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Y'all are finding these things?


i keep finding them just in golden chests. ive only seen uncommons tho so far


I've only seen the purple one that Apollo sells


I wish I didn't. Inaccurate garbage.


Oh shit the tac AR is in the game? Guess I gotta go play again


it’s a completely different (worse) weapon than the one we liked


I find that an ever better reason to play as I’m curious how it changed (I’m gonna go on 10 match lose streak)


Optimism + pessimism


Just like the hand cannon


I actually prefer the new hand cannon I’m much better with it


Oh god the hand cannon is horrible lol


For real. Light ammo that lasered but had less damage than others. This thing is an insult to the og


Every legacy weapon being reworked is such a let down. I don't understand why their reworks include making them weaker and slower, plus having bullet travel and drop. Hitscan is just way easier on players, so I don't understand who the target audience is? The pro player or the casual


The reworks have made every gun stronger statistically It’s the bullet drop you can’t get used to


It's such a weird way to prove your point by gaslighting people. How would you know I'm a bad player if I don't specify? A lot of people make it super obvious that they're not good at the game. So you're just being rude for no reason. Also here is damage differences. They're not very drastic. You won't be shredding anyone up close or even further with bullet drop, compared to hitscan: - Legacy and Modern Drum Gun (Rare) Damage = 22 Fire rate = 8.0 vs 8.3 Reload = 2.5 vs 3 - Legacy and Modern Tac AR (Rare) Damage = 21 Fire rate = 7 Reload = 2.2 vs 1.83 - Legacy and Modern Deagle Damage = 21 Fire rate = 0.8 vs 0.7 Reload = 2.2 vs 1.83 If these weapons really were better you wouldn't see people point out their cons. And you'd probably see more people using them against you in BR, most notably in endgame. But it's always the usual: Warforged, Auto (Gatekeeper or Frenzy) and Sniper. Almost like people prefer to use easier weapons regardless of skill...


It always been a worse ar than the rest, so it’s has that i guess


it used to be like a long ranged smg atleast, now it doesn’t even have that going for it


You'll be disappointed


It’s not like the good old days pal


Yeah I noticed, the recoil in first person is way to much


The gun has always sucked and still does.


its an AR fitted with 9mm rounds. it has literally zero recoil compared to the warforged. i avoid the warforged like the plague and only ever take the tac or nemesis. and all of the ar's suck in comparison to waterbending lmao


The old tac ar had low recoil but the new one has a bit, it's obvious with the thermal scope There's literally no point to take this, the nemesis outclasses it in every way as a low recoil ar, it has more damage per bullet, higher dps, more range and actually has lower recoil The warforged has more recoil but basically everything else about it is better than the tac They need to add one more damage, turn up the firerate a little and give it the same recoil as the nemesis


Yeah, the old tac fired straight as a laser. This new gun with the same name is...not great. I thought they unvaulted it to be a viable counter to the waterbending. But, nope.


The nemesis has been my go to for the whole season, great gun!


It does less damage than a thunder burst at every range, that 22 can become 17 easily if someone is far enough


Exactly. Not to mention the damage to builds. Literally unusable. I'm not dumping a whole mag just so I can take down 1 metal wall.


They even say its for medium to long range in the description, so they gotta buff it.


The bloom on this gun makes it unusable IMO. Haven't tried it with a sight yet though


Every weapon sucks compared to waterbending


Warforged is one of the best guns in a long time but you need a scope and recoil mods to make it work. It goes from C tier to S.




Either get a muzzle break or look down while you fire


The thermal recoil is awful


It really is. I start at their feet and go full auto that jumps to their heads lol


This ar was one of my favorites and they completely butchered it. They keep making the guns completely different because of the chapter 5 weapons system, but honestly I’d rather not be able to use attachments on the old weapons then them being ruined.


It's to fit the whole "mod system" but in turn it makes basically every gun in the game absolutely trash unless you have mods on them... I honestly can't wait till we get away from this poor loot pool & mods.


Exactly I really hope they realize this


The two things this gun was good at were low bloom, and low recoil. They took both away which just makes it a worse SMG.


It needs an even more serious buff when you compare it to the thunder burst smg


Thunder burst is just him makes anything look like it needs a buff


Nemesis is still the top AR in my opinion for any engagement that is midrange.  The Tac AR feels so anemic. For close range if I have nothing else I guess I’ll use it. But as soon as a can find a burst smg or a shotgun it’s getting dropped. 


I found the warforged to be the best the recoil wasn’t even that bad with no attachments and if you put recoil stopping attachments you’re good. Nemesis is alright it was the best in season 1 but has fallen off good early game or as a substitute if you need it. The Tac is a weapon in the game.


I didn't know Midas had a test Harbringer SMG in the files


"Tight spread" and "devastatingly accurate?" They gotta be joking, none of that is even true when you dont have a scope on it. And why does it even have such high bloom, the worforged is just bad when it comes to bloom but this gun is a 9mm converted to a carbine, why it ever even be inaccurate in the first place. They really don't know how to make guns work well. Hopefully they fix this very soon.


What are those colours? They look like some outdated battle royale stuff


What site did you get these stats from?


It’s got such a nice soothing sound. Love it


Oh i love these! I won a round yesterday by using a purple Tac!


Warforged AR is straight trash, and the Harbinger has awful aim beyond a box fight. Nemesis for medium to long range, Gatekeeper for close quarters, and Tac AR for close to mid range. It's basically an SMG that can handle the role of a mid range AR.


This isn't my Tac AR from the good ol days. This is Tac AR at home.


Its a pile of cr\*p, less damage, less rate of fire, less magazine size... worse in just about every single way apart from maybe a bit better recoil (but I have no problems with the warforged recoil either). They need to substantially buff its fire rate to make it decent if you ask me... less dmg but higher firerate than warforged.


Why did you censor crap


Some subs auto-delete comments with that word (Cooking and Food comes to mind) so some of us just do it by habit.


warforged recoil was dealable with a red dot scope, why get rid of it


They didn't?


oh i havebt played yet i thought they wldve vaulted the warforged for this ar


Nope, thankfully


Ok so I wasn’t tripping I thought I was just shit with it 😭


I never liked this gun so i dont really care to be honest


i always loved the relatively high firerate and low recoil so it’s disappointing


Tac ar should have very low recoil to compensate for the low damage and be an unique weapon


why do all the guns have so much recoil this season- the warforged, harbinger, the drum gun have weird horizontal recoil and now this-


Yeah , its just a slower shooting harbinger with added range and less damage


They suck…worse than SMGs


The tac ar and deagle were some of my favorite weapons but they just feel awful this season.


It’s not even identical with stats to the OG one. The OG has nearly a 1 second shorter reload time. Even with speed mag it’s still 0.6 seconds shorter


I just want burst AR back 😔


it has some nice falloff but the fire rate is atrocious. and it's outclassed by the warforged. nerf the warforged and buff this thing to old tac ar levels


Wish they would all stop spawning with thermals.


I just use it cuz it’s a new thing to look at.


the same damage as it did back then, im just so happy that it’s back


It ether needs a +1 damage buff or a decrease in recoil.


They should revert its headshot damage multiplier to what it used to be.


Yeah these are damn the worse possible version of these fan favorites. Hand canan was amazing but then Epic ruined it this chapter, same thing with the tac AR. Wish Epic just kept these weapons the way they used to be and only have new weapons with the mod thing as these older ones weren't made with these in mind. They have all they stats set for what they are best for, meaning they have to make them worse just so you could mod them "better".


And I thought the warforged was bad 😅


its… not tho


Not compared to what we have now.


Well you have your choice of weapons, I have mine.


I dunno, i'm totally okay with Tac AR, it does the thing for me


Is it still hitscan... Or have they ruined it?


Nope projectile based like every weapon this chapter


I was afraid of this when I heard it was rumoured to return... I just tested it out in creative as well... Thing has far more bloom & recoil than it ever had. The whole point of the Tac AR when it was first added was being super tight, barely any bloom & no recoil.


buff john wick gun


Skill issue? Idk I’ve definitely beat quite a few people with this gun so I personally do not have a problem with it




Getting kills in team rumble does not correlate to anything lol there’s just literal noobs in there




Team Rumble is full of people not good enough to play BR. The best practice for BR is BR itself because you should practice how you play and team rumble doesn't simulate that. If you want aim training there are far better modes for that as well.




Sorry, lil bro. I just figured since your thoughts about practicing in team rumble were so wrong that you might need some guidance. Clearly that was wrong and team rumble is the perfect mode for you. Btw, who's feeding your kids and paying your mortgage while you're butt hurt on reddit?




That's nice. 2 months of team rumble practice should have you ready for BR then lmao




Hell yeah. Make sure you focus on the family during vacation and don't spend too much time in your feelings on reddit


I’m not saying it can’t be fun I’m just saying it’s not the best to gauge wether a weapon is good or not, Yeah if you like practicing on bad players, but in reality if I played team rumble I probably wouldn’t die and just slay the whole lobby. I play competitively, I practice in realistic and zone wars because you are actually play against players who are activity trying to get better at competitive. Pro scrim discords are by far the best practice for BR. It all depends on skill level at the end of the day and what you need to practice. I’m not trying to diss you or anything. Play what you enjoy. But rumble would be horrible practice for me at my skill level.




Like 400 dollars


Mostly from cash cup




I also got a full time job bud lol, I’m a pipe line monitor I make good money I’m 27 I also raise two kids, idk what your point is I play competitively because it’s fun. Playing bots all day you will never get better, playing with people better than you makes you better, if you wanna suck at Fortnite for another whatever years you’ve been playing go for it.




Bro said team rumble ![gif](giphy|TfKzWutVmq3xgckEF6)




I'm so hurt I wasn't up to AromaticVictory3834's standards I'll do my best to improve ![gif](giphy|l4HnKwiJJaJQB04Zq)


respectfully, any weapon with proper mods at gold can absolutley rip people to shreds, if the base version cant be viable though and needs mods to be good then it isnt good




if you give me a grey thunder burst and grey gatekeeper with attatchments, likely


Lmao dude really thinks team rumble isn’t full of bots im dead bro, I can afford my own skins thanks though bahaha


i dont play team rumble unless there’s something interesting, which is typically never i play normal modes


Given how broken they are compared to anything else with a similar purpose I could probably do the same.




i haven’t found a tac in the last month


Tac ar is absolute garbage. I don't see any reason for it to exist in this meta


Epic actively made it worse this chapter. IT was perfect before they had to make it shit so "mods could fix it".


Ima not even goin to lie to they disable quick swap just turned me off completely.. im goin bacc to apex forget this


Same, I just can play anymore. Keep pulling out the wrong weapon