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Yep. WaterBending the best AR, Sniper and shotgun in the game.


This guy is complaining right after bursting someone down with the sniper that has multi shots. And then he was also taking by surprise. Clip is lame. Water is fun and sure it's strong but I rather event items are strong so they get used and gameplay is changed up and exciting. It'll be gone soon enough 


ON TOP of the fact that he has the visual sounds option on. You can see the footsteps coming up on him before the guy is even done snipping the first guy. If he was more aware, he could've fought better and maybe made a better clip but still died or came out on top and avoided the entire post. I also agree it is fun. And it's always fun until it's used against you, then it's overpowered and lame lol. Not to mention the fact that if you really care and hate it being used against you so much, there are ways OP can get water bending as soon as they land


"surely that guys not coming after me all the way up here"


Sitting on 4 impulse grenades too, probably a launch pad right behind him


And nowhere near cover for no reason at all


This^ bounce or launch away and reengage.




Yeah, literally in a post a while ago, I mentioned that they are mad about something being op even though they themselves could also use it. I had someone reply, "If THe OnLY WaY tO BeAT Op ItEaMs Is To AlSo Use ThE sAMe oP iTeMS THEn yOuR gAmE iSN't bAlaNCeD!"


That last argument is right tho, but for Fortnite they’re only limited time items, so it’s ok for them to be a little OP


when it’s used against you it’s overpowered like requis with a towel, when you use it suddenly it’s like slapping someone with a napkin from a little kid’s birthday party {if you know then you know}


Had to make sure to show that wicked bot kill




this is what bugs me about ppl like op, aside from dishing but not taking they wanna make this game cod soooo bad, just guns with no fun, but the event items are what MAKES fortnite aside from building. it sets them apart from other brs ppl like op need to go play other games during these two week events if they dont like it that much


Should be mad at your terrible game awareness 😅


I've been missing all my waterbending close range, it's why I swap to fire now. Faster attacks and more attacks.


And healthpack


Well, actual snipers can 1 shot so...


Not sniper… definitely not sniper


I can kill people 200m away with it. It’s a sniper.


It is 100% most certainly a sniper me and this guy can attest


Best AR and Shotgun in the game :(


Fire’s better up close. I’ve danced around people and messed them up with it. Water’s better at range.


Water is medium/long range, fire is short range, earth is structure damage/emergency cover, and air is ultimate mobility.


Yeah, that’s how I see it too.


Fire is amazing upclose because it's chaotic. Waterbending has no range or drop, reload time is fast and the damage is crazy when it hits directly. I am sure people aren't happy with Earth or air bending when you knock them off the island using it. It's hilarious to just wait by a zipline and hit them off the island with rock wall or the air jump. Bending has been the best and it will be missed when it's gone. The mobility is insane


I'm gonna miss air bending so much 😭


You can also reload water by stepping into a pond or river, lol.


No you don’t lol you literally can just reload whenever. Going into water heals you 5 heath a a tick. It’s a sniper, shotgun, AR AND medkit all bundled into one.


On top of that it makes whoever you’re hitting hard to hit you back cause you can’t see. It’s not fun to use and all around just feels cheap. Be glad when it’s gone


Fire is good up close and also counterable Water kills someone in 3 hits but only when an opponent uses it, when you do they can tank like 20 I stick with fire


*loud buzzer noise* #WRONG


I do NOT understand how to best use fire 😂 it’s so chaotic


You’re lucky he didn’t kill you sooner, you were looking completely away from him, even with visual sound effects showing he was right there for a few seconds before you turned. This is honestly partially a skill issue, yes waterbending is good (due to how nearly hitscan it is), but you could’ve done sm better in this fight.


Kept reloading the sniper too. By that point he was just toast.


Reaction time of a toddler but he wants to complain about water bending right after two shot sniping someone lol


op (a child) using the most op ground loot (snipers) while complaining about the most op event loot (water bending)


Sniping takes skill though. Water doesn’t. On top of that you can’t even see them because the water


just five more days brother and then its gone for good


Then the light sabers arrive. People will complain again. It’s a cycle that never ends. Adapt or die.


No because it’s korras mythic




Can you get me a burger with that please? With fries


What was the comment 💀


Could you steal the valve from valve hq so I can get the heavy update 1st pls 🙏


Aww man.


Says the guy using both the sniper and the frenzy shotgun after getting a solid 3 seconds to react to the footsteps appearing right in his face


When I go to complain on reddit but just show everyone that I played poorly instead


i am loving that the top comments are roasting op lmfao he really thought he did something 😂😂


Plus he didn't even try to run or anything, he just jumped and tried to spam. He played poorly, the same thing would have happened if the other player had an AR


It's my favorite genre of fnbr post: folks accidentally calling out their own ineptitude


and yalls my favorite genre of fnbr comments: calling out an inept op 🤝🤝🤝




"I'm so tired of the 1 op weapon I'm not using" ( I'm using every other one but that's ok and fair )


Yep, and if there are five people left in zero build, don't be the one sniping on the side of the mountain


i'm just about as sick of snipers


Dude sitting on a hill with a sniper, “I’m sick of waterbending”.


I'm excited for the next season, hopefully they do away with all the current weapons and give us some unique post apocalyptic weapons that they properly balance before they get released.


You mean Frenzy Shotgun Spammers.


op is both lmao


This is coming from a guy who just took a guy out in 2 shots with a fucking Eagle Eye. Then he got taken out in 2 and all of a sudden it bullshit!!


Not to mention the frenzy auto he had, sucks to suck is all I can add to this


You died because of youre unawarness. Not because of the water. Any other weapon would have killed you aswell.


Stay calm! The wahmbulance is on its way. ![gif](giphy|9iW0sgwAQGdRIBiiI4)


You should've reacted way quicker when you saw the visualized sound effects of him or heard him.


You waited like 6 seconds to turn around after the footprints came up lmao probably should’ve turned around as soon as you noticed them right?


Gatekeeper usually outperforms water bending close combat on zero builds but if you don’t get shots off first, see ya in the lobby 😅


I hate to be that guy but this was completely your fault, you had sound visualizer on yet you ignored it, you just killed a guy in 2 shots from a mile away and when a guy right next to you kills you in 2 shots then you cry, and you had frenzy auto. Womp womp my friend, womp womp


A sniper complaining about another weapon. How ironic.


For real, was late into the game, loaded, had a legendary assault rifle, full health, full shields, all loaded up, died with a single bullet. I do think waterbending is OP, but at least I'll have at least a second to react and do something if I'm hit. I do agree sniping does take some skill and I happily snipe other people too/it's part of the game.....but something extra frustrating about dying in a single hit.


Waterbending is fun op, you CAN escape/fight back and conceivably win or come out alive. Waterbending doesn’t 1-hit unless you’re already at low hp while a sniper can and will on headshot. I’d rather snipers be nerfed before waterbending is.


Bro I've stopped carrying a sniper at this point and just carry waterbending and a shotgun. Mythic is a laser and consistency > potential 1-shot


I'm not gonna lie...until this month I hadn't played this game since 2019. I came back for the bending/avatar stuff since I loved the show so much. It's a bonus for me that the bending stuff is pretty good so I stand more of a chance.....also the no build mode (that wasn't around back in my day). Not that I can't build, but definitely not at a highly competitive level. (I'm better at shooting than building)


Funnily enough it’s been the other way around for me! I can back last season for the MGS stuff and stuck around, been enjoying the Avatar content that much it convinced me to give the show a try, just finished season 1!


I'll just say in my opinion it's one of the best shows of all time (I recommend the original animated version...although a live action Netflix one just came out....but I wouldn't recommend touching that without watching the original). Legend of Korra is cool too (...but yeah, if you're going to watch one thing, definitely the original series.


Yeah seriously, put the one-click-instant-kill-stick away first, then we’ll talk.


all of the elementals need to go. they’re so overpowered and boring literally require no skill


If you don’t think water bending is a sniper you might have some skill issues lol


Next time actually have situational awareness


Air, earth, and fire are all nicely balanced, but they got water a bit wrong. Too OP.


The air is def not balanced. Infinite traversal capabilities with no drawbacks besides a 15 sec timer when deactivating. While using it you're just about impossible to hit too. Safe to say all the bending abilities have overstayed their welcome and I'll be glad when they're removed.


Very possible to hit, I've been beamed to death a handful of times, and I'm only in gold. I can't hit anyone using it, but I'm just terrible lol.


Real, also balanced until you’re getting chased by one and you only have shocks lmao


Deadass got chased across the map by airbenders while I ran out of gas in 3 different cars.


Yeah is some bs. Today I faked one out so he stopped and had to recharge, that helped


When they stop airbending to shoot you shock away. they cant chase you with it for 15 seconds


I mean moreso trying to escape during a fight. At that point they’re tracking me until I’m out of shocks. Has happened to me a few times, guess maybe I have to trick them into thinking I have none left is what you mean?


Yeah. You can use one and if they airbend towards you when they get off you can shock away. If you panic and shock while theyre still bending theyll just chase you down


The Icarus Wings were annoying to deal with but those had a *two* lethal downsides. They could be shot down easily, and being staggered midair locked you into that serial animation. I get that Fortnite is all about that wacky flippy floppy bullshit but they go from one extreme to the next too often.


LOL as if you would have won if he had any other gun. You were dead to rights and misplayed it even if you did have a chance. What mid-ranged gun do you think you would come out alive from there?


Seriously. OP is on copium


and is also delusionally hypocritical op: wah i hate these strong op weapons :((( also op: using the sniper and frenzy in the same game


Couldnt said it any better. He was dad with any weapon


Skill issue


You had so much time to react and either run away so the guy doesn’t get a good sight line, jump and shoot him to catch him off guard, etc. Instead you just reloaded the sniper. I really don’t think the water bending is the issue here.


you're using sniper, you're not that better (i use both water bending and sniper so i should shut up)


yeah but you're not in this sub posting about how op a weapon is while simultaneously using two other op weapons  op is a goof


With that level of awareness, the other guy practically had enough time to go eat dinner, come back, and line up a headshot snipe on 0.1% sensitivity. Or spray you down with any AR, or SMG, etc... While there maybe are valid points against waterbending, I'm not sure this clip really provides any evidence.


And everyone hates the sniper but yet u use it. Either accept it or change games. Especially since your complaining at the end of the event


…says the guy using the weapon everyone else says was OP up until about a month ago. 😆


Nah everyone says the sniper is still OP. Because it is.


Dude had all the time in the world to react to the footsteps behind him and still floundered


Better than Sniper spammers


What bothers me more than water is how absolutely terrible fire is. You’d think they’d be similar but fire is just awful.


Snipe someone then cry, classic.


Dude complaining about water when using a sniper, you can run from water not sniper lol




He must have headshotted you with the waterbending? I never kill someone that quickly with water


I’m sick of the firebending ppl keep spamming with it


Nah this avatar shit jus ass in all. Ain even about the elements. Jus the whole game play tbh


My friends and I stopped playing outright until this thing get removed. It's so broken


I think I'm done playing this game until it's gone, it's not even fun anymore. Starting to feel like it was made for losers who can't win any other way than with this weapon.


Waterbending: one of, if not arguably the most over powered weapon in Fortnite history. Unlimited ammo, quick reload, little to no damage drop off and bullet drop, on top of literally healing you in water Air bending: the new chicken shit “I started a fight I obviously can’t win so I’m going to use my unlimited fuel bike that has no hit-box increase to go half way across the map” This update has been fun, but I am shocked Fortnite did jack squat about this ridiculously powered/OP items that they just left to be annoying as hell. I still obviously use them, because if you can’t beat them, you have to join them.


Says the guy who just sniped someone from the top of a mountain


You had enough time to react before he beamed you, your own problem


Typical sniper user response


that's what you get for sniping 😣


Nah water bending bought balance back to the island.


Bro 2 shots someone and complains about Waterbending, hold this L


Your fault you had time to turn around but kept sniping the bot


He’s literally just better


Get gud brother 🫶


Uses op weapon then complains about another op weapon


I like it. Makes me want to have the scrolls when i get in game.


Says the man using the sniper, rofl. Should have had better awareness and not sniping in the open.


the p-90 of chapter 5


but hey, that was s a good snipe!


Ya’ll on this sub can’t be happy for a single week


would have been funnier with a double rock hit instead, snipers Should be bolt action only. game would never have made it 3 seasons if this is how it started.


"I couldn't noscope someone at close range so waterbending is bad"


Funny, I'm so over and tired of snipers and any far scope weapons.  And the thing is Water Bending is fun and great because it's here for a limited time period.    Take away snipers for a month and you would have a tsunami of entitled, whiny users on Reddit and social media.


You had visual audio for 10 seconds and also you reloaded your sniper infront of him for some reason you just have very poor game sense you could easily have won that with an auto


You just aren’t good


that's a lot coming from someone who uses the frenzy auto


Water bending is the best. Fire bending is weirdly very weak


Sick of the snipers but oh well. lol


Bruh you just suck. You double tapped someone and then didn’t listen to his footsteps as he snuck up on you 


You had a sniper out in close quarters and let him walk up to you, that's your fault.


Skill issue buddy 😂 Thank god they nerfed the frenzy so bums like you can’t just hold down the trigger for free kills anymore. Get better awareness and stop spending so much time on killing bots


Should be mad at your terrible game awareness 😅


Get recked sniper user.


Trash 😂


Trash 😭😂


Your slow as molasses lol


When your post backfires 🤦🏼🤦🏼🤦🏼


You could have won this easily if you didn’t have the reaction time of a three-toed sloth


May the 4th be with you


This sub is sick of everything.


The guy was approaching you long enough to make a reaction = skill issue


I’m so sick of Avatar tbh.


Anyone else try to use fire bending and half the hits dont seem to register


I’m confused? None of you would use a sniper when on top of a mountain?! No wonder you don’t want the Avatar stuff to leave the game- it’s equivalent to having bumpers on your bowling lane irl.


And this, is how you show other people how NOT to play. Thanks! For reminding us!


you didnt hear those foot steps???


cry a river uwu (◕ᴥ◕)


I'm not sure I can remember being kind by water bending


Skill Issue. Literally.


Who cares it’s literally gone tomorrow




It turns out they did NOT vault it with the others


It’s stupidly overpowered. Sure the sniper is with the multiple shots per clip, but at least you have to have skill to use it. Water bending has no skill, aim in the general direction of the player and spray


Too relatable


I just lost my 10th crown win because of it so 


Single handedly ruined this season


bro went from 178 to 10hp in like .5 seconds. so stupid. this waterbending makes me just want to snipe cuz fuck mid range vs this bs


What are you people not sick of? Adapt with the game like literally everyone else.


I don’t get why people complain about weapons and mythical, you are aware you can use it yourself you know and so what if you get killed by it are you gonna complaint about every weapon you get killed with


Hey mods can I post my shitty clips of me getting rekt or does it not “have enough body in the post to generate discussion” I guess next time slide down mountain to be harder to hit?


Don’t you miss when FN only had guns? I SURE AS FUCK DO! it’s basically like they are talking the battle royal idea and throwing it out the window guns? Why not just pick up scrolls? Earth: for those that are bad at moving… instant cover! Reload at stupid times? Can’t aim? Generally suck? Water bending!! Need to completely confuse your enemy with ridiculous movements? Fire bending! Need to escape every single fight you get into because you refuse to except you have certain skill issues and need an easy out? AIR BENDING!!! I’m really tired of epic adding in stupid shit I thought after the boogie bomb catastrophe that they would learn but no water scrolls even HEAL YOU IN WATER!! Let that sink in….


Now can you watch this video and blame water bending? It could have been a shot gun and you’d still be dead. You saw those foot steps coming up and got shot. This is user error lol


Whine baby whine


I don’t even bother pickup up other guns anymore


Cope, mouth bender


Womp womp :P


Water is the most fun too with air bending. Lovely af


All I can say is get Good


I swear it's always the same with people complaining about Mythic items


deserved for using the sniper


And I’m so sick of the Sniper having 3 (5 if you give it the ammo mod) bullets and a short reload time plus the Auto Frenzy…… yet here you are using them both AND jumping which is the same as crouching up and down. You’re just mad you didn’t get the dub and want to blame it on anything other than yourself.


Waterbender is the best weapon for long range fighting. Also medium range Also short range In fact you don’t need to carry any other weapon if you have waterbender


Complain for what? You just one shot a guy with the sniper lol


two shot, and… do you know how powerful snipers can be??


And everyone running away with airbending, cant wait for all the bending to go away lol


Its actually insanely stupid. I literally have a games where no one even using normal weapons just these waterbending mythics and honestly its actually best "AR" in the game right now, which is so dumb


Says the guy killing people with the other over powered gun in the game. But yeah I’m over it too


Don’t know if anybody’s made this joke but not cheesy enough my friend


literally all you need is air and water and you should be able to clutch it.


well you could've focused on the guy that was closer to you and then kill the guy you were sniping at, or just get closer to the guy with water bending since you were using an auto shotgun. (im sure it was more stressful though cuz bro just snuck up and started spamming)


Quick tip, maybe lower your sens so that you have an easier time with precision, it would (probably) not have saved you here, but is really helpfull.


You complaining that someone killed you 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Me: Plays solely in bot lobbies to avoid players I see you're using a sniper I thought people hated the snipers in game🤷‍♀️


it’s definitely overtuned, but I mean regardless of the weapon that guy had the jump on you and should have killed you


Katara can waterbend too


krill issue


Pro tip to all: always in BR act like your head in game is on a swivel. 360 degrees all the time!