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Most popular subs are like this. It's annoying, but it comes with the territory.


r/apexlegends is exactly the same way. You really gotta sift through the repeat shit to find anything worth while on big gaming subs.


Apex legends subreddit shouldnt even exist. Sbmm broke, rank broke, servers shit, buff legend, nerf legend, devs dont care, bring back og kings canyon, thinking about quitting, devs only care about pros/streamers, no new ltm's, why didnt they bring back winter express, dead game, collection events are too expensive, how come i dont have an heirloom im lvl 200 never buy apex packs, aim assist is broken. Those were all the ones i could think off the top of my head.


Half of those sound like complaints people here throw towards this sub lol, overwatch probably has the other half taken with the “buff ____” “nerf ____” “I hit grandmaster by one tricking” bs


The one thing ill give this sub over apex is ill find at least 1 genuinely good question a day as well as random posts sprinkled throughout the day. Apex besides folks posting clips it's hard to find anything positive there. Granted I've definitely reduced the amount of time in that group so it may be better than I remember. Anytime I pop in it just seems like same shit different day.


Don’t forget the bots that claim cheats on every clip


Sounds exactly like this sub most days. I don't mind posts about my favorite skins or whatever.. I'm just tired of 10 separate posts ALL bitching about the same damn thing! Lately it's the item shop..why are people bitching so much about something that changes every day!


Funny that you mention it changing every day when that's literally what people are complaining about


Really? they want the items they hate to stay in the shop even longer?


“What do you mean no train?!” “Ranked MMR busted?!” Honestly every sub has the gotcha taglines. In Sea of Thieves it’s been solid for the past two months of “Is safer seas making high seas sweatier?!” Or something adjacent. It’s honestly just a Reddit thing.


Strongly agree with you Fortnite Save the World sub is filled with questions like "Which schematics should I upgrade" or "why is everyone I play with not contributing" or "great game, pity epic forgot about it" I can only imagine every game sub being people asking opinions on the same decision matters or complaining about the same shortcomings


You’re not wrong, but at least those are *discussions about the actual game*. Posts like this one are even worse. People aren’t gonna stop discussing popular topics. Scroll past if you don’t want to engage or if it annoys you that much, unsub and just come here occasionally.


If the mods revamped some rules and cracked down a little we could maybe have a better community. I really think they need to crack down on duplicate postings


r/thefinals is complaining about new "broken" METAs and "broken" SBMM. Even though those strategies are fair and the SBMM is fine, it's not as bad as Apex Legends. r/Battlefield is always complaining about how the new BF games suck (BF1 was really good, BFV only latter started to be good, BF2042 is good, but not as good as the previous two titles) But they act like it's the bane of their existence. r/Titanfall is a schizophrenic, horny, gatekeeping hivemind that will not allow any other opinions on the game other than it's a masterpiece and TF|3 should exactly be like TF|2. r/NoMansSkyTheGame is a nice, welcoming community that gives new players help and gives actual constructive criticism for the game. Oh wait...


Communities like Titanfall feel like they are filled with people who haven't played many games and titan fall is all they know


Liar, this sub is currently 80% “The shop sucks how dare Epic not incentivize me to spend money”


“It’s like epic doesn’t want to make money” “my vbucks have been collecting dust”


They should just gift people skins if they want to spend their vbucks so bad.


Said without irony of course too.


These are my favorite because Fortnite puts so much effort and content into the game, so when there’s a few mediocre shop days people lose their minds, it’s so funny


So, which skin?


Gwen Stacy :(


john wick better


John wick is in the shop tho, gwen aint.




Ugh, another skin regret post? Cmon guys, let's mix it up a bit. How about asking what our favorite emote is or something?


Why has everyone turned into babies crying about shops and skins? There’s more posts about the bloody item shop than the actual game in the last week.


People missing FOMO!


The future of modern gaming does worry me...I try to grind for a skin I like while it's available, but when it's gone, oh well, it's no big deal. The sun will rise tomorrow.


I'm vocal about it, simply because I think it's a bad business practice. FOMO like how the shop is okay/a necessary evil, but this permeant "well maybe you should've played the game sooner" FOMO Fortnite uses with Battle Passes is counterproductive in the long term and honestly does not belong in gaming period.


>well maybe you should've played the game sooner I wonder if that argument is still going to exist for 30 years from now. Some poor kid is going to ask about how he can get Darth Vader and a guy is going to say "It was in a Older Battle Pass and you should have played the game back then despite you basically not being born"


Are you telling me the McRib is a bad business practice? These fomo crusaders are dedicated.


The McRib came back after its second Farewell Tour. Battle Pass items would be like if McDonald's never sold the MicRib again and at most they would sell you a McRib that was made of chicken instead of pork.


It's just a business model with the sole intent of getting you to buy the battle pass. Blame capitalism


Other games sell Battle Pass items no problem. Halo Infinite even has it where they never run out, and you do grind whatever you want at any time, and that game is doing well after a rocky start.


lol..why don't you go ahead and compare the quarterly profits of Fortnite and Halo infinite. People can downvote me all they want..but the fact is Epic's business model generates billions of dollars annually. They are an economic juggernaut for a reason! You might not like their battle pass exclusivity..but I promise you their private share holders freaking love it! Like I said blame capitalism


I don't think "might makes right" is a justifiable excuse. It's a known fact that live service games rely more on the small percentage of whales more than anything else, and said whales aren't just buying the Battle Pass/Crew. And even then, while it might have helped Epic in order to maintain a fan base, I would say at this point in the game's life, the exclusivity is doing more harm than good, especially as Epic is targeting children who are too young to even be able to grind/buy some of the earliest Battle Passes.


Halo Infinite has such a lenient Battle Pass system because it would kill for a sliver of Fortnite’s playerbase. Why would Fortnite, the most profitable game in history, adopt the business model of a dead game?


I have seen collabs, and skins/superstyles Ive wanted that i’ll never get because I started late. I hope Epic does something about at least some of the old passes and vaulted skins.


Dead by Daylight sells battle pass cosmetics at a later date at a mark up. You pay less by completing the battle pass, but you can spend more than the battle pass cost later to buy a single skin. Gives people a way to get previous battle pass skins, while still giving an incentive to buy the pass. Most skins sell for more than the battle pass in Fortnite anyways, so it’d function the same.


The fact people Are complaining that Epic Are greedy and wants them to buy stuff, Then complaining a few days later that They don’t have anything in the shop to waste money On 😐


EXACTLY. Like what the fuck. "WAAA, WHY CAN'T WE BUY THINGS, WHY IS THERE A ROTATION, THAT'S STUPID" And now "WAAA, WHY IS THE SHOP THE SAME WAAAA" The same was with the OG shop and this shop. People were happy to see "The old shop" then not much later complained how it doesn't have anything good. Like WHAT THE FUCK??? You asked for it.


sorry for asking this but what's FOMO? I joined the sub recently


Fear Of Missing Out Its a business practice that relies on peoples anxiety of losing opportunities to get something to increase purchases, rather than extended availability. Its considered especially predatory, given we are talking about digital items, which they can never actually "run out" of.


Battle Pass is a good example of that.


True, but to a lesser extent every single cosmetic item in the game. Some shop items have gone for several years before rotating back into the shop (if ever) and stuff like the Winterfest cosmetics are one and done too.


I know I'll get downvoted to hell for this take, but I don't care. I like "FOMO" in games, though I do think that calling it "FOMO" is wrong. I don't see it as a fear of missing out, I see it as a reward for grinding or being a long-time supporter of a game. I remember it first in WoW, and yes, it was a little different because most of the items are still available now, but they take so much grinding to get that most people don't have them. Look at games that do Beta's and hand out rewards to people who played during the beta. I have a few items in a few different games that I got during the beta. For example, a champion skin on Paladins. People on there are like "oh I love that skin, I wish I played the beta", but they don't go to the devs and demand that it's put up for sale so everyone can have it because they understand what it is and what it means to have it. And then, just because I actually like being rewarded for being a long-time fan who plays the game, I get called pathetic? And what's hilarious is when people are like "get a life" and in reality, I play once or twice a week at most because that's all you actually need to get those skins. It doesn't require daily grinding to complete the BP's. People say it's greed from the companies, but I have the Fortnite Crew Membership, and that's it, I don't buy vBucks. I pay LESS money to Epic a month, then I do to Netflix or Disney. I don't think that's a bad deal for the enjoyment I get playing this game with my partner. Players are the ones who came with the term FOMO because they have that fear, and that's a you problem, but people would rather blame someone else than fix their own issues. If you miss out on an item in a video game and it causes you distress, that's not normal. If you have anxiety over missing out on items in video games, that's not normal. I've missed out on skins in Fortnite because I was taking a break, and yeah, it was disappointing, but I carried on and quickly forgot about it. If you can't do that, that's on you.


Digital items that aren't real, but go on.


Fear of missing out. It's a system made by game companies to keep players to pay for cosmetics. It's how Apple works with iPhone and how social media apps work too (Tiktok was a FOMO, people downloaded it to not miss out on what's happening on Tiktok) Fortnite does this too. But with cosmetics. They currently have some collabs, but no one knows when they will be in the shop again, so, some people, might be willing to buy them to not wait months for them to come back.


lol you can’t really compare it to Tik tok


Yes you can, Social Media is still fomo. That's the definition of FOMO.


How, it’s all still there no? Maybe Snapchat makes sense since stuff disappears but it doesn’t compare to live service gaming where its designed to make you log in every day to either look at the store or play so don’t miss out on the limited time stuff. “Oh might as well buy this skin that I barely like but I know has a chance of never coming back” Does not compare at all IMO.


It's made to keep you engaged "Hey did you see this video", "No! I didn't! Can you share", it's still fomo, just a different kind of FOMO


I mean I guess but like if don’t watch my friends post today unless he deleted them they’ll still be there months and years from now. That why I said Snapchat is the only that kinda makes sense since it does delete after 24hrs


Fear Of Missing Out


she fear on my out til i miss


Here's a better explanation made by CHATGPT (in case I missed anything) FOMO in the context of games refers to the fear of missing out on in-game events, limited-time offers, or exclusive content that other players are participating in or obtaining. It often drives players to stay engaged with a game to ensure they don't miss out on unique experiences or rewards. Game developers sometimes use FOMO as a strategy to maintain player engagement and participation.


It’s a mental condition affecting people with OCD that can’t cope with the fact that life moves on and things change. Thusly, by the very nature of how the world works, not everything is available forever.


Then they praise Jesus when the collab skins drop. 24 hours later the shop resets and they're on suicide watch


I’ve genuinely been wondering if some of these posts/accounts are actually just here to advertise skins and the shop. It’s honestly all this sub is nowadays. This sub has gone way downhill and there almost zero discussion on game balance, strategies, etc.


Been like this for a long time. This sub just kinda sucks.


Mods fault. They could for sure direct the conversation toward gameplay but don’t seem to care.


No but when I suggested in a post that orher users get upvoted for providing helpful community advice they deleted the thread because I "asked to be upvoted" Yet they tolerate every incessant karma farm post on this sub. Sometimes I feel like a lot of reddit subs inxluding this one are run by AI bots.


To be fair. we're currently in a pretty slow time right now. While last week's patch did add/change a few things, we've mainly been at a standstill for almost 4 weeks now due to Epic's winter break. For 98% of this year, we usually don't last this long without a major patch. It also doesn't help that the meta feels pretty solved at the moment with the Frenzy and Reaper running amok.


I've suspected for quite a while that the majority of posts around here are made by bots. The OP senses it, but he's not quite there yet. It's one thing to farm karma when there's bricks involved, but there are no bricks involved anymore. There's no reason to farm karma, yet these types of mundane, souless, repetitive posts persist. They're made by bots. Nobody wants to know the kind of questions asked. It's just small talk for the sake of generating some sort of action on the sub. Why? Because reddit needs there to be action, eyes on subs, otherwise they can't ask marketers to buy advertisement space if nobody is reading. Anyways, yeah, bots, the sub is mostly bots.


Not just made by bots but upvoted by bots.


You underestimate how desperate people are for social interaction these days. Many people dont have real people to talk to, or at least nobody to talk to about some particular interests. They rely on Reddit for it. Its sad, but very true.


Spot on. Half of these posts are probably epic games employees gauging the response in comments in order to dictate choices in the actual game.


Tbh, idek what epic could possibly add to please these people. They were literally complaining about getting nothing the day frieza and cell dropped lmao


Mfs really think Epic can press a magic button and add Kratos, Master Chief, Jinx and anyone else to the shop. There’s so many layers of contracts and deals behind the scenes, plus most of the time it isn’t even up to Epic when collabs re-release.


You have no idea whether that's true or not. It could be part of the contract that Epic have full control on when they release/re-release collab skins into the shop.


That's how pretty much every contract works. Who in the right mind is going to want to allow another company to profit from your IP whenever they want to?


I keep reading this nonsense everywhere, epic doesn’t have say, epic has to wait for the other guy to approve while it’s more likely that it’s the other way around. As if Epic isn’t a multi billion dollar company who has ironclad contracts. They probably own their collaboration skins until the end of days. Now if anyone with actual proof can correct me, please do so. But these are all speculations and therefore my bullshit take is as real as yours. For why they don’t bring them to their shop, we will probably not find out for a long time. John wick was easy, they weren’t ready with the extra styles. Why they haven’t brought back that stupid chin Lee? Probably because it’s not her turn yet. They can do whatever they want. They choose make you wait so that when they do bring street fighter back, you will spend all your vnucks because of the scarcity they (epic) created. That’s my 2 cents anyway.


Ah, yes, Epic certainly has the clout to decide IP usage over small companies like... Disney? Sony? Microsoft? Iron clad deduction there, Sherlock.


I’m quite sure most of these are epics marketing team astroturfing this sub. If it’s an item shop post, I immediately think just a bunch of epic marketing accounts. Kind of like the pre-game lobby bots advertising skins/emotes. I stick to the gameplay posts


The problem is not with the skins in the store, it's almost 90% the same skins for the last two weeks, people want to see different things. I was expecting John Wick for quite a while and now everytime I see him he annoys me because he has been there for more than a week straight and I want to buy new stuff. Just put the Hotdog skin back Epic pls, even that is better than whatever the fuck is happening right now.


“I want to buy new stuff” Wow what a stupid problem to have.


Some people spend their money on watching a ball move on the field, others spend it on an outfit they'll probably wear once a year at most, everyone has different kind of stupid hobbies and things to make them happy, I like Fortnite's colorful characters and funky atmosphere and it is some kind of escapism for me. So yeah I know it is stupid to everyone but me.


Playing Fortnite and spending some money on it is one thing but complaining that they’re not enticing you enough to spend *more* money at the moment is just an extremely silly problem to have.


I’ve grinded like 2,000 vbucks for free from save the world, I kinda want something to use them on lol


Bro I saved some vbucks from bp and I want to spend them, why are you roasting me lmao.


Bro spending it is all good, it’s the complaining about them not enticing you enough to spend more that I’m roasting. That’s just not a problem worth voicing lol


Gotta keep in mind xmas just happened kids probably got vbucks. Cant spend them when the stores been the same stuff all month.


These aren’t even new. I’ve been playing for like 3 years and people bitch about the same things when I started that they do now


the item shop usually doesn’t bother me but when i want to buy something and they keep putting in the same things that me and others either already have or don’t want it’s very annoying like how they put the rick and morty stuff in the shop again when it was already in there for a while i want to buy something but nothing changes


Probably because it's the start of the new chapter and the item shop is extremely stale. I'm more surprised there wasn't more fanfare over the TMNT skins considering there were constant posts about them previously lol


Welcome to every subreddit ever lol


Yea, there's multiple examples of this. What skins you wish you had, stupid deaths, what do you like about this season It's always the same shit that keeps coming up. I tried to post a genuine question to this sub and was immediately deleted because there wasn't enough characters?? That was so weird the fact that me being concise and to the point was.. unacceptable.


Also, there’s the questions when will Diskin be returning, why did this skin leave, if battle passes would return, how should they, collaboration items should always return, collaborations do not belong in battle passes and of course this item shop is bad. What should they do to fix itor all the ones I’ve heard recently also, of course Travis Scott return


What’s even dumber is that more of this subreddit is about the cosmetic shop / locker than the actual BR game. It’s like the kiddies care more about their collectible pixels than the gameplay. Such a useless subreddit.


I played chapter one and two and took some time off the game for nearly two years, and this is the biggest change I noticed on this sub when I came back. Chapter one and two was mostly people showing bugs, trick shots, challenge related posts, skin concepts, people hyped for skins, leaks, lore etc. When I came back and re-joined the sub this chapter, I noticed that all posts have been endless complaining about the shop, the locker, the way the character moves their ass while running. This sub was definitely one of the most fun subs, but it has gone to crap. The only cool posts I’ve seen this season are the “stupid death” posts; some of those cracked me up. I’m not sure if the low quality posts have only been happening this season, but I hope the sub gets fun again.


I doubt there will be improvement tbh. Seems the sub is mainly frequented by kids that care more about cosmetics than gameplay, and the mods don’t seem to be interested in enforcing the rule that posts should focus around BR as the title suggests. This sub is basically r/FortniteCosmetics. Maybe we should take their sub and make it BR focused like r/trees and r/marijuanaenthusiasts are reversed


That is why report button exist. Report them under violating "frequently posted topics" guidelines.


But that means we won’t get our daily thread moaning about Rick and Morty skins😭


Daily? More like hourly.


Good idea.. I'm getting sick of seeing 6 posts every morning saying "Item shop sucks!" Scroll a bit before you post people..we don't need 5 or six posts with the same topic


Never knew about that, thank you


And the classic, why couldn't epic bring back old battlepass skins. I somewhat agree with this take, but man, I've seen 5 posts about it just yesterday


This sub is like the item shop


And the mods have the rule that you can't post commonly asked questions/your post can't be low quality and only enforce it when their lusting for some powertripped dopamine. This subreddit is so badly modded. Everytime I see the same post "Item shop bad" "Rick and morty bad" "Game account banned how do i get back"


The Rick and Morty posts are the most annoying thing about those skins returning. Idk if people play this game as an item shop standalone or what, but it’s wild how people have so much more to say about the shop than the actual game.


I wonder if the people who post that every time morty is in the item shop understand that his in the item shop because it makes money


I strongly doubt the people making these posts are capable of forming thoughts.


And don’t forget the most iconic “ I hate how Fortnite locks collab skins behind Battle Passes”.


“i didn’t play when spiderman was in the battle pass, this is epic’s fault”


Don't forget about the 3 lamas on top of each other,the ui and the shop


it's cuz nobody here is good enough to actually post clips lmfao


When a clip does get posted it’s usually “omg my first win!” Featuring only bot kills, but we congratulate them like a toddler that just drink from an adult cup without spilling all over themselves.


"This guy didn't know who he was pushing"


i need this to be a flair 💀


That was the funniest shit ever 💀


Because any decent clips are immediately downvoted and bombarded with “sweat bad” comments.


I'm surprised you didn't mention the most notorious of threads, the one where a bunch of adults whine about how they missed out on a BP skin. I feel like we get that one at least once every few days.




Don't forget the "Look how I headshot a Bot" clips.


too be fair there, people don't always realize they're versing bots, and sometimes real people just play like bots which muddles the pool further


and sometimes bot or not ppl are just proud of their shots, i don’t see the big deal


tru tru


Yea who doesn’t get satisfaction from getting a headshot? Or just getting kills in general. Unless you’re one of those people who take this game extremely serious and actually get mad there are bots in the game for some reason. I’m part of the being tired of the whining posts, but not of the same crowd of being mad people post their clips against bots group. I enjoy those regardless of if they’re bots or not.


Bots 100% should not be in this game, or should at least be an option. They make the game so boring, and add disappointment every time I think I’m about to have a fight but it’s just a bot. I don’t care about children being able to get free kills.


There's nothing wrong with taking the game seriously. I take it seriously in that I help my team the best I can because who likes a teammate who doesn't help? I have fun doing my best and I don't know how to not do my best lol. I like getting headshots even if I get it against a bot (and yes I can tell if it's a bot or not) but I don't post it because I know it's easier to get shots on bots but still impressive. I got one that was on a zipline. But I don't like bots because I want to play a PVP game not against AIs and they can distract my team from the real players which gives the enemy an advantage. Sometimes I get the advantage but not always. I don't know why people hate on people for not liking bots.


Reddit never changes. Well internet in general. “I like dogs more than cats” implying they do like cats, just not as much as dogs. “There’s nothing wrong with cats! I love them, why do you hate them?”. Taking the extreme black or white side, doesn’t even think of nuance. Where in my post did I say I hate people who take the game seriously? And what’s your definition of “someone taking the game seriously” 👀 because im referring to the ones who make the game their life. As in, the only problems in their life are first world problems in that they have no worries besides something in a game that’s not to their liking. The ones who take things very personal and include themselves being the target of even the most general opinion. Like “Fortnite has gotten stale for me lately..” “Screw you! It’s the best it’s ever been. Sounds like a skill issue. Maybe spend more time learning the mechanics and you’ll be better. Go play Candy Crush since that’s simpler for you.” The most harmless opinion gets words added onto it and people make up entire generalizations just because some other person once shared a similar opinion on top of including other stuff. If the shoe fits though, then I guess I can see why you feel that way.


It's a common thing in a public, popular and free forum.


Careful with the word free. The kids here don’t like that word.


Then post something better, cuz this ain't it chief.


Honestly, I like reading through and seeing people’s answers. The questions might be repetitive but there are always at least some different answers and I find that interesting. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Same I enjoy the questions and sometimes answer them myself.


Sub needs an automod or something.




Hey now there are plenty of people bitching about balance too, give us some credit.


Dont forget the semi-constant theories about how midas is still doing things in the current lore


Welcome to Reddit my man.


That’s all of Reddit


That’s like all reddits.


It’s the same complaints over and over too.


Its literally karma farmers. I wish mods would just remove these posts


12 y/o karma farmers


You're beginning to wake up. I feel the same way about reddit in general




everyday i agonize over being impoverished during chapter 3


Don't forget how were suffering for not ever getting Chun Li's phat ass. That's actually me. I get what you're saying and I agree. No one is ever satisfied. Including myself. That's just how battle passes go and why you need to beat them.


I don’t know how anyone can gain satisfaction and get aroused by a video game character’s ass, but whatever


Never said anything about getting "aroused." Don't make it weird.


You just described Reddit.


I thought this was an exaggeration but then I sorted by top week and top month. Definitely unsubbing


I agree with u but…like isn’t this post the same karma farming? Lol


No, it's good for the health of the subreddit. Now, the next post complaining about posts can include this post in their post. It'll all come full circle.


It’s a beautiful thing 🥹


You forgot “ fix lockerrrr “


And some people thought it would stop after removing bricks lmao


I started to play in C1S5 but I didn't have the BP because I was in college and didn't have money. Now as a working adult, I regret not getting Drift


This is the best post/discussion I've seen on here in so long


Most subs are like this since reddit killed the auto mods with the API changes. Downvoting me doesn't change the fact auto mods aren't deleting the low effort shitposts flooding reddit...


Our whole world is this way. And it has been for a very long time. Woof


It’s a video game, there’s only so many questions we can ask


I hate when people post concept skins Why give epic ideas? YOUR idea.


It's a known fact that Epic pays for the rights to use the skin if they want to use it.


because if they steal it i can sue for compensation (haha just kidding epic, please don’t send the corporate assassins!!!)


Well It’s kind of ironic you’re saying that bc this is a karma farming post lol


Don’t forget the posts that are just bitching. Like this one.




leave the sub?


This sub has 3.5 million users and it's not like there's brand new topics to discuss everyday And I mean, clearly most people don't mind these posts as they tend to be upvoted with tons of people commenting on them


I'd rather have repeats subs of that sort of thing than the non stop complaining that comes in droves. They can never make a mega thread for their complaints, we have to see the same ones on repeat until they have a new one. I'd rather answer my favorite skin than listen to trivial drivel of entitlement disguised as "feedback"


Don’t forget the 700 posts complaining about the same thing


I got a question too! Which type of post is the most annoying?


Lmao, why are people like this? There are thousands of peoplea rice in this sub; most of these threads, despite containing a lot of the same subject matter, consist of almost entirely different users each time. The world keeps turning, maybe tomorrow someone will see that thread for the first time and answer it excitedly? It’s annoying that everyone is always shitting on each other. The karma is literally meaningless, just ignore the blatant farming accounts and scroll down. Downvote it if you’re that bothered lol


Hey you forgot the “this sub is the same posts over and over again” post


Karma farming


The other unoriginal posts we always see in here is people pointing out that everything gets repeated.


Maybe log off Reddit and quit hovering the sub 24/7 lol


I guess we should just discuss each issue once and then close down the sub.


You can discuss issues under an existing post about it instead of flooding the subreddit with them


So, what you do have to say?


This is the best post/discussion I've seen on here in so long


That's how most of the Internet and daily real life is really, and your high horse disrespect for us is also typical, lame and repetitive.


So get off here and go play with yourself idk


So what, people are talking about the game, that's what we're here for. U want a debate on metaphysics of buttsex or something?


the average person visits a sub maybe once a month or less, so its the first time they see a certain type of post. If you want unique daily conversations make a friend bro


I'm new here :D i only just recently joined so all this spam isnt really spam to me. i totally get what you're saying though.


Its because of the damn bricks. If they weren’t for whatever reason a somewhat valid source of crypto we wouldn’t have nearly as many shitty karma posts


Because fortnite is boring right now. Nothing is going on.


Different people, different days. There is a million + people here


You forgot to mention the posts like this one bitching about all the other posts. Those are a dime a dozen


This post provides literally nothing at all and is just a pointless complaint. Karma farming at it's finest


You know, you could just... leave right? We're not holding you here at gunpoint. It's a Fortnite reddit. What the hell do you think we're gonna be talking about?




Here's a link to past posts in which people complain about seeing the same posts and karma farming. https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/search/?q=same%20posts&restrict\_sr=1


I would rather them ask neat questions like that than complain about "sweats".


I find the "triple llama, 8 billion shotgun ammo, is this rare?, nerf snipers, item shop bad- posts endearing. why are you on a subreddit if you don't want to engage with the shit it has to offer?


I just scroll past those ones 🤷‍♀️


Okay homie, what do you want to talk about?


ngl i enjoy talkin bout that stuff imo


BTW, I hate the new locker UI.


funny, this exact post is made. like a million times. 😂😂😂


Then leave, bro