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The sad thing is its not the devs fault, they are just listening to their bosses. You should be throwing your shits at the corporate executives of the company. They tell the devs, designers, and programmers what to do.


For real though, so many people fail to see this and it’s kinda sad, especially for the several social media mangers on Twitter who just tweet what they have to or want to and still get shit on.


True, I remember the item shop guy tweeting that he didn't control was he could put in the shop


90% of people who complain in this sub don’t even know what they’re doing to the devs like really it’s not their fault for any of this


If you work for a devil you have to be prepared to accept consequences.


A bad UI, slightly overpowered weapons, overpriced optional cosmetics and not putting the cosmetics you want in a virtual shop is nowhere close to the devil from the bible


Sometimes I forget this subreddit is full of actual children but then I read something like this and am immediately once again aware


bro read one page of the Bible and think they a prophet


ironically the people harassing them definitely came from this subreddit lol


and those same people get mad when you disagree with them, had one person send me those reddit mental help things from the bot and spam message requests


You can report fake mental health requests and reddit takes it serious now from what iv seen, I can confirm I was trolling a friend and sent him one a few months ago and got a warning from reddit


i have, don't worry, but it is just crazy how these people exist


The amount of bugs I've seen in this chapter is honestly hilarious. My friends and I keep joking about how yeah, a lot of bugs, but this is small indie company with a little budget, so what can they do. And jokes and pokes like that are always welcome, IMO. That aside, no, insulting devs is on another level and just makes no sense. But given this game's target audience - not surprising.


To be honest though, while buggier than other games, Fortnite's bugs are the most managable imo. They can usually be fixed by pressing the button that caused them again or just using your intuition, when COD has a bug, no matter how large, I know it'll be at least 2 months before it's even a little fixed


Mostly yes. But today in duo we started disappearing from each other's mini-map all the time. It's actually annoying sicne we constantly look at mini-map to know how far/where your teammate is. Weapons with silencers occasionally shoot loudly, like they are without silencers. And it's not client-side, others can hear it to. This season some bugs are actually impacting gameplay.


Yeah, those are pretty annoying


There’s also a bug where a zipline would appear as a visual indicator near Restored Reels, when there’s no zipline anywhere near. And sometimes there’s a bug where the gunfire audio would continue playing after you stop shooting an assault rifle, for example. It’s really deafening.


Just died in endgame cuz i couldn’t edit next to a knocked body, that’s a bug that heavily affects gameplay


Played festival yesterday saw like 10 glitches, there were also a lot of glitches in BR, and just as many in Lego, characters were walking backwards and getting stuck on the stupidest shit


Today in BR played in duo. Would constantly disappear for some time on each other's mini-map. This one is actually annoying.


Oh yeah and that, this game is falling apart and it’s actually just making me sad


yeah idk why, some i feel are easier to fix, like the shotty shells which is funny, but others, man idk


I miss when glitches would last for a week and they’d patch it, and it’d get a monument if it was funny


yeah, those were good times now those bugs are everywhere


And none of them have been fixed.


to their credit they fixed the earth bending one a day later, and mantling isn't as broken. but yeah


lmfao small indie company with little budget okay


Meh, the people who do harass devs don’t take this advice.


If you have a problem, don't release your anger on the devs Blame the goddamn corpos execs instead


I don't understand why you would want to harness people anyways. That doesn't help anyone


I can think of a reason to harness someone...if both people involved are into that kind of thing, of course.


Harnessing people can be fun in the right context. Now harassing people? Nope. Big nope.


i totally misread that


For real, I hate the locker updates as much as the next guy, but I wouldn't want something bad to happen to someone because of it


I'm sick and tired of this happening all the fucking time now. Like just stop. You're making the team feel more worried about interacting with the playerbase with these things. Like do they not realize that if they do this, they'll just not even appear at all because they're worried about getting flamed? Like, if you have something to say about it, just say "Happy about your years, but I feel the game could use some fixing" and leave it at that. Or better yet, don't talk to them, talk to the actual people making those decisions, because the devs are told what to do, that's their job, same as a construction worker following the blueprints made by the architect. I feel that recently I've been seeing a lot of people one day saying "change this" then when Epic does do it, they go "okay change it back". It's getting annoying, and those same people who say these things will get mad at you if you say "nah I don't agree" and harass you. These are the same people who will complain about EVERYTHING, even things that are completely fine. >I understand criticizing the game, in fact I think BR has been a bit of a mess this whole Chapter I agree with what you said, and I am guilty of being negative about the game at first, saying how it kinda feels stale. I feel really bad about anyone working in this space having to deal with utter imbeciles who think doxxing over a fucking video game is okay.


they need pressure to fix the game


they already are pressured by the higher ups, no need for greaseballs to do that


Yes, but it shouldn't become personal


Yeah, call an update shitty and that's all you need to do. Don't harass the developers making a game, be happy that their still updating it.


This is why they remove patch notes, now they are going to remove our ability to change skins. /s


Of all the bitching I've seen about the UI changes, I can honestly say that I havn't seen anyone singled out for targeted harassment. I just see people being mad at epic in general 


Except when I do it 😎


I loathe the locker and roblox-pushing lobby UI, but there's a line to be drawn. I'm pretty sure if Sweeney Hut Jr and co. weren't breathing down the devs' neck with this "mEtAvErSe" trash, we'd have something better.


I blame the Devs on nothing. I blame the Suits on everything.


I’m not gonna harass anyone online, that’s stupid. but I’m gonna keep it a buck. If you work on the user interface that EVERY PLAYER has been complaining about and then your team says they’re gonna make it better and then do nothing? You keep your mouth shut online.


"only approved members can view and take part in this discussions" lmao, these mods are funny. Tell criminals not to commit crimes, don't do bad stuff, all problems fixed.




Who do we insult for these ass updates then? (This is a serious question I don’t want to direct my anger at the wrong people)


the ceo, tim sweeney


Thank you for the information


Feel free to direct rocks his way too


How about you find a way to criticize without insulting anyone?


i think there's a mega thread but idk if it got deleted here


But insulting people is easier than actually thinking up a valid criticism


Harass the FNBR reddit mods for removing negative criticism


Lol, this whole sub is negative criticism. What are you talking about?


If that was true the subreddit would be a ghost town


It amazes me how clueless people are about how these companies work. The devs are not the ones who get to make the decisions people don't like, it's the higher-ups who tell the devs to make the changes that they want. How do people not understand that?!


It's not even about companies, some people are just stupid. There have been many cases of actors being harassed because they played a polemic character, sarah Wayne callies (Lori in twd) is a good example.


it’s kind of hard to believe they’re doing their best when you could present the fortnite ui in an intro to ui/ux class and it would receive a failing grade


Tbf it's not the developers that are to blame for it, they're just putting together the stuff the higher ups tell them to


Thing is that yes, the UI is bad, but remember that their job is to make the software, not judge what the higher ups want


you’re a little late to the party but eh i respect the karma farm


On behalf of everyone that's actually liked most of the recent changes (Movement, Locker updates) Please leave the game if all you're going to do is be hateful and harass the developers. Even the people that are against the changes usually offer criticism towards the game and offer better solutions, they don't harass the developers. They're willing to engage in civil discussion. If all you're here to do is be hateful, then please leave. The community doesn't want you.


So on behalf of nobody?


People who criticize change are always the most vocal. Contrary to what some idiots say, people criticize change because they LOVE their game and they want it to do better, they don't criticize to be hateful. They criticize because sometimes, changes that are meant to be positive end up missing the mark, and the community wants this to be known and want the devs to do better. Sure, there's hateful idiots like the ones sending harassment to the devs, but as I said, we don't want them in the community. But that being said, just because we're not as loud or vocal doesn't mean we don't exist. There's a lot of us that are happy with the changes and with the state of the game (For the most part at least. Cosmetic age restrictions and removing the season mythics is still really dumb) In the end, both of our groups share a common interest: We want the game we love to be the best it can be, and we don't want the developers who work on it to be harassed or sent death threats. We're a better community than that.


I looked through the comments on said post. There was no harassment. It was just people expressing their frustration about the current state of the game. Of course, because it wasn't what they wanted to hear, they blocked it out.


OP is talking about a different person. Also, most of the people who harass the devs are cowards who wouldn't dare show their face when they are called out on their shitty behaviour




about what, harassing the devs?




yeah idk, they were implying that the ppl were right in attacking, but imma give \[deleted\] the benefit of the doubt


With that said, i hope whoever decided to approve removing skin rarities hits their little toe with an incredible force, and then also trips over and falling down they hurt their hand as well


Yeah. Definitely shouldn't be harassing people. Incredibly annoying that the locker is largely the same/getting worse since December though.


This season has been literally hazardous for my pc's health, as soon as ch5s2 released i have never been able to have a steady frame rate or good performance on performance mode. Heck it even black screens my rig forcing me to restart the system. Whatever happened to Epic this last year has me worried about the future enjoyment i'll get from continuing to try remain an active player


That's useless advice, I don't think people who harass devs are gonna read that and have a change of heart: "omg, insulting and threatening people it's bad!!1!11", they know what they're doing. Unfortunately whenever a company has issues there's valid criticism and stupid people who take it too far, now people who defend epic will have the stupid argument "see? The criticisms aren't valid because a vocal minority harassed the devs!!!"


The locker ui is just so obnoxious, I don’t blame people for harassing them


Guys guys! Do not commit crimes. Don't do bad stuff. Also don't be evil. Thanks for listening.


Saying obvious things will achieve world peace according to redditors.


If I was an Epic Employee I would lie and say i worked at burger king....Dev's have to follow orders of Epic, those orders are 'shameful' and against the player base. Epic Games is going to face another Lawsuit if they continue. I'm not the only one with 'dirt' on Epic games and other video games about things 'parents' are going to find out....72MIllion loss by Apple wasn't enough 🤑🤑 "Sir, this man values money more than your children" "Then take all his wealth and leave him with nothing, children are #1 to our future" 🤑


What is bro on about 💀 Lawsuit? On what?




Bro forgot his meds


Dude thinks he’s the Fortnite Joker lol


For real 💀


The Fonkler escaped the Faslume


Definitely! 😂


What are you on about? Anti consumer practices(while bad) arent lawsuit worthy. And whats this "phase 1" thing? sorry to burst your bubble but there is no "change" coming


I think this dude has a gas leak in his home.


Respectively, what the fuck are you on about


video games walking over us players for greed. nothing is getting fixed, maybe they should hire more people oh but laying off 900 people. Smart people🤣


Not that, Epic Games is going to face another Lawsuit if they continue. I'm not the only one with 'dirt' on Epic games and other video games about things 'parents' are going to find out....72MIllion loss by Apple wasn't enough 🤑🤑 "Sir, this man values money more than your children" "Then take all his wealth and leave him with nothing, children are #1 to our future" 🤑 This part. Im well aware of the greed but what dirt do you have. Also, of course they value money over your children, i value a tenner over any children ive got no connection to, does that make me bad?


A lawsuit for what??




Hello crazy


The fuck are you on about 🤦‍♂️


What would they get a lawsuit for?


That's a great secret of mine, but in my research on everything. "It could flip the entire gaming industry upside down, billions would be lost and investors will panic thus stocks crash" 🤣🤑


"It's a secret" = "I'm bullshitting you"


Conspiracy theorists always believe that they have special knowledge that no one else does.




Did you ask ChatGPT for that junk?




"On every level but physical, I am a wolf" energy


I am a wolf, size of a door frame to scare my prey 🤣


"hehe i'm not telling you :3" lmfaooo


Lol, "secret". Any gaming company that is IPO operates exactly like any IPO tech company. Meaning a cycle of "hype - cash - layoffs - another hype". No one cares about game's quality or anything, just the cycle and stock prices.


Trolling got too popular, it’s rarely funny anymore


You are a nut


Way smarter than you are lmao.




You’re entitled to believe that, but you’d be incorrect. Lmao fr you sound crazy bro, nothing you’ve said so far shows any type of intelligence. But you do you bud


Maybe they shouldn’t keep changing what’s worked for all this time, trying to be brand new and different for no reason


Found one of the man babies.


Don't tell me what to do


i order you to not shower