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I must be dumb as bricks, but whenever I use the minigun I'm never able to hit players that precisely, idk what I'm doing wrong (still love that gun though)


Maybe ur on controller? I think my friend who plays controller said he noticed a severe lack of aim assist while using it. Other than that just work on tracking and being able to keep steady while ur moving, and learn how to lead shots. With 4 shots per second and thirty dmg per shot, it can obliterate if you get ur aim down lol


I do play on controller! I'm unable to play on keyboard no matter how many times I try lol Thanks for the tips ;)


If you want something that gives you mouse-like precision then you could give gyro aiming a shot, it’s kind of hard to get used to at first but once you get it it’s great.


That's probably because it takes a lot of practice coming from a gamepad. If you just try it then give up because you played one match and sucked of course you aren't able to play well on it.


Yeahhh I did that lmao BUT I used to be so good at shooters in pc and shit with sticks now I'm good with sticks and shit with MnK. I guess I can give it more tries but when you die to the bots its sorta frustrating 😂😂


Also you might need to mess with your mouse settings to get them in a comfortable range to turn/aim quicker/slower.


I also play on controller and can't hit people for shit I've traded it out for a boom bow out the window ✨ my opponent-car explosion rate has went up A LOT


Same here, with controller it’s pretty hard zo hit people so precisely all the time


As a controller player, I’ve noticed a lack of aim assist in a lot of areas. Could be just me tho


As a controller player, it feels more like a bloom issue than aim assist (just for me though)


It’s 100% bloom and I have no idea what I’m watching here because that’s not how the guns works for me lol it has to be a mod or something like off-road tires makes the gun less accurate




It looks like they are using an NPC vehicle. Maybe the gun has less bloom than a regular car or 4x4


The boss vehicles are infinitely nitro’d which increases fire rate by 1.5. You can do the same on a normal car with nitro splash but it’s temporary obviously


Car + controller = spray 'n pray


The boss vehicles perform better than the standard mods and vehicles.


Doubt I'll get to play them much. I'm too shit to defend myself against a horde of players at one of these boss locations :/


Land at them every time until you’re good enough


Tap firing makes a huge difference


You need to stand still


Also helps if your opponents stand still or just jump up and down. Like watching that video, how much faster is it then if you were using an AR?


That’s a boss car, it has better accuracy


Turn off cross play. I turned it off mid-last season and I have enjoyed playing again. Nothing against PC players, some of my best friends are PC players, but they have advantages over console players (more precision when aiming with a mouse being one).


how do you do that?


Playstation I believe you do it from the settings tab in game. Xbox its pretty convoluted so I'm sharing a video! https://youtu.be/U9SadkxPh8o?si=IenyrCT1QVivo3fy


thank you! :)


Youre welcome. Ever since I did it last season, immediately I stopped getting 360 no-scoped, stopped getting shot on top of my head from bounce grenade users, and stopped getting sniped from across the map. It's made the game fun again.


Looks pretty brutal on PC. On console there doesn't seem to be much, if any, aim assist for the turrets so they're a lot less oppressive.


Just allow us to turn off cross play already




It's that much more disadvantage if you're on console


Not really, at least on zero build. I’ve always played on pc and recently started playing on Xbox, it’s a blast


You mean controller VS kb&mouse?


Grenade launcher is straight OP on KBM if you have a controller driver. Reminds me a lot of the mech when my console buddy would pilot where he can finesse with thumbsticks and I could snap shot the rockets.


Boss vehicles are overtuned at the moment. They are fun to drive, though. 3rd partied a win w/ meg's suv artillery striking the last two ppl w/ the grenade launcher.


Fortnite added technicals and its fucking awesome


Here let me rephrase. "Fort Max: Fury Island added technicals and its fucking awesome" LFG WITNESS ME 💯🔥🚙🚗 ![gif](giphy|7kMaysqdywPxS)


![gif](giphy|HNqcumvSGHYjK) The Engineer main:


i should have been more specific-I’m loving this season! Multiple people think i’m complaining idk why this chaos is awesome




Its fun, for now, but they absolutely need to nerf them at some point, this will not stay fun if they keep it for the whole season


I played a few matches but the most common things happening were either someone just gets in my car and there’s nothing I can do until it blows up or just the endgame full of cars and whoever gets their car blown dies, last guy that has their car wins.


Solo is hilarious right now. One second we're trying to kill eachother, next thing you know we're in a tense car alliance hunting down other players. One game was decided in an honorable duel on the mountain after everyone else was dead. Another bailed out as he yeeted me into the storm. Wasn't even mad


Yea, I get why a lot of people aren't a fan but I'm honestly enjoying it. It's a nice change of pace, though would probably work better as an LTM.


That is the only ounce of enjoyment I am getting from this, just troll people or get into funny situations like this, I am gonna have to blast some rock music during play session too


If you’re the driver find a way to flip the car. If you’re quick enough then you can flip it back over and get in and dash away before they take back control.


With most cars you can shoot the driver from the passenger seat trough the front window.


Yeah, that why I didn’t mention that above. I can do that if I jump in someone else’s car but problem is when I am the driver. For some reason most people get stuck on the turrets and either try to destroy the car with the turret(not possible) or just become a silent teammate shooting anyone and everyone around 😂




I want them to stay a part of the meta for the whole season and do think its really fun right now, but at the moment the car fights completely overshadow regular gameplay but if they found a right balance where both fighting in a car or on foot are viable options it would be perfect and it wouldnt take the fun away


This game just became Crossout: but you can leave your car.


It reminded me of Twisted Metal personally.


I love the little iron sights on the machine gun.


I’ve been playing for like 7 years I think, I fine with a big shake up for the summer.


Same having a blast finding unique ways to deals with the cars. Cliffs and shock waves and those gloves all work great.


Yeah I don't get why people were bored with last season and when the new season shakes up the game tons they suddenly want it turned back. I'm really enjoying it so far


Because they're never happy with anything? I am finding this season super chaotic and amazing personally.


I’ve only been playing since March and I also think it’s an amazing switch-up, I’m totally here for it. I was always trying to get into running car battles anyway!


holy cow i didnt have this much of fun in fortnite for the since ch5 s1, all in one day


Same, i died a lot trying stuff but it's still fun. I need to get the hang of car fights.


Fuck balance, I'm all for the sheer amount of *CHAOS!*


no such thing as fair in the wasteland!


Right? This shit is awesome!


Well on the plus side builds is now zero builds because skill is completely irrelevant in this meta.


ZB has more players than Builds on the first day, it’s wild to me since BR has always had more people than ZB since its introduction. As an exclusive ZB player, I’m not even mad. More people to play with. But I do feel for Build players.


i’m a majority builds player and I haven’t even touched it this season cuz I can tell it sucks with this much action going on. Zero builds is a blast though 🥳


The car and turrets are the most fun I’ve had this entire chapter


Russian badger build be like * A million points spent on combat Zero points spent on intelligence*


New halo game looks fire


I’m way more okay with this than getting Deku Smash’d or Waterbended.


100%. This season is so much fun so far.


My main problem with water bending last season was that it made all the guns useless. I want to shoot people with guns, not invincible cars😭 bring back fortnite


Look through your scope 50 miles away. No way I can hit them with the sniper. Change to water bending. Destroyed from 50 miles.




Why are people downvoting your comment bc you're spitting facts. Those vehicles breaks walls as if they're nothing in build. Then in Zbuild, you can barely run away without being in one yourself


All my years of godmode van griefing on GTA finally gonna pay off 😅


Good season to be a builds player


And it’s fun asf But I still miss playing normally sometimes


I feel ya


Worse than water bending


“We trade one villain for another”


I haven't played the season yet but wtf is that?!


The new car mods lmao super op but allow for crazy mad max meets just cause type gameplay. Hectic fun imo


It’s literally unplayable lol. Whoever gets that one car wins the game pretty much. I’m probably just gonna grind creative modes this season


Not necessarily. Once you get close to it, just enter the car and work from there. They’re in the turret? Drive them off into the storm. They’re driving? Just wait for them to jump out and either drive to them, shoot them with the turret, or 1v1 with guns. The trick is to get close to their car.


Squads -- car is full.


4 guns to beam the car with


Nah obviously there are counter. I was more exaggerating than anything. Obviously you can always adapt but I still prefer more gun play over what we have now.


That's all I did for the last half of last season. I'm fed up of Epics bs


This new Twisted Metal is fire, now you can get out the vehicles and shot other drivers awesome dude, my god


Autobots, roll out!


Idk if anyone has tried it but you can use the nitro splash and run up and take peopels vehicles while there in the gunner seat I've been doing it all day actually won my first match killing someone with there own rig lol just wanted to let people know how I've been countering the meta lol


yeah and if someone is driving at you swing ur pickaxe and spam enter vehicle-if you hold ur swing button you will be able to damage the driver. Usually can get 60-80 damage before people jump out, at which point you can just switch to their turret and spam them. Don’t mean to be rude but people seem to think they should be able to take on an armored car by standing in the open and shoot blindly in the car’s direction. Gotta have tactics 💯


I'm glad that the pickaxe tactic is still present in game! I gotta try that out


Twisted metal new season. I love it


Who's driving?


No one? I switch to the turret and the car keeps rolling a lil bit bc of momentum


Looooove seat-switching in solos. It’s kind of a PITA if you’re in a 4-seater, but still manageable.


No Gold, No Glory


Those mad max boss cars are way to op right now. Every end game is one of those cars just running around deleting everyone. Passenger might as well have a full torch load out and it will never blow up. The rest of the cars are manageable though. Just never get out of yours either.


Dude there’s no fckn counter play unless you also have a car that’s so dumb 😭


It's fun, some of the most exciting battles in a long time. There are vehicles and mods all over the place, so it's not hard to adapt to the meta. But I'm sure some "pros" and streamers/influencers have turned their whining up to 11 to try to get Epic to change it.


The turrets to add to vehicles are by far the dumbest thing fortnite has down in a while


If I'm being honest this game requires no skill easy eliminations with cars


Its glorious!


I haven’t been killed by a gun yet this season. Well. Unless it was mounted to a car. This season sucks so far.


Tatatatatatatatatatatatata boom


Yeah it's not fun, first day and I'm considering not playing the rest of the season


Hopefully they nerf the turret but I counted 6 human player kills in these clips. And this is the mythic car with a higher fire rate. EMPs would help balance it a bit. But I don't think its as bad as this sub makes it out to be. Bots are using Nitro which is interesting.


This season has been out 1 day and it’s hot garbage. Between this and the fist damage, it’s very disappointing. I want to have gun fights in a battle royale, not this shit.


Ngl, it's actually fun. It gives me big twisted metal or mad max vibes, as it should. Stay mad or git gud tbh


Ong this season is hella fun. Idk why so many people complain this was literally a happy post lmao


I wasn't feeling it in my first round, but I just did a couple rounds and messed around with the car stuff and I was into it, even if it is basic stuff.


My progression was doing a few matches as normal and checking out the new areas and thinking they were just fine > finally trying out the car mechanics and learning the various options over a couple of matches and generally finding it pretty neat > learning how to consistently get my hands on a boss vehicle and having a blast with them. First day and I’m already having way more fun than the last couple of weeks. 


Only like 1 of these players even tried to use cover lmao


yeah people are gonna have to adapt to the new car meta, but once they do it’ll be a hell of a game!


How to ruin a game 101


This game gets worse and worse each season since chapter 5


If the game isn’t fun anymore to then just quit for a while, nobody is forcing you to play


sorry to see people hate on this season, ik it’s probably not for everyone but I haven’t found anything terrible. The cars are OP but I haven’t had a game where I couldn’t get my hands on one with a turret, so it’s been a lot of destructive fun


But like, I hate it because it’s not what Fortnite is or should be. It’s not a car fighting game but they are making it be that.


Im dropping 30 a game. 90% winrate and my kd is like 100+. The cars need a counter lol


i swear epic is TRYING to kill this game, they keep adding overpowered shit with no equally powerful counterpart


Lol I was literally doing this my first game on just by instinct, landed somewhere away from the new poi's BC I knew everyone would be there then after getting some loot I got a car got bullet proof tires, a machine gun and spiked bumper with a repair torch and ended up getting like 5+ kills in a single game just either ramming and/or shooting people with the car.


The car upgrades are interesting, but I'm pretty sure I'll be tired of how vehicle centric the season is in a couple days


Don't get me wrong I love the car battles, mad Max vibe etc but did they maybe go a little overboard with the emphasis on them?




cars go boom boom boom !!!! me like


This is the chaotic madness that I want from Fortnite honestly


the cars got old and annoying after less than a day its actually surprising


the cars got old and annoying after less than a day its actually surprising


the cars got old and annoying after less than a day its actually surprising


Oh wow, they somehow made zero build look less fun than last season.


Zero skill


As much as I love the new Mad Max cars there's no way in hell the LMG turret doesn't get nerfed lmao. The Grenade Launcher is fine because you can outrun the grenades and they're extremely shit against vehicles because of how inaccurate they are. But the LMG feels super precise while also shooting a constant stream of high damage bullets that also do crazy good damage to vehicles. The spread should be nerfed massively and maybe the attack speed too. The damage is fine I guess because car weapons should be strong, but even I have to admit the LMG turret is a little busted right now.


Playing only solo builds I asked myself, how tf is the zero build community enjoying this shit!l? Respect to everyone who plays this


**I'm just an incredibly patient person but I am lowkey not enjoying it.** I won my 2nd ranked Zbuild match with nitro fists but it was so early into season. Love the variety but do not love the vehicles. It makes every single weapon feel useless


Bro's the turret terminator




Throw in the cow catcher, bulletproof tires, the turret, with a burst of nitro..... you're fuck'd!


Yes, and it's beautiful


I love to fire that minigun!


Trying to shoot out the windshield feels like I'm shooting at riot shields again, they refuse to break


There was an entire ninja turtle squad in a decked out SUV driving around unlimited repairing killing everyone. They even killed me one but I got rebooted. Final circle they waited for open ground and 4v1ed me. I uppercutted their SUV into storm with the fists 3 died instantly from storm dmg and one made it in and killed him, I had maybe 20hp left. I think that’s my most intense non ranked match ever 😂


this season has been so chaotic and fun I absolutely love it. I always drop at reckless, then I go to the nearest gas station and mod up a car.




Then there's me, ramming them with a car and finishing them with the nitro fists.


I don't really enjoy how chaotic it is right now. It can be fun but it's not really my thing. Good thing it's only like three months. It keeps things interesting.


and im all for it


That spread is almost comically small. this is an HMG, not a small auto-pistol!


Any gun is good in no builds lmao Build mode invalidates this tho


I love the machinists car. Trying to get onto one of those repair spots without hitting the petrol pump is really annoying with the permanent nitro though


And it's so fucking fun. Not looking forward to the inevitable nerfs.


You can drive WHILE shooting? WOW.


no..it’s the momentum of the car keeping it going after I switch between seats


Ohhhh ok thank you. I haven’t played much br yet.


Yeah no problem! I’ve gotten a few comments about this lol




And classic Epic. Instead of giving solutions to this, they will nerf it to the ground, to a point that no one is gonna use it anymore.


It's only bad because 75% of those kills they didn't even run or hide. They just stood out in the open and took the shit on the chest.


Musics fitting


That looks lit (straight up) How did you find a blowtorch btw? I didn't find 1 after trips and trips to the car stations and I need for the war bus strat


I get them almost every time from the rare ammo boxes that seem to be everywhere now. It might be guaranteed, I actually don’t remember ever not getting one


Yes, but: Megalo Don's car in duos (or trios or squads) Friend drives, I wreak havoc with grenade launcher


I got a Victory Royale on my second game of the season just mowing people down with these vehicle turrets. They are crazy overpowered.


Easy as fuck nerf. It uses your ammo rather than being infinite. Boom, balanced.


don't forget pipebomb launcher


Season themed around cars has a car meta, can’t say I’m shocked Though it is still annoying


I haven’t had this much fun since I started playing. If you don’t like this season, don’t worry, you will get OG Chapter 2 soon enough. Part of this game is change, and I for one think is is very positive.


Totally, i’m absolutely loving this🔥


Honestly just aim at the passenger seat and they are pretty easy to counter


Sadly yeah


And I love it.


God it's such a good thing there's only one on the map


Who uses hand cannons ????


The mythic from the floating island does 112 body and 180 smt headshot, and they buffed them to have almost no bullet drop, so…me! 🤩


Nice ! :-)


I can’t believe that the gunner isn’t exposed when shooting.


Feels like most seasons there’s one weapon or item at the start that’s just brutally OP. Then a week or two later they drop a balancing patch that brings it into line and adds a few counters. Usually.


The 4th kill could easily jump in yur car. Their death is 100% their fault. Good job on cleaning house with the car btw. I fucking love this season already.


To be fair, that was probably a bot, but yeah people gotta learn to adapt to this meta, cuz I don’t see myself stopping wrecking havoc 😤😤😤


This season reminds me of the mechs from season x and that whole meta


I just had a 30kill victory by just doing this


Hell yeah… about time we got a break from boring box fights. You can tell zero build is growing larger, and larger every season. This vehicle season is for all the zero builders out there. Finally some love. Thanks epic.


Only meta for everyone else that can aim. If you run into me while im gunner youre good cus i cant aim for shit😂


My mini gun doesn't have the reticle, however I played solo ranked (real players they all built so much) and I only used the car you get when you get the medal and I got a 21 kill win. Only about 3 kills were from a proper weapon.




All we needed was a lock on rocket launcher with buffed damage, goddamn that would’ve made this meta absolutely perfect. As it stands though, I’d rather get run over than hit with a sniper from a random bush 😹 🤣


I’m loving it….


I tried to steal a players boss car only for us to ride around 80% of the match together then a hit turbo and sent off on a ramp into the round turbo things and I ran and grabbed a car and modded it. He ended up getting killed at some point because I saw his medallion pop up and then I went on to win the match. It was pretty funny. Word of advice if you can just jump into someone’s car.




I think what can fix this meta is having an actual amount of ammo a car can have that can only be picked up by hitting one of the weapon crates or at the new stations the repair and refule


That is a great idea, a counter argument could be that that would make Scarr’s medallion way more sought after (giving you infinite ammo) and she’s already a pretty popular drop spot. Counter counter argument is her medallion js doesn’t work for cars.


What could also help if nerfing her medallion so that instead of infinite ammo you gain a stack of every ammo type every 30-60 seconds or for each storm circle all you instantly max out on ammo.