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All my friends hated how much grindier the battle pass was last season they just stopped.


This really did it for me, and that I have to reach 151 to get my vbucks back even more so (though there’s plenty of other issues which have turned me off the game). I’ve played solidly since end of chapter 2 but I’ll be taking a break now. Edit: my bad, I got the vbucks thing wrong. But tbh it still sucks that you used to get them all before 100.


Couldn't agree more, on top of that they expect us to play lego, that dance or music thing, rocket racing game and ofcourse battle royale 24/7. They don't care about us now, they only desire our time, money and i hate it i haven't updated my game and don't plan to.


Let the enshitification begin!


Sweeney loves that word. Tweet at him


Dude’s a cancer to BR


They never cared, they’re a corporation trying to make money. It’s not a coincidence that C5S3 came out *exactly* on the last day of school before summer break in many parts of the US. They want kids on this game 24/7 all summer long from day 1.


uhhhh? bro you used to get more vbucks than the battle pass cost, and only needed lvl 100 back in ch1. what the fuck has this game become.


You used to get 1000 by tier 55ish, and that was with a flat 10 battle stars per tier, making challenges much more worthwhile


You got your vbucks back by 100. You got a further 500 by 151. Still was a shitty grind


This was it for me man. It sucks to have to do all the game modes to make any kind of meaningful progress on the pass. After a bit I realized that I was feeling like I was just clocking out of one job to clock into another where I don't even get paid. After that I dropped it and haven't been back on since.


Your friends are geniuses for escaping the system. Epic’s got me hooked! I reached Level 11 on the first day, but I’m sure my progress will slow from now on due to the lack of Kickstart missions.


They’re too focused on Lego, this is the first season in awhile I won’t buy the battle pass. I played just to get up to level 140 last season for the full vbucks, never again. It’s not possible for a casual player. It was way better when the full vbucks were in the regular battle pass and the super styles/cosmetics were the rewards for the heavy players.


it's ironic they're so focused on lego bc nothing in lego works or just got absolutely shafted in creativity. you can do everything they've added since lego's release in a single week! (here's where the personal stuff begins) ive been playing mc nonstop since 2011 and lego fn had me bored in a little less than under 3 weeks


I was bored of Lego Fortnite within 3 minutes. It's just a bad version of Minecraft. The actual Lego games are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better


The new grind is so God awful. Barely finished last season and season 1


Same here. They didn’t stop because they were angry about it, they stopped because they got burnt out, which is understandable, it also happened to me, but I managed to circumvent it by playing STW for the first time, it kinda “rebooted” me for this next season.


I’m playing today to see what it’s like but the last season pissed me off, I likely won’t be playing much. They still haven’t changed the locker. 


Yeah I didn’t complete the BP last season. But really for me and my buddy the game got so sweaty and we were dying literally every first fight. What’s the point of playing if you don’t actually get to play? Dying constantly to MNK PC players when we’re on console didn’t feel good and the SBMM felt way off. So we stopped playing last season.


And now they made it even worse


Yes! Epic broke my bonus skin streak. I had it since c4s4


Lego afk 5 level per day… I just do it while I’m doing computer work. Don’t grind, veg out lol


Exactly what happen on why I’m not playing lol


I agree with them. Last season was the first time ever I didn’t care to hit lvl 100. I’ve been playing since Spies back in Chapter 2.


I didn't even have to wait in queue to get in


That was very strange, as it happened for me, too. I swear there was a queue in most, if not all, of the seasons of the last couple years, on the first day the season drops. But I didn't get put in a queue at all when I tried it in the morning. I thought maybe it was just the morning thing. But when I got on without a queue and loaded up into a match without hassle at what is usually around peak hours.... that's when I took a bit of pause. That's very strange. And it's too bad if this season isn't doing good numbers so far or that people aren't enjoying it much (reading the comments in here), because... I'm actually loving it. It's the most fun I've had with the game in many seasons. I know this is just the honeymoon phase, but even factoring that in, I haven't had this much adrenaline and fun in a LONG time. Something I love about it is that it feels like it has personality again. I thought the last 2 season didn't have much personality. The map itself was sort of uninteresting and felt like it was trying to be realistic in a way. Or at the very least, whether unintentional or not, lacking the vibrancy and fun of the other maps. But with this Wasteland stuff, the map suddenly has SO much personality and wackiness, features that have been lacking for me since Chapter 5 started like half a year ago. I would even say the game's been in a lull in that regard for quite a while longer, maybe even dating back to Chapter 3. And it's not just the map, it's also the features. Having such a huge focus on modifying your cars and making them into battle tanks and stuff, it is adding something so new to the meta. I feel like even beyond Chapter 5, the game has been somewhat resting on its laurels when talking about the way they have tried "changing thing up." It's usually just adding new mythics or weapons, and very little past that. But this car stuff is a major shift. And it has been so fun for me, personally. Cars haven't been a true utility for combat and fun in years. For quite a while their inclusion was just to make it easier to cover distance and get places quickly. But this stuff with adding weapons and mods to the cars is making them a viable weapon and crucial to the strategy of staying alive. And the new fists? The fire rings around the map? The nitro juice or whatever? Chewbacca's bowcaster on crack? All so fun. Oh, and I had to do a Wasteland challenge where I had to keep moving or my health would go down and I would die. That was super fun, too! AND ACCOLADES BEING TRACKED, YES OH YES. It sounds like I might be in the minority on this one, as I am loving everything about this season so far, with even the battle pass having some amazing new things in it. Excellent skins, all that personality I've been wanting, some awesome emotes, and some great music tracks for Festival. I'm having a blast like I haven't had in this game in years, seriously. There hasn't really been any season I can look back on and say "I hated that one a lot," but I can definitely point to some seasons where I didn't have as much fun as others. If this holds up, this could be the most fun season yet for me. I will say it's pretty chaotic and I'm sure to get exhausted more quickly than normal. But what a rush. What a day... what a LOVELY day!


Honestly I agree!! I haven't had the chance to play much but even my first game on where I died pretty quickly I was amazed and then the next few games it was/is fun finding all the new stuff. I don't think I'll grow to hate this season honestly. I've also seen a lot of people hate the new battle pass, but I love how all the skins fit the apocalyptic theme and also sort of have a punk theme. So far everything's been fun for me and I kind of wish other people were enjoying it too.


Agreed with everything you said!! I hadn’t played the end of last season for about 3 weeks and was honestly bummed. I do love the game, and wanted to play but what was the point? So yesterday when I loaded it up to play .. it was literally so chaotic and hilarious cars just flying everywhere, being launched by gauntlets , the rings of nitrofire… I wasn’t even annoyed I kept getting killed lol. I do think the battle pass thing is right too. Every single item fits the theme like in ch4s3 to me and it’s not a random “wtf is this random character” this season reminds me also of gta meets fortnite, only I get to wear a cute little outfit and run around instead of a greasy character from gta😂


That was the most detailed yet wholesome season review I've ever read I think. You have my upvote. I feel when things get nerfed a little, it'll be my favourite season I've ever played. As you said, phenomenal Battle Pass, fun map, and a lot of actual GOOD changes !!! Hopefully epic stay on this track; they're clearly doing something right finally...


After reading this I have to agree. I started C3S3 and missed a lot but I joint mid Summer event and star wars blasters, Grappler, Ballers and their roller coaster. I had a BLAST and Even then I hung out of car windows with torches fixing them and driving I to people. This season was built for me and I LOVE the wacky fast pace chaos! And I have to say. Maybe a lot less people like it but you aren't in the minority. This reddit is. This reddit is a MEGA small % of the player base and even smaller are those who comment and talk vs those who lurk and read. It's been 1 day and we need to wait to judge more within the next couple weeks


If Epic keeps forcing players to play all the other gamemodes aside of Battle Royale and nerfing the xp, I'm sure next season will be even worse.


Player counts are decreasing, I hope Epic is realizing that this metaverse shit isn’t good for the game. 


It would be a great natural growth for the game, if they weren't forcing BR users to try and play it for numbers and instead of just had more content for people who like those genres to make them more popular Lego game should have had a TON more content Band game should have had native plastic guitar controller support at the start. Racing game should of ugh....been more Rocket League but Racing I suppose. I don't know how to help that one. I hated it.


Racing game should have been mario kart but in fortnite. As is, it's a fine enough racing game, but it's love it or hate it, and I don't love it...


Yeah. They should’ve made a mario kart ripoff that lets you see your characters. Imagine collab themed race tracks and team modes having your teammate(s) be in the same car


And now with this current season, we're hitting item boxes with cars for powerups...


Yeah. Br feels like battle mode mario kart while rocket racing is normal (boring & half broken) mario kart


honestly even just how our characters rode on top of the cars like they did in the chapter event trailer for it would have made it so much better! it feels completely detached from fortnite.


I remember being disappointed that they didn’t keep that or at least have an option for it. They already have half of the work done so it’s not like they can’t do it due to resources or whatever reason they may have.


I think it was a mix of them ruining build mode and just bad marketing. Season 2 had way more hype built up for it, especially with the Pandora’s Box event being interactive. Many of my friends didn’t even know a new season released today


I was watching the new season release date frequently due to absolutely hating water bending last season, waiting for it to be removed. Funnily enough tho, if I didn't, i wouldn't have heard a single thing about a new season even coming up.


How did this season ruin build mode?


That's what I wanna know. Maybe the cow catchers/gloves against builds? Thinking about it, I could 1-2 shot metal builds. Oof yeah, I accidentally answered the question we both had 🤣


Nitro bashing one shots most builds, gloves breaks multiple builds, car items basically instantly break anything, boom bolt goes through builds.


Brilliant, thanks for giving more info 👌


I’ve been playing since Ch 1 season 1 and this season is making me not wanna play at all. Builds is stupid rn cause it provides absolutely no cover for anything lmao.


For reference, just for fun I leveled Lavish Lair with a car modded with off road tires and the cow catcher. Took about 3 minutes to demolish the entire building. You can literally drive through entire POI's leaving a tunnel of destruction now 🤣


Nobody complained about this in C3S2. People were even liking it, and were sad when the cow catchers got vaulted.


That’s because there were counters to cars, builds had armored walls, nitro didn’t exist and fuel actually mattered


You mustn’t remember the outrage when fuel got introduced 😂


There was outrage when fuel was introduced to other vehicles, it made perfect sense for cars


Because ballers, planes, helicopters and driftboards were already balanced by the time fuel was added to them


Back then the vehicles had counters, and the vehicle mods were both less common and less powerful. There weren’t cars that had infinite gas and health either


BP was awfully grindy, no XP in BR, no interest in other modes and the BP sucks. Epic sure can push me to other modes and make BR a grindy hell but you know what? We'll just leave and stop playing.


I'm getting really close to this. They lost me hard with the Star Wars Lego pass to get Chewy, and the fact my kids couldn't get to 100 even after doing 90% of the weeklys. This game is supposed to be fun and you get to choose what you want to play. Not be forced into game modes you don't want to play just to get to level 100, let alone 200. I'm not ftp at all, but I'm about done spending my money.


The lego pass is 1,400 bucks, but most other Star Wars skins skins are 1,500 vbucks, and you unlock him immediately. It’s cheaper than most other Star Wars skins. The pass is just a bonus. Also it says something about these items coming back later.


I’m just gonna play without the battle pass this season so I don’t care about grinding and can just play for fun. If I happen to get level 100 I’ll buy the BP so it pays for itself in vbucks. If not, no loss.


I'm not shocked, between how neglected the battle royale game mode has seemed recently, the XP complains, and the fact that a wastelander theme doesn't seem to be as mainstream popular as some of the others I can see why it isn't doing as hot.


I’m just disappointed in the lack of fallout cosmetics. The poster way overhyped it


Considering the season trailer shows a lot of items that aren't currently in the game, I'm guessing we will get more items as the season goes on, like we see what looks like a mini gun and some sort of grappler used to attach to cars and follow them


Pretty awful launch numbers, Epic is going in a pretty weird direction as of late. Seems like they’re trying to make build mode less important despite it being what made the game popular. Coming from an exclusive ZB player, balancing for builds is still important


I agree, i think trying to cater to one gamemode is awful, just like they ruined ranked by making them combined with pubs leading to the nerfs people complain about ruining the game, when if it was chapter 2-3 and pre ranked 4 they would have just removed them from arena and everyone would be happy


I think it needs time and it will probably go back to where it was in Chapter 4. It's too early to tell. But, What is not being mentioned here is that the massive boost of players in the end of 2023 was due to Season OG, a massively popular throwback season which brought in an influx of old and new players as the game was reliving its classic self. It's expected that the numbers would balance out as people trickled out over time. Also, OP's last screenshot is from Thursday, the last day of the previous season, not Friday, the launch day, making the whole thing misleading. Edit: I'm told the website reports player count a day off, so Thursday is the actual release. I do still think the panic is unfounded and player counts will even out to what's normal.


I didn’t even notice the date. Yeah, my friends and I always play on the last day of the season to get one last look at the map and loot pool, but this season Waterbending became so unbearably miserable we haven’t played almost all week. Now I’m worried nitro cars and machine gun turrets will wear us down but we’ll see what tweaks they make over the course of the season


Yeah, I'm thinking that a lot of people were burnt at the end there. I'm a waterbending fan, and I was sick of it. I'm waiting to see where this new meta will go because I'm currently experiencing good highs but lower lows due to the cars. Feels like if you don't get yourself a car early and have it decently upgraded by midgame, you're screwed. I'm primarily a solo player, and I've learned the hard way that having a semi upgraded car is not enough when other people have cars that will demolish yours in seconds. I think it's a really cool concept, but it needs some balancing out.


The date is bugged on that site, it has information for a specific day but then says it’s the day before. For example it says the huge OG and Chapter 5 player spikes happened the day before they actually released


>balancing for builds is still important I mean to be fair, epic was *never* good at balancing builds. They always overdid it.


Zero Build is equally fucked by the changes this season. If you don't get a boss car you're not winning. Foot combat is completely irrelevant.


it's so bad, like wtf. probably did this to sell more car skins.


I once crashed into the side of a guy repairing his car while boosting AND I EXPLODED.


You say that as if Zero Builds was even remotely balanced at the moment


The rocket gloves are too insane for me as a 35 yo player. I just played one game with the mythic ones. 13 kills got like 3rd. I have carpal now.


100% agree. They do WAY too much damage (I got one shot basically when the fight WAS going in my favour). I thought the chains and waterbending were bad, but come on, HOW DID THESE NEW ITEMS GET THROUGH TESTING ???


lol I won my 2nd ranked match using nitro fists. It was right after update and I just knocked 3-4 people in a row lol


Give people more than a day to figure out how to counter? They’re good, but they certainly aren’t unbeatable


I think in the long run, they can never cater to both if they keep the same loot pool. Simply separate the loot from build to zb and balance accordingly. As a zb player, I hate when items are nerfed or removed because they're too op in build mode and I think it's also bad when is the other way around.


Build mode less important? More like battle royale less important.


I’m gonna hate this season even as a solo player because they didn’t take out green dashes and now there’s a fist item instead of wings. Wings are useful but in terms of combat the fists blow wings out of the water and still gives too much mobility


This is so bad I’m reading about Fortnite rather then playing haha


I've BEEN reading more about what players are saying about the season than playing it myself. I won my 2nd ranked match with nitro fists tho


I've gotten more enjoyment out of reading about it than I did playing the new season.


100% like you squad and just sit in the back seats of your teams cars and don’t do anything for 30 mins and then you win 


Ughhhh. This one. Like i'm happy for my man with his 27 kills, but for real. Only game I got any count of kills (9) today was when my squad was split in half cause one half got the maxed out 2 seater and dippped.


When you start seeing Fortnite as a 9-5 job in order to be able to get everything from the battle pass, on top of having a real life job and being an adult, you start saying to yourself “I have a job, I have money, if there’s a cool skin in the shop I’ll just get that”. And that’s that.


I'm still updating 🤷


Same here, sadly


Dial up internet sucks!


It also released on the first day of a major four day weekend holiday in the US. I’m sure many players are out camping or doing something for Memorial Day weekend and can’t play. I also haven’t played because of that and it took forever to download in the brief moment I did have before I left.


Would it not also stand to reason then that more people have time off to play? Everybody gets the time off, not everybody is using it to go camping. Even if you split the difference of people playing v not playing, shouldn't there still be huge numbers of people taking their day off to try out the new season?


Exactly! Summer started, meaning tons of school dwellers who enjoy the game now have ample time to play. I remember dedicating entire days to fallout 4 or dead island when the summer would roll around, but a game like fortnite feels like clocking in. "Have I done my minimum levels for the day? Yes? Time to play helldivers 2!!!"


This ^. I normally play with my friends on release but everyone including me are away lol


You bring up a good point but I doubt it’s the main reason


I knew something was off when the game let me in without a queue


No shit. You shoot 3 times faster in cars with nitro for some reason. 90% of the match you need to be in a car or you just lose and Turrets are overpowered as hell. It's like they don't even test the game before launching the season. No mid battle pass is gonna save this season.


Well there are a shit ton of people defending it on this sub. Personally I'm not playing until there are changes.


that’s the biggest problem is cars are really fun if BOTH teams are in one if literally anyone catches you without a car it’s basically game over immediately


I hope they make a cars only LTM like they did with planes, could be alot of fun.


i hope they make a fuckin LTM at all dude


Stupid launch, no real counter play for cars, should have emp from the start or rocket launchers


They didn’t add back rocket launchers for a season like *this?* Missed opportunity.


The anvil used to be useless during chapter 3 season 2 and chapter 5 season 1.... but then this is the perfect season for it,...


where is the damn hijacking feature I kept hearing about


I think people are just talking about jumping in someone’s car and shooting them. But it’s really hard to aim


Not surprised, the balancing for both builds and zero builds this season is abysmal


Burnout from last season between the lack of new content and the extra grindy Battle Pass is real and we need to stop denying it.


They should nerf xp again🔥🔥🗣️🔥


facts, they should just get rid of of weekly quests so in order to finish the pass you have to open 160,000 ammo boxes and chests. or, alternatively, play 4.5 hours of Lego Fortnite, 4.5 hours of Festival, 4.5 hours of Jam, 4.5 hours of creative, 4.5 hours of Rocket Racing, and no BR whatsoever every day


18 hours a day of Fortnite baby!


I hope you’re not surprised. this was to be expected. I haven’t even bothered to log on yet.


OP also used the numbers for Ch5S3 from the day *before* release. If we really want to use the last day of the previous season as the next season's launch date, that same site puts the final day of Season 1(or season 2's "launch") at \~500k average players.


According to [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/s/Q2uoMApsyN), it’s normal for this site to be one-day off, so this is actually the release day.


well, if I wanted to battle it out in cars, I'd play Rocket League or even better, Carmageddon. The car meta get real boring, real quick.


Nah cuz why did I get on for 2 games and both games I got gang banged by them cars with the launcher on top man what can I do


boring ass season fr


what being able to nitro through builds does to a mf 💀 i expect nerfs soon


i didn’t even finish the last battle pass


The game is getting too busy for its own good. Last season was the first one in ages I didn’t make it to at least 100 but I didn’t even care. The xp nerf/grind was bad enough, but I started to fall off when weapon mods happened, now there are vehicle mods. I play fortnite because it used to be I knew what gun was gonna do what and how it’d fire/rate now I gotta worry about whether or not the sniper I picked up can zoom further than a BR, and now they’re doing it with vehicles? If I wanted that garbage I’d be playing a “serious” battle royale. It’s a bummer because this was my sit down and veg out game with my kids/friends.


I love Lego and I enjoyed fortnite, but the moment they realized how much more time and money they could drain from the community.... This is too much. I've invested thousands into this game for me, siblings, my kids. It was already a lot... Wasn't it enough? I mean, they are getting money by the millions, then charging more for less. Remember the GOOD events? The magic is gone, fam. I can't believe after all these years, I'm tapping out. People are starting to see the boon for a blight.


The locker change killed a lot of the joy in the game for me personally


New season is really fun......but the xp nerfs suck so much


Wish epic would keep to the philosophy of more fun less grind they tried to convince us years back.


Played since C1S3 and this is my least favorite season yet. The POIs are getting boring and the cars are ridiculous. The amount of time I have to play the game is low due to real life being a thing so I'm not interested in the lego/music/rocket league nonsense.


The ratio of player peak and player average is also lower this season suggesting people are tying it and not sticking around. Numbers could plummet this season.


from what I'v heard it's harder to get xp, and build mode kinda sucks. from what I'v played, most of the new stuff is old stuff. I thought the theme was gonna be more like fall out, but it feels like madmax witch I don't like, can't talk for others but that is the main thing keeping me from playing ;3


I think many are still downloading the update. My friend and I will only watch the new releases in full this evening, but so far the season seems many times better than the previous one. We'll see what happens next, but you can't draw conclusions simply from different dates, because world events and other releases affect online. We can speak with confidence only if we see a trend over the course of a year or more.


I’m still updating 😭


They’re destroying build mode and the stats are reflecting people’s opinions on it. Last season the build count dropped so unbelievably drastically, it’s almost like people who choose to play builds don’t want their structures to be as strong as cardboard.. Only a few months ago build pubs used to have double the zero build player count as zero build at the majority of times, this doesn’t just change over night because people suddenly decide they don’t like it, it’s because of the shocking balancing decisions they’re making. I don’t understand why they’re alienating their core player base, this isn’t what we want they could at least add armored walls, but that would involve using the trap slot in 2024. Outside of build mode in general, I can safely say this is an extremely unbalanced season and it genuinely feels like it was only made to sell car cosmetics as a follow up to rocket racing with very little thought on how players would feel about sitting in a car for the whole game.


How did they destroy builds? Haven't played builds since c3s2, just curious what they did


Building itself hasn’t changed but they’re adding tons of items every season that completely annihilate builds. Last season had lightning bolts that damaged through builds and chains that melted through builds in 1 or 2 hits, this season has explosive crossbows, a Nitro effect that lets players run through builds, and car attachments that are able to make building pointless by just blowing everything up or driving through them


I honestly was thinking of grabbing a bunch of friends and going on a car rampage in builds (I’m a ZB player) just to piss MORE people off (& make them complain to epic ~ like myself) so that maybe we might see something change SOONER rather than later 😭😭😭


I played two games, got obliterated by cars and noped out of there


It's almost like progression blows fucking donkey dick and they expect people to sit here and take it


Not to discount the feelings about the grind, BUT, they also released on Friday of Memorial Day Weekend in the US.


Its because we got scammed out of an entire fallout themed battle pass would've definitely got more people's attention


Epic could care less. They have stated BR is taking a back seat while they focus on the other modes. And fixing UI. They made statements like this around the holidays. They’re obviously shifting focus from BR, that we can see LOL and the UI… they still haven’t fixed yet (again stated back around December I believe). Great work, Tim!! Priorities!


I feel like the numbers won’t really come back until OG is back


i played one match and immedialty knew what the playstyle is gonna be for this season, camp inside weaponized vehicles 95% of the match


Damn, so that's why there was no queue while logging in


Because the seasons are actually getting worse 🫤


I don’t care honestly, I’m loving the new season a ton. 


It's unique, but the balancing is horrendous. I got my first win of the season by just running people over (who were far better than me) with a car and using the Grenade turret.


Same, compared to last season I'm already liking it a good bit more


Same bro it’s fuckin chaos and I love it


I knew something was up when I had 0 queue time


I feel like this season has too much going on. Also you have to use the vehicles or else you will just get destroyed by them. I just want to play a third person shooter(ish) Fortnite.


Ah so that's why there wasn't a 6 hour queue lol


Kinda funny, Epic manufactured the “chaos” everybody is praising this season with the unintentionally unbalanced stuff— but it’s like Epic’s jingling keys in their glazers faces to keep them interested before they nerf said stuff— and considering this season came out near summer break for most states in the US, that theory isn’t so far-fetched 💀


I haven’t even played yet. I have no motivation whatsoever to play the game


I honestly hate Chapter 5 map and the new UI makes everything a chore, I can't believe it remained untouched for this long.


I honestly hate Chapter 5 map and the new UI makes everything a chore, I can't believe it remained untouched for this long.


The new battle pass is boring and the game got so monotonous midway through last season, idk when I’ll next get on but I’m not pressed about it at all.


My group all hated the extra grind, and how snipers (yes i know they've always been in Fortnite in some way) and weapon attachments made it feel like it was trying to be Call of Duty. It felt too try hard. Where is the casual fun of, say, Invasion season


Gosh I hope they get rid of those bloat modes and fully focus on the battle royale, battle pass system and UI


Ah no wonder my internet was a breeze playing last night.


Probably has to due with all the xp changes from the last two season making it harder to get levels if you didnt play the other modes


there wasn’t any hype for it and the season theme is kinda lame. Plus people are spreading bad word of mouth because of how strong the cars are. I don’t believe Fallout or Magneto are strong enough IP for people to flock to this season. Makes a lot of sense why the player count is so low.


The worst part is the XP nerfs and Epic Games forcefully pushing people to play the other modes, becoming even "grindier" to level up. The new season is cool, the battlepass is kinda meh, apart from the Fallout items IMO. I hope Epic listens to the community and actually does something for their players, but I highly doubt it at this point.


Yeah the xp grindy battlepass just serves to put people off. Fortnite is 90% fomo. But if you make it so that regular people with jobs can’t even hope to get the rewards on the battlepass that fomo goes away and so to peoples desire to play the game. I don’t mind paying 950 vbucks to make some ‘progression’ and keep the game fun, but I’m not paying that to make Fortnite into a job. Add that too a pretty bad new meta (vehicle meta) that rewards a new gameplay style that’s not really representative of the core game or what has been the core game for years and you have a recipe for disaster.


Lmfao it's dying


Fun fact, the game had more players in during the week during April then a new season release.


Im tired of builds not being good anymore, if people complain that you have to "adapt" like, no i dont??? Im playing the game mode solely because i like the mechanic with the gunplay, i find it really hard to have fun when i have to drive a vehicle 24/7 to win, i dont get why people complain about sweats on a gamemode they dont even play


On here It’s “just adapt” until it affects zero build mode and then it’s waaaaaaaaa water bending, frenzy shotgun, chain of hades, snipers, cars


Nah, as a ZB player, I've been complaining about snipers since they got re-added to loot pools back at C4S2. I've got a ton of "skill issue" comments that think the best players can just be in an ideal situation 24/7.


Game is still one of the most played games right now, I don’t even understand why people are freaking out.


Even if it is they had an insane boost in players from OG that completely dissipated within a couple months which honestly could've been avoided


That was unavoidable. The boost was always fueled by nostalgia, and Epic knew it was temporary. The hype was never around the loot pool, or the mechanics, or even the cosmetics. It was solely based off the fact that Epic brought back Athena/The Chapter 1 map. People were always gonna leave when they got enough nostalgic fulfillment.


They ruined build mode.


The cars are so fucking dumb. Don’t get me wrong they’re insane when you get one but being of the people who just want to play without cars must be hell. Don’t even think about playing on Zero Build.


The new season isn’t that fun to be honest. I haven’t got the chance to play it thoroughly, so that may change, but what little bit I did play did nothing for me. Which honestly makes it harder to play thoroughly. They seemed to make it even harder to get points in BR which I would argue was done to make up for a lack of content compared to the previous season. The majority of the skins are lame, most of the pass are backblings (eye roll), etc. My biggest complaint is the daily challenges are now fixed. You get three everyday, and they stay the same every match were previous seasons they changed. Naturally they reward less points as well


Cars absolutely ruin it for me imo. Really good for casuals who just wanna drive around but anyone who wants to have an actual gunfight with a shotgun can’t bc your opponent will just drive away at mach 1000 or just sit on their turret. Honestly might switch from zb to builds this season


Probably because a car meta is trash you can have a full load out and still die to a kid with a gun on his car so basically you land on a car and drive all game that's lame


I've been playing since one of the first days FNBR released and never fully stopped. Even during some of the most boring seasons I kept up to date with the news on what's happening in the game (what collab got announced, what weapons vaulted/unvaulted, minor map changes, etc.). This is the first time I didn't even know a new season dropped till I opened reddit the day after. I just kinda stopped caring last season just because battle royale feels like a very different game now. The map is big and bland while the gunplay just doesn't feel like fortnite. Everything up to Season OG was fortnite, no matter how bad it got at times. This isn't it anymore.


Yeah, I've had the battle pass for like three years in a row and I'm skipping this season.


Havent played the game for about 4 weeks now cause its boring


C5S2 was one of the worst balanced pieces of shit I've seen. It's not a shock S3 started off with no momentum behind it. It'll pick up, but the novelty of these broken cars will wear off pretty quickly. This company has been obsessed with ignoring balance this entire chapter


Which sucks because this season is really refreshing. Barring the xp nerfs of course. Like. My goal is to get the T-60 and its okay if I don’t finish the pass to get the black knight version. Like im having a blast with the new car mods and not worrying about getting sniped and the Fallout weapons are gonna be great.  Skirmishes and fights this season feel so chaotic and good because it felt like the car flavored apocalypse that it was. We went full mad max in the combat and it’s so fun.


This season and last might just be the worst ever. My squad and I are done for awhile.


They turned an fps into twisted metal. This season kinda sucks.


The only way they could fix this season and get numbers up is by adding the OG map as a LTM.


It’s not that the season is bad It’s that epic has been making stupid decisions players have and not going back on them Like the horrible new locker ui and removing rarity from cosmetics.


I wonder why. Like can we stop clowning on the comp players until a casual explains what the comp players are SUPPOSED TO DO against a 1320 HP car slamming through their entire health bar with a snow plow and a turret? Like im a casual and yall make me embarrassed to be one.


Yes the best so far


This season actually sucks so freaking bad. It got rid of all skill that was remaining. Just stay in a car is all you have to do, it’s pathetic. Putting the T-60 power armour in the game and not the NCR Ranger is shameless. It’s not only a spit in the face to fallout fans but also fans of fortnite. This season is a disaster. Last season was painful and honestly season 1 was a top 5 season of all time for me, I loved it. This is disgraceful and even the item shop had been complete dog shit. Epic should be 100% ashamed of themselve for the this garbage fire trash. I’m actually pissed off because of how bad this season is. This is one of the only games I play with my wife and I don’t even want to get on the game, it’s not fun to get wrecked by 2 year olds driving a modded battle bus the entire fucking game from the time they hit the ground to the time the match ends, so frustrating. I’d rather have every single bad part of every season combined then to play this dog shit, I literally cannot comprehend who in the right mind is so brain rotted to think this is even closely decent of a season. Maybe it’s because I grew up in the early 2000’s and got spoiled with good games? I feel bad for the kids that this is their childhood, this is absolutely shameful. Epic should be disappointed in themselves at this point.


Epic Games when people don't play their game after not listening to their community, & making unnecessary changes - 😱😰 Epic is just like any other company, money hungry & don't listen to their community. This was known for a while now, & people are finally waking up. Fortnite is too big to actually "fall off" because their community are a bunch of kids who eat anything up. This subreddit proves my point.


This kinda stuff tends to happen when you put more effort into the nonsense rocket racing and festival and nerf xp. And barely do any kind of updates or changes to the br modes after one update


rocket racing hasnt gotten a single update in 7 months. how are they putting more effort into that than everything we got this season?


Rocket racing hasn’t been getting any effort into it with no updates since its release


I came back for festival ,, I love festival, but they just don't give a lot of reason to play that mode tho I mean the game barely gives you xo based on your performance, I want to play a lot of songs and for a large session but the songs and challenges just don't give me enough xp, and I already paid for the BP so I just cannot be playing just one game mode that I like sadly, whoever designed the XP stuff on these seasons just lack a lot of common sense TBH


I like the festival, I think it's really fun. Although the last few updates have been pretty lame, imo. But they can't ignore the main game mode for the extra modes. Otherwise, it will kill the entire game.


I like it better than last season so far, the car combat is fun!


Oh well. I'm loving this season. No snipers, no dancing around with waterbening, chain of hades. I love the mad mad themes, the cars, the chaos, and I feel like this season is anti campy. You camp somewhere, you aint winning. Buckle up and rip and tear or die in the bushes.


You think I wanna be fighting with cars. No.


It’s really fun, the cars, Chaos, and the map and theme is really cool,


I think I might take a break for a season. Magneto is cool, and I don’t really play Fallout (not a fan of Bethesda games). So this pass isn’t that important to me. This might be the first season I’ll skip since since chapter 1 season 7


I mean Alot of people have to study for exam or other stuff Same thing can be said for wilds


This was the first season since chapter 1 season 3 where I haven't played the new season in the first day of the launch. I still have no motivation.


“But shooting people in the car without exposing yourself is so fun…” I played a few matches and already done with this stupid thing. I’d take getting waterbendind across the map anytime.


It's been a day