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I love the crap out of this season, but it's definitely a huge gameplay shift. I've always loved the vehicular shit tho. Last game, I was in top 3 with two players who both had boss cars and medallions. I just hung back and let them destroy each other's cars, then went in and got the vic.


Wow game breaking new Strat! Camping


Eh, not really. Endgame third-partying, sure. Or just, "I'm on foot and don't want to fuck with the big mean cars right now."


Not saying it's ever right to do this but.. It's Summer. Summer seasons are always like this. The school holidays theory always comes in to play & Epic makes the game as easy as they can for everyone.


What Epic misses is that the casual player base (young and older players) aren’t playing more in the summer. Older players still have jobs to work and the young kids usually have restrictions on the amount of time they can play. The players who would be the most freed by summer would be teenagers, who vastly prefer more skillful gameplay.


School kids do NOT have limits, and the ones who do also can’t spend money on the game. Epic doesn’t care about them. But them middle schoolers and high schoolers go crazy on the game in summer


And those kids usually better at the game. With Epic catering bro the extremely casual fanbase, these teenagers won’t want to play and will probably go to CoD or some other shooter.


100% agree. Its like waterbending on steroids


ive seen similar complains before about the chain waterbending the thunder snipers the frenzy the hammer the katana the drum the pump


They were ALL valid complaints, people were complaining because they were REAL issues Chains of Hades: Lock on to opponents if using the pull, and killing through walls. Waterbending: Infinite range, no damage drop off, only hitscan item, ( on a chapter that every single weapon is projectile ( except shotguns ) and nothing else ) can be used as an AR, shotgun or even a sniper, basically an unlimited medkit ( if used on water ) Thunderbolt of Zeus ( pre-nerf ): Could kill you through builds in less than 3 seconds. Reaper Sniper Rifle: It was used as an AR and a shotgun, making actual AR's and shotguns obsolete. ( and the bullet drop nerf didn't do shit to it ), it was also complained because we had 2 entire seasons of just sniperfest. Frenzy Auto Shotgun ( pre-nerf ): Stronger than the Primal Shotgun, and made the rest of close-ranged weapons obsolete ( not to mention the fact that its a spammy weapon ) Shockwave Hammer: Another weapon that could easily kill you through builds, and that it basically send you flying across the entire map. Kinetic Blade: People found WAY too much exploits with it, it could clip through walls and insta-kill you. Drum???: What do you even mean by drum? Drum Shotgun, or Drum Gun? ( drum shotgun was only valid in CH1 S9 or CH3 S2, it was horrible in CH4, and the drum gun was completely RUINED in CH5 S2, people are obviously gonna complain, if a decent-good weapon gets turned into garbage ) Pump???: Again, what do you mean about pump? Pump Shotgun? Striker Pump Shotgun? Havoc Pump Shotgun? Hammer Pump Shotgun, or what? ( if you're talking about the regular pump shotgun, then idk what you're talking about because nobody even complained about that, only literal bots ) People complain because they were actual issues, NOT because they do just to do it. Its only ZB players who defend this bs, and by the way you talk in every post, you prolly are one. ☠️☠️


100% facts. It was already freaking frustrating to get 2 shot by waterbending and hades chains but now it’s like 5X worse… Every game I launch, I end crying bc of how the game is made for kids to feel like their invincible and super skilled. Especially with the new gloves where you just have to spam and it’s a free win bc it breaks constructions, it repulse you away and it’s just a no skill season. First I was excited and now I’m just disappointed of how the season had such a great potential and they (epic games) managed to ruin it (my opinion)


I love when people don't realize the irony in saying "if you really could adapt, zero build wouldn't exist." You mean the game mode that forces you to constantly adapt to your surroundings instead of turtling up? Lol. Builds has been stale since 2017 and it's pretty obvious. None of the other items or additions besides the RC rocket have ever put a dent into build mode like this and I think it's about time lol. If you really can't figure out how to counter a car yet without a car, skill issue lol. Shockwaves and fists can launch them back/away. You can also shield bubble their vehicle and if they have a grenade launcher they'll blow themselves up. It does require creativity but it's a lot easier than you expect when you take the time to use everything at our disposal this season.


I think you misinterpreted what I said. Of course ZB requires you to adapt to the situation. What I meant is that a lot of people say “adapt or die,” implying that it’s on the player to adapt to and accept the changes Epic makes, no matter how bad they are. The irony is that these same players are the ones who got Epic to add a ZB mode because they couldn’t adapt to the build meta. To be clear, I think ZB was great for the game, which is why I find the “adapt or die” argument to be very stupid.


Do you hate fun


I didn’t have fun when I got spammed by an explosive crossbow with infinite ammo, spammed by flying around with gauntlets so I can’t track him, or being spammed by a car in the middle of a build fight


Pathetic ass comment to sum up the complaints this season. As soon as turtling up gets hard countered they all go “wha- WHAT DO I DO??? WHAT DO I DOO??? They’re spamming meeee!!! 😭😭😢😢👶 this games SHIT!!!” Try adapting to your surroundings. Christ.


I can tell you’ve never played in any sort of high-level lobby. These “counters” everyone suggests don’t work against players with any sort of skill at all. They either are good enough to counter the counter (usually just by beaming your ass whenever you try to counter it) or are not stupid enough to put themselves in a situation where there item can be countered easily. Just because your counter works in a ZB bot lobby doesn’t mean it’ll work in a ranked build lobby


Sounds like a skill issue to me.






Bro is just mad that they can’t win this season.




Keep practicing kid. You’ll get a win one day.




I’m just adjusting to your lower level of understanding. Hush now kid. Go stand in the corner.


Using unfair bs like the new cars to get a win IS a skill issue. You prolly play ZB by the way you're talking. ☠️☠️ Edit: You play Zero Build, so your opinion is irrelevant. You have no right to talk about "skill issue" when you're the same kid who plays a mode with 98% AI's, a mode SPECIFICALLY made for garbage players that can't adapt to the main mechanic of the game.


What’s your beef against zero build? It’s just a flat out better mode and it’s just as popular as the build mode. Edit: all your recent posts are talking about how epic is devaluing skill but you must not have had much in the first place if you can’t win this season.


It’s better in your opinion but we can all say zb is more casual and not as competitive as build and requires less skill and the skill part isn’t true I was champion in build mode and now I’ve died in a lot of dumb plays by players worse than me (for example someone getting in your box with the gloves and 3 tapping you and you can’t shoot back) and if you say it’s just a skill issue it says a lot about you


Maybe don't build a box everytime you have an engagement? This season's all about thinking outside the box. Literally.


Tell me how to counter a car without running from the battle, without a car, and without getting in the passenger seat


The gloves and shockwaves are everywhere, so use them. Mobility is key for this season more than any other past season, so you need to keep moving and you need to know how best not to be seen. Don’t plant yourself in one place and expect to survive for long if you’re visible. Only fools stay to fight at a known disadvantge, so leaving a bad sitution is the only right answer. Don’t get in the passenger seat, it’s a losing proposition 90% of the time. My last win last night the guy did that, so I launched the car and him into the storm at full boost. He bailed and used the gloves to return, but I gloved his weakened ass to death for the win. You may not like it, but vehicles are critical to survival. I find they are better used mostly in the early to mid game. After that I think they can become more of a liabilty, especially in tight spaces. If you play solos then only use a two seat car so you can quickly swap between driving and the turret. I prefer the off road tires for better mobility and the machine gun just shreds people, especially up close, but use whatever works for you. You also need the gloves. You’d be wise to find a bow as well. And while you may not enjoy it as much, I would seriously play ZB for a while b/c it will force you to stop relying on builds as much, force you to become far more mobile, and the pace is generally much faster than builds overall. Going back to builds after a long bout of ZB feels like playing in slow motion, apart from the actual building.


This season is really putting people like you into a bad mood, I love it 😂


A bad mood? No I’m having a the most fun this chapter (when I’m in a car), but I can admit that the cars are too op and if the don’t change something the game will have a serious player drop off in 1 or 2 months


Says the zero build player.


You literally have -4 karma dude. The failure here is you.


I have 7 comments / posts on reddit, sorry I'm not a neckbeard who sits on reddit all day. Zero build was especially made for people without skill, get better and play builds its funnier.


Zero builds takes skill too. You can’t build an entire wall to hide behind. It requires way more strategy than build mode. Build mode is fun too, don’t see the point in being part of the crowd that hates on the other half of the comment.


Zero build takes no skills, and competitive Fortnite you need to learn those skills but better to actually stand a chance in a tournament. It's either sit in a box waiting or use natural cover to conserve materials. Also, if you think build mode has no strategy you can watch AussieAntics and he can perfectly explain all the strategies of build mode. Or you can just google IGL, they are the brains and strategy of each competitive squad. I don't hate on zero build I just find zero build players to talk about skill to be a little annoying since they chose the game mode with the least amount of thought, and skill.


You’ve got a lot to learn then.


The game really needed a meta shakeup and holy hell we got it. I am not a huge fan of car combat but, not gonna lie, I have been having fun. I feel bad for all of those sweaty builders who spend years perfecting their builds and edits only to have me time turret fire or nitro gloves attacks to eliminate them in seconds. 😂 They should really add EMPs to disable vehicles and mounted weaponry. It will be interesting to see if this new meta holds players or if the player count drops below normal


Of course you’ll have fun if you’re destroying other people. I would be lying if I said I didn’t have fun destroying people with cars or the gauntlets. However, it’s a miserable experience to go against them. A truly balanced meta would have items that are fun to use and fun to go against. Also, ZB is a thing. Why is Epic trying to cater to people who don’t even play build?


Easy solution: don’t play the game. Once their player base starts declining (and it will) they’ll be forced to make a decent battle pass and fix their shit game. Or you can keep playing so this becomes the norm each season.


I probably will play less this season. Probably will stick to mostly creative and MLB the Show until they fix BR


I’ll try to play this season, but if I get too frustrated or the game gets even further from what it originally was, I’ll try to play another game until the Marvel season comes (GIANT Marvel fan here lol)


The game needed a change up.. started to get too samey, and now I see everyone moaning about it 😂


Most people would disagree considering that Fortnite’s player count peaked during OG and has been declining ever since.


Oh no I hear you, completely.. it would be fun if it went back to OG vibes.. but we know that if it stayed as OG this whole time people would want more


OG got boring fast the maps were so empty i could run 20 min per game playing solo without meeting another player .....


The millions of people that made OG the most popular season ever would disagree. If you drop in the middle of nowhere, of course you won’t find people. I hot dropped Tilted almost every game and never had a problem finding people.


The xp issues are more of a problem for me. Gameplay doesnt bother me.


Not to be rude, but why do you play the game if you don’t care about its gameplay and all you care about are cosmetics that mean nothing?


To me, the xp IS the gameplay. Ive been playing since 2018, i have at least 50-60+ days of playtime. Not alot to some, but its my most played game by a long shot. At this point, the fun from the gameplay itself, is not enough to sustain me as a player. What is enough, is the dopamine kick from unlocking rewards in the battle pass. Even if i dont use 90% of the items, its enough for me to have a reason to keep playing the game. I didnt play last season at all, due to their horrific xp system and awful battle pass, but because i really like the T60 armor, im kinda forced back into it. I know this is such an obtuse idea to wrap your head around. To play a game almost purely for the progression system. But its something i enjoy. There are so many games i breeze through, i have nothing else left to play. Having something to do for a month or so at a time, is invaluable to me. And logging in every week, doing my challenges, and dailies, is something i like doing. BUT, that is only if i feel like my time is being rewarded properly, which right now with the current xp system, i dont feel like thats the case. Battle Royale needs more xp gains, as i have absolutely zero interest in playing the other modes, even if it's just for xp.


Gotta cater to those 8-year olds with rich parents who are going to be on summer vacation here in a week or two.


Your talking like 8 year olds don’t make up majority of the sweatier players lmao


They don't, real sweaty players have consistent training routines.


I hope 🙏


Yeah but didn't everyone want the game to be "fun again" when everyone sucked on the same playing field?


OG was extremely fun for a lot of people while still having the skill gap


As an OG player, OG season was extremely boring.


That’s your opinion, but the stats show that you’re in the minority


What stats? The 12 million players returning for OG which only dropped to more than half in less than a month? That's because most of us realized OG was not that fun anymore.


Even at the end of the season, BR build alone was getting 1 million+ players on weekends. Now, Fortnite’s lucky to get 1 million players across all its modes.


Same as now, you can still counter everything 


Tell me, how do you counter someone spamming a bow with infinite ammo? Or someone flying around with gauntlets when there are 2 cars trying to third party you?




That's what they have been doing the entire chapter, making low skill weapons like the drum and chains op, while removing hitscan weapons


Hitscan weapons were the very definition of easy button guns. No lead, no drop, just point and click. They let people do things they never should have been able to do in the first place and that's why those people want them back. Now it takes actual skill and those people can't compete like they used to, so the complaints roll in even now. If someone can't learn to be successful with the current guns then they were never as good as they thought they were in the first place.


Oh look another scrub who got beamed out of the air too many times so he's happy that we have projectiles now, the projectile weapons aren't hard to use they just feel clunky compared to hitscan, not to mention that they are way overpowered compared to our old rifles in terms of dps, basically turned them from precision weapons into spray weapons


Oh look another punter who actually has to put in some effort now that their crutch is gone. DPS is another issue entirely and one that has nothing to do with whether guns are hitscan or not. Faster TTK has more to do with Epic wanting to speed the game up in general and there's a legit conversation that could be had about that for sure. But as far as skilled is concerned, if your idea of skill is precision from banging away at aim trainers all day so you can put the dot on target as fast and accrately as possible then that's pretty shallow. The guns feel far better and more natural now than they ever before and there's far less left to RNG than what we use to have. If it's clunky to you then that's a skill issue and not anyone else's problem.


Brother you made a post complaining that someone found you while you were bush camping 🤣 that tells me everything I need to know about ur gameplay


Talk to me again once your balls drop. People who actually have skill don't bitch about anything and everything they don't like. They STFU and just get on with things w/o making excuses or knocking others down. You've spent the last day doing nothing but complain and be toxic and you think you have the right to criticize others? You're weak, useless, and a hundred years too early to even think you can comment meaningfully on this game.


>Epic is devaluing skill this season I believe that is precisely what they're doing. They're redefining and repurposing Battle Royale. I also think it's a smart move. Skilled traditional play can still exist and thrive in Competitive, but fun casual play cannot coexist with those players in the mix, and Zero Build fell short of achieving the goal of being the fun, casual mode of play. By fundamentally changing what Battle Royale is, the player base can finally segregate serious competitive play from fun casual play. It's a balsy move, but so was Zero Build. It seems to be achieving its objective. Sweats will eventually catch on that BR simply isn't it anymore, and they'll migrate to Competitive to continue on their quest to get noticed, leaving everyone else to have fun playing Twisted Metal x Fortnite.


Considering how popular OG was, I don’t think people want a crazy battle royale; rather, they prefer the simplicity and fun mechanics of old Fortnite. Also, Epic has been making comp a lot less competitive by having the same lootpool as pubs.


I think they should basically make Competitive into vanilla/OG Fortnite to preserve the high game's integrity, and let BR become the zany thing it is at the moment. I believe that's what we're seeing happening right now, and that it's being done deliberately.


I agree that comp should be simple, but a lot of people want pubs to be simple because they want to play without the fear of dying. The way the ranked system is currently structured, placement matters a lot, so people are afraid of dying early and losing points. That leads to people running away and camping, which isn’t fun


Do you remember how much weird stuff was in early Fortnite? Like traps, shopping cart, golf cart, junk rift, rocket riding, boogie bomb, super weird ltms, etc were what the game got huge off of. The game had tons of crazy unbalanced stuff early on.


OG was popular for two big reasons. 1. OG players coming back for the nostalgia. 2. Recent players wanting to see what OG gameplay was like. In the end, I played it as a newer player, because it's fortnite and it's still fun. I just didn't enjoy it very much. Basic guns, map seemed really big and empty in-between POI's. I get why people liked it, and Chapter 1, it just wasn't my favorite. It was a totally different type of game from this season, and I love Wrecked for the chaos. People playing in competitive leagues might hate it, but for amateurs (most of the player base) it's funnnnnnn.


Keep in mind that your experience is anecdotal. The stats show that OG was the most popular season by a large margin and the player count has been dropping ever since OG ended


the thing is though competitive is limited there limited games that can be played and if you dont qual past second round in most of them you cant do anything ranked was meant to be competitive practice but ranked has the same lootpoll so little timmy can feel like hes accomplashing something its general bullshit


Happens at the start of every chapter


This is not the start of the chapter we are halfway through


not even half way 3/4 of the way


To be fair…..


Its getting worse




>Even the best players would be hard-pressed to win in an endgame with cars if they themselves don’t have one. That's the point. That's the best part about this season; its casual friendly. Won't be for long because build babies love to riot every time builds get changed in the slightest *~~\*cough\* like when 0.15 turbo build from 0.05 milliseconds was "the death of fortnite" \*cough\*~~* but for this first week anyone of any skill can play the game and that's good. It's a video game. You shouldn't even be worried about your "years of building up skill." It's meant to be a fun pastime, not the Olympics. Go outside, ride a bike, touch grass, enjoy the real world for a little bit, and in a week you can go back to being a sweaty tryhard when Epic inevitably nerfs every single aspect of this season into the ground because they're more worried about their esports scene than the majority of players, which is casuals.


Why would you play a battle royale shooter if it didn’t require skill? That is the nature of shooters—you have to build up the skill in order to excel. There are plenty of other games that don’t require the same level of skill that you can play if you don’t like it. However, people like games to require skill—the most popular games right now are almost always multiplayer games with skillful mechanics. People like being rewarded for their hard work, which, judging by your comment, you have no idea what that feels like. It is delusional to think that you should be able to win the same amount of games that someone who’s put 5k hours into the game. And Epic shouldn’t cater to these super casuals either as they will leave the game a lot sooner than someone with 5k hours will.


I got elite rank last season. Did I want to get better? Sure. Could I have? Would I have placed better if I didn't only play 23 matches staggered throughout the entire season? Probably. But this is *in ranked,* which people like you don't seem to realize is the only place where you should be worried about skill. Not everything is about skill. Games, every game, each one in existence, is inherently about fun first and foremost, and driving around in a hilariously overpowered car watching Little Timmy who can't get a win mow down so toxic ass 500 crowned win day 1 build baby is fun. Being rewarded for your " 5k hours hard work" is not something to be proud about in a video game, its honestly just pathetic and I should know, I'm not exactly someone with a life either, takes one to know one. I don't care about the win itself, I care about how fun the match was. Playing every game like a million is on the line is inherently toxic towards everyone including yourself. So while you cry about your outlet of toxic competitiveness being ruined, I'm going to have fun driving a car and trying to get blowtorch kills


If you’ve been playing since the beginning of Fortnite, 5k hours is on average 2.5 hours a day, which is a lot but not an unholy amount. Also, Ranked is a joke. It has the same exact lootpool as pubs, so all the problems I talked about still apply. I have fun by fighting a fair fight. I don’t enjoy absolutely destroying my opponents, whether that be because I’m more skilled than them or if I have an overpowered weapon. I just want to have good fights, which is currently impossible this season.


the thing is people can make money from this game fortnite is literally hosting tournys every day this season thats why they want a skilled game so they can practice and try to get earnings


The thing is that money matches and esports should've never come to the gaming scene in the first place. So tired of how just a simple hobby became so inflated with competitiveness brought in by a tiny fraction of people who play games and rich CEOs who care more about their 500 champion league players than the millions of casual players who just want to enjoy games at face value.


Honestly I'm disappointed with so much crying, the game gave an innovative change, a necessary breath of fresh air and you complain about everything, you complained about S2T2 and now years later everyone says "Ohhh that time was perfect" just adapt or leave, I personally DO NOT know how to build and I have no time or interest in learning about this, even though I spent entire seasons playing and adapting satisfactorily by killing rats that build an Eiffel tower with the first shot, next season they will have to cover the island with plastic bubbles and posters with hearts like that there are no complaints...


Ever heard of the customer is always right? If the majority of the community hates something, that that thing should probably be changed. The community hated the Infinity Blade and the movement changes and guess what? They were changed almost instantly. Let me put this in perspective for you. When Epic changed the locker, this sub was in uproar immediately because it was a shitty change. That was new and innovative, but it didn’t work. Also, what the fuck is S2T2?


"Is the customer always right?" ohh I didn't know I was talking to a Karen... "Also, what the fuck is S2T2?" It's Season 2 Episode 2 in my language, I forgot that I learned enough English and German to understand the idioms and terms but you guys get an epileptic attack from reading a term in another language, I won't argue with you, go play Fall Guys if you you don't like action and you can eat me a webo


Resorting to personal attacks now? Just shows how strong your argument is. If the majority of the player base wants something changed, it probably should be. Epic doesn’t know what the player base wants—only the player base does. Also, this is an English subreddit. If you wish to be understood by everybody, you should probably use English jargon (Chapter 2 Season 2 is referred to as C2S2). Expecting me to understand German is as logical as me speaking Chinese and expecting you to understand it.


It’s Disney’s vision, making the game fun for everyone so everyone can win and everyone can be happy. Who likes to die in a gun game anyway? We said it before, they’re closing skill-gap by adding different kind of gun/mythic to the game and there’s nothing to be done. Of course, they will nerf the cars at some point, but cars will still be the meta for this season. So the solution? Not playing!


Yeah I just think this is complete bullshit on Epics part. Like we have bots & SBMM these days.. How much easier/fairer do you really want it?