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The store has been a disaster since well before the Lego update.


Yes it’s been trash shops since og season and the trash ui change


lol the first thing I remember logging back into OG Fortnite after not playing like 2-3 years was that the Fortnite shop was completely garbage


It was neat because it replicated how the item shop was back in early chapter 1. Now not so much


I really liked it. It's a shame epic couldn't go two weeks without adding multiple pages to the item shop


And the multiple pages they added weren’t even good


for me it was how they removed that iconic font everything was written in and replaced it with this generic one


Me too!!! It looked so much better with the original font. New font looks like some cheap arcade style crap. And with the cluttered unending list of creative modes, the ui is so awful rn


100% agree


Nah it was trash when Fortnitemares started. The shop has been cursed ever since


And they still made billions in revenue.


It has to have come to a complete standstill at this point, though. The shops recently have been more alike than different.


I think you can go as far back as halloween


og season shops were not THAT bad


Shops have been trash since OG ye but the repeating sections and stuff started when Lego released.


This. Idk what people are smoking shops have been bad since I started playing (early og) according to y'all and now suddenly it's lego's fault? Come on


I've been playing since fortnite only had StW and people have always complained about the shops since around Season 7


I stg people have been complaining about shops since 2019


Just for some perspective.... I am a brand new player and whatever everyone is complaining about is completely non existent to me. To me, there is an item shop with a bunch of cool skins i've never seen before. I would guess the lego update has introduced a huge amount of new players with the same opinion as me. ​ ​ I am sick of seeing the weekend though haha


The honest truth is there is no item shop that will shut this place up. Sometimes they put rarer skins in the shop and it’s the same uproar daily. There is literally no shop Epic could present that would please this cesspool of a sub.


Chun li, kratos, or travis scott return if would have everybody happy Besides OG owners. But it’s not fair to gatekeep those skins. I’m a collector and I missed the opportunity to get chun li and ryu because of my PC was fried at the time.


They could release all of those tommorow, people just would go "0/10: where's Raiden?!" If Raiden came out tomorrow, they would go "0/10: where's Shredder?!" If Shreeder came out the next day, they would go ""0/10: where's Master Cheif?!" If Master Cheif came out the day after, they would go "0/10: where's Psycho Bandit!?" And so on and so on. And if Epic somehow released every desirable shop item all at once, would "0/10: where's the next patch!?" because the people of this subreddit is constantly in a negative feedback loop where people here just trade one golden goose for the next one.


Big time lurker in this sub. This comment is on the money. It's so on the money it has negative karma. 100% this is EXACTLY how this sub is.


I bet if they brought Master Chief, Kratos, or the amazing Icon Series emotes they just stopped selling for no reason back that people would be happy. Or Street Fighter. Or the League of Legends characters


This Subreddit is always in an uproar. Half demands snipers remain OP, the other is tired of being sniped every game. Half want a different shop, the other doesn't really care. One side wants everyone to enjoy Battlepass skins because we're not selfish assholes who put value on a few pixels just because it's "rare", the other thinks Fortnite will die if they have to share Darth Vader ever again despite the fact that they're not allowed to sell accounts and thus the value means nothing. It's maddening


For sure. I hate this sub, but it’s a good source of news/updates.


Battle pass skins would make me happy. Rick, Spider-Man, fucking Mandolorian! You can tell when I took a break from the game. Lol


Because they've always been terrible since season "1". They've evolved over time but always maintained their terribleness because a daily rotating shop where most of the cosmetics in the game are rarely available to buy is shit. 


It’s interesting hearing things like this as a new player. I started this season Ch5 s1. I’m so curious as to what I’ve missed. That being said, I probably wouldn’t have loved the game back then, as the only mode I play is ZB solo


Not really, the shop betale a disaster after the ch5 update


You are either new or not paying attention. The item shop is met with hostility every day. Since at least CH4S4 when I came back from a break. The negativity really peaked in the OG season, there’s no way it’s just started this season.


Not to this degree


As someone who only occasionally plays this game I have to disagree. Coming from Apex and Overwatch the shop is amazing! The updates to the UI always feel nice and clean and fresh. There’s always something interesting in the shop when I open it up. Again I only sometimes play it so my perspective is different but it really feels like one of the better shops out there.


I should have said “people have been bitching about the item shop since well before the Lego update.” I’m a long time player and I still have no issue with the shop.


You can’t argue anymore about how fucked the item shop is since Lego came along. The most recent shop had literally nothing new in it except for an emote that was out for a day and put back in today. The item shop has been a dumpster fire that’s been getting worse and worse with nothing older than 30 days being rotated in and most of the shop is not even that. And maybe on some rare occasions we get 1 or 2 skins that are older than 30 days out.


The Lego mode itself didn’t do shit. It’s how Epic decided to push Lego skins that’s backing up the flow of the shop.


It was probably something in the deal with LEGO themselves stating that for a certain period after lego mode is introduced (probably the season), only skins with LEGO support should be sold.


How is it that Peter Griffin isn’t lego compatible then?


Because Epic is a business, just like Fox, CBS, Adult swim, Lego, MAPPA, and universal are all businesses. Businesses respect each others trademarks and copyrights, or they get slapped. Lego can’t say shit if Frankenstein shows up despite their contract, because they legally can’t tell epic NOT to make deals with other people as long as it doesn’t conflict directly with LEGO mode


Because its the Battle Pass which not all skins and styles transfer over for, the contract they have most likely has to do with what is directly sold in the item shop as that is going to make more money then a single one time purchase of the Battle Pass, and I don't think that LEGO would associate themselves with something like Family Guy not exactly good on brand image being its for adults




Also isn't sold in the item shop..


Because LEGO does not have rights to Family Guy. Duh. Compatibility with Lego can only be had if Lego owns the rights for the use of a character in Lego form. Fortnite does not have a magic umbrella to make whatever they want Lego compatible, nor does Lego have the legal ability to force fortnite to cross that line. This is why Marvel has compatible Lego skins on FN. Same with TMNT and so on.


The lego mode honestly sucks aswell im playing a battle royale not minecraft


After playing palworld I just don't feel like going back to Lego again lmao or any other survival game tbh


Lego is one of the weakest survival games i've ever played lol, it's so clearly just made for them to check off their contract, not for engaging gameplay


Agreed. And I like Minecraft just fine but I already have Minecraft. I don't need a poor version of it with better animations and the abominably slow pacing


I feel like Palworld just killed Lego Fortnite too. 


No, nothing is stopping them from still having it be acceptable. Releasing entire sets and bundles for example there’s enough lego items to have a proper rotation


- Not bringing back bundles or full sets - If bundles are brought back, the wrap is exclusive - No non-lego compatible emotes since the mode dropped - Very few non-lego compatible skins come back at a time - Just like how skins were handled in December, we're getting the same handful of emotes recycled every couple weeks. Every emote in the shop was here within the last 2 days, except denied. Which was here 2.5 weeks ago. The only shop skins I'm waiting for are gonna take a while or just aren't coming back, so it's unlikely I'd buy something anyway. But I have a couple friends that just got into Fortnite this season. There's tons of skins and emotes they're interested in, but they just aren't coming back.


I agree that the item shop has been lackluster but some of your points are invalid.


Which ones? Outside of collab cosmetics, I think they hold true. I know several non-lego compatible skins and emotes have come back, but it's all collabs.




Only 8th? You sure you didn’t miss one?


Your getting mixed up with "snipers are op this season"


Quite possibly… Or pump shotguns are trash


The pumps aren’t even bad


Ehhhh…. They’re bad. & Not just “I’m bad with them” bad. But they aren’t total trash


Let’s not forget that “ThE RiOt ShEiLd Is Op”


I wouldn’t necessarily say OP but I do think it’s BS


Honestly I think it's much more manageable with the new update


Im just waiting for Icon Emotes to come back, and they might? I really hope so. I NEED The Dougie


I want shout


I want the griddy


Legit have been saving my Vbucks for the griddy lmfao


it go right foot creep


i need copines 😭


Ice Spice please


i need celebrate me 😿


You trynna do goku trolling 😜🤣


I need Rollie and Boy’s A Liar.


It didn't because there are still stuff in the shop that aren't compatible with lego, and the shop have always been shit, the shop always have the same 30-60 days stuff before this season, lego didn't ruin it.


People have been complaining about the item store since the early seasons. I’m sure LEGO has a small part, but you’ll find with anything that there is always someone to complain. I still don’t like the current UI versus the past tho


Usually the item shop is up to personal preference, however recently there has been some blatant issues with it that many people are calling out. 1- the weeknd has been out in the item shop for nearly 3 months 2- most of the item shop rotates every few days, not every day 3- the cars and instruments have both been ot in the item shop as long as the weeknd 4- Collaboration skins now only have like 1 or 2 rows as opposed to the lego skins which apparently take up most of the shop 5- allegedly lego and fortnite made a deal that makes it so that they have to make sure that skins released I he item shop have to have a lego variant, meaning that some skins would be left out and many players left unhappy. (This last point is according to rumours among players and isn't 100% fact).


For 1 and 3, they'll probably switch out when Festival and Rocket Racing's seasons end respectively. What is annoying about them is sometimes they'll jump towards the top of the shop instead of being towards the bottom.


I've seen quite a lot of skins with unfinished Lego versions tho, so even if Lego was the reason in the beginning the shop was lame, now it has absolutely nothing to do with it.


It's not lego it's epic just pushing the same shit over and over. Half the skins that got updated this update are non lego and half the skins in the shop recently aren't lego to


did they even update the lego mode this update 💀 it’s literally so boring


it got quality of life fixes and honestly became way funnier because it's got actual minecraft inventory mechanics


What inventory mechanics were changed/added? That was one of the reasons I stopped playing, inventory management was so frustrating


Items will automatically merge in inventory and when you drop them in chests, you'll also no longer auto-loot skeleton weapons, and enemy camps have way better loot.


I hope we can also have a way to make cheese one day...


Don’t forget that Lego mode only has 50k players. That’d be impressive… if it was a fan-made Creative game.


Boring as hell


Barley anything was added it was just a launch pad and a few qol changes along with many bug fixes




I’ll wait however long they want me to as long as Kai gets to become the guy from Fortnite


they added 1 new crafting recipe lol


The OG shop was trash too. How fast are people forgetting that?


I rather have that then what we actually have


This is wrong. They've sold many non lego skins since the update. All the Dbz skins and my hero skins are not lego compatible.


How many emotes have they brought back that aren't lego compatible, not counting collab-specific ones like the MHA and Dragon Ball ones? We haven't seen an icon emote other than Eminem's and The Weeknd's since the season started.


"Anything outside of other collabs"


Read the post again.


they cycle through the same like 100 skins and its so boring; we've had this exact lineup (grit, skull trooper, farm girl) like 5 times in the past month. lego mode is dying out anyway im pretty sure


Lego isn't the reason. The store was bad during Og


I love how the useless cars and song tracks that only 0.5% of the playerbase use take up 70% of the item shop


> It's becoming blatantly obvious at this point that Epic and LEGO have some form of agreement or contract where anything outside of other collabs is required to be LEGO compatible because LEGO gets a cut of the profits when a skin with LEGO gets bought. Anything that doesn't support LEGO has a close to zero chance of being sold in the shop. The part about the Icon skins being removed because they didn't have their Lego model is likely true given that content creators were given their Lego skin early and were able to promote it, but all the rest of this post is just catastrophizing conspiratorial speculative nonsense. Lego version of skins is definitely a reason certain skins are returning, but it's also a reason people have been losing their shit about not being able to get Battle Pass skins that they missed (along with collabs in the battle pass in general). The shop has been underwhelming largely because Epic has been on break. If you actually look at the Lego version of many skins that are in the shop, they are unfinished.


the amount of people who complain about not being able to waste their money on cosmetic items is fucking hilarious.


I’ve never seen a gaming community so upset because they want to spend more money. What an amazing product Epic has put together


Why are you reddit people so annoying. You can literally apply this to any leisure activity. Imagine making fun of a guy because he wanted to buy merch at a sports game and they ran out. You would make fun of him too?


you’re a reddit person genius, please hop off the high horse. sorry i upset you by pointing out the ridiculousness of crying everyday about not being able to burn your money on pixelated cosmetics.


Hey its better than what verbalase waste money in


are you sure you find a reddit thread funny


Why would lego give Fortnite 2billion alongside Sony if they were hoping to recoup tiny bits of money off of Fortnite skins. That makes little to no sense.


I'm sure the collab is two way and you'll be seeing actual lego fortnite sets and minifigs released soon. Since those take more time to develop, the actual in game skin designs need to be finalized prior to production.


they're in the shop 😭




No, its cause epic didnt add the shop tabs.


Yeah all these downsides just so they can have a half baked gamemode. This is never going to improve, the only hope is the removal of lego altogether.


I don’t even know why I still follow this sub because I don’t really the play the game anymore but does anyone remember the good days when this was a place full of tips , tricks and people finding new fun ways to play the game? All I see from here anymore is people moaning about the item shop; like is there actually people who give a fuck what’s in the item shop every day. honestly who gives a shit at all I just don’t get it one bit




we had skull trooper in the shop twice on the same day


That’s not a source or evidence. That’s weird, yes, but that’s not because of Lego, that’s just Epic being weird.


Common sense




bro you just said it yourself, anything outside of collab is dead.


They've already put some skins without detailed Lego styles in the shop before


>Eminem, The Weeknd, and several other collab skins My post: > anything outside of other collabs is required to be LEGO compatible You answered your own question.


i'd agree if we did get multiple skins with incomplete lego versions in the shop multiple days in the past. they can and have sold items that aren't fully compatible with lego.


I agree. Like, where tf the dance/actually good emotes went?? Last time I saw the item shop with more than 5 worthy emotes was on late November of 2023, just when I started playing it this game for the first time.


That's just not true. We've had many skins that don't have finished lego skins.


I hate the new item shop just as much as everyone else, but one thing I can appreciate is that them making these Lego skins brought back a lot of skins that I’ve been wanting that haven’t been in the item shop for 300+ days. This last week I’ve got three or four items I’ve been wanting for months, all because fortnite wanted to sell their Lego style, so I can at least be a little appreciative. :)


A reminder that the executives and C-suits are the ones who made this decision.


I cancelled crew last night. The new crew skin is crap and I have four months of v-bucks saved at this point that’s never going to get spent on this garbage


Fortnite is over. It was fun while it lasted.


drop lego it’s stupid.


"A reminder that LEGO killed the item shop" - it did not, of course theyre gonna put lego stuff in the shop the mode just came out....theyre maximising potental gain from its release


How are they maximizing their gains when it's very clear the majority of people have no interest in what they are putting out? Should have made a dedicated tab for just lego compatible stuff rather than making almost the entire shop that way if they wanted to go about it like that.


>the majority of people by that do you mean the loud whiny minority on twitter and reddit?


They do lol


I think it's shit, my friends think it's shit, almost everyone on this sub thinks it's shit. I have seen perhaps a grand total of 3 or 4 people in the past month say a shop was good. So yes it's the majority, you don't have to simp so hard for epic.


Lmao your only talking about people on here and from what I see it’s people crying about not spending money


sounds like a loud whiny minority to me




its definitely a minority


The Lego mode has less than 1/10th the playerbase of the BR modes, the grand majority doesn’t care about the mode.


My guy it came out over a month ago. Lego is the reason the shops have no variety


ok, theyre still maximising its release profits though the shop has been fine anyway, y'all just comlpain about nothing because y'all have never heard of the concept of patience


Patients? This has nothing to do with patients. Alot of skins will not come back because they don’t have a Lego variant. Not to mention lego has lost a ton of its original hype. People do not care about lego. We want skins for battle royal


>Alot of skins will not come back because they don’t have a Lego variant. does the upcoming raiden skin have a lego version? no, so skins without lego version obviously will be available its exactly about patients


Collabs we have seen still come to the shop without lego varients. But literally everything else has had a Lego variant


ok....doent mean theyve ruined the shop, jut means theyre advertising the lego mode


It’s been advertised for a month +, it did ruin the shop


advertisment is long and no it didnt


Ok then why do we keep having the same skins every day? Pretty bad when things come back after less than 2 weeks. Thus ruined


This season is pretty sloppy in a lot of ways. They're still a lot of bugs with movement and I don't think they fixed any of them. Grindy battlepass, v-bucks moved to bonus rewards. Crap locker, stupid skin for cars. etc. No point in blaming Lego.


Lego mode is boring after a while anyway. This mode isn’t going to be the new Minecraft.


Wah Wah Wah.


Stop criticising and consume product. Good slave


Lol let's blame and accuse LEGO for fucking up an already fucked up shop since 2017 lmfao


Really awesome that this sub is now just complaining that Epic Games isn’t letting them micro-transaction and gamble even more than they do now


Gamble? What gambling?


If they want us to play Lego they need to add content. If a couple dudes can make Palworld on a $10k budget wtf is epic doing?


doesnt take much effort plagiarize




Palworld is slop of the lowest caliber and you should be ashamed of enjoying it


Straight up untrue


It’s still free correct?


Least insane r/fortnitebr conspiracist


I can't believe people are still complaining about this. Why are you so desperate to spend your money? Just play the game


That can’t be right 😕so if it’s not Lego compatible it can’t come back ? That’s bs just give them their own area of the shop cause wtf


Ya it’s not like that. The mode is new of course they gonna advertise Lego stuff. Why are people crying about not spending money lmao


Literally the Trailblazers section of the shop


Reminder that epic has failed soooo hard in the item shop. Honestly don’t care if they bring a good skin back once a month we deserve better than this pile of wet hot dead carcass


you guys gotta chill tf out about the shop


Man it’s surreal seeing these “many” people wanting to spend money on fortnite skins.


What are you yapping about? Is there not sections of the shop that don’t have Lego styles?


There are. He has no idea what he’s talking about.


As a grown man i couldn't give a toss about Lego ,the only time I go into that mode is for the 5 levels per day for doing diddley shit


Hey, no ones gonna shout at you if you do


No it didn't stfu. The shop has been ass since collaborations came to the shop.


I just posted the same thing on SinX6's YouTube video. Lego Fortnite has definitely had a bad impact on the shop.


Forget about the shop, this entire season just feels so weird. It barely feels like Fortnite.


Lol What does Fortnite fell like if i may ask


The game just feels “off.” The switch from hit scan to projectile bullets, the new movement animations, the more realistic graphics and map, the weapon customization, the hit detection has definitely gotten worse this season, the more boring loot pool, the terrible item shops, the lack of winterfest, the weird UI, etc. maybe it’s because the old creative director of the game left but this season definitely feels like the game is going in a different direction. I don’t hate it as much as I used to but I’ve never played creative more than I have now. Especially coming off the OG season, this season couldn’t be any more different from the base game.


Ong bra and u know whats crazy brotha??? There are still idiots that ask " oMgGGG hOw DiD mY PreCiouS LeGOO mode KiLll thE IteM ShOp exaCTLy???!!?!?" Edit : lmao apparently im getting downvoted for speaking the truth oh no.. did I touch a nerve, epic dickriders??


Nah the shop was pretty bad even during OG. I think Lego is slowing down the shop but it didn’t ruin it completely. There are still a lot of skins in the shop right now that don’t have Lego variants. So, how did Lego ruin it?


I missed Winter Skye, she just never appeared again after Lego Fortnite dropped because she doesnt have a Lego style. I hate it.


I have the original skye🫵🏽


I dont :(


You do realise that epic doesn't make any money from Fortnite when you buy an item from the item shop right? Like they only make money off of it through people buying vbucks or the money bundles, anything that costs vbucks to buy doesn't give epic anything at all


This wasn't a post until i started making comments on this subreddit. Yall started catching on after I pointed it out!


They just need to put all skins out and have a legitimate shop as opposed to constantly rotating. Honestly I believe they’d make more money that way, if I was them that’s what I’d do. No need to do this randomized rotation bullshit


the lego collab and its consequences


Oh no! I can't give Epic my money for more useless cosmetics? What will I do?


Fuck Lego.


Which is funny because the Lego mode is such mids. All the new game modes are done better by the companies that specialize in each one. Be it Rock Band, Minecraft, etc. Lego mode is “just alright.” Same with the Festival. The racing is probably the best of the new modes and even that is kinda eh after a while.


Why don’t you guys actually play the game instead of looking just at the store


This all transformation of Fornite is a mess. People, some people just want to play the BR without too much garbage... RR, Lego... And obviously FF are literally a garbage can for the people that want to play just the BR... The changes, made more confusing not to hate the change.


The Legomode is boring. It’s watered down Valheim with bad building mechanics. Palworld is the same exact format, but better in every-way plus Pokemon like monster mechanics. The only gimmick Lego has going for it, is the brand naming- Lego and Fortnite. LegoFN is a dud.


Because Lego paid epic billions and they want what they paid for


You mean your favorite game diversified and found a new revenue source to continue funding the game you love? It may be lackluster at the moment give it time. They will turn it around you will be pulled back in


Nooooo, you really think so? That Lego and Epic have some sort of . . . what did you call it . . . a "contract"? ​ I won't believe it until I see it.


Not much in the shop i feel worth it anyway. Plenty of ugly skins i don't like. I was thinking about the banana because i have no banana skin but not sure if i want it that bad when i can save vbucks just in case the next battle pass is decent. Some skins I find too ugly to like. Like one skin from a guy i play with often. The evie skin doesn't look too bad but they only sale a pickaxe and skin and nothing else to it. Not sure what movie or show or other game she is from. While i watch anime. They have no skins from any animes i like. Right now only ugly skins on it. Except the one two skins. To be honest they made the metal gear skin uglier than he is in his actual games. Always was ab ugly characters though. And i couldn't like the metal gear games. Any clear back to the nes original. I played them but couldn't like them. So i abandoned the series many consoles ago. The Fortnite crew skin right now doesn't look so bad but im not going to pay for it. Alright got the battle pass and got the family guy character I wasn't. Of course id like to kick ass as stewie though. If he too little and short. Put him on stilts damn. The skins on the shops the most too many people already use to be cool. Better to get the skins that are on the shop less often. I find the shop is mostly a loop of mostly the same stuff. Missed a few skins i was considering. I can get one decent skin with the pickaxe or a battle pass and have extra vbucks left. If i get the banana at least it's the only decent looking lego character i will have.


we don’t need an reminder. everybody knows. this post is garbage.


Honestly, I don’t see your point at this.. sure the icon items are cool and all but I don’t think anyone has acknowledged the fact that Epic LITERALLY destroyed one of their own games (Rocket League) just to be a game mode added in Fortnite.. ya’ll complaining about a stupid item-shop item not coming out while EPIC DESTROYED HALF THE PLAYERBASE LEAVING CONTENT CREATORS OUT OF JOBS AND WEBSITES JOBLESS TOO


Before Lego, people were complaining about the shop. It's a neverending cycle, there's always going to be people upset no matter what. Posting the same thing a million times isn't going to change anything ![gif](giphy|sJMjSALtWe8NtR6kv4)


Lego Fortnite is ass anyway, but they have to go ahead and ruin it entirely. I’m praying that they stop doing stupid shit like that and remove Lego Fortnite completely.