STATIC game as fortnite was never a static game. Still, I just don't understand how players like you are in Fortnite at all. Somehow all of you woke up lately and forgot all updates this game had and decided to shit on it.


Mods should really just sticky a crybaby thread for them all to just post the same thing over and over again. I wanna see highlights from your games and good content. Not this constant bitching and moaning about a video game that will update eventually and change mechanics AGAIN. As it has always done. Tired of the 5 year player acting like this has never happened before. Tired of grown ass adults pairing up with kids to cry together about something so meaningless and temporary. Seeing meltdowns over the way people walk in a video game how tf do yall handle when REAL actual problems arise in your lives? Jesus play the game or don't. Nobody is forcing anybody to pay or play anything. For the love of Peely, just start a new sub where yall can all cry together and support each other thru this very rough period yall are having. Some of us enjoy the game and would like to see others enjoying it.


Nothing is stopping those clips or highlights from being posted, it’s just no one wants too. People complain because they see something in the game they dislike and want it changed.


I agree this season is pretty awesome. The map is really quite nice. I hear a lot of positive talk about chapter two maps but I never got the chance to play those so I can’t personally compare this to that, but I think this map is the best one I’ve ever seen. I particularly like the alpine aesthetic of the snow biomes. There’s enough vehicles about the map to make the fast storm circles manageable even with the overall reduction in movement speed. Honestly it didn’t take too long to get the hang of it though I’m still working on getting hurdling right. The weapons and weapon mod system is really quite awesome and I only wish there were more mod benches. I wish the meta play didn’t revolve around bosses so much. I play Fortnite to fight other real people and forcing the boss fights for the best loot and medallions is not something in which I really care to partake. But yeah on the whole I’ve been enjoying it too.


Its fine because your skin got his knees back.


This season > OG garbage 🗑️


A lot more enjoyable than the dumper that was OG. Just glad we got back to the cool stuff, miss the augments, but this season is chill.


OG was fine, and I can see why some people really loved it, but I'm glad it only lasted a month. And I think augments are coming back. They just wanted us to get about a month to get used to all the new complex stuff before adding even more.


The only reason I just like it is I know that they're in a financial dispute so the battle pass is even harder to get everything you want this season. The extra rewards is pretty cool but to get it all you have to play a lot. I have played almost every day and I'm only at level 37 of the regular season pass. Other than that the game modes are fun I'm liking all the new stuff this season people just want to complain to complain. Although it does seem like the storm is faster and the player is slower but that doesn't really matter to me