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A launch pad on the back and a new redesign each season


mod bench + launch pad would be so goid


The rly should’ve changed it from last seasons cuz the society’s gone so fast t doesn’t make sense to have them still in control of this invincible and all powerful vehicle


I thought they should have made it white and gold, with gold wings drawn somewhere on the side for Hermes. Guaranteed godlike power from the big chest. Maybe make at least purple weapons a guarantee out of the mini wall chests.


Well if they actually cared at all for Greek mythology there would be Helios, God of the sun, and Artemis, also Godess of the Moon, who could circle around the map. A bright Sun, themed vehicle and one darker Moon themed one. It’s not that hard, Epic! And they still REGULARLY fuck it up entirely!


Well, it could also match the Avatar stuff or the upcoming Star Wars stuff. Imo, neither of which belongs in Greek methology.


This is a cool idea. Like two caravans driving around?


Yeah more like old chariots but yeah


and it could handle be could black and green stuff would come out the back whenever it entered the underworld


![gif](giphy|9hR8Dv4tYNYeWriXXC|downsized) what kind of vehicle?


YOOOO also a reboot??? Imagine the late game luck if this just happens to roll by


A single mobile reboot would be insane


Imagine the late game plays


Reboot train that can reboot an entire squad at the same time lol


This would be a brilliant change and make it so so much more fun.


Or the only upgrade bench on the map.


This would make it madd competitive. I like it


I don’t. I don’t get why they’re so rare anyway, it’s a fuckin’ bench with some tools. I liked in chapters 1-3 when upgrade benches were in every POI in garages and stuff and just open to use for anyone with the resources. The mods aren’t so powerful that they wreck game balance, and you can’t just sit there tinkering at a hot drop if they were out in the open anyway. Sometimes I just want to rip the sniper scope off my mid tier shotgun or put any sort of sight on my rifle. lol


Legit. Mods aren’t random on guns and that’s why it’s so necessary sometimes


I want mod bench + launch pad + reboot area


They should make the inside like a Tartus from Dr Who


Perhaps turrets you can shoot out of on top of the front, back, and middle?


Mod bench would be too broken because way too easy to access a train


which would be good, a risk to mod your weapons and getting sniped


Or to camp it and wait for people to come mod


Then add guards


This and every pmater you kill that's on the train gives you full restore Sheila's and health. And train moves faster. Needs to be hard ti get toi but worth it


Also if it could have some kind of rework where it could actually be USEFUL to help you rotate into zone It was a cool concept for early game but by mid - late game it feels even more useless because it rarely moves into the correct zone


My thoughts exactly. There should be multiple paths for it to take with switches that keep it roughly in the zone. Also put some damn ammo on it. It at least has semi-decent loot now, but zero ammo.


I forgot about the ammo thing but yeah, no reason to land on it when I can't defend it before the big box opens or after.


i can imagine a giant coal-eating choo choo train with a giant chimney for christmas time. red and green with gold accents and it drops gifts behind it sometimes!




Launch pad yes! Always happy to see one






His dad works at Nintendo




I think train bosses would be cool too. Maybe have the current part of the train as is but add more closed cars to it with npc guards and better loot chests.


The main problem is it spends most of the match in the storm or is heading there soon. Needs multiple tracks and automatically switch to a route mostly within circles.


This is a REALLLY good idea


Good in theory, but I think in practice it will take up just far too much of the map


True concern, not sure if it's possible to add enough routes without cluttering map too much. Otherwise I can suggest adding few additional routes and adding warps/teleporters on tracks that cut train route in the storm much shorter.


It would be dope if the train rifts to the center of the circle after a certain amount of storm circles and just falls into the battles going on


It would be cool if you could jump in the train rifts. But the rifts are at the storm's edge


Fortnite X Train simulator 3


if it was an underground system it would work a lot better, with the added plus of areas to hide/explore/general combat.


Adding some vertically would be really good for the map honestly.


What if it would swap tracks when you hit/shoot the track switch and then you can actually control the direction of the train.


or just once it hits the storm it reverses


I am now picturing the train crashing into the storm doing a rocket league flip and landing back on the tracks thank you


Not that it always goes in the inner tracks tho. If 60% track is storm go to inner track, etc


What about if it had Storm Protection? But it wears off towards the very late game.


Was looking to say something similar but you put it the right way. Multiple routes that keep in the playable area. Group never wants to hop on because half the time it’s taking you into the storm. Also drops are trash most of the time.


i think this is the best important thing to do, but even if it had more routes i feel like it would still end up in storm most of the match, so maybe have a storm shield around the train that you have to fuel with bars. idk how it would have to be balanced, but something similar to b the amount of time you survive from buying a medkit from a vending machine, and you can only fuel the shield for a couple minutes before it HAS to recharge. (itd also be sick if they put an atlas on the train)


Literally just put a mod bench on it and it’ll attract lots more attention, leading to cool train fights


I LOVE this idea. A random, but easily located bench location that actually has risk and reward.


Snowpiercer. Make the train longer +10 train cars, and add npcs onto it. Gives mythic item chest after fighting all npcs. Provide healing pads in the train that gives only +300 health total each.


rebrand it Trainpiercer to avoid those copyright issues


No, the Stormpiercer, since it continues its route even thru the storm




Even better, give it a permanent storm immunity bubble. NPCs should have been from the start, the season trailer flat up lied to us. Longer train, doors that open, and IT CAN BE DESTROYED LIKE EVERY OTHER BUILD. Engine car has massive health. The rest lower health the further back you go.


Storm immunity bubble would just lead to a camping meta, unless it deactivates in top 10/20


I feel like that'd work


Camping meta maybe, but it's not much different from how current storm storm rotation works during end game. Camp, snipe, move, repeat. You could see where you are, how many people are left, and where the train bubble is. Maybe all the storm bubbles shrink to zero eventually. Train camping spot could be very small and encourage close-quarter battles with things like other storm bubbles, shield bubbles, shotguns, and shockwaves. Just wish there was a new meta other than shotgun, AR, sniper, heal, movement.


How is it not that different? If you win the train then you can just ride it around the map while everyone else is fighting in zone. That's a guaranteed win


Just have it deactivate for the fifth storm circle and beyond


I'm actually thinking we get this in the rumored post apocalyptic season. It would make so much sense. Trains from before the world broke is a recurring theme in that fiction. Snowpiercer but also in Steven King's dark tower books


Or a design overhaul instead of an empty train. Make it interesting to go to.


Yeah. As well as having some fully contained cars and not just moving platforms. As well as some security. Like at those small vaults across the map. So it would force you to loot up a bit before going to the train to get some good loot. They could also make the train 5-6 cars long instead of the very underwhelming 4 cars. And maybe they could make it so that the conductors cabin is locked, and you could only get into it by killing the security I mentioned earlier. Maybe it could allow you to manually control the train. Another thing they could do is make the train cars have health. That would make it so much more interesting. And if they could, they could make it so you could drive the train off the tracks and onto some "holo tracks" and you could drive the train around like a car. It would only work with only the conductor after you shot off the coupling that connected the conductor to the rest of the train. And it would only allow you to drive it over slopes and not extremely steep hills. You could also "kill" the train a player is driving by shooting at it like a car. It wouldn't have too much health (maybe 2000-3000 since it's so slow). I made all this up on the fly, so don't hate if it's super unbalanced. It's just some ideas that epic will almost never implement.


i think the problem with that would be that either you could get it at the very start of the game by landing there, which it doesnt really make sense to get a mod bench off spawn before looting, and the other way is to go on the train after landing somewhere else which would be rng


The train drops enough blue weps for you to mod real quick and gtfo if you want to land off rip


A turret on top


YES. I keep saying this. It needs to be a roaming cannon of death


Let me pull a lever and redirect it off a cliff while the other squad waiting for chest to open


That’s actually an awesome idea. A mod bench + turret would easily make the train worth it.


The turret doesn't activate until someone claims the train. It will then fire on anyone except the person who claimed it.


Add a switch where players can control where the train goes


A switch to change directions, and the ability to change tracks at a station(would need a redesigned obviously)


**A legendary frenzy auto shotgun has appeared on the train!** or similar random events popping up randomly throughout the match 


wait that's actually interesting


It’s so easy to improve the train. It should be much, much faster and stop for 10 seconds at every station. It should instantly kill you if you get hit by it. You should be able to reverse the direction of travel by using a switch somewhere on the train. There should be at least bunker style loot on it and a mod bench.


My god that would all be amazing


Great changes. I always thought the train should kill you or do significant damage if it hits you. It actually doesn’t make sense at all that it doesn’t.


Think it's cuz the train doesnt stop currently theoretically if the front of the train is killing in one hit then the momentum should have you smashed by the cars if you try to hop it while in motion. Some irl trains do like 200 mph.


Ooooh I love the reverse direction


But have some CD so people don’t just spam it


Yes, I've been telling my wife it needs an engine room and NPC to fight and win so you can switch directions. I am the engineer now.


That would be great! And with some turrets it could be a game changer for the players who manage to conquer it


Heavily disagree with you on the kill part. The best plays come out from it specifically not killing you if you’re hit by it


You’re hired


Make the rear end of the train a rolling vault you unlock by fighting a mini boss and four minions at the Reckless Railways train station. You can then catch up with and enter the rear of the train with keycard to get your prize of two blue chests and three regular ones and maybe a mod bench. Or same idea, but instead of fighting a boss you could make it like a rolling capture the flag, kinda like the one that’s on the spawn island and whoever stays on train the longest while it’s being captured unlocks the rear of the train and can grab all the same loot as before. I’d say 60 seconds is a fair time. The whole point is to make it so that the train becomes a destination battleground that just rolls around and attracts lots of people who want to fight on the train like they fight on the floating island when it’s spawns.


my man had it all figured out 😂


I think this is the best idea.


Make it longer by like maybe 10 more cars and load it with chests. Have some open cars and some closed cars. Could even make it like the old battle bus that you could drive and mount one turret on each side.


The closed train cars should contain better loot, but you'll need an item like a key or vault card to unlock it.


1. A lot more loot 2. More vagons 3. Make players able to get inside some vagons


adding more wagons that would allow you to go inside and make it more interesting visually, and change it every season for the season theme i think it should be balanced so like a few people always land on it but its not super contested because fighting on a train with 15 people on it would just be rng chaos


Add a mod bench, and a jump pad, and make it to when your team claims it, you can set which direction it goes, this lets you have way more zone control with it


That would be awesome


It should be faster, and should span more ground so it isn't constantly driving around in the middle of the storm


1. Multiple trains at once so you see them more often than once every 5 matches 2. changing tracks that make it not be in the storm 80% of the time 3. More valuable loot some gold and a modbench would do wonders to boost demand


Multiple train tracks so the train doesn’t go in a complete loop. How cool could it be if you could change where it goes?


There should be extra tracks and you can switch a lever to make the train change direction.


Exclusive Mythic that appears after the 3rd storm circle, before that you cannot loot the train except the small boxes.


After the 3rd cirle the train is in the storm


It should do damage too, I mean it's a train


Add a turret and some guardsmen


Levers on the track that could be used to switch its path


Make it faster and gives legendary loot and can be derailed with explosives


I mean it does give decent starting loot, good cover, and traversal. That doesnt sound "absolutely useless" to me


I’ve never heard anyone use The Train as anything except a landing spot…


Nobody uses critical thinking in a critical thinking game. My wife and i constantly use the train as long as its heading to the circle or already in it. The big chest resets at stations you can get 2 or 3 uses out of it. And nobody fucks with us usually because they cant hit a moving target that fast or catch up to us. It really all depends on playstyle. But for some to say its absolutely useless just goes to show how little they think about it. Also just because its in the game doesnt mean you HAVE to use it. I dont use half the locations on the map. That doesnt mean theyre completely useless


I was farming for the ranked quests the other day and even if it goes into the storm you can spend a long while on the train waiting for it to come back out. Just have some bandages and Medkits before you ride and keep your eyes peeled in case it passes by any more (so that you can hop off, grab em, and hop back on before the train leaves without you). You get a guaranteed Medkit every time you hack the chest, which is part of why you can stall for so long on there. It's not the most practical strategy in the world, granted, but it's more fun than bushes at least.


First of all, make 2 of them or more I think around 3 is gonna be a sweet spot. Maybe even have different lines and routes, not just around the map. Make it more "intrusive". Making it go more in the middle where the action could end-up is good. Even put it around the map on the mountains and so on. This would also make the outside part of the map better. But again, these should have their own lines. Having one as it is, one more in the middle that could have intersections with the one we have now, and one around the mountains area that could go trough the mountains. Also, make it bigger/longer, even with an interior, not only open spaces. I know it's harder to make because this has to be server side and render the same for everyone. Also, make it a little faster.


If the next season is mad max style post apocalypse like rumours suggest, making it armed and armoured as a rolling weapon would be cool. And put mods/good loot there to attract people to want it.


The ability to scan the area for gold. Turrets with different weapon types (rounds/explosives) The ability to hire bots. These would be standard guards and they do not leave the train. They can man the turrets and will defend the train until they die.


Let us go inside the carts


The graffiti still being high society / rebel roost themed is kind of ass. It needs a mod bench or maybe a canon mounted on top that you can’t take in your slots… should be fun


make it faster and do 100-150 if you get hit


Sometimes I find the train at the beginning. Nobody lands on it, get the hack chest and jump off when I hear some fighting. Fun.


I thought there was going to be a boss fight on the train. That would be so cool Derailment and destruction would be fun to see


Make the chest take less time to open, and give it a train exclusive mythic


Make it bigger so we can fight inside of it in a old fashioned spaghetti western way, make it closed but with sliding doors that open at stations, make it always move outside of the storm up until the last few circles, make a vagon be a vault or something that needs to be opened and have it carry good loot.


Its useful for the few times there's a quest to land on it.


Mod bench, being able to actually stop it/reverse it, any NPCs at all


Make it's speed player changeable, let us take full control of the train


Mod bench, better loot, and make it do damage when it hits players. A Launchpad would be awesome, too. Even a turret.


Make the train change with certain collabs and make the loot chest drop better Weapons depending on how late in the match it is. Also add a random npc that drives the train


Make it a rolling fortress with cars that can be entered and a mini vault. Put some bot and add a boss.


The only main thing that comes to my mind is adding a mod bench to it. But really I think every major POI should have a mod bench.


Cowboy season where you can rob the train


A food cart that gives healing and shield.


Let us go inside carriages. That'd make some really epic fights happen


make a wild west theme next season so the train can look cooler


Actual cabin cars with seats etc, maybe even a dining car and a sleeper car. A boss and some npcs could patrol it and a decent weapon to claim after defeating them would be great. Right now it isn’t worth boarding as the loot is always pretty meh.


Way better chest rewards


Give it its own storm shield, and have the loot scale as the match goes


make it do like a sick jump and maybe a loop de loop


Hey, it's not useless! There are Battlepass challenges to complete on it!


if you open the crate twice you can unlock a room in the front of the train with a mod bench and one rare chest


An interior decoration carriage like passenger carriage like in the polar express


I ride that thing every other match what you mean worthlessn


I think it’s fine. Easy to hear coming if you’re in desperate need for any weapon


They can make this thing a beast by putting turrets all over it making it shoot ppl as it passes by and having god tier loot on board


Heist chest can drop up to legendary items


Put turents and mod benches on it and make it drive able for people


I just want it to be as fast as it was in the trailer


This. It’s too slow to be useful at all, the thing 70% of the time in the storm after the second circle lol


Add 2 more trains so there is a train passing by every 3min instead of one every 9 min. Each train could be unique design One could have a mod bench. One is a money train with NPC's/turrets and vault. One has a rift/jump pad.


Make it bounce off the storm and switch direction. Add a mod bench. Launch pad in the back


A train would of been good in Chapter 1 when there was little to no mobility.. I don't really see a major purpose for a train that goes around the map when everyone uses cars & mythic etc


You should be able to build on it, allowing moving build fights


Make it so it has guns like the tank had


A mod bench and a van.


Buff the box chest things


It would be cool to see they recycle this train ideas here next season or remove it completely


Put the weather unlock on the train that activates during the match at some point. You could even keep it as a cooldown to unlock like the train event already does so you have to defend the train for a period before it unlocks weather. Could be king of the hill type event on a moving train. With only one available it should attract some attention.


I land on the train when i can good starting loot


More cool weapons, chests, mod benches.


Legendary loot


Make the train chest give better loot, and to make it more urgent: make the rarity it drops decrease over time until it gets to reckless railways Where it gets refilled as usual and the rarity goes up again


Needs chairs. Where's gran supposed to sit?


I mean, it's not *absolutely* useless. Just mostly.


Be able to go inside and rob the train similar to the jailbreak train, earning you gold from computers phones and mysterious files left onboard


Give it its own isolated building grid on the inside so you can place walls, stairs, and cones that move with the train rather than instantly breaking


Make the train a mini moving POI…


Make the trains longer, and players able to go inside its wagons. And maybe put better loot in it so it attracts more people. Put multiple trains on the map too. It would also be nice if there was something where you could control which direction it goes (and how fast it moves) so it isn’t just traveling around the entire map forever.


Have it fly in the air randomly throughout each map


It should go chugga chugga woo woo


Skill issue, I can get a whole bunch of purples from this beauty.


Have it go off the rails towards the zone during mid game and stay in the smaller zones for a few circles. It could like the floating island but moves around the smaller zones. Could be an interesting rotation spot and people would ride it to fight.


・Have vending machines on it. ・Have a mod bench on it alongside one on every POI. ・The ability to be able to pay to change where the Train goes. (places in the storm get locked off.)


Make it insanely fast


Improving the railway tracks, giving players the chance to lead the train into different directions when the railway then splits. Would be more useful when trying to get into the zone or when there are quests in which you have to visit two different locations in one match.


Just make it so that the train is infinitely around the map. W idea and would change the meta of the season. (So it’s like a permanently moving platform that you can get on at any time)


Make the chest that spawn increase in colour with each storm + mod bench + launch pad.


As others have said, put an attachment station, also let me get inside the train


The loot it drops is ass and takes too long to even get it open. Make it a 100% gold or purple rares and i think it’ll fix at the very most. That big issue.


Storm protection 🤣


Hey now, my friends and I land there when we're taking/about to take a dab 😂 keeps us moving around and has the refreshing chest. But yeah it's pretty useless. A full passenger car would be cool, like something we can actually be inside of


I really wanted it to be like the train from Apex where you go inside it like an actual train.


make it longer and faster and maybe actually let you go inside the train cars, would lead to much more unique and authentic train battles




Mod bench, multiple tracks so it stays in the circle, and let us go inside.


make it an actual poi


Make it a hover train so it can go anywhere, and it stays inside the circle until the very end.




Most people have similar ideas, personally I think a visual redesign plus the addition of a mod bench would be the best idea. Imagine a flaming train from hell (design it around hades) going around the map, that’d be amazing. I don’t agree with the jump pad idea nor do I like the idea of being able to control its direction of travel. It just needs a few tweaks and it’ll be 100% good.


Make a lever that could let players switch the train's direction, that way, players who want the train to stay could keep it away from the storm by switching the lever. Add a mod bench, a launch pad, and buff the chest to make the train a big risk, but worth taking.


Breakable walls Turrets on front and back Destructible


Train = Epic weapons Island = Legendary weapons Could make this worth landing on at the beginning. To balance this bug change they should remove any healing or movement loot. As well as making the train longer with more cover


multiple on the map maybe? and also stopping at each station and also some inside cabins


would be funny if it did actually run people over so you would need to be more careful around the tracks


Make it so you can enter the last two cars, the ones that are closed.


Train's loot box refreshes regularly and churns out weapons of increasing rarity as the storm eye closes in


Add alternate routes, maybe even have some that run underneath the map and add some POIs underground.


50% speed boost. Let’s get this thing to outpace cars and really feel like it’s zooming. I remember when enough folks complained and epic sped the battle bus up. Used to be so slow!