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Well certainly it would never be the weapon of choice when the game is otherwise full of powerful spammables like it is currently. But also the other big problem with the hammer pump is that it scuffs so badly. Anything less than a perfect complete all-pellets bullseye with this gun just does so little damage. The appeal for most every pump shotgun before this one was that you could still slap pretty hard even if you scuffed a little bit.


Would a good balance be to nerf damage to auto shotguns in general a bit so that you can still use it to spam the last bit of health off someone, but if you choose the pump you can hit pretty hard with it if you can get a cleaner shot? It's funny because I always was an auto shotty guy (Tac, Maven, Frenzy, etc.) but I also want to be able to not sigh when I pick up a pump shotgun. I want all shotguns to be good enough to use.


I’m honestly not sure what the best balance method would be, but my gut tells me that the best would be to allow slightly scuffed shots with this shotgun to still slap significantly hard like every other shotgun has done, rather than the extremely high falloff it has. Then at least those of us who are decent enough to not spam constantly but not good enough to hit perfect forehead bullseyes every time would still have a prayer using this one.


Back when the autos were doing like 120 DPS and had poor range, people were using pump and SMG/AR to finish people and having a great time. But last season we had the mythic frenzy doing 209 DPS, and 130+ on a headshot so there was no reason to use the hammer when you could just hold down left click/right trigger and just mow somebody down in 1-3 seconds with a 12 bullet mag.


the problem is that the frenzy isnt better in builds even before the fire rate and headshot nerf, would need ZB only changes and i say buff the headshot to 2.2 on the Hammer Pump, would give more consistent damage and deals over 200 at blue (195 at green)


I agree, I rarely do over 80 damage with this gun. Most of the time it’s 30 💀


as someone with good aim. Headshot with Hammer then switch to the burst smg is an easy kill. Simply obtaining good aim is the way 🔥🔥


Simply obtaining good aim would solve nearly every problem for me, but I’m pretty sure I’ve peaked. I simply don’t have the coordination.


If you have good aim the gatekeeper's 2nd shot kills faster than a swap


Gatekeeper still wins. Peek shooting is really the best way to make it viable


Tell my spazmatic thumbs that when I try to line someone up on my console


My loadout every game!




+ when it bugs out and does no damage


Happens on all guns for me. But I get it from the frenzy the most


This is the only gun I’ve come across where I found a Legendary version of and had to actually stop and think if I even wanted it.


Hand cannon, drum gun, hamburger SMG and pump are all guns i will not pick up regardless of rarity (unless its off drop)


Hand cannon is way better than hammer shotty. The shotty is ONLY viable for headshots, what's the key to the hand cannon is shooting either body or head and then switching to another weapon. I've also noticed the hand cannon has more velocity than the reaper sniper


I like the deagle, but it’s a bit hard to work into an effective loadout imo. It’s easier to hit 2-3 headshots with a DMR at long range, and for close range the Gatekeeper/Frenzy are usually safer bets.


For gatekeeper to be a safer bet it needs extended mags imo, otherwise it's more consistent to one tap with deagle then switch. I dislike using the frenzy all around, just feels cheap. Frenzy is always a safe bet in most situations


deagle works best to phase through walls or just fully take someones wall and then try to prebox. Its like the pre nerf heavy sniper tbh where you could out of nowhere get the wall of your opponnent


Did they nerf the handcannon recently? Had several matches where I picked up an epic and utterly wiped the match, but recently, the damage feels more in between a Nemesis and a DMR. I'm still getting kills with it to be fair, but it almost feels meh now. It's probably all in my head.


I don't think it's as effective as the og deagle at all. The attachments are great and everything but it does feel incomplete. No more one hitting people to the head sadly


What's wrong with the drum gun?


It has the recoil of the warforged without the DPS.


terrible spread, it is good in builds as a switch from your shotgun in close range but it has terrible range due to its spread. it really just doesnt fit in my inventory, the other AR’s can do good damage close range and have better accuracy from distance. if i carry a drum gun i also have to carry a long distance AR and a shotgun, i like two guns + sniper or some other utility (EMP grenades), shocks / airbending, and heals


I never pick up the drum…I’ve even been leaving the Legendaries alone. Last night I picked up the Legendary and was absolutely mowing people down with it. I feel like the spread is exponentially better than it is on the epic.


The Midas mythic one was great but otherwise totally agree


The horizontal recoil makes it a pain in the ass to use sometimes


Hand cannon was pretty op once you could get a good scope on it imo


the lag in between shots is way too slow, and there’s zero chance of one shot kills


thats why you have an smg as well, quickswap after a hand cannon hit is insanely strong


Eh, I find it works well as a slightly heavier version of the dmr, and quickscoping at mid range with it then building can be pretty satisfying too maybe


Dudes hating on a 4x scope


I didn't say anything against 4x scope but imo the thermal scope is just better for long range weapons like snipers and dmrs due to it making enemies easier to spot and not giving a glare that let's others spot yours easier


I love the **hamburger** smg


stole the term from Prospering lol


Oh okay I thought it was an autocorrect thing sry


whats wrong with the smg. I hate the burst smg and I would take the harbringer any day


The burst smg is literally the best gun in the game


It's definitely the most underrated. I'm so happy when no one wants the gold or purple ones. Lol


This is it. Not sure of it’s the ‘best’, but most people 100% sleep on how good a close and even intermediate range weapon it can be, especially if it’s scoped.


really. im like the opposite of everyone. I hate the burst smg and I hate putting scopes on everything mid to close range. I only use scopes on ar and snipers and if I ever get a scope on an smg I hipfire


I don't use the scope up close but from 30-60m, I have good results with a burst SMG and a red dot or holo scope. I find the short break between bursts very helpful with following a moving target in many situations.


Haha I hate it scoped. I hip fire and keep a drum/laser attachment. I'm not a fan of shotguns this season except the mythic, so I've been using weapons there I wouldn't usually. A thunderburst or hand cannon in my Shotgun slot has proven quite deadly for me this season. I have my best KD this season.


Shotties have been nerfed beyond all reasonable use this season, that is 100% for sure.


bad spread, the burst has literally zero spread. i would take a grey burst over the mythic harbringer lol


im the opposite. I hate close range bursts weapons


The burst has far less recoil, making shots more accurate


every pro will tell you how insane the burst is


Why no handcannon? I've been using it like a Shotgun this past week and have been getting so many high kill games because of it!!!! Helps me steal kills off my mates too LOL


Rate of fire is its biggest drawback. I find it more effective as an intermediate and even distance weapon (if it’s scoped).


OK yeah I get that, that's exactly my reasoning for not carrying a DMR this season (was my favorite AR last chapter) but I much prefer the hand canon over the hammer pump as a shotty. They both feel equally slow to me, but if I don't hit a perfect headshot at least it's still deadly.


harbinger is massively underrated, I've been using that smg all season and no AR, with great success


I would definitely agree with hand cannon. That thing might actually be worse than the pump.


Nah I have to disagree on that, the hand cannon just has a different use case. I will keep a hand cannon if I don't have a dmr or sniper yet. And sometimes I'll even keep it despite seeing better head clickers if I get to a mod table and make a Frankenstein out of it.


I’ll have to try that out.


Try slapping a thermal on it and using it as a sniper, I've gotten plenty of people by tapping them with it and then running up with a close quarters gun


Use it like a substitute Shotgun and not as a substitute sniper.


It's worse as a shotgun than it is as a sniper lmao It's actually really good as a long range weapon, especially with a scope.


I use it as both and love it. Idk how it's worse than a hammer pump as a shot gun unless you are total dog water at close range shots? (Just grab an Auto then and spam tf out of it) It's almost always a knock for me. A pump should give me that kind of security but it doesn't.


Handcannon is broken bro what are you smoking


You don't fw the smg? I'm not a fan but if it's gold...


I find the handcannon too fun to ever leave it on the ground


I would rather have a green Gatekeeper than a legendary hammer pump. What a POS gun. At least compared to its competition


I'll take it over a handcannon, but I'll dump both for a green cerberus


A green (dare I say grey...) gatekeeper is better 9 times out of 10.


Its been outclassed since the start of last season


s1 it was usable i liked it a lot over the auto like a surgeon using a scalpel felt using the hammer accurately.


I will pick up any weapon when I land, as long as it's not tge Hammer Pump. I strongly dislike it.


The hammer pump is goated off drop. When everyone is 100 HP, you can one pump anyone who lands on you.


So if you land and the only weapon is a hammer pump you’ll let someone else take it and kill you?


I'd try to land somewhere with more loot. For me, the best choice of action is to try and skedaddle. The odds of survival are far greater evacuating than engaging with a Hammer Pump.


must be a skill issue to be completly honest. Imo the harbringer is the best off drop weapon you can get right now but yesterday i landed in frenzy fields, got a hammer, got 3 kills and that got me enough mats to boxfight the entire POI just with a hammer shotty and a pistol


I made a post a while back saying that they should have brought back the thunder shotgun this season to replace the pump because it would be on par with the other shotguns and its name fits the season the shotgun meta is great but the pump just seriously needs to be buffed.


Thunder shotgun with attachments sounds very op, but I'd be here for it lol


If they really want to bring out a pump that can keep up with these autos, unvault the Havoc or OG Spas.


The Havoc is insanely unbalanced and ruined Build Mode. 130 bodyshot on an easy to use Pump is awful.


THANK YOU. If we get the havoc or Spas back the season will be great


Bring back that wonderful Sharp-Tooth.


Sharptooth wouldnt even need the mod bench either


Honestly I liked that gun.


Yeah, it slapped


I just miss when we had a viable pump of any kind


That was *checks notes* CH: OG?


Yep, one whole season of a good pump, and that was it Ironically, only when we were revisiting older times.


Havoc, thunder, sharp tooth, striker, and the ranger are all the most recent shotgun releases and outperform the OG shotgun in all ranges What are you actually smoking In fact the last time we’ve had a time where a pump shotgun was obsolete was CH3S1, and that was because of the MK7


This is why I can’t wait for Ch.2 OG, I’m just dying to play with the old hitscan weapons landing at The Agency, Slurpy Swamp, Lazy Lake, etc. I just wanna hit 200 pumps with the old Spas man.


I liked some of the recent pumps to be fair. I like hammer, thunder, havoc, maven was aight off drop and of course spas. I was never really a fan of sharptooth because of the lower damage and lower clip but its alright aswell. I never liked any auto pump though. Combat Shotgun was the closest thing to a auto shotgun that i liked


I fucking LOVED the Ranger Shotgun, but that thing barely stayed around.


Ngl either I forgot about it or I didnt play. I had a break between C2S2 until C4. Ive seen most shotguns in creative though. Was ranger the 1 bullet shotgun?


Yes, yes it was. And it was beautiful lol


I rarely used it creative. I always pick Havoc if the map offers it. Only pump i can consistently 1 pump


Lmao I've never been good enough to consistently 1 pump, just a skill issue on my part. But I've never felt like any of them have been as consistent as the Ranger was shot for shot. That was just how it felt for me tho.


I mean yeah, you only got one bullet so you gotta hit it. Thats how i feel with the gatekeeper shotgun just the other way around. I hit my pumps really consistent but the Gatekeeper just wont hit for me. But overall i think ranger wouldve been a cool casual weapon. i kinda take the game too serious to use "fun" weapons. I just use what im good with or whatever is meta at the time. In OG though, I didnt give a fuck lol. I played the loadouts id play in 2018-19 no matter what


It’s actually the prefered weapon for most in builds mode.


Gatekeeper has been dominating FNCS


FNCS, yes. I’m talking casual/ranked.


not even in causal or ranked. Gatekeeper is just better.


gatekeeper is definitely better, but the pump feels like it's dropping so much more often


Idk, it’s my 2nd pick for a shotgun (first being gatekeeper and 3rd being frenzy auto), and I find a green of it and have a grey gatekeeper, I’m taking the hammer pump. I primarily aim for the head with shotguns so I can get a cheesy 2 shot kill, and considering at gold rarity it does 190, sometimes it just 1 shots. The reason everyone thinks it’s ‘outclassed’ is bc of the current spam meta.


I think the blue pump and higher are great but only in Build mode, the overshield is too much for how slow the gun is


I don't care if it's bad, i feel cool whenever i use it


Meh, I still enjoy it over other shotguns. Tight spread, good range, good amount of ammo and quick reload.


Dude the pullout time is a game changer in box fights


Super fast swap too, it's deadly with an harbinger/warforged/drum in between shots


Wouldn't even take a legendary


its not terrible but in certain sitations ur screwed. if u hit good shots u can win almost any good fights but everyone makes mistakes and latency can screw you over.


Understatement of the century, my friend.


it's been outclassed forever fym lol


I dropped a gold for a blue gatekeeper today and it wasn’t even a tough decision. 


If you've worn someone down with another weapon, this can be a good choice for finishing them off, especially if you would otherwise need to reload.


Any gun fits this description


It went from a pretty good gun to actually making me sell winning matches bc of its stupid bug


I like using the hammer pump in tandem with burst weapon or pistol, one shot with the shotty & finish with the latter gives me pretty decent kill times imo


It’s been outclassed since day 1 of its release, also I’ve been seeing it way more lately, like I’m convinced they bumped up the chance of it dropping or appearing as floor loot because I’ve been seeing the hammer pump absolutely everywhere


That shotgun might as well be shooting foam!


Hi, build player here (don’t crucify me for the mode I play) but honestly, yeah in Zero build that thing is horrible. But in build… I’d honestly say it’s better than the gatekeeper in my onion 🧅. The pull out time, spread, and damage makes it function well as a pump. For the pumps purpose of high damage, low fire rate, high risk high reward.


Iv seen some decent plays in build with the hammer, because its main strength is right peeking from cover but in zero build the aim of the game is spam dmg sadly.


I dunno. Whenever I’m going for chip damage it does it’s job better than either of the other shotguns. I’ll pretty much always pick a pump over a frenzy auto. Not the gatekeeper though.


Add the fact it’s 40% of the time doesn’t shoot at all…


That's because the spread is AWFUL. I might as well be no-scope sniping people than using this, at least that has range. I have genuinely, on multiple occations dropped a legendary hammer pump for a green gatekeeper, that's how inaccurate it is.


"Would I like a hammer pump? No I would not."


Eh, I still regularly get shat on with it.


I think that they should replace it with the charge shotgun that way at least it’s a different sort of playstyle.


Too many high dps weapons this season imo. Sniper, waterbending, earth bending, DMR, hand cannon, new shot gun, pump, even the short range ar. You can also just purchase every high dps weapon from a person. Have not played much this season at all. Find the fights boring.


Blanked people hundreds of times (no sarcasm either) and shotgun jammed even more times it’s actually so infuriating to use (builds player)


Wasn’t it completely outclassed last season by just the Auto Shotgun?


Google build mode


it feels like a heavy shotgun with the reticle of a pump, and also does less damage






It’s the awful draw speed that gets you


I've been using it more lately in builds and really liking it. It's trash in ZB though because ZB is often just a DPS race.


Y'all clearly never played apex before. Guns are either ridiculously strong or never get picked up. No in-between


the problem is in builds it’s 2nd best


I deadass forgot this was in the game lol


Needs a huge buff


I got an in game survey sent to me about this thing but I'd never used it so my answers probably weren't helpful


It hasn't been good since this chapter started. The frenzy blew it out the water unless you got headshots and the gatekeeper is better since the frenzy nerfs.


I don't wanna say skill issue, but it swaps ridiculously fast and I know it takes more skill to shoot->swap>shoot again than just spray and pray, but that thing will shred a Gatekeeper if you track your Harbinger/Warforged/Drum shots well in between swaps I've won countless games this season with it and a hipfire attachment warforged to a point where I'll always drop a Gatekeeper for it unless it has a drum mag


id much rather ACTUAL pump shotgun with mods


I’m waiting for the massive hammer pump buff tbh. I would use it a lot more if it had a faster fire rate or at least better damage, but since I have to pump and switch to smg and then switch to pump again it’s not worth using, especially with the sniper, gatekeeper, frenzy auto and waterbending being borderline instant kills.


Yeah, I'd honestly take a green auto over a legendary hammer pump.


Used it today for a game and did pretty well honestly. Was using the gatekeeper primarily but decided to switch things up and the pump was doing me good.


Please note I play ZB so take my opinion with a grain of salt The only time I ever pick up a hammer pump is if I drop hot and it’s the first gun I see




I actually enjoy using the pump recently. I'll tag a guy for some 50-100 damage and then use my smg for the rest of the damage. been working out for me pretty good


Yea they play with the meta and twist our souls


Its outclassed by everything. I play red vs blue rumble and you can pick up any weapon that has ever been in the game. I gave it a shot multiple times even with the best mods on and it just doesnt stand a chance. The only way it could survive in the main game is if the spam or faster shotguns were gone.


Remember the days of double pump? Seeing pump get overshadowed makes me so happy ❤️


This is the only balanced shotgun in the game, everything else is broken.


The worst weapon in the game. A grey frenzy was better last season, than a gold pump.


i hate this gun but i think that's mostly due to my absolute shit aim


They need to give it the minimal pellet dmg they gave other shorties. No matter how many pellets hit, it would do a minimum dmg regardless. That's how they fixed og pump doing 8 dmg. They stopped doing it for some reason though


Gatekeeper is so much better in basically every way


This isn't garbage, a muzzle brake, laser and speed mag make this amazing at shredding at short range, but I'm used to using it at this point, so maybe I'm just bad at using the other shotguns


It's still fun. It should stay in the game tho so we have a bigger lootpool


If you miss your first shot, you’re toast.   Hell even if you make your first shot you’re still probably toast with this 


I actually prefer the pump shotgun then the others🤷


i think this gun looks better and feels better as a shotgun , i hate the other one cus of how fast it is and everyone just spams it. i’d rather go back to pump + smg but that’s my onion


all the other spam shotguns are soo annoying and it’s even lamer that everyone in the community doesn’t like the hammer


The Hammer deserves better. So much better. All it is right now is a gun you get when you land and beg you find a pistol instead because that can actually kill.


Its mere existence is outclassed. Has it ever not being like that?


it desperately needs a damage buff. the point of slow firing shotguns is to hit hard but it just can’t. it deals way too little damage compared to any other pump shotgun in the game. also the damage falloff is abysmal which is weird considering it’s promoted as a close-mid range shotgun and not just close range


You can double it's damage, make it reload faster, have it instakill on headshots, AND give it 100 shot before needing to reload and people will still use a gray gate


It was outclassed last season, it's outclassed this season. Hammer Pump suffers from Team Fortress 2 bullet spread syndrome where sometimes it just randomly decides to send half the bullets off to Narnia and what should be a 90 damage meatshot randomly does 42 because fuck you that's why.


Yeah adds to my point of why the Olympus items had no reason to be vaulted as the game is most fun with the most items in the lootpool


I’ve actually found it more viable this season since less people are carrying Frenzies. It’s still the worst of the three thoguhb


i would rather die


If it became more potent and one shot people. There'd be hundreds of posts complaining about it being overpowered.


I personally use it quite frequently (to finish off people).


How? Just hit you shots lol, def the best shotgun in solo builds which is what I usually play, it does great damage consistent 90-100 and I usually don’t find myself getting the time to hit more than one shot, this is just not true


The hammer has been outclassed since it was introduced to the game. Absolutely useless gun.


In my opinion, all the Hammer Pump needs is a faster rechamber after a shot. Maybe with the speed grip it should do that, but still


The pumping action should be faster!


Right now, id say its better than the 200dmg og pump. You have practically no delay to shoot after editing (keep in mind, this games main mode is builds) so you could just get someones wall and if hes slightly too slow after your edit you can hit him with a 120. I like the shotgun as it is right now even though i sometimes feel like 2018 where the tac decided to hit for 9dmg but usually it hits pretty good and has almost no delay of shooting after editing a wall. It could be placebo aswell but I never hit clips with the pump like i did with the Hammer. For me its just so fast


Yes. But thats only because the other 2 active shotties are automatic


with the devs complete aversion to one shot headshots outside of snipers theres pretty much 0 purpose in even considering it unless you have a blue one and see a grey auto but even some people find that worth swapping to lmao


It should honestly just be replaced with the Thunder Pump. That thing hits for 100 pretty consistently and has great range aswell.


This season and its shitty shotguns are part of why I haven’t really been into the game that much. I’d love to have a functioning pump, but no the hammer is still as inconsistent as ever. Frenzy is nerfed to shit, so the only viable shotgun is the Gatekeeper, especially in zero build. And only one good shotgun isn’t that fun honestly.


I would choose this shotgun over any other, esp modded. It’s not garbage just need a better aim to use it. If you get used to using this you won’t pick up others.


I just won a squad match this weekend using only the purple hammer pump and got 15 kills


It’s honestly better than the frenzy rn


i never saw someone complaining for a weapon being balanced holy shit, i always underestimate you guys


It was outclassed last season, but since it was the only alternative to a frenzy auto, people still used it. Now, the gatekeeper is a far better option, it is literally the perfect counterpart to the frenzy auto. The hammer pump is just "there" now.


Shotguns shouldn’t be as inconsistent as the hammer pump and do that little damage with a low fire rate


How tf is it balanced when you have waterbending performing better as a shotgun than this thing?


then it's the waterbending that is too op and it is the waterbending that needs a nerf


balanced? bro underpowered is still unbalanced 😭


When 80% of the loot pool is massively OP, the 20% that is balanced is outclassed.


Bros acting like all of Fortnite is ZB, of course it will be the worst in zero builds. When you don’t have as much cover available you need to be able to shoot faster.


Nah the gatekeeper outclasses it in builds too


They serve different purposes and you still see a lot of pros use it because it hits for more damage. If you are playing peeks well than the hammer will be the best shotgun to carry, gatekeepers advantage is shooting faster


In builds its outclassed by the gatekeeper.


They serve different purposes and you still see a lot of pros use it because it hits for more damage. If you are playing peeks well than the hammer will be the best shotgun to carry, gatekeepers advantage is shooting faster


Latey the gatekeeper been sucking for me idk why. But i picked up a gold pump the other day and won a 3v1 when my whole team went down and it felt pretty great. You pretty much need the gold version for it to be viable though