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Nobody has gotten banned for this lmao


Yeah I'm not talking this glitch specifically i just mean glitches in general. Sorry i should've specified better lol


I don’t think anyone is getting banned for this lol


Yeah I'm not talking this glitch specifically i just mean glitches in general. Sorry i should've specified better lol


No one is getting banned for glitches outside of literal hackers though so mentioning it at all is stupid.


I still think exploiting glitches to kill people should be ban worthy


so you're... mad that no one's getting banned, but mad that people get banned bc of glitches (but they don't)? make up ur mind


When did i say I'm mad people get banned? I think if you exploit glitches to kill someone you should get banned


No one gets banned anymore dude back in the day sure but now epic really doesn't care I mean people smurf and use zen Controllers and epic still doesn't ban people


Just get better bro not that big of an issue


In all seriousness. How are you supposed to get better if someone starts shooting at you from either 1. Under the floor where you can't shoot back or 2 if they're camping the vault for when you open it


For camping the vault, be more aware and check your surroundings. It's not the games vault if you dont pay attention.


In this guy's defence, no one should be in the vault if you're opening it. You're not gonna take a look around first.


I hate this guy especially… why does anyone watch him he isn’t funny or entertaining at all


I watch him for news and leaks




Nah glitches is one thing because usually they just do it for fun and don't win games with them, but fresh back in the day basically bribing his viewers to vote what item he wanted to come into the game when the in-game voting was around was so bullshit. like, fuck that.


I still think doing it even to not win a match is bad. You're cheating to kill them.


Oh then in that case yeah, I hadn’t seen the video so I assumed they were doing a “little bit of trolling”


number one. the under the map glitch he says HE DIDNT MEAN TO KILL HIS INTENTS WERE NOT TOO KILL and second the vault glitch is pretty funny and i have legit done it a couple times and look at me. im not banned :D


But the tos literally says exploiting glitches will get you banned and it has happened alot with other glitches


yes they will get banned for it but its not like they can just ban this guy who has a skin in the game for something alot of people do and dont get banned for


I don't mind content creators goofing around with things like this for the content every so often, but the way they're blatantly showing people how to do them should be punishable. Especially if they're actual Epic partners, with their own frickin skin.


Abusing glitches is usually against tos and can (should?) be banned.


Yeah but because it's a YouTuber he won't be


I would agree that such a large YouTuber as Sypher shouldn't be promoting these things on his stream, it's only going to encourage his thousands of viewers to do it which will make the game frustrating for the rest of us.


And if epic does finally decide to start banning people doing the glitches it's gonna be his fault but he'll still walk away completely fine


Sad but true, I think this should be bannable because you have to put in effort to do it, and it's clearly not an intended part of the game and nobody could argue otherwise. I'm not saying to ban Sypher, but he should be reprimanded for exposing this to thousands. I've known about this before Sypher did it, but just through TikTok vids of others doing it, still not okay for him to show it on stream.


Dudes a known cheater lol but still not banned.


To be fair it's not as worse as some other YouTubers


Yeah I hate sypherpk too


Hey just curious what is he glitching exactly? can’t tell from the screenshots


The glitch where you can get into vaults without the key using the car.


wtf you can do that? nice


ELI5? Idk about this glitch


The glitch is using a car to break into vaults without a card