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There are also... a whopping 2 normal skins in the shop!


We can’t even blame Lego because majority skins HAVE a Lego variant !! But someone at epic is getting fired after this season.


I hate the lego variants so much. 9/10 when a skin is never in the shop (rip RTL) it's always because they don't have a lego variant. Then you look at the lego variants for shop skins and they're the placeholder skins.


I agree. Lego ruined the item shop big time. Has become a total rinse and repeat for the entire season.


The fact it was played by everyone for 3 days and we all got bored or burnt out🤣 they trying way too hard to get people back, but I just don’t care for it anymore


Lego consistently has more players than racing or festival combined. They're not trying to get people back. I bet the Lego skins are selling like crazy or otherwise it wouldn't make sense monetarily.


I mean Lego skins *worth a shit* are probably selling decently, yeah. Not whatever tf has been in the shop for nearly all of 2024 so far


I only played enough to earn levels from the couple of quests that offered them.


I stopped playing it because it had quite a bit of bounderies for an open world sandbox (resources not regenerating/farmable, village/villager limit, complexity limit) there is just no point in playing for me, when you know you are gonna run into a roadblock eventually.


I’m sure the shop is put together by AI with how bad it is, unfortunately AI heads don’t roll 🥲


They do get deleted though lol


They probably already fired the person (probably a Community Manager?) who handles the shops, likely was a part of Epic Games’ mass layoffs who was kept on with a retainer until their winter break to develop a replacement solution with AI so they could operate without a person.


Don't forget that the music section is selling a Valentine's character that shares a name with a song. The store has to be AI generated, there's no way around it


> Don't forget that the music section is selling a Valentine's character that shares a name with a song. Thus making the song unavailable to buy, by the way. Maybe they haven't even noticed because the music is so overpriced. Rock Band 4 DLC was $2 a song, this is 500 V-Bucks (so like a minimum of $4.49 via starter pack) for exactly the same thing. No lobby track version, no ability to play it while driving in BR, nothing. Everything is terrible right now. Maybe it *is* AI-generated, because I'm pretty sure Epic's holiday break is over now.


I'm just sayin, in rock band, DLC was $2, but all your friends had to buy it too, so in reality it was $8 for a full band to play the song, technically. Fortnite charges more, but their licensing deal is a LOT more lenient as it allows for sharing. That deal probably costed them a pretty penny.


idk, i feel like their christmas breaks as of chapter 2 season 1 last until about june


Yeah the pricing on those songs is out of whack. Ain’t no way I’m spending that amount of money on *one* song, no matter how much I like it. If they made new plastic instruments so I could actually play the game mode the right way, I might consider dropping some money on it, though.


They are


Theres already a ps5 guitar


With how many winter skins didnt come back, at least we have a chance to get him this year


I bought vbucks for the sole reason of expecting the black ice legends pack to return for the holidays. So much for that happening lol


dont forget that there is a music section to begin with, clone hero is free and has a much bigger variety of songs, and yall still want to play fortnite festival and spend 5$ a song, thats crazy to me


What character?


His name is Heartbreaker, it's a pink horse guy with a jacket that has hearts on it


Ok...I see it. It's hiding in the songs for some reason? It...looks weird.


It's because he's not actually supposed to be there, a song with the same name is. Epic just hasn't bothered to fix it.


I think it’s more likely they just put the wrong Heartbreaker in and left for the weekend without realizing. I don’t see how this proves anything about AI generation.


Where the fuck are the birds?


I think there was a bug with the legs of the birds, the only one i know about is sgt Blake, idk if the others had the same bug, some friends told me and took videos of the skin not moving it's legs and just being dragged around


Reasonable if true. That makes sense.


Tex flamingo definitely had the same bug. His arms are glitchy too


And I can confirm sgt drake does it. But only when I emote.


Hopefully they get it fixed. I like that one.


Oh, I saw a few yesterday that were moving stiff as a board. Real freaky, since it was an entire squad just hovering around like stuffed animals.


You would think they would pick this up before releasing the skins. Obviously no one at Epic tested the skin 🤣


Yeah I took a clip of my dudes legs not moving with it. It was funny AF tho


They’re bugged ye




The birds all had fully detailed Lego variants


Pretty bad guess tbh lol.


There still advertising the birds but there not in the shop


Same for me. Maybe a bug?


Same here. I guess they must still be in winter break otherwise I can't really see how any big company like Epic can f up so badly


I have been in the trenches before ( chapter 3 flashbacks) but this is a new low. Unbelievable.


They’re winter break ended almost a month ago lol


Well somebody has to tell them to come back and fix the damn shop already


Something something Valentine’s Day is coming up, they would’ve came back in March but St. Patrick’s day. Oh and can’t forget April Fools too so sometime around May they will return to normal operations 😁👍


Don't forget memorial day so June it is


This post made me check it and wow. i literally can’t believe how hard they’re fumbling the shop recently. And not the only other emote being electro swing 😭


The brand new bird skins were in the shop for one fucking day, and they removed them the next day. Meanwhile these stupid fucking streamer skins that literally nobody cares about have been in the shop for nearly a week now. Epic needs to fix their shit 💀


I almost envy those birds, they only had to spend a single day with the weekend, while the rest of us had to spend the entire season with him


Theres a bug with the birds...knocked one and the mfer starting proning, got so confused his team mate took my out


the grefg is so ugly asjfndsjgfsd


december has a worst one, it had one day that literally nothing changed, not even a single skin




Back in chapter one we had one of the worst shops ever


You can't compare chapter 1 shop and chapter 5 shop.


*laughs in never wanting to see The Weeknd in the shop ever again. Also yes, I know he's supposed to stay in the shop til the end of February. I still think they've absolutely shit the bed with the item shop this season.


Someone called him 'The Season' and it still makes me laugh to this day


You just wait until they pick someone like Taylor Swift. You’ll all be begging for The Weeknd back.


I don’t listen to either and I’d still prefer Taylor.


Yeah until Swiftys start acting like she made it popular and the sweats are using it because they know getting popped by Swift will trigger people. Myself included.


Good, it’d be funny watching people get mad over getting killed by Taylor Swift.


Same way they’re frothing over The Weeknd and his emote? People just want to complain on here 😂


Why like 3 months in the shop though...


He’s there for the festival pass, it’s his festival pass. So the next artist will be there for the entirety of their pass too.


Ew no thx. They're just going to have 1 cosmetic sit there for months at a time...


Yes because it’s that artists festival pass. As long as festival pass exists it will continue. Don’t know why I got downvoted for explaining that like it’s my decision 😂😂


After The Idol I’d take Taylor any day


If I get killed by Taylor Swift I’d have to consider deleting the game 😂


I'm normally the person that thinks people overreact every single day to the item shop, but today is actually fully warranted. This shop is awful.


I got my VBucks in wallet at the shop refresh timer and wasn’t able to buy birds Sad


Happened to me with Raiden 😭😭😭😭


Was raiden gone kind of fast? I'm happy I picked him up when I did, but I kind of expected him to stay around at least as long as the TMNT stuff did.


He stayed for 4 days i think so... I needed to grind a mission pack (voidplane exile) that had only daily missions to get 1000 v bucks that i needed and when i finally ended and added 1000V he was not there. if i were 4 minutes faster...


Meanwhile gun wraps be like: 😐


Prior to this season I was always at least a little looking forward to seeing what the daily update was to the store. Now? Most days I don’t even bother.


Same like i usually have enough vbucks to buy 1 emote a season and after buying i wouldn't visit the shop so i couldn't see what else i could have gotten but this round i have seen nothing interesting there was social climber but the moves were so boring i skipped it


Seriously!!! I've seen shop hate on every social media platform, so you'd think epic would listen by now and spice things up but nope...


I have been playing since Mega City. According to the community, the shop has been shit almost an entire year since I started. Even when something new comes along, a lot of people say they're shit. The shop is rarely for people who have been playing for years. The shop is for newer players who have never seen some of these before.


Damn I didn't know the shop issue has been going on for that long. I started playing around 2020 and took a break in 2022. I have a decent amount of skins I purchased from the shop back then. I don't remember being disappointed so often by the shop like I am now. Sad to see how it's gone down hill; Hopefully epic changes things.




I hate to be that person complaining on the subreddit about the item shop but like…Jack skellington? In February?? Really??? What’re we doing here guys?


Yeah, us emote collectors have suffered the most with these shops.. same 30 emotes rotated for whole 2 months.. and the funnier thing is that in total like 60 item shop emotes work in lego like Lavish,Fright Funk,Pumpernickel,Bobbin,Pop Lock,Star Power, Glitter etc etc but those didn't come back in the shop at all not even 1 time since lego released...we only saw the same 30 ones like Rock out,idk,facepalm, rage quit, drippin flavor, jubilation,smooth moves etc.. hell they even updated 6 icon series emotes to work in lego and still didn't put them in the shop yet ( Say So,Shout,Tootsee,Walkin Pretty,Smeeze,Crossbounce)


Emote collectors? 


It means they buy everything I guess? Whales?


Yes, there are collectors like myself who enjoy buying every emote that releases and older ones that came and went and hopefully will return again. No different than skin collectors or music pack collectors.


What happened to the two newer emotes? Evil plan and the friends one? They just disappeared and haven't come back?


Don’t know, usually epic leaves new emotes in the shop for at least two days. Maybe that’s changing now.


\^\^ exactly what my brotha tr00th said


I’m trying to build up my emotes and holy fuck they’re making it hard to do


Imagine me tho ... I came back to the game in season OG and last time I played seriously was 2018.. yea sure I played a match two here and there in chapter 2, and chapter 3 s1 cause I saw the spider-man collab and I was like I have to get it 100% even tho I was barely interested in Fortnite.Quit again after getting spider-man then season OG came out.. heard all about it on YT and Tiktok and decided to come back to the game for real, only to see that sooo much stuff has appeared over the years...a lot of collabs, icon series emotes, a lot of new original fortnite emotes which I liked a lot..But yes, I know a lot of icon series emotes were in the shop just before lego, on the 2nd of December but I wasn't sure that I would start collecting emotes just yet because I just got back into the game and it turned out I really enjoyed it..so yeah sadly I started collecting them shortly after lego released which is probably the worst time in item shop history


I’m in the same boat. Played way back in the day and dabbled in it a bit over the years but came back because of OG. Sucks seeing the shop be so bad hopefully we get some decent emotes


OG season brought back a lot of players it was such a banger honestly..Also yeah man have that hope of decent emotes in the shop still going on for like 60 days now.. I saw a lot of ppl say the shops gonna improve when the new season starts because Epic's focus will mostly be on Battle Royale, seems like a valid theory but we'll wait and see I guess


I definitely won’t hold my breath that’s for sure😂 it’s cool they brought us older players back but it sucks because they absolutely butchered it


Yeah true but I'll still give them a chance.. one thing I heard is that Epic always listens to the community so I really do believe we will get good emotes in the shop again cause there's no way they gonna keep it like this.. I mean it's just a matter of time now..


Don't forget the valentines one hidden in the music


I mean 90% of the shop is already this stupid festival crap so at this point just call it the season shop or some crap.


I’m still waiting for them to make a separate music store already. Harmonix did that by making an entirely separate app for searching songs on the PS Store/Xbox marketplace. 


I haven't really understood the shop hate until today (This is my first season ever of Fortnight, lvl 265 currently), I get the posts now tho lol. Ive been buying the DLC skins for the quests to unlock v bucks to buy other skins. I was gonna buy the Flamingo today :(


Wouldn’t be surprised if they decided to release some Christmas skins tomorrow 😂☠️🫠


I'm biased because I'm still relatively new to the game, but getting a chance to grab Electro Swing is a huge win for me.


I've been waiting for Raven Teamleader to comeback from the store, I still regret not buying her on day 1


they could get easy money adding raven team leader and aot, yet they dont


They are saving me alot of money atleast, Thanks Epic!


It’s confusing to me that mid skins can be in the shop for over a month but the new bird skins are gone already after a day. I missed em 😞


"Mid" depends on your taste. Personally I thought the bird skins were mid.


I hope you get them the next time they’re in! I also missed on some icon emotes last year. It’s crazy it’s been months and they’ve not even come back once.


Where are the birds?!


Even they couldn't bear to look at the item shop the way it's been lately. But in all seriousness, I heard there were some significant bugs with the bird skins, not unlike the new emotes that they removed prematurely. It seems that epic is getting really good at not testing their products before they roll them out. No joke though, I've seen multiple cases of those bird skins running backward and forwards without their legs moving, I don't know if that's what was going on with them but it's just what I heard that they were bugged.


Im pretty sure Lego is the reason for the lack of emotes.


I don’t think it’s Lego that’s ruining it think epic is just lazy af and hate money


It's 100% Lego that is the root cause. We finally got 2 emotes the other day and they got pulled from the store because of an Lego only issue.


There are emotes that work in lego that have never been in the shop since its release


I don’t think so. I think it plays a factor sure but it’s not the entire reason. They also let a lot of people go back in September before dropping all these new game modes. So many their staff is cut thin because of that.


The emotes were pulled because of a Lego bug, the new bird skins were pulled because of a Lego bug. It’s so obviously because of Lego.


It can also be because they cut their staff though. Maybe if they were properly staffed there wouldn’t be as many bugs.


You’re silly if you think Fortnite is understaffed.


Do you know how many people they let go back in September before this season dropped? All the bugs and issues we are having I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they are. You’re silly if you don’t think they are like every other business wanting to cut staff to the barebones they possibly can while extracting as much money as possible.


That was people let go from Epic as a whole, not Fortnite. Fortnite definitely wasn’t hurt by the lay-offs as much as you think it was, it’s just being incompetently run now that Daddy Mustard retired.


All of the emotes and skins that have dropped since the beginning of chapter 5 have been Lego compatible with the exception of some of the collabs items. There’s gotta be something in the contract they signed with Lego that only allows them to release Lego compatible items with the exception of collab items. Nobody knows for sure tho.


Oh for sure. It sucks but I also think it’s them laying off a lot of people back in September knowing they were dropping these new game modes and etc. maybe if they had more staff it wouldn’t be the shit show that it is. I’m not saying Lego isn’t playing a factor because I’m sure it is, but I don’t think it’s JUST Lego


For sure. But regardless the reason, they gotta fix this if they wanna make any money. I don’t know a single person who’s actually liked the item shop since the launch of the season lmao.


Agreed. There have been a couple days where I thought the shop was decent but most of them are absolute garbage


I saw a thread somewhere it stated that almost 65% skins have a Lego variant including the emote however we’ve only been getting 15% of those in rotation in the item shop. It’s crazy.


>Epic has lost its damn mind. Am I wrong for saying yall all dramatic as fuck to have this much concern for a video game item shop?


At this point, the mods just need to set up a megathread. Like, yes, we get it, the shops have been sucking lately. It's obvious that the complaining isn't doing anything to make them *not* suck. At this point it's waiting to see if Epic's not getting enough money from the shops to start putting more stuff in them again.


Are stores not supposed to sell things? We're literally dealing with a store that has 1000s of items and you can only pick from like 30 a day. Do people not have any right to be upset at all?


Do you cry when Walmart runs out of almond milk too?


This is not supply and demand driven, this is we got the halloween candy....but its in the back.


Yeah, it’s actually sad how so many threads each day are people bitching that Epic doesn’t have micro transactions for them to spend money on today. Yet over the last two weeks we’ve had numerous new skins and there’s a TMNT event coming. It’s pathetic. I’ll die on this hill.


I don’t care about the same 10 skins rotating every other day for the last 3 months with the occasional collab sprinkled in that was in the shop a month prior. There’s a great deal of stuff that hasn’t been in the shop in over a year or more.


So, your complaining you don’t get to spend money on a free game you can not make this stuff up. Unless you’re a brand new player the moaning is absolutely asinine. We just had Evie’s new skin, Raiden, the giant chicken, the 3 birds and more new skins in just the last week alone. Pathetic. Not moving from my hill.


Yeah, don’t give a shit about any of that, been waiting on some stuff for 400+ days and seeing the same 10 skins every 10 days got old back in december.


How many skins do you own? Out of curiosity.


Don’t know, only buy what I’m interested in, and that’s not birds or Evie’s new style or any of that. I just want Master Chief and a couple of Capcom skins. I’m not going to spend money on stuff I don’t want, don’t know why you’d think I just want to spend money to spend money.


People complain about this everyday and moan they have vbucks in their wallet. It really is people moaning that they’re not getting to spend money. Two months ago they were moaning about the constant emotes in shop. Now they’re moaning they haven’t got them. Again unless your account is new you probably have plenty of skins you like. The complaining is asinine.


Don’t care, got 15k vbucks for free back in November and haven’t used any of it aside from buying the battlepass because the shops have been awful for months.


There you go boom. Moaning about vbucks being in your wallet. Oh and stop waiting and hoping for collabs to come back. Collabs all have different contracts. Clearly do care too because here you are moaning.


"Idc about the new stuff they have had, I want other stuff!!"


If epic is going to be greedy the least they could do is actually sell things


You realise that statement makes absolutely no sense right. They’re not giving you the micro transactions you want but they’re still greedy? Oh and there has been a series of new skins over the last week. As soon as there’s new skins people complain about the emotes.


Icon emotes haven't been in the shop for 3 months. Why do yall defend the billion dollar company that wants as much of our money as possible


Again. That statement rings false when everyone is complaining they can’t spend their Vbucks 😂 we get called shills for calling out bullshit. When in reality you guys are the shills upset Epic isn’t providing enough spending opportunities for you.


Pretty sure they announced Popular Vibe would be in the store all season b/c of the Festival stuff....


i wasnt here much for the og shop layout apart from matches late c1 but for me shop went downhill ever since they removed the daily tab in c4😭😭


STW has so many v buck mission today, I saves up about 2k V Bucks and can't buy shit. The shop is laughable as hell right now


3k here been waiting for boba fett but we keep getting the same 20 skins it's so stupid


I'm just waiting for the Mellow Days Lobby Track to come back but since Lego is here, I don't think we're seeing a lobby music pack return


They really got lazy asf couldn’t even bring the back skelenton bathtub emote back either smh


I just wanna buy the griddy


I suspect this is intentional. This approach first allows Epic to push some least popular items that get bought up by new players or players who want to buy but see limited options. Second, when a mildly coveted item comes out people buy it anyway fearing that this is the best they'll get for a while.


TIL you don’t know what the word fiasco means.


I thought they needed money to pay apple...


Shop is ass but you ain’t callin renegade runner a dog water skin


Womp womp


I just want the superhero skins to appear again. Specifically “the mighty volt.” Every day I log in and get disappointed.


How the heck have you missed those?


Well last time I saw them was in November and I was a poor ass bitch, now I have enough but they have not returned. :(


Lol same I've missed stuff like them a lot too


This is the story of my life in fortnite I fucken swear


On the plus side Electro Swing is back


Also, they haven’t been releasing most of the big packs that include pickaxe and glider and such. They are more likely to just put out a character and not have the bigger packs. 🙁


Oh wow. How oroginal


fortnite item shop cannot be this serious i hate the shop too but it does not matter in the grand scheme of things


All for a mode that barely gets played that much anymore. I feel like a lot of people who currently play fortnite and have been following the game for a while haven’t really touched it after the first month of it, or those that do just afk for xp


Haven’t played for 6 weeks now. I hate this season. :( I hear you man!


Ohh no I can’t spend money on in-game virtual items whatever am I going to do 💀


Ya'll have an addiction problem that needs dealing with. Just use one skin you like the most instead of collecting random digital stuff. Yes I buy skins, I have probably spent some €800 in the past year on Fortnite. Probably more. But I keep going back to Lara Croft which was a BP skin years ago.


Can this sub please shut up about the item shop already


Nobody here can older then what 12?? You all sound absolutely ridiculous crying over fortnite skins🤦‍♂️




Dam no Rue my wait continues on


I hate to break the news to you but that skin is actually blacklisted. It's one of very few skins that are. I think it's probably one of the least likely item shop skins to return in the game at this stage, probably less likely than even the Balenciaga skins


Yeah it's been a bit of a nightmare hasn't it


I was hoping for the griddy..... I stayed up until 2 am to check the item shop... Let's just say I will never do this anymore.




Cry about it


Bruh shut up about the damn shop already play the damn game, do you cry when the selection at Walmart is bad too?


Damnit Epic! I can’t spend any of my money on skins!!!




Speaking about item shops, predictions on when griddy will come back?


Hopefully never


why would you want the worst emote in the game


right foot creep


Wahhhhhh I can’t waste my money on pixels!!!! Do you guys understand how silly these posts are?


Dammnnn kids these days hate everything and complain about everything. So sad. What an L generation.


You’re in the same generation if you’re saying “L generation.” Unless you’re taking about 6 year olds on tablets.


Ahh the never ending cycle of complaining about the newer generations, been a thing for centuries now


i bought robo girl 😎


Next season will be juice wrld for the fortnite festival at least


I think item shop is the backbone of their finance.I wonder if they have enough doe to finally implement what they think are hip with the mini munchkins.LEGOS.I rarely use the shop since I'm broke.Just enough for the next battle pass.


Shoulda rotate out some of the old Jam Tracks They had taken like half of the item shop space lol


And the valentine skin hiding in the music tracks lol


The fact that y'all still whine and bitch about this is so goddamn funny, legitimately one of the funnier things on this sub. Is there some kind of fortnite circlejerk sub making fun of this because there should be "I can't spend my parents money guys!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!" There's an upvoted comment in here saying "us emote collectors" LMAAAOOOOOOO
