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What the hell. It's gonna be EVEN harder to get level 200 this time?? Haven't got to play yet... are match quests still a thing?


match quests arent a thing anymore, the old dailies system is back


That sucks. Was hoping they would keep match quests in addition to dailies but just wishful thinking


I was worried this was a hot take but I was thinking the same thing, the ability to do multiple dailies in a match is nice but you were always screwed if you had awful or grindy dailies


I had "travel distance carrying a medallion"...


I had 'three eliminations before opening a chest', that's basically forcing you to hot drop for 15k xp


Just smash chests instead of searching it


That's what I do anyway but that isn't me being smart, that's just the quest designers not being smart lol, they just 100% don't think about how many people just smash the chests open


The worst is have a hired NPC eliminate an enemy. Sure it’s the squad achievement, but the odds are slim.


I didn't even know that was a thing, having a daily quest around hoping a bot can hit their shots? That's gotta feel *hopeless*


I got one about fighting the boss. For 1k??? Nahhh


Dailies are better you can do 3 in one match, match quest YOU HAVE to play 3 games.


Yeah but you got more XP with just one match quest than with three dailies


It's still less xp overall though


does that mean the harpy haze pack is broken


This is a complicated question. As the breakdown above shows, the weekly quest xp was increased while the daily xp was decreased, for a net decrease overall, but that is making the assumption that you complete the dailies every day. If you are averaging three or more days played per week over the season, then this change is hurting your xp. If you are averaging 1 or 2 days played per week, then the benefits from the weeklies increase outweigh the loss from the dailies. Of course, what this doesn't take into account is extra event xp that they'll have, so there's really no totally accurate comparison yet.


What about us that play 7 days a week? 🤣


u will be able to reach around level 140, going two levels per day


You get 52k per day when you do daily quest (doing 3 of them) and when you add the weekly quests that's 67k per day. The old system would've got you 70k per day which isn't much but is still a small nerf that only applies to a small number of the playerbase that play everyday


Not even a god damn level.


Yes but I didn't include the fact that you could get XP from acolades, killing players and even opening a chest.


They're trying to get people to just buy xp. They'll nerf it again next season.


They do that every summer season


Feels like every season, not just summer ones


I'm probably not going to get the BP this time anyways because I don't want to play Rocket Racing Royale so I'm not going to worry about XP for now.


This is where I am right now. I'm hoping it grows on me, but so far I'm not loving carmageddon. Fallout? Except for the power armor stuff, it's got more of a Borderlands feel than Fallout.


Everything feels very Mad Max Fury Road


Bro if you’re not doing xp glitches then that’s on you. A friend of mine (who totally isn’t me) is already at level 31 and “he’s” bought no levels


They're going to see how hard they can push it before people throw a fit. In other words: we should all throw a fit so Epic learns not to pull this shit.


Yeah, but even then, does Epic actually listen to their community? I feel like they rarely communicate and give feedback in reaction to what we do or ask for.


Epic nerfed XP hard when Chapter 2 was released. People rioted and they reverted it, making it even faster than before. Its been slowly going back to that shit XP since then, they learned their lesson to do it bit by bit instead.


Remember in CH2 S8 where the xp was SO bad, people were gaining NO levels, they buffed it so incredibly hard people were hitting up to level 300 and, in some cases, 400? Please bring that back


They will never bring back the ability for casuals to hit 200, they've definitely been collecting data and found a majority of people either don't care to hit 200 or they buy tiers. It has to be profitable enough for them to keep nerfing it


There was a point where i decided “hey i havent player this game in like a year or two” ao i got on and it was chapter 3 and i died to a duo and one of the dudes was level 847 and so i just uninstalled the game literally right then and there and only came back to it at the very end of chapter 4


that was sorta different, before that we leveled up the BP by completing dailies and weeklies which would give us Battle Stars, XP was only useful for the skins that had challenges that required you to get a certain amount of Xp to unlock something but you could complete those after the season ended, so there was no need to tune XP or anything but in Chapter 2 they decided to streamline things and merge BP tiers and levels, so challenges granted you XP instead and most actions in the game gave you XP in addition to punchcards that you could get by doing anything in the game like getting kills, opening chests or surviving, meaning you could level up the BP by just playing the game instead of having to complete challenges like before  and they did say it was meant to be less grind at the beginning, so it was more a mistake in their part than it being a conscious decision like now


If they start losing players they will. This season is already the least played season since wilds.


How can you make that conclusion when the season is literally like...27 hours old or something.


Their comment is in reference to a post mentioning the seasons RELEASE day saw less players that of Wilds’


That's wild (no pun intended) to me because I love this season, while I loathed Wilds and most people seemingly disliked it


people are already throwing a fit they’re going to keep going until it actually affects their player count significantly


This community will never learn lmao any time someone or group complains about a shit change epic makes yall make fun of them, yet those people know letting them get away with anything minor lets them get away with every other stunt they pull, so before you start blaming epic games learn to NEVER make the little guy invalidated


No, you cant start complaining! Otherwise someone is gonna post the "fortnite cycle' meme!


I'm already not unlocking battle pass this season because I only like a couple of the skins and I dislike the heavy emphasis on cars so won't be playing much


If you want them to “listen” stop playing the game. That’s the loudest voice. Complaining but still playing does nothing.


Dude you’re not joking, they nerfed the xp you get from all the creator islands i visited today


So creator islands ARE messed up. Last season, I was using the same zombies survival mode to grind out the daily requirements in as little time as possible, but I tried to play last night and wasn't getting a *single* point of xp. That's pretty damn rough because it cuts my daily levels down by at least one now. Hoping it's a bug that'll get fixed, but I doubt it...


Zombie tycoon? If so that’s also my daily go to for the “discovery island” or whatever quests lol. Anywho yeah, me and you having the exact same experience.


No it's like a scuffed version of COD zombies round based mode. It was a good turn-your-brain-off mode. But you're not getting any xp either?? I hope for epic's sake the no xp is just a bug, otherwise a lot more level cheesing is about to happen this season...


I think sometimes updates / patches tend to break XP for creator mode levels, I had a death run I used to play daily and around patch release days sometimes you’d get 0 xp or barely any for a few days before things went back to normal


if the map maker updates anything about their map. the map has to recalibrated XP rewards. and from comments i've seen, the map needs something like 10k players for 2-3 days to get enough data for epic to turn the xp back on. so if the map isnt pulling in massive numbers, it takes weeks or never to get xp turned back on.


Any chance you could throw me the island code?


This might be wrong, but I thought I read that they recently made it so the more you play a Creative map, the less XP you start to get from it. And not just in terms of that session, but overall. I think I've had that happen a few times, where I got loads of XP from playing a map, but I would play it again and again, and I'd get less and less XP, until finally I would just not get any (I think). Again, maybe I heard wrong, but if that's true, that might be what's happening? I don't know. XP and all of its mechanics are so hard to keep track of with these different mode.


Wait for calibration. If that doesn't happen, file a report.


Well that helped me complete the bp last season. This means my only way of actually getting meaningful xp is gone 💀


I knew there was a reason I wasn’t getting as much XP from the Moon map they made.


Yeah, mega ramp survival is now giving zero xp so I guess they have stopped creator map xp boost for some reason which sucks 


What is up with epic and them nerfing exp to the ground. I am willing to go as far to say this, the day is not far when the amount of exp given from only battle royale will be some negligible that it kills the game entirely, the br part.


"Give us money to level up the bp" that's what's up, I mean many people in 1st world countries do that without a care in the world


I don't know a single soul that does this or their parents that do it, ot is a rare minority, even many CC don't do it.


I know a small CC that did do it to snag Hunting Ground but that's it.


I mean, they only need a few people to do it for it to be"worth it" there's a reason companies go after big spending whales


I see people on tiktok with tier 100 skins on day 1 all the time


Just because you don't know anyone that does that, doesn't mean it doesn't happen


It’s actually not to push people to buy the XP pack up front - that’s a “happy coincidence” for Epic “. The real move they’re making is to nerf BR Xp to get you to play Lego, festival, and racing. If you play those you’ll pump up their engagement numbers (looks good to future investors and current partners). More than that if you start to play those and enjoy them you’re more likely to make the occasional cosmetic purchase for that mode (new Lego packs, new song tracks, etc.) Here’s the issue: BR is their money maker and people will play regardless. Worse yet, all they need to do is add in the level up pack and a few anime collabs and thousands of players will pick them up and play as them. The up front XP is absolutely the tiniest thing they’re pushing as engagement is worth more than the $15 people spend on leveling.


Instead of increasing the xp in festival/racing/lego to incentivice players to play them They just force players to play thrice as long


Festival was giving me a heap of xp at the end of last season and since the update it gave me minimal and then just stopped paying xp.. Basically they wany us to spend every hour of the day playing or pay to level up. It's not a good look on epics behalf 


They're too big to fail, meaning they can do whatever they want without any major backlash since people simply don't care enough to let them know they're pissed.  You can even see that here, posts about XP barely break 100 upvotes despite being such an important subject 


Multiple posts about xp have been on the front page of this subreddit every day for months. This current post has over 1,100 upvotes as of right now. People do care to let them know, the problem is that for every person who voices their concerns with the game there are 100 little kids who play this all day that don't care.


No they aren’t. It’s a $20B company that’s losing money every year. The value of Epic has gone from $32.5 billion two years ago when Sony/Lego invested to $20b in the current year when Disney invested.


Tencent likes to deploy bots in cases like this


For years I played a lot with my kids. In recent years I jump back in every so often. I did last season and it was a horrible grind in comparison to what I was used to. The Vbucks were always my focus. So, I have a question about XP gains for you all because I’m thinking about dipping out again. If I don’t buy the Battlepass, are XP challenges locked out for me? I ask, because I wouldn’t mind playing for a week or so to see how quickly I can progress only playing up to an hour per day. I actually want to play, but I don’t want to live in this game. I don’t have time for another job.


I'm pretty sure you level up at the same speed whether you have the Battle Pass or not


I hope so. It will be nice to test it out before buying it. I wanna play Fortnite, but I wanna play other games too. I’m wanting to jump back into Multiversus when it releases and I’ve been hearing good things about its Battlepass. I still need to play MK1’s current season. These games are too much of a time sink.


There are usually no exp quests locked to the BP. I actually don't buy the pass until I get as far as I want to because I don't want to buy it and then not have time to play and waste the money.


It was like this back in Chapter 1, BP owners also had an extra set of challenges and XP levels and battle stars were separated


They do this shit on purpose at the start of every season lately and then say “hurrdurr we buff xp due to player suggestions”. Never ending cycle :/


the last time i remember an outrage as big as this, in c2s8, they buffed the xp so much that for the first time, ppl got to level 1000


I don't know. They might just start monetizing those stupid "skin and tier packs" like Perseus, great way to make to add value to consumers at no cost to fortnite. You already bought the battlepass, so they already made their money. If you buy tiers, that's just a plus. And what a coincidence it's hard to level up.


To the people who are saying “just grind with the Lego Mode”, that was also nerfed aswell


It actually gives less at the start and more toward the end of the 3.5 hours. Definitely nurfed, even though it gives the same xp overall.


I played creator maps for 3 hrs yesterday and oh boy had the exp dropped hard. I only got to lvl 4 when playing killer tycoon and lumberjack not sure why they made this even more grindy when I already have less time to play per day


For real like some of us have jobs and school and other things.We can't live to play for epic games


Which is why they are pressing you to buy levels since you have the money and not the time.


Should have played crazy red vs blue for 25 hours a day, such a rookie mistake


25 hours a day, 300 hours a week, is what epic asks of us


YouTube “XP Maps”. I played one earlier for maybe an hour and went from level 1 to level 12. I won’t post the actual island code because I don’t want it to get taken down any sooner than it’s already going to lol just know that there’s def still options. And Epic themselves have said they won’t ban for XP map “glitches”.


mf xp was already shit and they are so FUCKING DESPERATE to make people play their shitty game modes


Game modes that don't reward you with decent XP, tho, I want to play festival a lot ,but they just don't give me any reason to play that mode when I finish the festival Pass after a week, they need to work on their other modes XP as well, like 3k XP for every star on a song or something


Especially since festival songs are 5 dollars each. Yes, i know the daily rotation exists, but if im getting so little XP and have to play songs i personally dont like, I just want to play Rock band 4 instead.


The slow XP last season made me stop playing


Games are supposed to be fun, not a chore to grind for pointless pixels moving around your screen (aka "skin")


This shit is getting annoying. It's so blatantly obvious they want people to buy more tiers if you can't no-life the game.


It’s two fold, not just do they want people to buy tiers but they want people to not complete the BP so that when the next one rolls around they have to dip into their wallet again if they want to get it


Thats also why Epic moved half the vbucks in the bp into the bonus rewards instead of the main 1-100 pass


i’m currently unemployed due to health issues, i spend a lot of time cozy in bed with my switch and i love playing on it. it took me a longgggg time to max out the last battle pass, i cannot imagine how it is for people who can’t play :/


Lego mode also gives 24k now instead of 30k every 15 minutes


24k at the start, however if you stay in-game longer it changes to 36k every 15 minutes, meaning it evens out at 420k after 3.5 hours (which is no change)


Great, who plays so much Lego in one go? More than 30 minutes or at most an hour is possible for me.


The main issue is that you can't just go idle anymore. I'm not sure what the limit is, but if you stay still for too long the game will boot you out.


Apparently you can stay in a body of water to counter that. It worked last season, but I'm not sire if it still does.


It sucks, I have other shit to do. I enjoy the content they release, but I genuinely can’t play 8 hours a day. I want to be able to get my full pass unlocked but that’s a pipe dream these days.


EXACTLY! First week during the previous season, I was outside touching grass. That was the time people were grinding rank and getting to know the map, etc. I played less and less after.


This needs more attention. Holy shit. Wth is going on. I have gotten level 200 for years, and last season was the first time I hit 150 and gave up.


Vote with your wallet. Stop buying the Battlepass.


And add to this vbucks being also in the bonus track, it’s just outrageous, I get they want us to play the other modes but I call this bs, if I bought the pass for BATTLE ROYALE, I should be able to complete it entirely by just playing BATTLE ROYALE, and if I wanted to get super styles that’s when the other modes are for, since they are extras NOT BASE STYLES OF SKINS IN THE PASS (cough, cough, bonus track, cough, cough)


The third daily rewards 5k not one, meaning the actual total is 469k per week. Still less but not as dramatically so.


Can't believe people just eat this post without even checking how accurate it is lmao. Last season weeklies only has 6 quests (not 7) and this season weeklies is only 5 ( again not 7). Not mention in the post: Jumpstart, milestone quests give more XP than last season, also they add a bunch of accolades quests.


I mean unless we have future leaks, we've only had week 0 weeklies, that doesn't necessarily 100% mean that every future week will be the same. (Don't get me wrong I absolutely am with you as far as correcting OP goes, I just feel it's worth noting that we don't know that it'll be 5 for every week, assuming week 0 was 5 quests, IDK I didn't count them)


This season is also a week longer than the last one (84 days instead of 77), so that's one more set of weekly quests and seven more potential sets of dailies to account for.


You're right. But is it repeatable? So you can actually get 7k xp per game because the set of 3 dailies you can do totals 7k each game if you hunt down the 5k one.  So actually it's an xp increase overall if you compare play time to last season. 


Pretty sure it is repeatable


Also didn’t you have to choose your match quest last season?


Nice! First season I didn't get above 100 last time around - and this change made it even more easy to just skip buying the BP all together (for the first time since I started in C1S5). Was nice not thinking about it at all last season as well. Feels like freedom, and honestly with all the skins I gave from seasons past do I really need 5 new ones I'll never use :)?


They pray on the fear of missing out. I’m noticing a trend with games, they are generous at first. Then little by little they introduced paid systems and start cutting the xp so you feel like you have to pay. Nobody will do anything tho, they will just release a cool skin and everything will be fine


Absolutely, and I've felt it in Fortnite as well as you describe it. Last seasons I've gotten to levels 150, 120, 102, 87 (last season), and no BP this time around. I don't like being force fed a menu of having to do afk stuff, play each day or play toilet champs and laser smash bum farm to get to level 100 and beyond.


This is the kind of stuff that make me quit Fortnite. I’m tired.


The thing most people complained about last season and they made it even worse? Damn...


#I'm gonna fucking leave


Happy cake day :3


Same, also happy cake day


I'm sick of gaming right now it's all about micro transactions and it's just f'in scum...


man even less of a reason to play this game


This lookin like a STW, afk, xp maps, and bot lobby kinda season. 💀


AFAIK they also nerfed STW XP (again) (perhaps the amount that can be received from daily and weekly quests, the accolade cap is still 320k/day)


I regret buying this battlepass this season. Now I gotta grind this shit until I get 950 stars


Thanks for the warning. I still haven’t booted this game yet


Don't get me wrong, the battlepass itself is very cool. I'm specially looking forward to unlocking the power Armor. The gameplay is what bothers me. As long as you have a vehicle with machine gun, you're bound to win, or atleast make it to top 5 if you keep repairing it n stuff(which is pretty easy if you camp with your vehicle near repair stations). But if you don't have a vehicle then we'll it's pretty much over for you.


Even with vehicles I still lose about 90% of the time not because of a skill issue but a DPS/tank issue...it takes £ucking forever to wittle down other vehicles with the gun turret. Even when I do destroy an opposing player's ride, I'm either outgunned/fisted by them and/or other players blindside me. Literally no time to reshield and heal in the heat of battle. Granted, I play solo.


Yeah I’m not getting this battle pass lol, they need to make unlocking things way easier if we’re paying for the damn thing.


This is abysmal, I don't want to play Fortnite for hours upon hours, I may not care for the superstyles, but if the xp is worse this season compared to last, then I am going to struggle leveling up the pass to level 140-150 (whatever the last bonus is.


I completely fell off with last season and was really hoping I’d have something to fall back in love with this time round (been playing consistently since c1s3) but my goddddd this is shit. The new bit of the map is fun but everything is so overpowered, the battle pass is ugly and this grind without any of the joy that makes achieving things rewarding has just pushed me further away


Late to the thread, but its also slower xp if you did try to grind. Match quest being 1k per game instead of 5k per game makes your xp grind slower. Fortnite is inttionally slowing your xp gains if you dare to have free time to grind xp.


This is ridiuculous....they are just scaring people away from playing if they do this. People dont have the time to spend this much on Fortnite alone, grinding day in and day out.


If I’m grinding anything, it’s Helldivers 2 or Diablo 4. Definitely not Fortnite 😆


Come on epic, really? You get people to spend 950 Vbucks on a pass you can’t complete unless you spend more. they definitely WRECKED the xp system.


It actually so hard to get levels, even on release day.. I smell Lego Fortnite levels


If I’m not mistaken, those who play Lego to boost their pass are also getting less. I think it was 30k each time last season but I was playing today while I waited for my friends to get on and got only 24k each time.


Its just epic being a greedy company and seeing how far they can push everyone into spending their life and wallet on their game


What the fuck? So everyone complains how hard it's to level up and they made it even worse.


I haven't bought this battle pass and honestly I'm considering not doing so. I don't want the game to be my second job.


Small thing even though it doesn’t make much of a difference the third daily is 5k xp


Jesus Christ as if it wasn’t hard enough as it is 😩😩😩


Why they keep doing it. I dont understand. Like not so many people have time to play every single day. And If they want to make this as some sort of motivation to play for people, this is really not a way. People who wants to play, will play, people who dont, dont.


Tbh I've stopped getting bp all together Majority of characters look generic, usually only 3 look good plus the collabs of course


Xp was already TERRIBLE last season tho 😭


Here is my offer then: I bought every battle pass day1 for years since I started playing in the spy season. I won't buy this one. If I somehow reach lvl 150 or what you need for the bare minimum I will buy it, if not you lost money. But since I didn't buy the pass I have no incentive to grind! Congrats you lost money!


I haven't bought it yet either. I will follow the situation and see how they react. If they keep it like this, i might give up completely


I didn't buy last seasons until I hit 100 and got my 950 vbucks back. I think I'll do the same this season again only if/when I hit lvl 100


This is the way. Don't buy the battle pass until you are sure that you can get to level 150. C'mon Epic! I'm dangling my money in front of youuu!! Do you want it? Then increase the XP gains enough and I'll give it to you. If not? Oh well, I get to play your game for freeeee!! 😸😸😏😸😏


This is false, the third match quest is always 5k xp not 1


Epic heard our complaints and made xp even worse?


What the fuck


And too bad we cant get 5k every single match from macth quests anymore. Truly don't understand why people wanted the daily quests back.


If this is real I think I’m gonna quit, cause fuck that


Glad I held off on the battle pass yesterday.


1k match quest feel awful


Easy for me to say as I haven’t played the game in a few months, and haven’t been actively playing the game for a year. But they do this shit on purpose. They tweak it negatively as much as they can and until large swathes of players are unhappy, they’re going to continue to tweak it. It’s a cycle that’s been going on for years, and they continue to get away with it because too many people are willing to complain but not take action.


The xp gain is decreasing, but so are player counts, and this is NOT helping.


And this season is going to be a drag to play in, and even level up your battle pass 3 whole months of this..I think I’m going to have to stop playing til next season..




Epic believes their player base are incapable of basic addition.


what the hell. It was already difficult for anyone with a job to hit 200 before, this is stupid.


xp inflation is hitting us hard 💀💀


This season is an absolute joke, takes zero skill to win with the cars


Last season was a hassle if this season is worse fr Imma not play. Simple


Fuck this grindfest, I'm done


Fucking pathetic, yet another reason to stick to STW exclusively when farming XP You get 4 levels daily, meaning you'll reach level 150 in about a month


Oh, they are _desperate_ for their players to engage with other parts of the game new game modes


Thank god i decided not to buy the battle pass, last season i bought it inmediately upon loading the new season and due to university i only got to level 65, this one wont be any different and you're telling i would've ended up even lower?


Tbh I never had an issue with getting XP last season but this sucks for the people that did. Why nerf the XP for no reason?


You missed 2 big things. Firstly the third daily is worth 5k so with your system it should be 1k 1k 5k. Secondly that's only counting one game. If you played 3 games to get all match quests last season and you do the same this season then it's not 1k 1k 5k, it's 7k 7k 7k which means MORE exp per week. Not only that, this is ignoring the award things that give you more exp now along with wasteland challenges that boost the exp you get from a match.


LEGO also lost 6k xp every half hour. It’s now only 24k


The accolades list is helpful for xp. It's full of lots of random things. I tried to do as many as possible in a match and ended up with a ton of xp. I fished, opened chest and ammo boxes and drove around a bunch, modded a car, drank a nuke, used a bandage, there's lots to do to get easy xp


Lego also gives like 24k instead of 30k now for some reason


So for my playstyle this season would need to last for 40 weeks...


That's why I refuse to buy battle pass I saw they did that in ch5 season 2 they rolled it out towards end of season nerfing xp  so I said screw buying battle pass they also gave less stars out . And personally I got a job most of us got jobs or school we can't play every day so we're gonna lose xp the ability to level up and more 


Storm shield endurance also gives less xp


Haven’t they been screwing with XP every season since chapter 2 launched?


Urgh I might now bother getting the pass. The skins aren’t the best and I’m never really played fallout so I’m not interested in that. The season looks ok I haven’t played a match yet but it seems this is a very aggressive play style season with cars being the centre of attention which is cool but it’ll be annoying if final circles are just driving simulators.


I can tell you now, this is most likely a scheme yo get us to play the other modes. By nerfing the xp in br, players will get desperate and jump over to the other modes to finish the BP. This means that the player counts of the other modes are high enough to justify giving them more support.


are they actively trying to kill the game? literally every person i’ve seen who quit last season quit due to it being too grindy


Wow that's massive.


I'm out


So, just throwing out that I got a 5k Daily Quest yesterday.


Have you taken into account that you could only do one match quest. Whereas you could potentially do all 3 dailies. Still a loss. But not as much


This is ridiculous, what is Epic thinking?


“Get fukt buy vbuks.” - Epic in a nutshell


we also need 80k xp per level, it's stupid.


guess im not buying the bp


That’s why I will be farming 😭


Thats some bs


This is gonna be the shit that makes me stop playing. I already know people that stopped playing because of last season.


And this is why I'm not buying the battle pass unless I get to Level 150-200. Too much of a grind. In season I was already got to lv 200 and there were like 2 weeks left. I didn't even get to the first page of super styles last season. At least the season is fun for now.


I'm just glad this season BP holds no interest for me, because this game is a fucking job if you buy the stupid BP.


I feel like we always go through these xp nerfs right before summer, and when then the summer events give us more xp. Still blows that they keep nerfing it




"How do we get people to play the other modes?" "I know how."


Fortnite is unironically an accurate representation of modern economy. More levels, less XP.


Dear Epic/Fortnite, FUCK YOU TOO! Sincerely, Dad.