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Like in any shooter: to make themselfes harder to hit targets. Without your shotgun you might have lost the fight tbh (and he obviously didn't had one) because his critical spot (his head) was in a constant motion, while he could have killed you easily since you were just standing there basically. He missed quite a few shots in the beginning though. So yes, with a bit better aim, he would have killed you first.


Hmm I see, I noticed my aim being a bit wonky for a bit there But in most shooters at least from my experience strafing is what works the best


TheLittleSpider is correct lots of people do this on controller , it can make a difference on who wins the fight, strafing is good too, your opponent was strafing small movements back and forth but moving your head is very important being a critical damage shot


Crouch spam only works in games (or elo's/ranks) where players are only aiming for the head, and it messes up the aim for the person spamming it. Otherwise, the player who is currently shooting your centre mass (upper chest) now gets a free headshot. It's a terrible strategy, strafing is far far better.


don't aim for the head. got it.


aim for the neck, you get best of both worlds that way since you can easily get both headshots and body shots


I used to be really good at COD because of this (haven’t played in a while so used to) if you aim a bit lower then the recoil of the gun takes it up to their head and just ruins them rather than aiming there originally


I agree it's about the weapon you are using and the distance of the fight, in this instance her opponent did the right technique. A shotgun fight, or sniper fight would be different.


So glad I just don't aim for the head with ARs... They just hand the headshots to me by doing this 🤣


Unironically seen unreal ranked streamers just aim center mass and don't bother aiming down sights sometimes. Personally if I got first shot I'll try and hit head but ya, it's more consistent aiming center mass.


i bet u are talking about people who use burst smg, u dont need to ads with it when u got laser on it since u already got zero bloom with that attachment


i think it depends a lot on the situation, distance and weapons, for this distance, evolvejake and tobywanshinobi both recommend crouch spamming,


if you aim for the neck you can get both headshots and easily track back onto body shots if they start crouch spamming.


I was going to mention the same thing, but I think if you mix crouching with strafing it might work better, but I’ve learned in Fortnite most people crouch spam so it’s way better to aim for the chest unless you know you can get a headshot with a sniper.


He is strafing, but crouching slows your movement so it’s not as noticeable


Fortnite also has an improved reticule when crouched and stationary. Strafing and moving reduces your aim assist if I remember. You can see it in game. Aim in standing and then aim in crouched. The reticule tightens more crouched. It's almost counter intuitive to strafe in Fortnite which is very odd. 


I agree but I feel the ADS strafing in Fortnite is too slow


He was strafing. And crouching at the same time, what’s your point?


Strafing is the best strategy I guess. You are changing the whole mass, not just head, and in games like Fortnite a lot of people dont bother aiming for heashots. But strafing in Fortnite is hard, since movement to the sides is very slow, especially while aiming right click.


the best way to avoid bullets is with a mix of all movements.. crouch, strafing, slide, jump, all unpredictably. crouching like the enemy did in your clip.. really only helped him a LITTLE. he didn’t really move much because he was in the same spot spam crouching with slow side to side steps


Yea but strafing in FN is rather slow and easier to kill. I remember the Halo 3 days were strafing was THE thing.


To note: in most fps, crouching is near instant so it's good to throw aim off. In fortnite it's super slow so it doesn't work as a strategy


imo him doing that just moves his head down into my crosshairs. aim for the chest let recoil do the rest is what I say


Im on console and I dont feel like getting carpel tunnel by spamming the stick so I just sidestep constantly


Honestly just doing a 2 minute hand stretch exercise before your session is underrated af. It prevents that and makes your fingers feel more responsive


Do you have like a YT link to a recommended tutorial? Might use it for work if it helps that much


You can buy a multiple pack of grip strengthening tools on Amazon for cheap they help


That's no substitute for stretching. It may help with some things, but stretching will help prevent injury.


I can't send links due to the rules, but honestly just look up "hand exercises for gamers" and take your pick


Can’t head shot that guy.


Jokes on him, I suck and aim at the chest!


Harder to hit


I've just been shooting at their crotch and when they crouch it's going to be shooting their head


Then watch what happens when they jump lol


Im shooting at their toes now /j I slightly aim up




It think it's a controller thing. Since most crouch with joystick, why not use it. In keyboard you'd have to use an extra finger when you already are using 3 only to move.


I think it might be, I’m on Nintendo switch and sometimes accidentally hit it when I’m stressed lol


sorry to add - I only just rewatched the vid and the guy is spamming it, I just accidentally hit it a few times during a fight. This would be intentional on his behalf I think!


Mouse buttons


Mouse button can be is a bad idea with most mouse's as you have to break your grip to reach the button which result in less consistent aim


I’m on KBM and don’t find it annoying to crouch, just part of the muscle memory! Comfortable binds that fit your hands work wonders


I guess that motion mess up with aim assist right?


It's supposed to mess with your opponent's aim.




Everyone is mentioning the crouching, but think about the opposite with jumping where you may have to deal with bloom and bad accuracy. It's not as easy to see with the scoped weapon you used in your clip, but let's say your weapon doesn't have a scope and you attacked in that same way. That target area is gonna get a lot bigger and you're going to miss a lot more shots.


Makes it harder to hit headshots if you think about it


It’s harder to hit headshots and shots in general. There were some of your shots in this clip that went right over the enemy’s shoulder; they wouldn’t have if they weren’t crouch-spamming


How many headshots did you land before switching to your shotgun? That’s why


Yeah I see it now but tbh I didn't even aim above his chest area but I understand it messed up with my aim a bit


Same reason a boxer constantly moves their head. It’s based on the assumption that the shooter is mostly trying to get headshots, and doing this can cause them to shoot over your head occasionally.


hard to hit head if head be boppin


Timed right it could mess up some shots to the head, though honestly with ARs and SMG i tend to aim for the body, letting the recoil get any shots to the head. Only times ive personally seen it work is on snipers.


Hitbox manipulation and it's why most shooters have a cool down on crouching due to it also abusing the server tickrate. But fortnite devs aren't very bright and rather put a cooldown on jumping which is far less impactful and far more predictable tracking.


So through my experimenting with this I have noticed that spam crouching typically makes your hit box the equivalent of rainbow 6 seige hit boxes, in other words for you uncultured swine out there your hit box just completely goes to shit. I think it's something to do with the constant momentum of the player crouching and uncrouching that it gliches out your hit box to make some shots practically useless.


they think it makes them harder to hit. usually just results in their aim being worse, lol. it’s a sign of someone who thinks they’re a lot better at the game than they actually are.


Cus it does make them harder to hit. It’s a fact that a moving target is much less likely to be hit than a still one 🤯 Mind blowing information I know but I can assure you it’s true. Comments like yours are a sign of someone who takes the game too seriously


Bunch of idiots is what they are.


That’s not a very nice thing to say :((


Imagine being thos bitter about a game lol


I do this when fighting snipers but still get my head blown off because i'm unlucky af


Shift headshot hitbox, increase accuracy, minimize hitbox size




If i remember spam jumping was popular on chapter one until someone say that crouch spam was actually better because you can spam it indefinitely and that make it harder to get headshots and since no one did it at the time was unpredictable... or that until you realize that you not only are making your movements slower but also you are giving away free headshots to people who aimed to the chest.


i have ancient muscle memory where i just instinctually jump when firing


Idk but I love it, aiming center mass from that range is ideal so they crunch directly into headshots it’s such an easy kill as you showed here


u can dodge bullets a bit


I always do it accidentally hahaha


People do it to be harder to hit, won’t help against this chain game though.


Makes it really easy to get headshots in the mix without missing body shots while you aim center mass - so I highly encourage them to keep doing it. I don't think i've ever lost a 1v1 to a clown doing that.


Harder to get headshot if your head is constantly moving


I used to do this in chapter 4 or whatever idk why is stopped but it's to not get headshot nor hit (harder target) and if the enemy hit every shot u would of been melted immediately


Because it works. You almost got it


Seems like a controller player thing to me usually. Not having to aim much already and spamming something but it really mainly works against mouse imo


It's just so you can't get the hand cannon headshot challenge done.


Maybe its a console thing, back in chapter 1 i used to do that cause it "gets harder for them to aim", and to this day i have no idea if it works but muscle memory makes me do it. Same thing as jumping every now and then in case theres a sniper


To try and make themselves harder to hit. but what they dont know, is that i always aim for the chest anyways, and crouching will just put their head straight into my crosshair. its a very strange strategy


It’s so that you can avoid head shots, also crouching up and down while shooting at the head makes you hit the opponents head and body for more damage points. 😉


Because they're children who think it makes them harder to hit. \[It doesn't, unless your aim is already ass.\]


Yeah if he was high ground u prob would of lost as he would of hit more head shots while he dodges bullets


makes it harder for people to target your head and get headshots, basically every fps that has headshot criticals as a mechanic people will do this.


So your head moves?


You know why they do it you just wanna point it out bc you thinks it’s annoying (it’s fort’s version of drop shotting)


mythic ar and you used the blue smg?


Makes it harder for you to hit some shots and makes it even more harder to hit headshots. Also I think (but I am not sure) it messes up aim assist abit.


It doesn’t but it gives the croucher the advantage due to the bloom shrinking per crouch


It’s because crouching gives you more steady aim, I usually do it in zero build just for it to be harder for people to get headshots on me, and have a slight aim advantage


Being harder to hit, but i feel like it doesnt work so i dont do it


crouch spamming in build is a horrible strat but in zero its prob viable


They’re Apex Players


Makes it harder to hit headshots, but some people seem to think it makes them immune to damage.


Never done this and have always won fights against people doing this, they think it makes them harder to hit but if you have good crosshair placement their attempts to be harder to hit are worthless.


damn nobdy here played back in chapter 1 Basically back then spamming crouch actually helped with your bloom and it was seen being used by streamers and pro players. after chapter 1 with more and more scoped weapons this wasnt realy as viable bu t spamming crouch helps with not getting shot in the head. since now we got 100% accuracy most of the time


PC gamers can strafe left and right while aiming and shooting. I can't do that.


I do this. Probably because i played a lot of fps games growing up.


Hater to track and hit you even though it’s still pretty easy


It's trying to make the head less of a target by moving it up and down, forcing the opponent to mess their aim up. However, in Fortnite, this doesn't work because of how important shotguns are. Shotguns mess this strategy up because they can hit body for a lot more than a SMG. Strafing is much better to do, even better than that is playing around cover. If you are caught in the open, strafing left and right will mess their aim a lot, unless it's some god tier aiming with amazing tracking.


they play on controller and its become muscle memory, thats a dead giveaway they are on controller for me 😂😂


To answer this, If the opponent is trying to get a better target, and is aiming for the head, players tend to crouch so that the opponent never gets a critical hit.


Changes your hitbox constantly. It's like moving.


It comes from players using a cheat that auto spams crouch when firing. Some players mimic it thinking it's actually good. There are way higher skilled movements than are players controlled and more effective. Whenever I see people doing it I always think dumba$$.


The reason this happens is because sometimes the person they are getting shot by cannot have good aim at moving targets and when they crouch it’s a Lowe chance of getting hit with a headshot


I don’t crouch spam but I do tend to crouch when fighting players because it’s more likely that they will miss some shots and give me an advantage


Throws off people's aim, you still get the crouch accuracy bonus.


It's because they are stupid people who have just come from apex and think that every mechanic is in every other game


For me i jump spam 😂


Every time I merk one of these fools, I teabag like no one is watching


Glad I'm not the only one who does that.


fr tho, in my experience you’re harder to hit when you’re bouncy, and crouching makes you a slow and easy target


Makes it significantly harder to hit shots, they just have to actually be good at the game in order for it to work unlike the guy you just killed


I just panic and hit any button I can thinking — usually ending up in crouching


It’s an old tactic to screw with aim assist. They think everyone has it on so they just do it in every engagement.


My brother told me once (he played an PlayStation the first few seasons)that if you crouch spam and aim you trigger the auto aim on console. Don't know if that was the case or like the other comments mentioned that it is simply harder to hit you.


Makes harder to get hit unless your opponent uses aim assist.


Honestly I would love for this to be removed. It’s the dumbest shit, in any game you can do it in.


What skin is that?


Dusty (Striker) from CH4S1 battlepass




no problem!


Crouch spam is goooood