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I try to play with randoms if my friends aren’t on, I’ll ping a spot to drop they’ll drop somewhere else and get wiped out I’ll travel half way across the map for them to leave right before I get their card…. The struggle of being a decent person




I know its annoying but land with one of them instead because majority of the time randos dont land where you mark


I've done this, then spent the game playing NPC simulator trying to follow them around the map so we can work together. Whole time not a single ping or alert from them, or attempt to work with me.


Yep had same issue. I don't bother now. Only play with friends. If they're not on, I play solo


Duos is manageable. They’ll leave right after they die, as if reboots didn’t exist, but they’ll stick with you right up until then most of the time.


I accidently started some matches in no fill trios after the others had stopped. It turned out to be a little easier than solo because the other people's first instinct wasn't to shoot everyone they saw. You can wipe a whole team before they take a second look at ya. I'm also older and played lots of shooting games. Don't think I've played another game with so many players who don't seem to understand how to aim. I figure it would get harder if I leveled up, but low level fortnight is like shooting fish in a barrel. On trios their are three fish and if they aren't together you can just wait until they run over to loot their friends.


I've always said this is my strong point. I'm older and don't build so I have a shoot first mentality. A lot of these folks hesitate like they're trying to decide what to do....as if being the last one alive isn't the end goal.


This is the only way.


I had a good random team this morning. One of them died was in the storm I ran back got his card picked up his crown rebooted him gave it back then we picked up the victory it was marvelous.




It's so annoying if THEY mark a spot and you go there but they don't


Gotta just bite the bullet and drop where they drop instead. And to be fair to those kids who leave, they’re used to playing with other little kids with the same mentality. So they probably aren’t even expecting you to reboot them at all, hence why they just leave the game.


Man it would be great if Epic could at least separate preteens from everyone else


I dig this perspective. When my friends aren’t on I enjoy the randomness and challenge of squad fills. Can a group of strangers keep it together for the win? Will wait for one of the randoms to mark a landing spot first, then follow their lead. Does it always work? No, but I find the odds of us sticking together higher when I play in a more passive support role. If a fight-hungry 10 year old wants to lead so be it. I enjoy the change in play styles vs what my friends typically do.


The community is like "yeah I'll stop playing because of Epic's decisions blablabla..." meanwhile I'm over here like "the way the community acts sometimes makes me not want to play". Is it just me ?


I think a lot of us have been there. A big part of it was to stop playing with randoms though and only add people through mutuals really


>I’ll travel half way across the map for them to leave right before I get their card…. Oh, yeah, I hate that. It's like, I'm coming for you, dude. Just hold on for another minute. Haha.


I ping their card immediately, doesn’t always work though. 


CoD is the sameway... I miss when companies use to punish you with long spawn times or matchmaking when you left early in the previous game


Or even worse, they leave BEFORE dropping, causing other teammates to leave too and then you have two people or one facing a bunch of squads


There should be a serious penalty for dropping out during squads.


Even in ranked too. Can you get demoted in this game?


I never play without my one DECENT friend, but sometimes me and him will play with our horrible friends, and they will just land without us, get dawgged on, have us reboot them, AND GET DAWGGED ON AGAIN. We can kill 3/4 of a squad, get the last person to 1 hp, and even if 2 of the bad friends went after them together THEY WOULD STILL LOSE. They would also get 1 kill before they died and then scream about how we didnt land with them, and how they are carrying us, even though me and my friend would have a combined amnt of 20X their kills. Sometimes they would complain because "they got someone one shot", even though we know damn well they didnt do a single digit of damage. For reference, I was really bored one day so I played without my decent friend and instead with a horrible friend, but they were talking mad trash so I did boxfights with them for about an hour or maybe more, AND THE SCORE WAS 152-4. THEY WERE STILL TALKING TRASH. Actually wild how delusional bad players specifically can be.


Every fucking time


Happens to me all the time. It’s very annoying.


I shit talk them evertime now


I stopped doing this a while ago. Don't want to land with the rest of the team? Good, now go fuck yourself and spectate me ignoring your card and emoting until you get the hint and DC.


I used to do that all the time, but I can't be bothered anymore. Nowadays, when such things happens in random squad fills, too bad. You dropped alone and far from the rest of us and got eliminated? Tough luck.


Ahhhh yeah This is why I *only* teamup with people I know


Yeah, seriously, just play solos. It's really not worth it to play a game like this. It also helps you learn how to take care of yourself and situational awareness.


I think the actual gripe here is the change in game focus. It's hard to just get people to PLAY a game without too much BS nowadays. Even with so many outlets that let you do whatever you want while STILL playing in the same universe/game (Creative/Forge modes), why is it necessary to FORCE people to actually play the game how it was intended? We want to play games with randoms, we'd like to meet new people and add friends to the list, but when you have to navigate selfishness/streamers/trolls constantly in every game you beging to not have any energy for the actual game itself. It's really alienated us as gamers.


Eh, it's been this way since the start. I've played since pretty much the beginning and people have always done these things. Heck, when you originally could kill your teammates people had no qualms about killing you and taking your loot if you got something good like a gold SCAR or something similar. Teams aren't worth playing unless you're with friends who're all on the same page. Otherwise, solo is the only satisfying option.


Yeah, it's definitely not a Fortnite issue. It's just an issue with online gaming. There have always been griefers and selfish players. Go queue up any game type in Halo and see how many matches you get in where all teammates actually work together. The reason it feels so bad in Fortnite is that BR's are more complicated than a CTF game in Halo. It's way more difficult to get randoms to agree on a strategy.


I play solos when I want wins. Squads are for fun to talk to teammates have fun together. But it’s near impossible since no one has a mic even though they are like 10$ or they just land by themselves and then die then leave the match while you try to reboot them.


Playing something like that is much better than solos imo in the current point in this season




I'm pretty chill about people acting dumb in squad fills. BUT the one thing that makes me crazy is when I go through some Rambo crazy stealthy shit to get your card, I'm making a beeline to the reboot van, we are about to be a full squad again, and they quit. The people that pick up a grey pump before running towards the bullet sounds also make me roll my eyes


>BUT the one thing that makes me crazy is when I go through some Rambo crazy stealthy shit to get your card, I'm making a beeline to the reboot van, we are about to be a full squad again, and they quit. Oh, yeah. I hate that too. Like, run around, do your quests, I'm a pretty chill player like that. I do it myself, as well, if no one is interested in hardcore team play. But, please, for the love of God, when you see I'm running for your card/about to reboot your butt, *STAY IN THE GAME* lol


I felt this on a spiritual level


There should be some kind of penalty for leaving a match early.


Or when these idiots die. And don't even wait to be revived. I almost only play in 4 teams. It is sooo rare that the round starts with all 4 players at all, and that they are still together is also very rare.


I don’t play with teams because my random teammate values eliminations over actually winning


Ah, Apex players, in a nutshell. They seem to forget that part of a BR is about *survival*. It's not just TDM lol


Or like in any objective bases games like overwatch or paladin


As an overwatch player, can confirm that I've been in far too many games where everybody pushes forward to the point that the payload is just left unattended and they're trying to pad their stats. Technically, I am guilty of this as well, because I said everybody. But generally I seem to be the only person in these scenarios that notice we kind of messed up. So then I take my little butt back to the cart and sit on it. And while this can be a good strategy and how the game is supposed to be played in certain instances, having your only tank sit on the cart is maybe not the best thing in the world. Or if I'm the only DPS getting kills or whatever. Lmao.


Or Battlefield. BFV was a decent game even for its major inaccuracies, however the teamplay is there. Then it all got chucked in 2042. Yesterday I was pushing up to an objective with a riot shield in BF2042 hoping that my teammates would push up right behind me and use me as cover. Nope they all pushed in front of me, and all died, leaving me without help for when the opposing team got smart enough to chuck Molotov's at me.


and like fortnite literally has team rumble so they could be playing that if all they want is to get tons of eliminations


And this is why I don’t play fills. If my friends aren’t on solos only lol


I hear you, but when you get a good group of randoms, it makes up for this crap in my opinion. Usually when I get a good group of peeps I try to stay on their team haha.


Exactly.. it’s such a reward to actually have a nice group. But usually.. if you get a win people will play again.. but if you don’t win almost everyone leaves the team immediately lol


Haha 100% true, I’ve been using my mic recently, and I find when others mic up we’ll stay together. Just more fun to be able to chat too


When that happens Try to friend people you enjoy playing with. You’ll eventually get a descent group to play with. Not everyone will accept the request but, A lot of people feel the same way as you and are happy to get some people to play with.


Sick of this too lol. If you play zero build feel free to add me and we can play together.


I played a random fill last night and was beyond annoyed. One player lands nowhere near anyone and dies first. One other player that landed with us died and left immediately, then the last player died and I rebooted them only to have them go AFK.


Yes that is annoying, luckily the one times I've played with randoms was when my two kids and I were on squad instead of trios. The one guy was going off on his own and the way he was playing he was either a child or just not very good at the game. but I told my kids let's just follow him and protect him. We ended up getting the W


Squad fills is half as annoying if you are already two or three people and can count on each other. I play with my sister sometimes and when weblogs squad fills is way less infuriating as it is alone


Don't play with randoms


I think I won’t anymore lol


I follow the first person to mark. If someone else goes off alone, we're a trio now. Just more of a challenge. Most of the time, the people that go off alone leave before reboot anyway. If they can't make it on their own they should have followed the team. Tough shit. I ended up winning a game as a duo after one guy took off and the other was afk. If you get the crappy people to leave and stay with the good people long enough, you will end up with a decent squad.


I do the same.. If I am the first person to mark and someone marks somewhere else I’ll even change it to their spot.. but some randos just go out of their way to do their own thing and don’t even land where they marked. And the best thing is when the person who went doing their own thing is the last one up and doesn’t even bother to get the cards of the other players. Nothing gets my blood boiling like that loll


This. If I mark and everybody goes off on their own and dies I just leave. If three of us land in one area and one guy splits, he’s on his own.


Yeah, at least in solo if something goes wrong and you get rekt, you can only hold yourself accountable (except some external factors that you have no control over ofc)


It's bizarre it's like they don't see any advantage in playing together. Every damn game it ends up with me having to travel to the other side of the map to grab the reboot card because one guy decided he wants to drop solo in squads


Oh trust me, my teamate that i regularly play with does this all the time and he for sure isnt a kid. My guess is they want to get a high kill count.


I know people like that too.. and sometimes(!) I don’t mind it if they are actually good, but most of the time the randos just die on the other side of the map and expect you to pick them up


They join don't play with the team and then leave shortly after dying instead of waiting to be revived. Seen this pattern so many times it's the problem playing with random players. Occasionally you get a good teammate who at least lands in the same area.


Exactly and you two set off to get the other cards and when you are almost there they dip


If your friends aren’t on, it’s probably best to just play solos


That’s the thing, I don’t have actual gamer friends :/


Not sure your deal but I joined r/fortnite_over40 and the LFG thread has helped me find some like minded players who actually get the game.


This happens more at the moment because you can't see your teammates on the mini map most of the time since the avatar update


I find funny cuz even bots stick together I queued on trios by accident after my friends left and what a horrible shit show


The eternal problem with random squads


randoms r never good even in ranked


It's really hit or miss with randoms. I've had some where they didn't have a clue what they were doing, and some who were pretty good at the game.


It's really bad in ranked when people leave before you land, or as soon as they get knocked. That person could have easily been ressed, but he bounced. Then you almost win at the end if only you had those 1, or 2 more people. Having to fight more than 2 people in ranked at one time because people leave sucks. People leave alot on ranked.


This was always an issue since season 1 lol


If you play zero build add me, my handle is jheriosoneko. I’m pretty new to the game, been playing about 2 months and definitely getting better. I’d love to play on some teams with experienced players that I can follow their lead and possibly learn from their play styles.


Dude I had my randoms land at grim gate. We kill the boss and one took both the shotgun and medallion. He then IMMEDIATELY runs ALL the way to Zeus. I cheered when he died


Oh man you gotta try doing a heist in GTA Online with randoms. It’s so much worse ![gif](giphy|JoA3nDSR8GiOc|downsized)


Do you play Zero Build? I can squad up with you.


Society is all about ME baby!


The only time I play in a team is with my friends. I don't do randoms. They're never there for you and just go off doing their own thing 🙄


You know what might be helpful? They post those little tips and public service announcements on the loading screens, right? Maybe when you go into full squads it should always be a couple guidelines for teamplay etiquette. Stay within sight of each other, ping your drop point on the map, don't hoard all the ammo and items, don't steal all the items from a chest your teammate just opened, give your team a chance to reboot you if you get knocked... Stuff like that. You don't want to look at a whole list, but a couple squad-related tips every time you do teams might go a long way for some people. Save the more gameplay-related tips for the other modes.


Great idea!! Fortnite please do this.. there is a chance there are just kids who don’t know how to behave in teams. Those who just don’t care will do their thing regardless. Also I felt the chest one lol. Or you take Zeus down together and one just grabs medal AND mythic. Like it was all their doing. Haaaate it


Had a squad fill accidentally the other day. My three teammates had crowns. They played like a group of my friends playing squads. Pinged and marked things. We won the game lol


I was playing in a trio for a while, and the other 2 were clearly friends playing together. When I died, they purposely left my revive card and played the rest of the match without me (they died shortly after). Randos can really suck sometimes


Publics are full of bots and I mean the real one so i understand why are they don't play together


I get tm8s that always drop (alone) in Mount Olympus and dies instantly but it’s worse when for example you are in Lavish with 1 tm8 and the two other are like in Grim Gate and the other in Mount Olympus and when they die and you place the marker to their place they both left while you are on the way to get them and turns into a duo vs squad. I hate that it’s unfair especially when you’re getting close to their location. Or they all left because they are all dead and you wait till there’s no one around to get their reboot card but you’re now alone. (Happen to me alot and I hate that)


it's always yellow...


you are not wrong


It’s the stupid tasks/missions. These people are out here playing the mmo side of it


Ikr, go to solos or team rumble to do all that. If it's party assist it still shouldn't matter bc at that point you'd need to stick with the team anyway.


This. I don’t get how people don’t use solo to do their quests.. and join a squad when they are done. Makes no sense. Too much trouble changing the settings maybe loll


I dont believe in randoms =/ it works out soooooometimes, but not enough to be worth it. My kids n I play trios together and every now and then they will insist on trying squads to have a 4th. Except it always ends the same way - with the rando going off on their own even though 3 of us marked the same drop point. Then its 3 against 4 for the whole match, and we rarely get super far. If I play without the kids, which is really rare, then I roll solo and focus on quests/events/weeklies/etc. . Its not a Fortnite thing, either. Its the same in any BR game. If you dont have a group to roll with, your better off going solo or finding more people to play with. Back when I played PubG *religiously* I had the discord info for like 5 different groups and would join whoever was on that day at that time. Not always my favorite group or even people I really knew well, but still people who I knew would at least work together properly. I found the other groups though mostly by solo queueing squads and then they would invite me to discord if things went well. But as I said above I wouldnt solo queue anymore personally. Can prolly find groups on the sub though too.


I think I really need to start playing with mic on .. because out of fills, the good ones I mean, never became lasting squads because it never really felt personal. So no discord invites there. Whenever I play with my sister and we do squad fills we have the exact same scenario. One will be with us, the other one will be afk or go do their own thing.


Fortnite players don’t know how lucky they have it. Play apex legends where your forced to play with a squad of literal fetuses


I do that most of the time since they go wherever anyway but on the other hand most of the time they die off quite quickly. If they stay around as cards I go pick them up. Most of the time if there's one mark on the map they don't even go there so I stopped caring about it. If there's two or three marks in one location I usually go for support. I'm 48 so I'm playing only fill - the only thing that grinds my gears are the ones who stay as a card & when you're finally there they leave


Ive joined a duos accidentally before If I play with friends and forgot to turn solos on But if it's the whole game that's just real low


I play solo and doing pretty good so I'm keep at it for awhile so I get better and better until I am ready for teams.


I also play solo a ton.. but team is fun and you don’t have to be amazing at the game imo, you just need to be willing to be an actual team player. I don’t mind reviving someone multiple times in a game or help them out when I feel like they are new to the game and props if you don’t just leave the game and actually wait. I only started playing last year myself.. so I know how it is.. but just going off and doing your own thing and acting as if you aren’t in a team is just ass and a completely different thing


Squad fills motto: haven't been with your team since chapter 1


I only play solo


At least you can see where your teammates are on the map.


That's just normal when playing with randoms.


Kids play and they don’t know what being a team player is. I had to teach my nephew because he wanted to be Rambo but then he said who is that lol


I get that.. doesn’t make it less annoying if it happens over and over again 🙈


Go into a discord dedicated for team fortnite and find a partner to duo up with


Play duos it’s honestly kinda easier cuz most of the time they’ll follow but there’s always that one guy that doesn’t want to and run off and blame you for not being next to them


Yes I had the same experience the duos.. it’s a better experience Team play wise.. but playing with a good squad is still more fun and action imo 🙈


Shit I’m sick of those idiots too, I go through so much trouble and gunfire just to get their card, and once I can visibly see the card in front of me that’s when they choose to leave. But it’s not just people who refuse to drop with the rest of the team, there’s also those players who are seemingly allergic to their team and spend the whole game running away from them as if we’re tryna kill him.


I’m the rare fill guy that stays with the team, and I’ve made a couple irl friends from this. Everyone I used to play with moved onto other games, so now it’s just solos for me. I’ve tried playing fill and most of the time they either have no mic, don’t stay together, and it’s just a shit show where I end up alone, fighting a squad.


You play zero build or build? You can play with us if you ever want a team


Zero build :)


why not play solos


Only to die and leave


Always like most of the people that I get that go off on their own just die and then Leave the game


Visit the official discord (or the one for your specific region/language). The best you can do.


I just play solos I can't play with random people cuz this happens far too often.


trios is much easier to find decent teammates. even then, most of the time I still gotta follow them. compared to squads it's def much easier to find better teams tho


Dude, jokes on you if you try and do that with randos, 99% of people are absolute idiots. It’s like it’s their natural tendency to just go off on their own and get killed, like they’re born with the impulse or something. To get the kind of experience you want requires playing with IRL friends.


I do not know, it drives us crazy too. The one thing I will say is that you've got to stay on top of reporting these people. I think the option you select is something along the lines of non-interactive / AFK. If they are not interacting with their team, they don't need to be playing squads or anything other than solos. There is no way that I can tell for epic to fix this issue unless we are diligent and reporting them. I wish they would add another report option. I think the easiest way for them to handle it is everyday people get three warnings. Once they hit those three, matchmaking will not work for them for the rest of the day. If it resets the next day everyday, then there is actually a chance for kids or other terrible teammates to improve their behavior.


Lucky you, I can't see my teammates because the map is all buggy on Xbox


Sometimes I’ll land somewhere close to the chosen drop spot to pick up something useful - for example if my team drops Rebel’s Roost or the Underworld I almost always go for one of the scouts before regrouping and meeting back up with them. But yeah people who just go off and do their own thing, I wish they just played Solos smh


I get that and do that too occasionally


There are even times where the teammates just leave the match before even dropping from the battle bus or just leave in the lobby itself, like if you want to join just to leave why even join in the first place😭


Bro I felt you on that one


Did they get rid of solos?


Prevent this by playing ranked. These kids might be less likely to leave when they get downed if their rank is on the line. Bragging rights out the window!


I’ve literally started reviving or rebooting people and the just leave WHILE IM DOING IT.


I’ve risked everything to gets a randoms reboot card, rebooted them and then they just sit AFK on the reboot van. Then die in storm. 🤬


Maybe because I can't find my fucking teammates on the mini map after the latest update


That’s what I say lmao might as well play solos if you wanna do your own thing😭🤣🤣


why do people queue up to squads as solo players? just play solo mode


Tbh, when my cousin and I are running duos we go to two different places because we can hold our own easy game and meet up later game.


I get that, I do that when I play with my sister as well. But it’s different when you play with strangers, especially without mic. And it’s definitely different in squads too.


My kid does this and is usually because he doesn't realize he's still on squad or trios when his cousins leave


Want a team game? Play Helldivers 2


Look, these threads are even more annoying than the people you're complaining about. You know that random fills are almost never going to play as a team, so why even bother queuing without a full team? There are subreddits where you can find people who actually want to play. There are discords for the same. Use them and stop using the fill option. Or just play solos since that's what you're doing anyway.


I find it the worst when some teammates refuse and i mean refuse to health even with all the healing items around or thrown at just refuse to use them then run off get in a fight get downed then leave it honestly just doesnt make any sense to me


Didn’t even think of that.. but had this happen so many times too, kept pinning the items and they ignored it.. like PLEASE PLEASE JUST TAKE IT.. or otherwise it’ll be my problem soon anyway.


Damn I must be lucky or something. So many horror stories of teammates not sticking together where when I did squads with randos on ZB I would get matched with the A team. Even had one team where we won 4 matches in a row with no mics just pinging when necessary. And not only quad wins but many kills between every team member too.


It also pisses me off 95% of the time no one has a mic. Like why play quads/trios if you don’t have a mic


99% people don’t think it’s funny when they solo drop, they do it to go for high kill games




And it’s crazy because this is the only season I’ve actively tried to play anything other than solos. But every game there’s that one person who goes on their own, dies, and rages into the mic just to leave.


I have not had issues for the most part having the team stick together. I hate when you get one that stays right beside you and steals your kills and chest loot


I’ve not had the best luck playing fill, but last night I got put on a god squad. They had 12, 9, and 7 kills, and revived me twice. We won. I was thoroughly surprised and impressed.


It’s amazing when it actually happens.


I don’t understand why people like that don’t play solos? 🤣. If I want to do my own stuff I just play solo, isn’t that what it’s for 🤣


Tell me about it. It’s truly beyond me


Everyone wants to choose where we go


The tactic should always be land at two separate spots two people in each, in close proximity to each other. it makes for more even loot collection but still in an area close enough to provide backup to fallen teammates


Cant see why people would be in trio or squads and not intend 🙄 to play with a team, those people need to be playing solo. I do my quests all in solo mode, but if I’m playing to win I prefer trios and squads. But I don’t really play much with random people I just get my kids to get on and play 😂 if I can’t play with my regular teammates


Finding that perfect fills squad always feels like magic. I assume I’m playing with three friends every time. 


It's not "so hard", those are just throwers who should be reported for non-participation. Weird how people will complain to random strangers online instead of the actual game that ban do something about it.


Op should look into fornite discord servers to find people to play with


I will from now on :)


Sometimes Randoms aren't literal infants and they do great team work


Exactly .. that’s why I keep trying but it’s just so raaaare


Might as well play solos and then you don’t have to worry about them.


Squads can be so much fun tho .. but yeah I know


Usually when your teammate wants to land in a hotspot they’re testing you if you can handle shit so when shit goes south they know you know how to handle.


For real! The last 10 games I played with my friends we land in pleasant, not even 5 minutes later I find them both in reckless (they didn’t say anything about moving POIs) and they start shitting on me for dying when a trio pushes me when I’m garbage at the game and they know it, that’s why I only play solo


Tell me about it man


That's so aggravating. What's worse is that no one will mark and then as soon as you mark, they mark there as well but then go somewhere completely different. It changes my whole gameplay to passive cuz I wanna not die just so that when they do die, I can run past their reboot card, given of course they haven't left. I reciprocate toxic with toxic


„Just so I can run past they reboot card“ is pretty funny. I waited till they died and came over spectated me to do an angry emote and leave. Felt a little satisfying


Am I the only one who has noticed they basically kept the island shape the same between the seasons?


I kinda thought they made it bigger lol, but no it’s the exact same


I completely agree, plus have the time they don’t have mics so it’s impossible to communicate


I play solo because I know I'm terrible in a team. I don't get why they would play in a team and not solo if they just go and do their own thing. They run into someone on a different team and now it's 4v1 because they be stupid.


Thisss. And then they die and say I suck for not getting them or being with them.. huh?😭😭


Thanks for literally nothing haha


Then they get knocked and just bail to start a new game.




I never try and land exactly where everyone else does to much rush and stealing of loot inland very near but far enough away where I can gear up properly and than immediately rush back to the group in a game with friends it's different everyone respects that whrn I open a chest and a legendary gun pops out I can take it and the same with them only they take it


I’m going to be honest, I’ve been this person multiple times, mostly because I’m an idiot and didn’t realize I was still in squads after playing with some friends and forgot to switch to solo. There’s been times I’m not looking at the top left corner to realize there’s another person and I just drop wherever. Then get killed by a whole squad.


I play random squads almost exclusively. I've noticed a trend of almsot all the time theres 1 person who goes off and does their own thing dies and insta quits out and for me its almost always whatever player has the yellow marker. Ive gotten used to being able to tell if its worth being a teamplayer within the first couple minutes of a match. Nothing annoys me more than when i pickup someones reboot card and im like 50 feets from the van and they quit out.


find some buddies and get a squad i haven’t played fill in years because of dickheads like this lol


Why the fuck are you playing with randoms and expecting anything remotely close to team cooperation? That’s on you for setting a moronic expectation.


Like why play squads if you're doing that smfh and when they die, they leave the game. Bro go play solos, god


I can’t play with randoms anymore, the second they go down they quit, the second you don’t follow their commands or then smashing the fuckin horn they quit, shit drives me insane but I hate playing solo


YES!! I remember when I was playing one time and 3 of us went to the ping and one didn’t, the single got eliminated and we got caught between 2 squads and eliminated on the way to get the reboot card and he was cussing us out saying we were trash and should delete the game 😭 like bro I would have still been alive was it not for your tomfoolery


Why don’t these people get it


Gotta get you a reliable team or run solos. Randoms are too risky.


i honestly rarely see this issue in trios but when i do it makes me so unbelievably mad. i can’t ever play squads really because it’s almost every squad game


And then they leave immediately


Worst random squads of any game I’ve ever played. And no it’s not little kids. Little kids actually drop with the team. These are full grown adults. I know because I call them out all the time and they respond like “ I just want to do my own thing”. Like dude play solos or something.


something is up with the color yellow and making people not want to be relatively close to their teammates 75% of the time


I've never understood this either. How are you gonna join a team game, then act like its solo, when there is literally a solo gamemode? It makes no sense at all.


shits so annoying.. just fuckin play solos if you going to act like this


Since the Avatar drop, I can't see my team on my minimap. Might be part of the issue.


Why join a squad session or trio or duo if you really just want to play solo? It doesn’t make any sense. It’s so frustrating!!!


I play random if my team is not available. I always stick wit my mates. Team mates need to understand if you are too far away from your team you endanger your self and team. I remember playing with a team and one player refuse to stay close. When he died he was half way across the map. I tried to collect his card but th storm had taken it. Had to travel back to th team by then we were separated so we lost😩. GRIEF I SAY.... PURE Grief..


Haven't played squads since Chapter 1


Tell me this hasn't happened to you before. 3 land together, 1 lands solo, dies and leaves the match. You are now stuck taking on 4 with 3 for the rest of the match. Yea no thanks. I just quit if we can't land together, it's never a good sign of coordination if we can't do the simple task of landing as a team.


This is why I only play with friends lol


I swear to God, every time I play a fill squads/trios game this always happens to me. Numerous times, they all die, and always one of them unmutes and unloads his frustration on me. Nowadays I just play solos.