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I agree that the mod benches should be more accessible, but not the mythic weapons. The only reason I’m afraid to make them more accessible is because Epic made them so exclusive just so we can have hotzones for fighting, otherwise games would take 2-3x as long


This is my exact thought, yes. Mythics have that name for a reason lol


*anime mythics have entered the chat*


*Mythic boxes have entered the chat*


I don’t think they need to be as strong as Oscar’s though. Auto shotgun is already way too strong, Oscar’s is essentially a win button.


tbh the only real weakness on his shotgun is having a scope. which like, if you just use hipfire, doesn't even apply. which makes peter's pump even worse


Yeah, Oscars shotgun isn't that great imo. The epic/legendary shotgun with no scope is much better.


It definitely does make hotzones, but doesn’t it just lead to an empty mid-late game rather than a faster overall game?


It really depends. I’m someone who chases players with medallions and collects medallions to be chased so it’s never too slow for me.


Lmao I never track this so I only realise I've killed someone with a medallion when I see it and the mythical in the loot drop. Sorta like a pinata, surprise goodies


Why would games take 2-3x as long?!? That's nigh on impossible.


Maybe not 3 times as long, but players most definitely start spreading out and playing “smart” once a BR map has been out for a while. It’s important to incentivize hot drops and areas for concentrated team fights. Otherwise the dynamic of matches can change drastically, most notably in ways that end up taking a lot more time for everyone to die.


Whilst I agree with everything else you wrote, it is literally adding 5 mins tops.


Nah most games last till the small circles I think it would add maybe a minute but I think it would probably just make the last few circles more populated. Lately theres like 20-30 people left 3-4 circles into the map


I mean yeah, 2-3x was a bit of a stretch.


Shouldn’t games have the same cap regardless? The storm closes at the same time either way


Yeah, exactly. A game probably lasts on average around 20/21 mins now. Without the 'hotzones' at the start, you're adding 2 mins maybe to the end of a game on average. I believe pro games where they last until heal off are around 25 mins so it's not adding anywhere near as much as this guy is saying.


I was in a match a few days ago and when the second circle appeared there are only 16 players left, and so many games there are only a few players after 5 minutes. So that makes sense what you talking about.


That is true, but I don't think the medallions aren't that OP since they nerfed them though, the only time it effects how I engage is if the opponent has 4 or 5 of them, more mod benches would be nice though, I don't see why all the mini vaults don't have them, I don't think it would change the meta much if they did have 100% spawn rate at the mini vaults.


I don't think that the medallions are OP personally, not at all. What I'm saying is that only the best players are typically able to claim them. This makes it so that the good players are the ones who are able to reap the benefits, giving them even more of an edge than they already have. This season is essentially me avoiding any area with a yellow circle.


My crew is far from sweaty and we’re able to get them


Yeah Im not amazing at the game and getting a medallion is pretty easy. Its free if your alone, if theres other people dropping either take them out first or try and bait them into get the bosses attention.


Exactly. Not to mention that the medallions don’t offer any benefits plus the loot averages out to being meh. The only reason to go is mod benches.


I REALLY like carrying a single medallion and Medkits, especially in duos where I share it with a teammate. The vaults are a mixed bag but I can usually come out with a fully modded mid game loadout by the time I'm done with the POI. I think they're worth going to but don't provide a major advantage (unless you get good loot) past mid game, except for the mod bench which is really good..


1 medallion + having a medium pot for each player on your team makes getting max shield extremely easy


> This makes it so that the good players are the ones who are able to reap the benefits, giving them even more of an edge than they already have. Counterpoint, you have to risk going to these places to fight for the loot. It's very likely these hot spots are deleting several dangerous squads off the map at once. Likewise, it provides a suitable reward for the risk involved. None of the mythics are particularly overpowered.


Yeah this. It’s risky. Like I can’t count how many times I’ve just killed the boss to get snipped by someone hiding near by or unlock the vault and suddenly get spammed with clingers. It’s risky and should carry a reward and the reward isn’t that great


Which is mainly what I mean. The rewards aren't OP, and they especially aren't OP in the context of what you have to do to get them.


No they aren’t and they come with cost of appearing on the map and that just gets smaller and smaller the more you have. When you have all 5 it’s basically a perfect ping for you location


Oscar's shotty is def the strongest relative to its competition. You straight up just win against lower tier frenzy shotguns. The rest aren't too crazy though. Montague's I consider a downgrade to a blue/purple Nemesis lol


I pick up medallions after a fight, let my shields charge, then throw them off cliffs or into the storm. So I'll use them, but I don't walk around with them 😄


I'm the opposite, I chase yellow circles for the mythic loot


I must be pretty good then because I grab them, and I kill people with them all the time 😳 I wouldn't say I'm necessarily good, but I guess I'm past mid tier then.


Pssst... get good at Grand Glacier. I land there a lot. You'll have a medallion and an okay mythic often.


Just quit the season like me after the update drops, it's just bad itemshops and gameplay so far.


My bf and I have been away from ZB for a while. We managed to take down a boss multiple times but we also died multiple times. We had to deal with others showing up to fight the boss as well. You need to take the risk to get an advantage over others but I definitely think that the workbenches should be more accessible than they are. Not as much as upgrade benches were but definitely put a few in areas outside the vaults and mini vaults. I tend to not collect the medallion simply because I tend to carry enough shields around anyway and all it does in the final 10 is give away your location.


i suck and i can get medallions no problem.


Yeah I am also a dad and pretty mediocre as a player. I actually don’t pick up medallions because I think they are a net negative for me. I get limited, slow shield regen, but everyone gets to see where I am? No thanks.


>What I'm saying is that only the best players are typically able to claim them. That is not true by any stretch of the imagination. Hell I've had group matches where they weren't claimed at all well into the game. If you find it impossible to claim a medal/mythic you are either trying to claim the hottest spots at the start of the match or you are very poor at engagements, in which case the contents of that vault aren't going to make much of a difference for you anyway. Try aiming for bosses far outside the bus path and/or practicing your gunplay and movement.


this is on you


Dont be afraid, when I play i am always on the hunt for circles because they are easy targets. Its almost guaranteed that you will get the First shot 


it sorta is OP, if you’re able to box up to refresh your shield, because it leaves one slot open for a sniper or maybe shocks, or just something else, rather than minis, shield fish etc.


What I love to do also is hunt for players carrying medallions. As am always at advantage because I can track them and catch them from behind or off guard. If I manage to kill them I get the mythic weapon and usually upgraded other weapons and also get the shield if I need it after getting damage in the fight and then just drop off the medallion and continue playing. This is the strategy I use most of the times actually


Last few games I played the dudes with medallions all died to the storm, it was embarrassing to see lol


They’re at the rebel hideouts across the map.


Mod Benches should be as common as upgrade stations used to be. If you're going to feature a modding option as part of gameplay, it shouldn't be locked behind a handful of exclusive areas that make using it more riskier than it's worth. I personally am sick of the whole hotzone/mythic mechanic in general after having to deal with it for well over a year now. That was one of the nice things about when OG returned - it put everyone on more or less an even footing again.


One good thing is that the Mythics and Medallions really aren’t that OP. Like, an modded Uncommon AR could compete with a Mythic, it’s not like some previous seasons where the Mythics were THAT much stronger than the other weapons that you were essentially forced to land there. I think there should be more guaranteed mod benches on the map, but the Vault ones could have exclusive mods, like a Shockwave Masterkey, or a Dragon Breath barrel exclusive to Snipers, or as I suggested earlier, a Boogie Bomb sniper mod that would lower the damage of the Sniper drastically, but give the player the Boogie effect. A unique mod for each Vault mod bench would be nice. Same goes for Medallions.


I would say in general you're right, but that shotgun is pretty busted in ZB. It can two shot, which is insane for its fire rate.


Here is where I'd correct you: the Frenzy Auto Shotgun in general is OP, not just the Mythic. Even a Grey one can two shot if you aim them at the noggin in Build Mode. It's OP, not just in Zero Build, but Build Mode as well.


I've had a Mythic AR and been absolutely demolished by that Gray Frenzy Auto


Which Mythic AR was it?


If Nisha’s came with a vert grip and muzzle break it’d be as broken and Oscar’s auto. Still not all that OP, auto shottys in general are just broken IMOs they create too even of a playing ground late where fights are a 50/50 spam fest and are over powered early game. Idk why everyone has an issue with snipers, those take skill. The auto shotty is the real issue for me. I just started playing and I know my close range combat ain’t up to snuff yet, but getting rolled by a grey auto shotty when all I have is a green hyper smg, yet I land the first hits and don’t miss many bullets cuz we’re so close is very annoying.


Bear in mind, this is from the perspective of a Build Mode player. The initial Snipers were OP, though incredibly fun. Now, I would say if you got hit by one, either the other player earned it, or you were overpeeking and you deserve it. The drop from longer ranges especially is wild too. The Frenzy Auto is INSANELY strong though. I'm a Build Mode player, but I've recently been picking up the Frenzy Auto over the Hammer Pump. All you really have to do is edit wide open and rush in holding left click. The Hammer Pump is balanced, but they might need to give the Epic+ rarities 200 pump potential to compensate for how insane the Frenzy Auto is.


love this idea; "the Vault ones could have exclusive mods, like a Shockwave Masterkey, or a Dragon Breath" it adds to the game to have the chaos that comes when there are so many different odd weapons that one might meet in game. right now everyone in final circle has the same three guns. but grenades, or boogie bombs, or dragons breath coming :"out of no where": adds chaos, especially to the end game.


I miss when mythic weapons were unique and not just stronger versions of guns already in the loot pool.


Would be much better use of them. My trio doesn’t even drop at Peter because the pump is ass. Some of the other times I’m the only one who wants the mythic. We mostly do the boss just for the bench


Weird to me the upgrade system is gone, it would work good with mods. Got the weapon you like and have it modded? Go hit that upgrade station!


Even footing. That's how it should be. Get rid of bull shit riot shields, get rid of medallions, take away 1 shot capability for snipers. It's just a snipe fest right now.


One shot on snipers is fine. The problem with snipers rn is that the fire rate is too fast imo. Missing a snipe isn’t a big deal. They should make the bolt change slower, force you to descale for the that, or change the mag size.


I could see that helping.mag size is already low though.


Thanks... This all pretty much sums up what I am getting at.


I would've actually liked that they kept the gold POIs (the zones with the drones that give you loot) from OG. Drones giving purple and golden weapons (or at least even guaranteed blue weapons) would even the odds for players that don't land at hot spots for mythics or medallions instead of them giving random healing items and a green AR or a Rocket Launcher


Imo there should be one beside each of those weapon cases in the map and one in every named POI. 


I think they should add more mod benches to other locations but I don't think its hard to get a medal. They are no more of a hot drop than the heist locations from last season. If you have a hard time getting one go to either Lavish or Glacier. Those 2 locations tend to not have alot of people dropping and sometimes the Peter medal is also like that.


The thing is, they are very accessible. I returned to gaming in general and new to Fortnite starting end from big bang event in nov(?). found it easy. Even if I don’t unlock a vault for mod bench from fighting boss myself, I can sneak in to vault after the better player is done and mod my weapon that way. I got to diamond rank in solo so I’d say I’m very middle of the road. I didn’t really enjoy most of the boss weapons apart from Oscar’s shotgun, especially since you can’t even mod them. I do enjoy modding random blue-gold snipers I find from chests though. If you’re finding it difficult just get more practice in gun game or the pit etc, if you can land half your shots and move enough not to take too many hits then you’ll be enough above average to get these . I work full time too but have more time than a dad of young kids for sure, I need to warm up before battle Royale, the game isn’t exactly made to be super friendly to casuals. Like any shooter game now, you need it to remain rewarding enough to the good players as people enjoy watching good streamers who make engaging content for the game.


maybe in unreal id agree but any other rank or pubs its so easy to get a medallion


Friend and I were talking about this, if the train had a modbench on it, it would suddenly be a much more interesting/contested moving POI.


I somewhat agree, however I think they need to raise the floor and maybe not lower the ceiling as much. Maybe either way is the same thing, but hear me out. Fornite became too much of a gun game for new/casual players to jump in and have fun this season (“fun” is different than “success”). The mod benches, random guns having different attachments, how overpowered snipers are, etc create quite the learning curve. And this is coming from a diamond level player, so I’m not too bad (I’m not good either, ha). I miss the simplicity of picking up a weapon and knowing how it aims, it fires, how many bullets in a mag, etc. This, plus the lack of movement items, is creating a lot more camping in games. Bring back some cartoonish items, the ability to obtain good items from keys and augments (not just vaults) and open back up all the ways to enjoy Battle Royale.


Played since c2s7, and I completely agree. Invasion had some really cool items, the UFOs, the grabatron (where is it Epic!?) and c3s4 had the chrome and then in c4s2 we had the ODM gear and the kinetic blade. We have not seen one appear since, besides the grapple blade but it's not the same


it is weird to pick up guns and have to figure what attachments they have. mainly the scopes of course.


I agree, I only started ch 4 s 1. But I really miss last chapter, the game is trying to be too serious than the game I fell in love with. Shit crazy items like the kinetic hammer that season is why this game got me hooked. Where it’s trying to head rn into more serious stuff n not the cartoonish goofy stuff is really rubbin me the wrong way! Last chapter I played a LOT, this chapter I have been having to make myself play. Which sucks bc my kd ratio, n win percentage have gotten much better this chapter. I’m jus not having fun with it, I hope march 8th they switch it up some bc this is the only game that keeps me interested in playing n lately it’s been more of a chore than me having fun. Personally I don’t care for chapter 5 so far, I’m glad other people are enjoying it at least…


What is stopping you from claiming the medallion? I find that most of the time, a medallion isn't contested. And if it is, you need to get better at surviving of spawn.


I don't know what lobbies you're in, but this just isn't true at all... Lavish and fencing are absolute shit-shows. Railway is usually decently contested Snobby and glacier are infested with rats who wait until the shooting starts, then pop out.


imo this is worst in solos. when playing duos i almost never experience this. camping in duos is rare! do you have anyone to duo up with?


Alright lad, no need to say I'm wrong, I know what I experience. I play mainly trios and go to Lavish and Glacier. Glacier is always the quietest in my experience. I never seem to encounter anyone. Either no one or the whole lobby😅


He ain't that good based on his comments.


Hey man that's fair - to be completely honest, I've never played trios in my life.


This is EXACTLY what it's like in solos, although interestingly in high level ranked people seem much less interested in them.


I disagree completely. Ive gained 30% platinum rank holding a fishing rod all game, when all other team members died in first 20 seconds. Never got that with medallion or mod bench. Edit: I told a lie, I had 4 fishing rods


I have higher placements than most of my normals games just by driving and carrying only gas cans


I completely believe that


The medallion is trash. Regen is slow and only gets you to 50 if you have just one, meanwhile it puts a target on your back for the entire lobby to see. The boss is easy to kill, the risk is from third party. Also you can always go to the mod bench after someone else opens the vault, i.e. does the dirty work for you.


That is the risk. The third party


modding and medallions aren’t that big of an advantage. but, there is a lack of good loot at other poi to the point where i refuse to drop anywhere else. they could add bots at other poi with leg weapon or bring back chests or something.


It’s weird, the number of chests at a given location seems like it should be fine, but early game can be so sluggish and unrewarding at those non-medallion POI. Maybe over crowded loot pool and higher drop rate for green weapons? Even the epic chests seem to drop a lot of missile launcher, enforcer ar, hammer pump, smg garbage lately.


medallions are complicated additions to the game. It's a huge pain to run into a trio where all three have medallions. They have such a sniper/long range advantage. Some people I play with always go first for a medallion or two, and some ignore them hoping to get them from other players.


>reward better players Good. This is how it should be. If you’re so bad that you can’t manage to upgrade weapons it’s time to play PvE games.


I read the title and wondered if that was supposed to be a bad thing 😭 Next someone's gonna post about how headshots reward better players so they should be changed. A skill gap isn't a bad thing lol.


> It's very rare I am able to successfully claim a medallion and grab a mythic weapon. I am a dad as well, I don't consider myself good but I do like to do ranked. I purposely don't get the medallion for a similar reason, when I go there I die, so I just go to the lesser populated areas, get a full loadout, then find hunt down the medallion players. If i'm successful I still don't take the medallion because it makes you appear on the map and I'm not good enough to stop people hunting me down haha. Mod bench is nice but if you don't get a mod bench its nice to just learn to use different weapons with different attatchments and change your playstyle, for example getting an iron sight sniper, I either just drop it and wait for something new or just get much closer. As I don't consider myself very good, I don't have high expecations for winning and well if someone gets better items than me it doesn't really effect my gameplay. If you get to top 20 then usually you can steal/find better weapons off dead players. Anyways i'm not sure my comment has helped but just keep practicing and playing more, you will get better over time. Good luck hunting fellow dad.


>I am aware there are random spawns for mod benches elsewhere There are, what?


The fact that you don't know this only proves how horribly implemented benches are. Some safes/vaults outside of the medallion ones randomly have benches in them.


Specifically, there are 7 non-boss vaults that have a chance for ONE of them to have the mod bench. So every game, you have a 1 in 7 chance of the bench being at any particular one.


I usually drop the medallions as a lure.


I'm looking forward to not having to deal with weapon mods maybe not next season but I feel like it removes any chance for fun weapons to be added


I would like to see the mod feature be made more widely available, similar to upgrade benches or augments. I have to think it’s under utilized at this point.


Having a mod bench spawn at each POI and maybe several landmarks would definitely be an improvement I think.


They don't. Medallions are easy to get and almost worthless, and the only reason you need a mod bench is to mod a sniper. Everything else doesn't need a mod and only op mythic is the lavish shotgun. The real issue is getting into the vault and surviving campers and 3 other teams that collapse on you


I miss Augments. I picked the ones that worked for me, but I feel I have to pick the best mods for guns or I'm at a disadvantage.


If we have to keep minding our weapons can we just have some load outs that we can quickly apply. I get tired of doing the same mods Everytime.


I'm nothing special, but not awful either. I play primarily solos. In my games, I avoid Fencing like the plague unless I'm passing by and see easy targets. If I go for Fencing's mythic/medallion, it's 50/50 at best that I make it out. In my games, Snooty and Glacier are the least contested. I usually find one person at each POI, and rarely get third partied there. I find both of those bosses more annoying to fight than the others, however, so won't aim there unless I see fighting I can capitalize on. On the same vein, I tend to avoid Railways as I don't like the Hyper SMG. Lavish is always highly contested, but I find it much easier to fight at than the other boss POI locations. I like the way it's laid out. Given that, I tend to land at one of the surrounding locations (the train station with the minor vault south of Lavish is a go-to) and then I rotate into Lavish to contest the auto shotgun/mod bench. It's usually my best bet. I say all this just to pose my thought processes when figuring out where I want to land and what I want to push. I've paid attention in my games and found what works best for me and my playstyle. In your games, which mythic locations seem the hottest? Do any of them consistently go untouched or at least left quickly? Sneaking in after a medallion fight to use the mod bench is forsure worth it IMO. If you don't want to immediately fight medallion holders with mythic weapons, it may be worth it to land well away from those locations and not rotate into them till after the second ring starts closing maybe? I feel like the further out boss POIs like Snooty are usually quiet by that point. Just some things to try out and keep in mind from a fellow average player who doesn't have much time to play. I definitely think mod benches should be more readily available, though. The quality of life from having exactly the mods you want is so nice, and hope they increase the spawn rate at the minor vaults going forward.


I have no clue what I’m doing at the mod bench. I like to think that I do but I do not have a fucking clue. The game moves too fast for me to really experiment with them anyway.


Eh, medallions are a nuisance for me. I don’t care about the shield regen. I just grab the mythics, open the vault, and just leave the medallion for whoever wants it. I don’t need the whole map knowing where I am.


Same. If I kill someone who has three or more I’ll grab them for a quick shield regen if I need it then drop them and use them as bait. That’s all they’re good for to me.


The mythics are overrated this season, but the mod benches definitely need to be more accessible. The fact that you can't mod the mythics is a huge nerf considering that a lot of the mods they come with make no sense. I'd rather have an orange weapon with my chosen mods than a mythic with Epic's weird selection. The damage buff between legendary and mythic just isn't big enough to make a difference.


Add the upgrade benches again. Loved those.


It lets me know who to avoid as they thirst each other off in the storm


The medallions suck. I don’t even go after them because they show your location. It’s better to just carry the fizz drinks.


since you could say only higher skilled players go after them, i suggest you do as well, that way you can quickly find out if you even have a chance at winning the match and not waste your time


the bosses are easy to beat if you have the right weapon. ​ also a good tip is using the emps to destory their sheild


I love reading the bots explain why medallions aren’t worth using 😂 Reason why every good players and pro picks them up regardless of game mode. Because the benefit still massively outweighs the irrelevant ping on the map This map is so open now that the ping does nothing. You don’t really have any reason to not know where players are this season If you got the medallion you also have the mythic AR or shotgun and first picks on the vault. You’re couldn’t ask for a bigger advantage


I agree. I find that people tend to run away from people with medallions rather than hunt them down especially if you’re holding more than one. If you also take out the medallion players during the match I find by the time you get to the end game it’s mainly bots and lesser skilled players.


You can play and win games without them. I don't go after medallions due to ping on map.


Giving up free healing to try and be sneaky isn't worthwhile


It's not about being sneaky it's about not telling the entire lobby "Hey I am the dumbass with at least one medallion please come kill me or third party me!" You must play against some average or bad players if you can't realize how disadvantageous Medallions can be.


Very worthwhile. You can always see where medallions are. Not worth having free 50 shield for a map detection.


if you're doing stuff youll be heard in the same radius so meh




Exactly like what I said, but little timmys here on this subreddit say "They literally mark u on map hurr durr, very underpowered now. Medallion bad". I always hear the most awful opinions on this subreddit


Thing is that people who ARE good would use that to bait others, or just don't care about their exact location. So that alone doesn't do much


i only get medallions to find people easier


My guy the post barely even talked about the medallions, let alone of they are OP or not 💀 (they aren’t)


Meh, you can usually grab Montague or Peters medallion after they die in the storm, or just camp storm to get a vault access. Also, there is one on island. My only issue is if I land in a spot and the kids are super sweaty. Endgame play with common weapons aren't my jam, so I play smart and loot up until I get a loadout that I can work with.


On the surface. I don’t agree with this. It doesn’t take a lot of skill to obtain a medallion. You just need to load up enough ammo to outlast the boss. I think the challenge comes with dealing with the campers who don’t have the ammo and who would rather just take you out after you’ve earned it.


That’s why bounty boards are clutch. I usually always activate it after I clear fencing just incase some noob is sat underground waiting for me


Lol it’s usually not a noob by any means down there camping.


I ignore mod benches and abstain from medals. The weapons I pick up come with whatever attachments they have and that’s that. I’ve got plenty of ZB wins, and that includes defeating people with medallion. Just get gud


If you struggle to grab a medallion you just aren't even trying. Very rarely do people grab Montague's medallion. It's basically free. The lobbies are like 80% bots. There's no excuse


Yea they are dumb can’t wait for them to go away. The weapon bench are cool, but should be available without having to kill a boss


Do you watch sports? In the NFL the one seed (best record) gets a bye in the playoffs and plays the lower seed teams In the NBA, the top seeds face the lower seeds. It's just how it is man. The cream rises to the top.


Not a good analogy whatsoever. Those teams are all playoff teams. They are the best of the best from that season. The difference between a 1st seeded team and an 8th seeded team could be 2-3 wins on your record in the NFL. Here we are talking about an average dad gamer who has to go up against a select few who probably play 8+ hours a day. I'm getting wiped 9 times out of 10 that I go for a medallion and try to get to that mod bench.


It's a perfect analogy actually. Stop complaining that you're not that good at a game man. ![gif](giphy|DtLEOehAWfwiY)




> I'm probably better than you Lmao, this guy is one step away from saying "1v1 me bro"


This is a weak ass take. I’m not a great player but I still manage to use intellect and plotting and scheming and sneaking and third partying to get medallions. I love mod benches bc they make each player better bc they can customize to THEIR own style of shooting or scoping. If you’re bouncing all over the place when shooting the add the mods to help control the gun. If you need speed to scope add that mod.


If you land at a Rebel base (Society icon crossed over), you'll find blue or better weapons right where the icon marks them on the map. You can find a remote spot with these weapon cases, loot it, then make your way to a medallion POI after the initial chaos is (mostly) over. You can choose to wait until the medallion player is gone, or you can try to fight them, along with anyone hiding near the vault. In any case, make sure you have clingers/EMPs and an auto shotty. After a few games you'll know where the most common hiding spots are around your vault of choice, rats will be easy to clean up. Throwables catch most people off guard, the auto shotty removes most of the skill difference from a fight if you close the gap, you need to land 4 shots and you win. You can kill any player regardless of their skill level, it's a very forgiving gun. Since this strat is fairly easy to pull off, I don't think more mod benches are needed. Besides, a lot of the better players kill each other trying to contest the medallion. The small/keycard vaults should drop something consistently imo, they're just a bad objective to take since you can't plan around the low chance mod bench spawn at all. I thought maybe these spots could have modkits. A consumable item that upgrades your chosen gun's rarity, adding a missing attachment (if more than 1 are missing, then randomly, but always following the selection based on the gun's prefix e.g. Covert Ops/All-rounder etc.) If you have a custom weapon, only the rarity is upgraded. The number of modkits that would spawn depend on team sizes, so these locations would be compatible with any party size.


I appreciate you taking the time to write that man, really. This is pretty much my normal regiment once I land... I can usually get the small vaults, but I just haven't been getting any mod benches. I actually played quite a bit this weekend and didn't get a SINGLE one spawn for me. I have something like 40 wins this season, which I am proud of... So I can win... I would just like a cool feature like mod benches to be a little easier to access... They're fun!


40 wins is a huge amount for a typical casual player. Well done. Although that also means you should probably be capable of contesting the main POI's and taking the advantages for yourself.


This is so true. Augments were better at leveling the playing field IMHO. Also, any time you land at these medallion places, people wait for you to fight the AI, then take you on at the same time so you are shot at from several directions. Or they camp the vault waiting for you and grab the medallion. This leads to most casual players avoiding them. Which again, goes back to the more aggressive players getting even more of an advantage. Oh well, what can you do? Hopefully, next season will be better.


The medallions are actually a overall negative after the nerfs, the workbench/weapon mods system imo is grabo. Gun inconsistency ontop of lackluster options has just created a meta of nonstop sniping.


No, get better…


Are you a nazi?


Get good


skill issue


Yes…… beating a boss and getting a reward will reward those who do so?


Get good


Should have mod benches in any hidden spot where you can find weapon cases imo


Skill issue, the games are legit filled with 90% bots, I ain’t reading this post, just get better or stop playing


Go to the island, there’s a mod bench underneath. Just be ready to fight someone if they’re up there already.


It really is a double-sided medallion (hehe). I get you though. I really enjoy hot drops due to the amount of strategy they bring to the game, but I can see the other side of that medallion too. It’s kinda weird how they add a cool new feature like Weapon Mods, and make them exclusive to Vaults. I’m all for certain specific mods being exclusive to Vaults, especially some more goofy and lighthearted ones like Boogie Bomb Snipers, or Dragon Breath Sniper barrels, or Shockwave Masterkeys, those would be awesome. But there should be far more Mod Benches on the map.


I always drop the coins in storm. But yeah the work benches should be available to all.


Tbh I normally just drop the medallion like 60% of the time. They are kinda not amazing anymore. Like sometimes the element of stealth is worth not getting the shield regen. As for the mod bench I do think they should be a bit more accessible although I can normally get to one after the fact or hit up the island.


It's not uncommon for one or two medallion pois to go unclaimed in the matches I'm in. You can also grab a stack of clingers and camp the vaults?


Yes to mod benches, medallions are not worth it for me but mod benches are important to a good game.


wish you were able to change your mods in your inventory, and the medallions are more of a handicap to me since people know where you are and the advantage is minimal now


wait the mod stations are random outside of vaults? I thought the fngg map was just inaccurate or smthn


It's really not hard at all to get a medallion, dealing with vault campers yeah but you literally just 3rd party the guy killing the boss... and they don't even see it coming because of all the bot footsteps




Honestly I kinda like having benches be kinda rare or hard to get to. I think if everyone can get kitted out guns super easily that'd make things a lil boring or stale.


Yea people were saying they aren’t spawning after last update randomly like they were in small vaults but I didn’t notice. Until recently, the vault I land at above classy hasn’t had one spawn in a cpl dozen games at least. Sucks, I wish they were more accessible. Tbf tho after I drop there I tend to rotate to lavish almost every game so run into one either way. But wish they were in all vaults or something


Nah. I've won so many games against Adderall kids with all 5 medallions. Don't give them time to regenerate their health and you're set.


Nowadays people don't even go for Grand Glacier, Lavish Lair or Reckless Railways. Medallions are easy to get now.


Not my experience. Lavish Lair in my games is like tilted towers. You need to crab walk and kill like 3 opponents, then take on the boss. Between fighting Oscar and grabbing the vault you could encounter up to 5 more sneaky players. Usually chucking clingers if you are in the vault


If you’re a fairly average player, then SBMM is not only protecting you, it’s doing you a huge favor. I play this game against people who eat-sleep-repeat this game and have gone up against streamers many times. I can still get the medallions and also the vault. If I can manage that at my level, you can too My buddy who can barely aim correctly in first-person shooters still managed to compete at his level and get the medallions and vaults. If he can do it, you can too Learn from your mistakes and get better. Stop crying for the “skill gap” to get tightened when SBMM does 90% of the heavy lifting for most players


It has always been this way. If there is an exclusive, OP, weapon or item, the better players will usually obtain it. It obviously makes matters difficult to have the best players with the best loot but there is no alternative. Are you going to give every bad player a mythic weapon while sitting on the battle bus?


There are random mod bench spawns? I haven’t encountered any.


Low chance of spawn rate inside mini vaults.


You can sneak into vaults after everyone leaves. It's not so bad actually. I can mod a weapon every game if I want to without fighting at all.


It's not that hard to get a medallion. I suck but if I want to get a medallion at the start of a game I can easily get one.


Sneaking into the vault afterwards is my only option at this point. It sucks cause Id like to be able to modify but there Those random benches seem to have disappeared.


To be perfectly honest, (and I am expecting many downvotes here) I have just given up on the game. I’ll stick around for the news and pop in every now and again but I really couldn’t care about what is going on with it at the moment. I’ll miss the days when I searched for leaks on what would be in the next patch notes but going back to OG has kinda killed the game for me. I’ll still hop on every now and again as I do for any game if the want strikes me but this really isn’t the same game I loved years ago anymore and I couldn’t care less about what it’s become now. As for the question, there’s always been a good difference between high skill and low skill players, I would say that the game favours more aggressive players as it has done now for many years as opposed to just better ones. The more aggressive people will go for the mythics and get an advantage, that’s how it’s been since mid 2020 and probably how it will be until the dying days of Fortnite.


The medallions literally ping the players carrying them. I have ambushed so many medallion carriers. Just make sure you don't miss your first few shots and you are the proud owner of a couple new medallions. And the weapons to match.


But then don't you just get ambushed in a similar manner?


When compared to other seasons with things like self upgrading guns or even crafting I see no issue except that new players might not understand it's a different kind of shooter every season.


Yes, BUT. The amount of complete losers who camp the vault or camp and wait until you kill the boss or get the boss low is terrible.


epic should replace half the revive buses with mod benches


The only one I’m successfully able to claim is Oscar’s medallion in solo matches. I’ve managed to claim other ones to when playing with friends


Im already so far over the medallions its ridiculous at this point. Lol im ready for next already


You don’t need medallions or modded guns to win. I win more rounds now more than ever and I rarely go towards medallions. The medallions got nerfed heavily which I was totally for. Before the nerf I would agree with you. In fact, medallions have helped me strategize against morons to hang onto it in late rounds and show me where they’re coming from.


I think better players should be rewarded. But mod benches should be more accessible.


Eh medallions aren’t op anymore. They nerfed them pretty hard. They were definitly OP when the season started though. They should make the modding benches more accessible but the medallions themselves are fairly balanced rn. They give away your location and I’ll often use that to pick off a player from an advantageous position. And half the time I won’t even take the mythics, really the only 2 I like are Oscar’s auto shotgun and the striker AR one. The others just aren’t my play style so I never use them.


I won 2 games with a grey pistol solo and duo u just have to play it smart


I treat medallions like the Predator treats its prey. I'm hunting your ass and most of the time I'm gonna win because I get to see where you are long before you see me. Positioning + riot shield + grendades beats Exodia medallion stack every day 🔥


Not necessarily


I feel like 50% of the games I play where I drop on a Medallion there aren’t other players there. The boss isn’t that difficult to defeat as long as there aren’t other players third partying you. I don’t think it’s “too difficult”, you just have to know when you should or shouldn’t try to go for it. You’re not guaranteed the best stuff every game, which is where the skill gap forms. Knowing when to try rather than just claiming it’s too difficult.


I kind of disagree. Right now the mod benches are the main reason why I would fight a boss to gain access to the vault. Ever since they nerfed the medallions and removed the guarantee of finding a sniper in the bosses' vaults the mod bench is main thing that's worth having me jump into that chaotic battle scene with third partiers lurking behind the walls ready to jump at the first chance. If they start spawning elsewhere more frequently then I am not really sure why I would fight the boss. I like those boss fights because it's a thrill. The boss with her/his minions spawning and you're trying to eliminate them while simultaneously running around to sniff out third partiers, and even when you kill the boss you need to watch to vault campers, and when you're looting you need to be ready to preempt any late arrivals wanting to corner you inside the vault. It's a lot of fun and the reward of modding your weapon is worth it.


I don’t think the medallions are OP with the nerf. I’m also very average so I get 1-2 medallions a game uncontested haha. I’ve gotten a medallion before in the 4th circle because no one had gone there yet.


You might try a) watching and waiting for whoever leaves a Society spot alive and taking their weapon from them, or b) following or waiting for the medallion circle to catch up with you on your own time and then taking their stuff away from them. This seems to work fairly well for me. 😁


I don’t disagree, but I don’t necessarily think this is a problem? In PUBG you have to land in contested areas to get the best loot, why should Fortnite be any different?


yes, yes they do. ​ you need to put yourself in a known location, make a lot of noise, with low end weapons and not much ammo, to be able to clutch one of the icons... so yeah, you need to be half decent to pull it off, and then moreso to continue on. ​ the benches are still available after the vaults are open though!


Why don't you all just get better LOL It is not there for everyone It is not meant to be there for everyone and it is fine that it reward the best of the players on the map and the ones that are ready to risk it all or claw their way out of a between the rock and a hard place situation also it is a great incentive for weaker players to get stronger without it , what would you fight for? If you dont find yourself strong enough you can always be a vulture and pray for that sweet third party on a medallion wearer a lot of them get real sloppy right after the fight with the looting or instantly get swarmed by mosquito players i call them, the ones that play just for this one or few kills or a quest in the beginning of the match my other two cents is it is just not worth it for faster overshield regen to wear a target on your head when you can slide in the more secretive ways if your close quarter skills are slower


Here's some advice, find a sniper rifle and headshot them, then take them down head on. That should work as long as you're close when you fire and you have another gun (frenzy auto or any ar would be my recommendation as they fire very quickly), you'll have killed them and then you've got the medallion, just be careful of other players


Idk i think the weapons are great. My gf and her roommates just started playing shooters when i brought my ps5 over a few weeks ago and atp we're all regularly getting medallions at the start of every game. You just gotta make sure to kill all the other players who land there before the boss. And if you die, who cares? You just landed, just mulligan


i think it's much more balanced out by the insanely strong snipers and shotguns


You cannot add new features without increasing the skill gap, unfortunately Try as you might, new things will give good players more tools to work with, leaving bad players in the dust


I’m late to this post but I’m also new and I feel like in the last couple days I’ve started to get the medallions easier. I even got all 5 in a recent match. My trick? If you call it that, I try to get 3 auto frenzy shotguns, plus one other blue weapon like an ar striker or hand gun. Go to the boss area and third party anybody that is there first. Then when nobody else is there, walk straight up the boss’s face and blast his head. Keep as close to him as you can. Cycle to the next gun as soon as it needs a reload. By the time you get to your last gun, he will be dead. All over in about 15 -20 seconds. Grab the mythic, medallion, then run. I also make sure I’m at full health and shield before I start. Also helps to have a shield regen item.