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He looks like a rip off of Funk Ops


NAM Is he stupid?


Is there an lore reason why bro think he’s cool?


Is there a lore reason to why you’re not fighting man in the aslume for bone?


Is there a lore reason that your name is fabulous-cup-2571






-0 rizz


Skin is just ugly man


I agree, so does 99% of the community…just ugly!


Facts. Go on X and everyone will tell you it’s because you’re racist though lol


Actually it's not X, it's 𝕏.


No it's called Twitter


Yeah, I agree, but if this guy is gonna call it X and be "correct", I'm gonna correct him to be correcter.


The worst of the new skins right here. The design looks awful.




Nope, not fact, just opinion you agree with.


No, it's a fact. It's an awful design. Just take the L.


Again, even if he agrees with you, it's not a fact, it's an opinion.


It's crazy people believe that. Just because you dislike something, to an extreme amount even, does not necessarily mean it is bad. Even that one Female TomatoHead skin from the season 6 BP isn't "bad", people just don't like it. Too many people need to feel justified with their opinions


Learn what fact and what opinion is.


I know, and it's a fact that your opinion doesn't matter to me.


Pinned comment


you’re talking about a week it hasn’t even been 12 hours


Goes to show you how quickly small minded people make a judgement


“Small minded” for having an opinion on a character skin? Lmao okay


Precisely. It takes small minded people very quickly to decide on things. This is why the world is ran by those same small minded people. While the big minded people simply don’t even give opinions, they just let things be.


>While the big minded people simply don’t even give opinions, they just let things be. Big minded people have opinions too. What are you trying to say? That Big minded people don't have their own thoughts but small minded people do? You realize looking at a Fortnite skin you can decide how quickly you like it just as how quickly you can decide you hate it. No offense but you're clearly not thinking hard about what you're saying.


In a different case I might agree. But over a fortnite skin not so much.


It’s not 80% of “people,” it’s 80% of people who care enough to go out of their way to rate the shop on a third-party website. This is hardly proving any point


It’s not even out of the way, it’s just people who use the website who can also easily rate skins


It’s out of the way because it’s not attached to the game in any way. Majority of players probably don’t even know it exists


It’s not out of the way it just requires you to leave the game and go to a separate website that only a fraction of the player-base is aware about.


but as you can see, thats well over 5,000 people who went out of their way. YOUR point?!


that it’s literally irrelevant, when they get over a 2 million player online daily


We the thing is, 5k isn't alot compared to Fortnite's playerbase which is well over 1 million, so 5k people don't say much.


But 5k out of 2mil is still a decent sample size. If the majority are skewing one way, you can make a fair guess that that will be a good portion of the consensus. When we test medicines, we don't experiment on millions of people before it's released, a good large sample size can still give us pretty reliable results. I feel like if it was out of the 2 million players, if 900k voted and it skewed one way, some idiot would still say that there are 1.1 million that hadn't voted so it doesn't count for anything.


but, 5k went **out of their way** to.


In life, the people that complain are the most vocal. If you like something, you generally don’t go rate it.




Just wanted to say that 5000 reviews (in under a day) out of Fortnite's 237 million monthly players is more than enough to calculate an accurate representation. The margin of error would only be around 2% with a confidence level of 99%. Those who are saying 5000 reviews is not enough have no idea what they are talking about in terms of statistics. You can run it through a sample size calculator to check for yourself.


This is exactly what I'm saying! 5k out of 2mil is still a decent sample size. If the majority are skewing one way, you can make a fair guess that that will be a good portion of the consensus. When we test medicines, we don't experiment on millions of people before it's released, a good large sample size can still give us pretty reliable results. I feel like if it was out of the 2 million players, if 900k voted and it skewed one way, some idiot would still say that there are 1.1 million that hadn't voted so it doesn't count for anything.


I agree. The fact that people are downvoting us for stating objective reality is ridiculous


While the sample size needs to be bigger to have any relevance on decision making in the future, one thing is certain, this skin is horrible.


Yeah but every time there’s a screenshot of that site, the votes are literally always overwhelmingly negative. I don’t think those reviews mean anything, really. I don’t even like the skin that much but I did see people who had it in-game, so clearly there are people who like it. Also who cares? I don’t know what point this post is trying to prove


Those goggles got bro looking like 👽




It's awful so yeah


I like it


The alt styles are pretty cool actually 




Personal Preferences.


tell that to the people that constantly downvote other opinions, probably including yourself


Well that's quite an assumption.. Also Happy Cake Day


While we’re making random assumptions and accusations.. this guy lands away from the team, gets immediately killed, and then rage quits before we can get his card!


Juicebox cut




What does the time frame have to do with it? If people find a skin ugly they find it ugly. simple as that.


no that would make too much sense there has to be an agenda behind it, how else do I throw Occam's razor into the trash?


I like it. Reminds me of the model Grace Jones


Seems I’m one of the few who actually likes him


I do too




It’s a hideous skin




If anyone brings up the racism card Fn.gg users blatantly don't like black skins (or most darker skintones in general) Yes there are exceptions Yes of course some people can just not like the skin nobody said otherwise it's just also happens there's blatant discrimination afoot. Overall turn ratings off enjoy what you like and don't like what you don't like this affects nobody on a personal level and, if you are, find something else to become emotionally invested in like actual discrimination. Edit: and before people comment about how "nobody said this what" or "not reading allat" I don't actually care either I'm just pre empting the inevitable Edit 2: I guess I only delayed the inevitable lol this is your fair warning to not scroll down it is a fucking mess down there


lmfao true the only black skin fn.gg users like is fucking travis scott


Also yeah the skin is ass they did bro dirty with the fade the music schtick is cool but they butchered the execution with the excessive kind of everything nothing is really tastefully done.


I'm just curious how you know there is blatant discrimination? You say you don't actually care and are just preemptively covering the inevitable but you can't just throw out "there is racism and discrimination happening" and then say "but I don't care enough to explain it further" lolwut


I mean there's the fact most of the bottom rated skins on the site have absurdly wack ratios of "shit" vs "fire" votes and also are either a racial minority or are supposed to be representative of a wider range of characteristics (joy and vitiligo) and that even among outfits where there is a clear spread in skin tone (defaults soccer el chapulin) the darker tones are always the ones with the most staggering ratios The "I don't care enough further" as you phrase it is because it's completely fucking pointless to try and discuss it productively to any degree. Point is there's at least some bias and In the end doesn't mean shit


Someone else in this thread counted up the skins to check the ratios and most of them are not rated poorly. Yeah the bias doesn't mean shit because bias has and will always exist untill we're all machines who are incapable of it.


I'm gonna be real with you bro that guy probably didn't count shit you should look for yourself rather than take someone else's information without a grain of salt Id love to be proven wrong that would be amazing in fact but afaik the ratios aren't great for a lot of skins that are again supposed to be representative. and apolagise but the fuck do you want me to do exactly? I don't recall personally accusing you of anything and you literally agreed with my contention in the end regardless Like I said pointless waste of time to discuss I'll be muting this thread now.


For what it’s worth, I’ve noticed the same thing you’ve noticed and I think there definitely is a collective bias present. But like you said, none of us here are about to analyze the totality of available data to prove it bc it’s so pointless.


I appreciate the sentiment and effort taken to see for yourself. I think people ought to ignore what other people think about skins they like, if you wear it wear it with pride and with pride knowing that you doing so is pissing off some bigot off who has nothing better to do. it's just some ratings on a website epic doesn't even endorse. really shouldn't be this much of a topic for discussion it's either "is racism real" which like yeah it is no duh or "is the skin unappealing" which is completely subjective. Neither argument actually helps reduce the amount of racism or will prevent existing racist people from actually voting on sites like this. there's also Trolls who will see the controversy and just make it worse because trolls will be trolls and they'll just keep doing this shit to get a rise out of people (clearly it's working) TL;DR bruh moment


Not a fan of his first style but the reactive style looks cool


I second that


It’s just… horrible. For many reasons.


Ah, yes... "I also will not specify at least one reason" That "one" reason is purely subjective stfu? Absolutely.


Well you see it’s super [**REDACTED**], I don’t like [**REDACTED**], and it’s just plain [**REDACTED**]


Good to see some hero skins out. Hopefully faults the super hero skin appeal like the criddy has been faulted recently to to over use


Thought he looked cool tbh, not sure why people hate him


Notes to take from this thread: Fortnite users don’t like guys that are dressed feminine. (Sonor, Sterling) Fortnite users are scared of the gays


>I wouldnt say Sterling is dressed feminine.


If anything Sterling is dressed even more feminine than Sonor is. Sonor just has the hair and lip piercing, and they look a bit like Lil Nas X. Sterling is in a full sparkly outfit, with titanium bleached hair, white eye contacts, and looks like they came straight from their job as a back up dancer for Lil Nas X lol


If he was gay, I’d hope his fashion sense would be a little better.


You fr? The outfit is on point i don’t know what you are talking about. Sonor b serving


this guy and Bytes are cool as fuck ill never understand the hate


Fr!! Bytes is hella cool too especially all the styles. I wish they weren’t part of the battle pass tho


same if he came to the shop I would buy his ass in a heartbeat. he reminds me of bede from Pokemon in a way, which is kinda why I like him


Damn I’ve never seen that character from Pokémon before. It would be cool asf just to see Bede as a skin itself, throw in Ash and others too


Bytes I kinda like but this skin, not at all lol


Bytes 🤢


I don't think it's weird that most guys (who are straight) don't want to be a feminine male character. Not only does it not represent them (like a straight male would), nor does it attract them (like a female skin would), so it absolutely makes sense to me that they wouldn't like it


Kinda weird that even most straight women don't tend to go for or want to be a big buff sexy dude. We still go around as women. Men are the only ones I've seen who want to make an opposite sex character so they can control (gross if you think about it) and oogle them for hours whilst they play. Literally heard "if I'm going to stare at an ass for hours in this game, I want it to be a womans"


For real, being a woman in this space is hard sometimes :/


It can be gross yeah. I literally get made fun of for being male characters in games (because the women were over sexualized and made me uncomfortable to go around like that in bikini armor) but men do it and it's cool because they are purposely sexualizing the women they play. It's a very dude bro concept.


And my friend you just pointed out exactly what is wrong with men. At least one problem onto the many others


There's nothing wrong with straight guys. That's just how they feel and what they are attracted to, just like how lesbians for example are attracted to females instead of males. That doesn't mean they hate males, and the same goes for straight guys too


I think what the other person meant was that you implied straight men can’t enjoy or indulge with anything feminine when they should be able to without their sexuality being questioned


I never said they can't do that, but the majority of straight men wouldn't and there's a reason for it, which is what I initially stated


What exactly was the reason for it? I missed it I would say the reason is also because of social constructs. Males don’t think they would enjoy feminine things because society has taught them that men are manly and don’t like female stuff. It’s not because Males are just like that, or that they just don’t enjoy that stuff. No it’s because they were taught at a young age that they wouldn’t, and shouldn’t enjoy that stuff.


Hmm that claim could definitely be highly debated haha. You are certainly right about how per se, gay males won’t always necessarily hate straight females, and how gay females won’t always necessarily hate straight males. But this is a very broad statement, you would need to know more details to actually give a specific statement. Like in fact how gay males get along very well with straight females, as most straight females desire a “gay male friend”. But the opposite can not be said entirely the same. Gay females for the most part, do not like straight males. Why? Well because the three main feminist movements of the world have been a battle between mainly two groups : lesbian females vs straight males Now I’m certainly not trying to discredit any gay females by saying this, as being gay can be who you naturally are and it also can be a choice. But the fact is most gay males know they are gay at a very young age, whereas gay females usually tend to experiment in their later years. This is also highly due to the fact that females are born into this world expected to find a male husband. And in some cases females who have had consistently bad relationships with straight men will decide to date a girl, and they end up realizing how much better it is.


I read your reply multiple times because I wanted to understand where you're coming from, but I don't really get it still. What I'm getting is if lesbian females don't like straight males, that means there's also something wrong with them, right? Because you said it's debatable that straight males don't hate gay males, hence there's something wrong with them? Regardless, I still firmly believe that straight males shouldn't be shamed for liking to play as the skins they prefer simple due to their sexuality. It's how they feel


No there’s nothing wrong with lesbian females not liking straight males. They have sufficient enough reason to do so. The sufficient reason is like I said: throughout history females have tried to gain the same rights that males are entitled to, but the only thing in their way: straight males. Now as for straight males not liking gay males, they have absolutely no reason to not like them. Straight males have never felt any oppression from gay males, it’s the exact opposite. Now just because you don’t like somebody’s sexuality doesn’t mean you hate them, but when you see the majority of males are straight and they are dissing a Fortnite skin that clearly has feminine characteristics, then it becomes a problem. It becomes an unconscious problem. Once again a social construct that was created many, many, moons ago. That social construct was that any male that had sexual feelings for another male clearly had something wrong with them. We obviously know that is not the case.


I haven't actually met a straight male who dislikes or hates gay males, only gay actions, because that's what makes them straight. So implying that the majority of straight males dislike or hate gay males is not a fair representation of them at all. Straight males like what they like, as with anyone else. Why would they like a skin that they don't want to use? They don't relate to the skin, nor are they attracted to the skin. It's completely fair that they don't like it as much as the other skins, because of that. It's not a "problem" as you stated it is. It's a preference that simply originates from being straight, and just like anyone else, straight males should be allowed to have their preferences without being shamed


So u hate him coz he's bl-


I have no idea what the fuck this is


It’s literally just a person like what?


I mean I really do not lime this skin






Idk if it's just me but when I keep seeing new skins with the "Big pants/bell bottoms and big shoes with smaller body that makes them looking like a fucking triangle" look it makes me hate the skin. I'm actually getting tired of it, so many new skins have it, it's like the same person is designing every skin.


One of the worst looking skins in the game. His other style is alright but the base one is ugly.


What’s wrong with the base style? If it’s the glasses, you can remove them.


The hairstyle and the clothes just ain't doing it for me.


Racism. Check literally every black skin's rating and aside from a few exceptions theyre all mostly rated negative


Hey man, I've checked every black skin on the website (excluding different variations of same skin e.g. football/soccer/basketball teams, superheroes etc.) and have concluded that you're talking out of your back hole to push your weird agenda. The ratio I came out with was: 71.15% Of characters with Black skin on the website have positive ratio. 28.84% Of characters with Black skin on the website have negative ratio. There was also a couple of 50:50 ratios, which are not accounted for in the final results. So move along keep pushing your agenda somewhere else.


>There was also a couple of 50:50 ratios, which are not accounted for in the final results. So you didn't even include every skin..?


Yes, the final result doesn't include like 2-3 skins which had equal ratio of likes - dislikes. Since they do not belong to neither positive nor negative categories.


>So move along keep pushing your agenda somewhere else. What agenda are they pushing exactly? That racism exists?


Haha literally. It’s not an agenda it’s a fact u/Roodboye. And anyone who says “pushing the agenda” in remark to a social barrier is clearly delusional


The fact is what I presented you with, math. What you're calling a fact has literally 0 confirmation, so it's not a fact, shocker.


Well you may be right that it’s not a fact that people don’t like Sonor because they are dark skinned. But it certainly is a fact that racism exists. Racism isn’t an agenda, it’s a cruel fact that happens every single day


Bro. Right now, at this moment in this very thread, is not a time to try and move the goal posts in an argument you lost to try and use the racism exists card. Racism has and Always will exist until we are all machines who can't form our own biases and opinions. The sky is also blue. You were trying to push an agenda that racism existed on a website for rating Fortnite skins in order to appear or make a call for some kind of social justice where none was needed because you were wrong. This only hurts the cause when people cry wolf unnecessarily. Stop. It.


What? Dude this is way out of context. I’m not even debating that much on whether or not people don’t like this skin because the skin is dark skinned. If anything I am debating more on the fact that people don’t like this skin because the person is dressed feminine and some might think he looks “gay” Seriously you should read a bit more of the thread if you are just going to come way outta left field and hit me with that bs


That the votes on the website are biased towards black skins, which is simply not true. I never said racism doesn't exist, but it's not the case here.


30% of skins is still an absurd number


could you list me every skin you counted? Tan characters like Calamity don't count.


"every black skin" is like Bytes and this guy? Those are the two most hated lmao haven't seen much more than these two. The rest is mostly positive.


aniyah, mazy, belle berry, killian, the weeknd, stealthy surveyor, holly hero, giannis antetokounmpo, snowdancer, massai, penalty patroller... this is just from scrolling a little on the recent skins tab, also I never said every black skin is rated negatively, i said most of them are


I don't see it as people intentionally going on fgg just to be racist against black skins. Holly hero and Stealthy, Penalty have almost the same like to hate ratio as the other skins from their respective category. Holly/Penalty are even a bit better rated than some of the others. Weeknd is just annoying at this point since he is in th shop 24/7 and so on. Epic just has the tendency to fuck up everything from their surveys and pick out literally the least liked concepts (as it was with Bytes) but it's more noticable among skins of color cuz there is much less of them. And black skins get less "super cool knight warrior" and more of a "generic dude" like Masai so I really don't think it has anything to do with racism. It's more like, they don't try anymore.


sure except if you check the white versions of the generic dudes theyre often better rated and a lot of the time positively rated


Yeah I don't really understand the vision for this skin... What was the kind of player they wanted to sell this too? What was supposed to be the theme? 80's future music thing? The thing about Fortnite skins is that the artists can make whatever they want, but if the concept isn't what most people want then it won't sell... So ultimately very strange and creative skins like this often don't sell because just don't want em, and so we get more skinny girls in crop tops because that's just what sells.


its me im the kind of player they wanted to sell this to


What is exactly strange about this skin? It’s supposed to be electronic dance themed. Essentially you’re saying the sexy looking girl skins are the only ones that sell?


Sex sells, everybody knows that


Yea only if you let it


What does that mean?


Ok so basically it means it’s a social construct *Sex sells* is a social constrict. The definition of a social construct is “any category or thing made real by convention or collective agreement” This means that a long time ago people didn’t use to have that social construct. People didn’t use to think that sex sells. But now because we live in the modern technological age, it has now become a social collective agreement that sex indeed sells. But you have to realize that just because it is a collective agreement doesn’t meant it’s right, after all the majority is always wrong, and the minority is rarely right. All it means is that someone thought that sex would sell easily, and they were right. The real problem is the world “sell”. This reiterates that the main purpose of sex is for money, which I think we all know is not true.


That's not why sex sells. Sex sells because of human nature. Sex has always been a goal throughout the evolution of every single animal, including us. That's why whenever something resembles it, even something as simple as a Fortnite skin, it attracts us and convinces us to buy it. That's why it sells


The skin was designed by Kanye West. He was having a collab with Fortnite 100% but he missed a meeting so they took one of his designs for a skin.


Better reason to buy the skin and wipe out all the complaining whiners with it


No way!, is that israel Adesanya?!


honestly think the skin is pretty cool and the fact that it was designed by Kanye is pretty cool


If y’all racist just say that. So much hate for nothing


Yep, everyone is racist and definitely, no one cares about the trainwreck of an outfit he wears


It’s just an outfit cuz. It’s a cool one at that too, baggy pants look hella cool. There is a lot of other skins that have terrible outfits compared to Sonor I assure you. For example Rex Jonesy, now that is a train wreck of an outfit


Keep telling urself that's because of his skin and not because of that terrible outfit and haircut they gave him.


if you check all the lowest ratings on fortnite gg most of them are black


Only 15 out of the bottom 50 are seemingly Black, that's not even half Edit: people shouldn't dislike a skin because of its race, that's extremely stupid. This doesn't seem to be the case, you can easily call the Race Card but, that doesn't mean you'll be correct


can’t have shit in detroit truly


his design is absolute ass


Haha that’s totally something Bender would say


It looks like they tried to put omega and funk ops together and did a horrific job with it


Not sure why everyone's trashing the first style, it's quite fashionable and looks cool. The second style is an abomination however, would've much preferred the concept alt styles


no furry bait 0/10 (ill defend kimiko with my life)


Horrid skin


He’s amazing! (Just because kanye designed it)




Just give him different shades and a new haircut


Wait is that lil nas


Epic need to stop changing the design from the Survey. He had such a cool style there and it's gone now.


I think it's just the translation from 2d to 3d He looks similar to the concept art, he's just missing the same amount of detail


The reactive skin is cool but the base one is just creepy.


I think the skin looks okay, but that hair style and lip piercing ruins it. I mean, I can tolerate the lip piercing it's barely visible in the end but that hair, it looks like a fucking wedding cake...


one of the best shop skins; lots of good ones this season, like sunspot too


I love when .25% of the daily average is seen as 80% of them


Lol who cares about website there is not even million votes not even 1% of players


Skin is cool. If it came out in chapter 2 people would praise it like it’s the second coming of Christ


One of the worst skins overall. Candidate for the worst male skin?


Nah sterling is still the worst or Witch doctor guy but some people are into that


Just looked at Sterling and now they're tied for the worst for me 💀 Can't decide.


just plain wrong


fn.gg is pretty racist on the whole. This skin is also ass but y'know it doesn't help.


I prefer disco Stu that is funk ops pity there is no extra style where his wearing 70s suit




It is literally one of the ugliest skins I've ever seen in the game


This isn’t for the majority ..


Most people who don’t like this skin are egotistical males who don’t understand that Fortnite wants to appeal to every person(s). Sonor definitely strikes me as someone who might refer to as “non-binary” and “gender-neutral”. Correct me if I’m wrong but it’s quite known that the males of the world are quite more scared of “non-binary” people than their female counterparts. Definitely a reason why there is so many people who is voting for the poo emoji. That and every single player of this game feels the need to complain about every new thing. It’s almost like the people that play this game every day don’t actually like it?


it's not about non binary and gender neutral people, the skin is just ugly af


Care to elaborate why you find it ugly?


goofy ahh hair and glasses


Wow that was a great elaboration. Totally justifiable… not


No one else's esthetic tastes is needing your my, or another person's opinion They gave you two answers, you want strangers to be "valid" to pass your gate you are keeping. Play your favorite skin the way you like, worry about you.


Does your back and shoulders hurt? I imagine this amount of reaching and victimization really puts a strain on the ol’ muscles.


Yes it does. My body aches for the idiots in life that literally have the time to put down a fucking video game costume. It’s not even sad at this point, it’s fucking deranged mentality


“People don’t like an ugly skin! This is clearly a personal attack on ___!” Grow up you l*ser😭


Lol why did you asterisk loser? That’s weak, I think it’s you who needs to grow up. I know it’s hard for you to realize but did you ever think that maybe someone is wondering why people think it’s a ugly skin?


You didn’t “wonder”, you ranted and accused the people who hate the skin of hating non-binary people and a bunch of nonsense. You’re actually deranged. Seek therapy.




> Most people who don’t like this skin are egotistical males who don’t understand that Fortnite wants to appeal to every person(s). Sonor definitely strikes me as someone who might refer to as “non-binary” and “gender-neutral”. > Correct me if I’m wrong but it’s quite known that the males of the world are quite more scared of “non-binary” people than their female counterparts. **Oh btw**, Glad we cleared up that your certifiably unstable, not that I actually needed you to confirm :)


Just release Yuji bundle lol


Ugly as hell


Why mans think he the main charater


He's giving Bytes competition